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Note: In Windows you can select multiple files and "drag and drop" them onto HistCite icon or shortcut. The program would start and load those files.
4 August 2011
Records: 1052, Authors: 3525, Journals: 314, Cited References: 44689, Words: 2387
Yearly outputDocument TypeLanguage | Institution | Institution with SubdivisionCountry
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901VCU Pharmacol1011
902VCU Psychiat1011
903Vernadskii Tavricheskii Natl Univ102
904Vestre Viken Hosp Trust100
905Vet Adm Connecticut Healthcare Syst122
906Vet Adm Med Ctr1321
907Vet Affairs Connecticut Healthcare Syst21431
908Vet Affairs Med Ctr31164
909Vet Affairs San Diego Hlth Care Syst303
910Virginia Commonwealth Univ4012
911VISN 19 MIRREC100
912VISN 3 Mental Illness Res Educ & Clin Ctr1527
913VISN 4 Mental Illness Res Educ & Clin Ctr1123
914Vitoria Municipal Addict Treatment Ctr1013
915Vrije Univ1414
916Vrije Univ Amsterdam952199
917Vrije Univ Amsterdam Med Ctr201
918VU Med Ctr1414
919W Haven Vet Affairs Hosp1311
920Wake Forest Univ1637211
921Wake Forest Univ Hlth Sci31133
922Wakelin Alliance101
923Warneford Hosp100
924Waseda Univ101
925Washington State Univ100
926Washington Univ5135
927Wayne State Univ51338
928Weill Cornell Coll Med1317
929Weill Cornell Med Coll100
930Weizmann Inst Sci113
931Westmead Millennium Inst102
932Wheeler Ctr Neurobiol Addict1011
933Widener Univ177
934WPIC Univ Pittsburgh1244
935Wright Inst18383
936Xavier Bichat Univ109
937Xi An Jiao Tong Univ202
938Xidian Univ61119
939Xuzhou Normal Univ111
940Yale New Haven Med Ctr122
941Yale Univ54276970
942Yeshiva Univ1034
943Yokohama City Univ204
944Yonsei Univ216
945Yuh Ing Jr Coll Hlth Care & Management1223
946Zambon SA111
947Zent Inst Seel Gesundheit106
948Zhejiang Univ100
949Ziv Govt Med Ctr112
950Zucker Hillside Hosp3246
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