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4 August 2011
Records: 1052, Authors: 3525, Journals: 314, Cited References: 44689, Words: 2387
Yearly outputDocument TypeLanguage | Institution | Institution with SubdivisionCountry
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451Univ Fed Sao Paulo215
452Univ Giessen212
453Univ Hosp Geneva314
454Univ Hull214
455Univ Klinikum Hamburg Eppendorf111
456Univ Laval1126
457Univ Laval Robert Giffard1126
458Univ Leipzig118
459Univ London Imperial Coll Sci Technol & Med115
460Univ Mainz2112
461Univ Marburg213
462Univ Milan115
463Univ Milano Bicocca2123
464Univ Modena & Reggio Emilia112
465Univ New Mexico8133
466Univ Paris 06115
467Univ Paris 071142
468Univ Paris 114114
469Univ Parma317
470Univ Penn Hlth Syst115
471Univ Regensburg112
472Univ Sci115
473Univ Seville114
474Univ Siena1124
475Univ Texas Austin4131
476Univ Texas Hlth Sci Ctr Houston317
477Univ Texas SW1119
478Univ Washington114
479Univ Witten Herdecke112
480Univ Wurzburg313
481Universal Med Ctr Utrecht1113
483US FDA117
484Vancouver Coastal Hlth117
485VISN 4 Mental Illness Res Educ & Clin Ctr1123
486Washington Univ5135
487Weizmann Inst Sci113
488Xuzhou Normal Univ111
489Yonsei Univ216
490Zambon SA111
491Ziv Govt Med Ctr112
492Aarhus Univ100
493Aarhus Univ Hosp201
494AHG Clin Psychosomat Med & Addict Disorders101
495Aix Marseille Univ101
496AJA PharmaServ102
497Akdeniz Univ Hosp1051
498Albert Chenevier Hosp103
500Amen Clin Inc100
501Amer Univ Paris103
502Anhui Med Univ100
503AP HP109
504Arkhaneglsk Reg Psychiat Hosp100
506ASL Roma C104
508Atlanta Vet Affairs Med Ctr100
509AUSL Parma104
510Bar Ilan Univ2015
511Ben Gurion Univ Negev100
512Biol Serv102
513Biomed Network Res Ctr Rare Dis CIBERER100
514Bond Univ101
515Boston Coll2066
516Boston Med Ctr104
517Bristol Special Alcohol Serv105
518CAD 4 San Blas100
519Calif State Univ Fullerton101
520Cardioangiol Ctr1013
521Carl von Ossietzky Univ Oldenburg202
522Carolinas HealthCare Syst Behav Hlth Ctr102
523Catholic Univ100
524Catholic Univ Amer100
525Catholic Univ Louvain100
527Cent Comm Treatment Heroin Addicts CCBH101
529Chang Gung Mem Hosp1042
530Chiba Ind Adv Ctr104
531Childrens Hosp Philadelphia100
532Chinese Univ Hong Kong102
533Chonbuk Natl Univ109
534Chosun Univ100
536CHU Montpellier103
537CHU Montreal102
538CHU Pontchaillou100
539Chungbuk Natl Univ103
540Clin Mediterranea Neurociencias100
541Clin Ubarmin100
543Cogenta LLC1010
544Coll Charleston100
545Coll Nursing101
546Comm Phys Hlth107
547Comunidad Terapeut Cortijo Buenos Aires100
548Connecticut Mental Hlth Ctr1012
549Cornell Weil Sch Med107
551CSM San Blas100
552Ctr Atenc Drogo Dependientes CAD 4100
553Ctr Med Univ Geneva1010
554Ctr Movement Disorders107
555Ctr Neurochim100
556Ctr Pesquisa & Ensaios Clin Sinapse Bairral100
557Ctr Salud Mental San Blas100
558Ctr Salud Mental San Juan100
559CUNY City Coll203
560Dalian Univ Technol103
561Dent Neurol Inst102
562Dept Vet Affairs109
563Dept Vet Affairs Med Ctr1047
564Digital Gene Technol1016
565Dimence Inst Mental Hlth103
566Direct Sante Publ Montreal102
567Director Comunidad Terapeut Cortijo Buenos Aires100
568Div Psychol SGDP Ctr100
569Drake Univ103
570Drexel Univ1015
571Dubai Police Med Serv100
572E China Normal Univ102
573E Tennessee State Univ206
574Early Psychosis Intervent Ctr100
575Ecole Cent Paris100
576Edith Norse VE Med Ctr101
577Erasmus MC Univ Med Ctr Rotterdam100
578Erasmus Med Ctr107
580European Neurosci Inst100
581Fdn Argibide100
582Fdn Vallee101
583Feinstein Inst Med Res1019
584Felsenstein Med Res Ctr100
586Florida State Univ100
587Forschungszentrum Juelich100
588Franklin & Marshall Coll101
589G De Lisio Inst Behav Sci105
590Gaziosmanpasa U Tip Fak100
591Geffen Sch Med1019
592Geha Mental Hlth Ctr100
593George Washington Univ202
594Georgia Hlth Sci Univ101
595Georgia Inst Technol202
596Georgia State Univ201
597Ghent Univ IBBT100
598Goldsmiths Univ London101
599Grad Univ Chinese Acad Sci102
600GSK Addenbrooks Hosp1016
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