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4 August 2011
Records: 1052, Authors: 3525, Journals: 314, Cited References: 44689, Words: 2387
Yearly outputDocument TypeLanguage | Institution | Institution with SubdivisionCountry
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301Changhua Christian Hosp1218
302Charite Med Berlin1224
303Coatesville Vet Affairs Med Ctr126
304Comprehens Neurobehav Syst1218
305CUNY Mt Sinai Sch Med2214
306Dept Psychiat2212
307Dorothea Dix Hosp1224
308Dov Pharmaceut1224
309Gifu Univ1217
310Hadassah Hosp Ein Kerem3257
311Hop Univ Paul Brousse3248
312Hosp Virgen Nieves126
315Inst Fisiol Biol Mol & Neurociencias IFIBYNE123
316Inst Neurol127
317Iranian Natl Ctr Addict Studies123
318Jesse Brown VA Med Ctr427
319Kanazawa Univ2225
320Kaohsiung Med Univ2223
321Kaohsiung Med Univ Hosp2223
322Karolinska Inst7240
323Manhattan Psychiat Ctr1224
324Massachusetts Gen Hosp E1215
325Max Delbruck Ctr1224
326Med Coll Georgia129
327Med Univ Innsbruck1226
328Meijo Univ2225
329Michigan State Univ129
331Monash Univ227
332Natl Univ Ireland Univ Coll Galway1211
333Oregon Res Inst3227
334Path Med Fdn1218
335PharmacoGenom Inc1218
336Prizer Global Res & Dev128
337Psychiat Hosp Tirol1226
338RIKEN Brain Sci Inst1217
339Roger Williams Canc Med Ctr1219
340Rush Univ229
341Rutgers Univ Newark128
342SaluGen Inc1218
343Sharif Univ Technol223
344Univ Bremen3210
345Univ Dresden1224
346Univ Exeter2210
347Univ Ghent322
348Univ Oregon4272
349Univ Paris Sud4249
350Univ Quebec129
351Univ Tehran223
352Univ Tehran Med Sci223
353Univ Texas SW Med Ctr Dallas2226
354Univ Victor Segalen Bordeaux 2123
355Univ Western Ontario2227
356Univ York124
357Vet Adm Connecticut Healthcare Syst122
358WPIC Univ Pittsburgh1244
359Yale New Haven Med Ctr122
360Yuh Ing Jr Coll Hlth Care & Management1223
361Zucker Hillside Hosp3246
362Acad Med Ctr1113
363Aristotle Univ Thessaloniki1120
364Arizona State Univ4114
365AstraZeneca Pharmaceut1126
366Autonomous Univ Barcelona2113
367Beijing Normal Univ111
368Benito Menni Mental Hlth Inst118
369Bernstein Ctr Computat Neurosci111
370BM SCIENCE Brain & Mind Technol Res119
371Brazilian Ctr Informat Psychotrop Drugs CEBRID112
372Bridging Gaps Treatment Ctr112
373Bristol Myers Squibb Co111
374Brown Med Sch2111
375Bugok Natl Hosp1110
376CEA IFR491142
377Charite Univ1158
378China Univ Polit Sci & Law111
379Clever Instruments SL111
380Clin Montevideo218
382Coburg Univ Appl Sci2139
383Ctr Addict Res British Columbia117
384Ctr Atenc & Drogodependientes111
385Ctr Informat Hlth & Alcohol CISA112
386Ctr Natl Genotypage111
387CUNY Queens Coll111
388Dartmouth Coll313
389Dipartimento Tossicol1124
390Dist Hosp Luzern111
392Fuenlabrada Comunidad Autenoma Madrid111
393G&G Addict Treatment Ctr112
394Georgetown Univ2119
395Hannover Med Sch1112
396Hanyang Univ116
397Helsinki Univ Hosp111
398Henry Ford Hlth Syst116
399Hop Fernand Widal116
400Hosp Louis H Lafontaine1126
401Hosp Psychiat118
402Hosp Santa Creu & Sant Pau513
403Hosp Santa Crue & Sant Pau111
404Hosp Univ Virgen Las Nieves116
405Inst Integrat Med & Hlth Res1124
407IRCCS San Giovanni Diofatebenefratelli115
408Isar Amper Clin Munich E112
409Ist Clinici Perfezionamento1123
411Kuopio Univ Hosp211
412Kyoto Prefectural Univ Med1125
413Kyungpook Natl Univ Hosp115
414LifeStream Solut Inc112
415Madrid City Council118
416Mario Negri Inst Pharmacol Res115
417Michael E DeBakey VA Med Ctr117
418Montevideo Clin1142
419Montreal Gen Hosp1119
420Moratalaz Mental Hlth Dept118
421MRC Labs2139
422Nanhua Univ1111
423Natl Canc Ctr116
424Natl Inst Hlth & Welf317
425Natl Integrated Hlth Associates112
426Neurobehav Consultants112
428Ohio State Univ112
429Path Fdn NY112
430Pathophysiol Synapt Plast Grp115
431Penn State Univ313
432Peoples Lib Army 463 Hosp118
433Philadelphia VAMC1123
434Providence Hlth Care117
435Rhein Westfal TH Aachen116
436Rockefeller Univ2121
437Ruhr Univ Bochum2158
438Schering Plough Res Inst1150
439Sigma Tau Hlth Sci117
440Soterian Hlth Care112
441St Lucas Andreas Hosp1113
442Synapt Connect Res Inst112
443Temple Univ3126
444Texas A&M Univ3119
445Univ Aix Marseille 11140
446Univ Akron118
447Univ Barcelona4120
448Univ Bordeaux115
449Univ Caen Basse Normandie1122
450Univ Erlangen Nurnberg1112
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