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4 August 2011
Records: 1052, Authors: 3525, Journals: 314, Cited References: 44689, Words: 2387
Yearly outputDocument TypeLanguage | Institution | Institution with SubdivisionCountry
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601Guangdong 2 Prov Peoples Hosp100
602Gulhane Mil Med Acad100
603Gunma Prefectural Psychiat Med Ctr1011
604Gunma Univ1011
605Hacettepe Univ Psikoloji Bi100
606Hadassah Hebrew Univ104
607Hadassah Univ Hosp1034
608Hallym Univ109
609Hammersmith Hosp105
610Helsinki Univ Cent Hosp106
611Henri Mondor Hosp103
612Hlth Dist 8 ASL 8105
613Hokkaido Univ100
614Hop Louis Mourier109
615Hop Paul Brousse100
616Hop St Anne1010
617Hoshi Univ102
618Hosp Clin Barcelona107
619Hosp Ramon & Cajal300
620Hosp Sanitas La Moraleja100
621Hosp Univ101
622Hosp Univ Gregorio Maranon103
623Hosp Univ Vall dHebron100
624Houston VAMC103
625Howard Univ100
626Hunan Brain Hosp102
627Huntington Med Res Inst100
629IFT Inst Therapiefroachung Muenchen102
631Iida Hosp101
632Imperial Coll Sch Med105
634Indiana Univ Purdue Univ206
635Indiana Univ Purdue Univ Indianapolis106
636Indiana Univ Sch Med106
638Innsbruck Med Univ1019
640Inst Addict Med100
641Inst Adicc100
642Inst Adicc Madrid100
643Inst Forens Med100
644Inst Invest Biomed Barccelona1066
645Inst Psychiat & Neurol102
646Inst Sinapse Neurociencias Clin100
647IRCCS San Camillo100
648IRCCS Santa Lucia Fdn100
649Italian Inst Technol101
650Italy Japan Joint Lab Humanoid & Personal Robot R101
651Jagiellonian Univ201
652Jeevan Biosci INC102
653Jiao Tong Univ100
654Johannes Gutenberg Univ Mainz200
655Juntendo Tokyo Koto Geriatr Med Ctr107
656Kalamazoo Coll102
657Kangda Voluntary Drug Rehabil Ctr102
658Kaohsiung Kai Suan Psychiat Hosp100
659Karolinska Hosp1015
660Karolinska Univ Hosp105
661Kazusa DNA Res Inst204
662Kellokoski Psychiat Hosp100
663Kent State Univ205
664Kiryu Kosei Gen Hosp1011
665Koelliker Hosp100
666Korea Adv Inst Sci & Technol109
667Korea Univ101
668Korea Youth Counseling Inst100
669Kungalv Hosp100
670Kunming Med Sch102
671La Promessa ONLUS100
672LABSDOr Hosp Network1010
673Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust104
674Leiden Inst Brain & Cognit108
675Life & Brain Ctr104
676Linkoping Univ1018
677Liverpool John Moores Univ200
678LSU Hlth Sci Ctr100
679Ludwik Rydygier Med Univ102
680Lund Univ1018
681Maastricht Univ & Med Ctr103
682Madrid Salud100
683Magna Graecia Univ Catanzaro100
684Marquette Univ105
685Martini Hosp100
686Max Planck Inst Human Cognit & Brain Sci100
687Mayo Clin1010
688McGovern Inst Brain Res1051
689McMaster Univ2010
690Meadows Inst102
691Med Acad Warsaw102
692Med Coll Chinese Peoples Armed Police Forces102
693Med Univ S Calrolina101
694Med Univ Vienna104
695Melbourne Hlth203
696Mental Hlth Advocates Inc1047
697Mental Illness & Neurosci Discovery Inst1010
698Mercer Univ Sch Med100
699Merck & Co Inc101
700MetroWest Med Ctr109
701Miami Univ100
702Middlebury Coll100
703Mind Res Network301
704Minist Educ100
705Minist Justicia100
706Minneapolis VA Med Ctr109
707Minnesota Fourth Judicial Dist Res Div100
708Minnesota VAMC107
709Monash Inst Pharmaceut Sci101
710Montefiore Med Ctr302
711Montreal Neurol Inst107
712Montreal Sacre Coeur Hosp1034
713Moscow MV Lomonosov State Univ100
714Moscow Sci Pract Ctr Narcol102
715N Carolina State Univ105
716N Shore LIJ Hlth Syst100
717Natl Cheng Kung Univ101
718Natl Ctr Neurol & Psychiat101
719Natl Inst Alcohol & Alcoholism100
720Natl Inst Alcohol Abuse & Alcoholism1026
721Natl Inst Genet100
722Natl Univ Singapore100
723Naval Hlth Res Ctr100
724Naval Special Warfare Ctr100
725Ness Ziona Beer Yaakov Med Complex102
726Netherlands Inst Ment Hlth & Addict105
727Netherlands Med Evaluat Board101
728New Mexico VA Hlth Care Syst1010
729Newcastle Mater Misericordiae Hosp100
730Newcastle Univ107
732Ningbo Univ202
733No State Med Univ100
734Northeastern Univ103
735Norwegian Res Network Mood Disorders NORMOOD100
736Norwich Univ100
737Ohio Univ100
738Oklahoma City Vet Affairs Med Ctr100
739Olin Neuropsychiat Res Ctr1012
740Ondokuz Mayis Univ100
741OptiBrain Consortium100
742Oregon Hlth & Sci Univ208
743Oslo Univ Hosp100
744Otto von Guericke Univ105
745Otto VonGuericke Univ Magdegurg201
746Pacific Inst Res & Evaluat107
748Pavlov Med Univ107
749Penn State Coll Med109
750Pfizer Inc1010
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