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4 August 2011
Records: 1052, Authors: 3525, Journals: 314, Cited References: 44689, Words: 2387
Yearly outputDocument TypeLanguage | Institution | Institution with SubdivisionCountry
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301Inst Neurociencias Federico Oloriz1914
302Inst Neurol127
303Inst Pasteur1424
304Inst Psychiat6756
305Inst Psychiat & Neurol102
306Inst Sinapse Neurociencias Clin100
307Iranian Natl Ctr Addict Studies123
309IRCCS San Camillo100
310IRCCS San Giovanni Diofatebenefratelli115
311IRCCS Santa Lucia Fdn100
312Isar Amper Clin Munich E112
313Ist Clinici Perfezionamento1123
314Italian Inst Technol101
315Italy Japan Joint Lab Humanoid & Personal Robot R101
316Jagiellonian Univ201
317Jeevan Biosci INC102
319Jesse Brown VA Med Ctr427
320Jesse Brown Vet Adm Med Ctr1310
321Jiao Tong Univ100
322Johannes Gutenberg Univ Mainz200
323John B Pierce Lab132
324John Radcliffe Hosp11050
325Johns Hopkins Med Inst1318
326Johns Hopkins Univ11105401
327Junta de Andaulica145
328Juntendo Tokyo Koto Geriatr Med Ctr107
329Kaiser Permanente11150
330Kalamazoo Coll102
331Kanazawa Univ2225
332Kangda Voluntary Drug Rehabil Ctr102
333Kaohsiung Kai Suan Psychiat Hosp100
334Kaohsiung Med Univ2223
335Kaohsiung Med Univ Hosp2223
336Karolinska Hosp1015
337Karolinska Inst7240
338Karolinska Univ Hosp105
339Kazusa DNA Res Inst204
340Kellokoski Psychiat Hosp100
341Kent State Univ205
342Kings Coll London1560124
343Kiryu Kosei Gen Hosp1011
344Koelliker Hosp100
345Korea Adv Inst Sci & Technol109
346Korea Univ101
347Korea Youth Counseling Inst100
348Kungalv Hosp100
349Kunming Med Sch102
350Kuopio Univ Hosp211
351Kurume Univ2314
352Kyoto Prefectural Univ Med1125
353Kyungpook Natl Univ Hosp115
354La Promessa ONLUS100
355LABSDOr Hosp Network1010
356Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust104
357Leiden Inst Brain & Cognit108
358Leiden Univ550222
359Life & Brain Ctr104
360LifeGen Inc2419
361LifeStream Solut Inc112
362Linkoping Univ1018
363Liverpool John Moores Univ200
364Louisiana State Univ225115
365LSU Hlth Sci Ctr100
366Ludwik Rydygier Med Univ102
367Lund Univ1018
368Maastricht Univ5931
369Maastricht Univ & Med Ctr103
370Madrid City Council118
371Madrid Salud100
372Magna Graecia Univ Catanzaro100
373Manhattan Psychiat Ctr1224
374Mario Negri Inst Pharmacol Res115
375Marquette Univ105
376Martini Hosp100
377Massachusetts Gen Hosp917108
378Massachusetts Gen Hosp E1215
379Max Delbruck Ctr1224
380Max Planck Inst Human Cognit & Brain Sci100
381Max Planck Inst Med Res1332
382Max Planck Inst Psychiat3318
383Mayo Clin1010
384McGill Univ1025144
385McGovern Inst Brain Res1051
386McLean Hosp917140
387McMaster Univ2010
388Meadows Inst102
389Med Acad Warsaw102
390Med Coll Chinese Peoples Armed Police Forces102
391Med Coll Georgia129
392Med Coll Wisconsin9164348
393Med Univ Innsbruck1226
394Med Univ S Calrolina101
395Med Univ S Carolina434662500
396Med Univ Vienna104
397Meijo Univ2225
398Melbourne Hlth203
399Melbourne Neuropsychiat Ctr2731
400Mental Hlth Advocates Inc1047
401Mental Hlth Res Inst13477
402Mental Illness & Neurosci Discovery Inst1010
403Mercer Univ Sch Med100
404Merck & Co Inc101
405MetroWest Med Ctr109
406Miami Univ100
407Michael E DeBakey VA Med Ctr117
408Michigan State Univ129
409Middlebury Coll100
410Midwest Alcoholism Res Ctr1632
411Mind Res Network301
412Minist Educ100
413Minist Justicia100
414Minneapolis Med Res Fdn Inc2450
415Minneapolis VA Med Ctr109
416Minnesota Fourth Judicial Dist Res Div100
417Minnesota VAMC107
419Mol & Behav Neurosci Inst1718
420Monash Inst Pharmaceut Sci101
421Monash Univ227
422Monell Chem Senses Ctr213112
423Montefiore Med Ctr302
424Montevideo Clin1142
425Montreal Gen Hosp1119
426Montreal Neurol Inst107
427Montreal Sacre Coeur Hosp1034
428Moratalaz Mental Hlth Dept118
429Moscow MV Lomonosov State Univ100
430Moscow Sci Pract Ctr Narcol102
431Moss Rehabil Res Inst2109
432MRC Labs2139
433Mt Sinai Sch Med125189
434Municipal Hosp Bremen52077
435N Carolina State Univ105
436N Essex Partnership Fdn Trust137
437N Shore LIJ Hlth Syst100
438N Shore Long Isl Jewish Hlth Syst177
439Nagoya Univ5545
440Nanhua Univ1111
441Nathan S Kline Inst Psychiat Res103589
442Natl Canc Ctr116
443Natl Cheng Kung Univ101
444Natl Ctr Neurol & Psychiat101
445Natl Inst Alcohol & Alcoholism100
446Natl Inst Alcohol Abuse & Alcoholism1026
447Natl Inst Drug Abuse423471212
448Natl Inst Genet100
449Natl Inst Hlth & Welf317
450Natl Inst Mental Hlth & Neurosci2635
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