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4 August 2011
Records: 1052, Authors: 3525, Journals: 314, Cited References: 44689, Words: 2387
Yearly outputDocument TypeLanguage | Institution | Institution with SubdivisionCountry
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751Resurrect Addict Serv101
752Resurrect Program Profess101
753San Diego State Univ101
754Scripps Florida101
755Scuola Super Sant Anna101
756Seiwa Hosp101
757Slotervaart Hosp101
758Swiss Fed Inst Technol Zurich ETHZ101
759Thomas Jefferson Univ101
760Univ Kent101
761Univ Klinikum Hamburg Eppendorf111
762Univ Konstanz101
763Univ Massachusetts301
764Univ Med Ctr101
765Univ Notre Dame301
766Univ Osnabruck101
767Univ Oxford Magdalen Coll101
768Univ Rochester101
769Univ So Mississippi101
770Vrije Univ Amsterdam Med Ctr201
771Wakelin Alliance101
772Waseda Univ101
773Xuzhou Normal Univ111
774Zambon SA111
775Aarhus Univ100
777Amen Clin Inc100
778Anhui Med Univ100
779Arkhaneglsk Reg Psychiat Hosp100
781Atlanta Vet Affairs Med Ctr100
782Ben Gurion Univ Negev100
783Biomed Network Res Ctr Rare Dis CIBERER100
784CAD 4 San Blas100
785Catholic Univ100
786Catholic Univ Amer100
787Catholic Univ Louvain100
789Childrens Hosp Philadelphia100
790Chosun Univ100
791CHU Pontchaillou100
792Clin Mediterranea Neurociencias100
793Clin Ubarmin100
794Coll Charleston100
795Comunidad Terapeut Cortijo Buenos Aires100
796CSM San Blas100
797Ctr Atenc Drogo Dependientes CAD 4100
798Ctr Neurochim100
799Ctr Pesquisa & Ensaios Clin Sinapse Bairral100
800Ctr Salud Mental San Blas100
801Ctr Salud Mental San Juan100
802Director Comunidad Terapeut Cortijo Buenos Aires100
803Div Psychol SGDP Ctr100
804Dubai Police Med Serv100
805Early Psychosis Intervent Ctr100
806Ecole Cent Paris100
807Erasmus MC Univ Med Ctr Rotterdam100
809European Neurosci Inst100
810Fdn Argibide100
811Felsenstein Med Res Ctr100
813Florida State Univ100
814Forschungszentrum Juelich100
815Gaziosmanpasa U Tip Fak100
816Geha Mental Hlth Ctr100
817Ghent Univ IBBT100
818Guangdong 2 Prov Peoples Hosp100
819Gulhane Mil Med Acad100
820Hacettepe Univ Psikoloji Bi100
821Hokkaido Univ100
822Hop Paul Brousse100
823Hosp Ramon & Cajal300
824Hosp Sanitas La Moraleja100
825Hosp Univ Vall dHebron100
826Howard Univ100
827Huntington Med Res Inst100
832Inst Addict Med100
833Inst Adicc100
834Inst Adicc Madrid100
835Inst Forens Med100
836Inst Sinapse Neurociencias Clin100
837IRCCS San Camillo100
838IRCCS Santa Lucia Fdn100
839Jiao Tong Univ100
840Johannes Gutenberg Univ Mainz200
841Kaohsiung Kai Suan Psychiat Hosp100
842Kellokoski Psychiat Hosp100
843Koelliker Hosp100
844Korea Youth Counseling Inst100
845Kungalv Hosp100
846La Promessa ONLUS100
847Liverpool John Moores Univ200
848LSU Hlth Sci Ctr100
849Madrid Salud100
850Magna Graecia Univ Catanzaro100
851Martini Hosp100
852Max Planck Inst Human Cognit & Brain Sci100
853Mercer Univ Sch Med100
854Miami Univ100
855Middlebury Coll100
856Minist Educ100
857Minist Justicia100
858Minnesota Fourth Judicial Dist Res Div100
859Moscow MV Lomonosov State Univ100
860N Shore LIJ Hlth Syst100
861Natl Inst Alcohol & Alcoholism100
862Natl Inst Genet100
863Natl Univ Singapore100
864Naval Hlth Res Ctr100
865Naval Special Warfare Ctr100
866Newcastle Mater Misericordiae Hosp100
868No State Med Univ100
869Norwegian Res Network Mood Disorders NORMOOD100
870Norwich Univ100
871Ohio Univ100
872Oklahoma City Vet Affairs Med Ctr100
873Ondokuz Mayis Univ100
874OptiBrain Consortium100
875Oslo Univ Hosp100
876Prince Georges Hosp100
877Programador Informat Comunidad Terapeut Cortijo B100
878Psicoterapeuta Comunidad Terapeut Cortijo Buenos100
879Psychiat Res Unit100
880PsychoGen Inc100
881Rabin Med Ctr100
882Ralph H Johnson VA Med Ctr100
883Rensselaer Polytech Inst100
884Res Amer100
885Res Inst Tobacco Free Soc100
886Royal Brisbane & Womens Hosp100
887Rudi Schulte Res Inst100
888Sapienza Univ Roma100
889Schneiders Childrens Hosp100
890Scripps Coll100
891Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ100
892Skonviks Psychiat Clin100
893So Medial Univ100
894Southwest Univ200
895Soziotherapeut Zentrum100
896St Johns Coll100
897St Naum Univ Hosp Neurol & Psychiat100
898Stockholm Univ100
899Stony Brook Univ100
900SUNY Binghamton100
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