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4 August 2011
Records: 1052, Authors: 3525, Journals: 314, Cited References: 44689, Words: 2387
Yearly outputDocument TypeLanguage | Institution | Institution with SubdivisionCountry
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451Natl Integrated Hlth Associates112
452Natl Univ Ireland Univ Coll Galway1211
453Natl Univ Singapore100
454Naval Hlth Res Ctr100
455Naval Special Warfare Ctr100
456Ness Ziona Beer Yaakov Med Complex102
457Netherlands Inst Forens Psychiat & Psychol1515
458Netherlands Inst Ment Hlth & Addict105
459Netherlands Med Evaluat Board101
460Neurobehav Consultants112
461New Mexico VA Hlth Care Syst1010
462New York State Psychiat Inst & Hosp752193
463Newcastle Mater Misericordiae Hosp100
464Newcastle Univ107
470Nijmegen Inst Cognit Res & Informat Technol11953
473Ningbo Univ202
474No State Med Univ100
475Northeastern Ohio Univ Coll Med & Pharm11328
476Northeastern Univ103
477Norwegian Res Network Mood Disorders NORMOOD100
478Norwich Univ100
480Ohio State Univ112
481Ohio Univ100
482Okayama Univ2314
483Oklahoma City Vet Affairs Med Ctr100
484Olin Neuropsychiat Res Ctr1012
485Ondokuz Mayis Univ100
486OptiBrain Consortium100
487Oregon Hlth & Sci Univ208
488Oregon Hlth Sci Univ6145253
489Oregon Res Inst3227
490ORYGEN Res Ctr42165
491Oslo Univ Hosp100
492Otto von Guericke Univ105
493Otto VonGuericke Univ Magdegurg201
494Pacific Inst Res & Evaluat107
496Parnassia Addict Res Ctr1514
497Path Fdn NY112
498Path Med Fdn1218
499Path Res Fdn1317
500Pathophysiol Synapt Plast Grp115
501Pavlov Med Univ107
502Peking Univ6847
503Penn State Coll Med109
504Penn State Univ313
505Peoples Lib Army 463 Hosp118
506Peoples Liberat Army Gen Hosp158
507Pfizer Inc1010
508PharmacoGenom Inc1218
509Philadelphia VAMC1123
510Philadelphia Vet Adm Med Ctr103
511Phys Tech Bundesanstalt2543
512Polish Acad Sci7638
513Portland VA Med Ctr109
514Portland Vet Affairs Med Ctr11150
515Prince Georges Hosp100
516Prince Wales Med Res Inst136
517Private Practice107
518Prizer Global Res & Dev128
519Programador Informat Comunidad Terapeut Cortijo B100
520Providence Hlth Care117
521Psicoterapeuta Comunidad Terapeut Cortijo Buenos100
522Psychiat Ctr Bros Alexians11953
523Psychiat Hosp Tirol1226
524Psychiat Res Unit100
525PsychoGen Inc100
526Purdue Univ206
527Queens Univ4527
528Queensland Univ Technol3524
529Quintiles Inc1047
530Rabin Med Ctr100
531Radboud Univ Nijmegen101
532Radboud Univ Nijmegen Med Ctr103
533Ralph H Johnson VA Med Ctr100
534Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur Univ103
535Rensselaer Polytech Inst100
536Res Amer100
537Res Inst Addict101
538Res Inst Tobacco Free Soc100
539Resurrect Addict Serv101
540Resurrect Program Profess101
541Rhein Westfal TH Aachen116
542Richard Stockton Coll New Jersey1041
543RIKEN Brain Sci Inst1217
544Robert Koch Inst105
545Rockefeller Univ2121
546Roger Williams Canc Med Ctr1219
547Rosalind Franklin Univ Med & Sci92690
548Rosalind Franklin Univ Med Sci11383
549Royal Brisbane & Womens Hosp100
550Royal Prince Alfred Hosp102
551RTI Int21550
552Rudi Schulte Res Inst100
553Ruhr Univ Bochum2158
554Rush Behav Hlth104
555Rush Univ229
556Rutgers State Univ2335
557Rutgers Univ Newark128
558S Essex Partnership NHS Trust137
559Saku Gen Hosp1011
560SaluGen Inc1218
561San Diego State Univ101
562San Francisco VA Med Ctr109
563San Francisco Vet Adm Med Ctr339
564Sapienza Univ Roma100
565Schering Plough Res Inst1150
566Schizophrenia Res Inst1417
567Schneider Childrens Hosp132
568Schneiders Childrens Hosp100
569Sci Publ Policy Assoc105
570Scripps Coll100
571Scripps Florida101
572Scripps Res Inst1137289
573Scuola Super Sant Anna101
574Seiwa Hosp101
575Seoul Natl Univ6967
576Seoul Natl Univ Hosp31381
577Serv Salud Mental1422
578Shandong Med Imaging Res Inst103
579Shandong Univ103
580Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ100
581Shantou Univ102
582Sharif Univ Technol223
583Shenyang Pharmaceut Univ3436
584Sichuan Univ1042
585Sigma Tau Hlth Sci117
586Skonviks Psychiat Clin100
587Slotervaart Hosp101
588Smoking Cessat Dept1313
589So Illinois Univ103
590So Medial Univ100
591Soterian Hlth Care112
592Southwest Univ200
593Soziotherapeut Zentrum100
594SRI Int102
595St Johns Coll100
596St Louis Univ102
597St Lucas Andreas Hosp1113
598St Naum Univ Hosp Neurol & Psychiat100
599Stanford Univ510180
600State Hosp Uchtspringe105
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