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4 August 2011
Records: 1052, Authors: 3525, Journals: 314, Cited References: 44689, Words: 2387
Yearly outputDocument TypeLanguage | Institution | Institution with SubdivisionCountry
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152Montefiore Med Ctr302
153Natl Inst Hlth & Welf317
154Oregon Res Inst3227
155Penn State Univ313
156Queensland Univ Technol3524
157San Francisco Vet Adm Med Ctr339
158Seoul Natl Univ Hosp31381
159Shenyang Pharmaceut Univ3436
160SUNY Upstate Med Univ3323
161Tel Aviv Univ309
162Temple Univ3126
163Texas A&M Univ3119
164Univ Arizona31154
165Univ Bordeaux 23367
166Univ Bremen3210
167Univ CEU Cardenal Herrera3711
168Univ Dusseldorf3558
169Univ Fed Rio Grande do Sul304
170Univ Ghent322
171Univ Groningen3310
172Univ Haifa31419
173Univ Hosp Geneva314
174Univ Illinois Urbana Champaign308
175Univ Kuopio347
176Univ Lund Hosp3599
177Univ Magdeburg3341
178Univ Massachusetts301
179Univ Med & Dent New Jersey3544
180Univ Med Ctr Hamburg Eppendorf349
181Univ Notre Dame301
182Univ Oldenburg32075
183Univ Parma317
184Univ Pisa309
185Univ Roma La Sapienza3084
186Univ Texas Dallas307
187Univ Texas Hlth Sci Ctr Houston317
188Univ Tubingen31839
189Univ Utah3010
190Univ Valencia3447
191Univ Wurzburg313
192Vet Affairs Med Ctr31164
193Vet Affairs San Diego Hlth Care Syst303
194Wake Forest Univ Hlth Sci31133
195Zucker Hillside Hosp3246
196Aarhus Univ Hosp201
197Agencia Valenciana Salud259
199Alfred & Monash Univ237
200Anhui Detoxificat & Rehabil Ctr2812
201Anhui Prov Inst Stereotact Neurosurg2812
202Autonomous Univ Barcelona2113
203Bar Ilan Univ2015
204Boston Coll2066
205Brain Resource Int Database238
206Brookfields Hosp235104
207Brown Med Sch2111
208Cardiff Univ2232
209Carl von Ossietzky Univ Oldenburg202
210Chang Jung Christian Univ2219
211Charite Univ Med2870
212Chiba Univ2314
213Childrens Hosp2630
214CHR Clemenceau2644
216City Hope Natl Med Ctr2535
217Clin Montevideo218
218Coburg Univ Appl Sci2139
219Cortijo Buenos Aires2911
220CRC Corporacio Sanitaria2636
221CUNY City Coll203
222CUNY Mt Sinai Sch Med2214
223Dept Psychiat2212
224E Tennessee State Univ206
225Finch Univ Hlth Sci Chicago Med Sch232391
226Free Univ Amsterdam21784
227Fujita Hlth Univ2314
228Gachon Med Sch2335
229George Washington Univ202
230Georgetown Univ2119
231Georgia Inst Technol202
232Georgia State Univ201
233Hamamatsu Univ Sch Med2314
234Hartford Hosp286185
235Indiana Univ Purdue Univ206
237Innsbruck Univ2334
238Jagiellonian Univ201
239Johannes Gutenberg Univ Mainz200
240Kanazawa Univ2225
241Kaohsiung Med Univ2223
242Kaohsiung Med Univ Hosp2223
243Kazusa DNA Res Inst204
244Kent State Univ205
245Kuopio Univ Hosp211
246Kurume Univ2314
247LifeGen Inc2419
248Liverpool John Moores Univ200
249Louisiana State Univ225115
250McMaster Univ2010
251Meijo Univ2225
252Melbourne Hlth203
253Melbourne Neuropsychiat Ctr2731
254Minneapolis Med Res Fdn Inc2450
255Monash Univ227
256Monell Chem Senses Ctr213112
257Moss Rehabil Res Inst2109
258MRC Labs2139
259Natl Inst Mental Hlth & Neurosci2635
260Ningbo Univ202
261Okayama Univ2314
262Oregon Hlth & Sci Univ208
263Otto VonGuericke Univ Magdegurg201
264Phys Tech Bundesanstalt2543
265Purdue Univ206
266Rockefeller Univ2121
267RTI Int21550
268Ruhr Univ Bochum2158
269Rush Univ229
270Rutgers State Univ2335
271Sharif Univ Technol223
272Southwest Univ200
273SUNY Buffalo202
274SUNY Hlth Sci Ctr21682
275Tokyo Inst Psychiat204
276Tufts Univ206
277Umea Univ Hosp236
278Uniformed Serv Univ Hlth Sci200
279Univ Auckland216141
280Univ Autonoma Madrid207
281Univ Cagliari2350
282Univ Calgary21684
283Univ Calif Berkeley2039
284Univ Calif Santa Barbara2453
285Univ Cape Town209
286Univ Cent Lancashire200
287Univ Coimbra2330
288Univ Complutense Madrid200
289Univ Exeter2210
290Univ Fed Espirito Santo2014
291Univ Fed Rio de Janeiro206
292Univ Fed Sao Paulo215
293Univ Georgia203
294Univ Giessen212
295Univ Gothenburg206
296Univ Hosp Bern2569
297Univ Hull214
298Univ Kansas206
299Univ Mainz2112
300Univ Manchester2514
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