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4 August 2011
Records: 1052, Authors: 3525, Journals: 314, Cited References: 44689, Words: 2387
Yearly outputDocument TypeLanguage | Institution | Institution with SubdivisionCountry
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601Dalian Univ Technol103
602Dartmouth Coll313
603Dimence Inst Mental Hlth103
604Drake Univ103
605Henri Mondor Hosp103
606Hosp Santa Creu & Sant Pau513
607Hosp Univ Gregorio Maranon103
608Houston VAMC103
611Inst Fisiol Biol Mol & Neurociencias IFIBYNE123
612Iranian Natl Ctr Addict Studies123
613Maastricht Univ & Med Ctr103
614Melbourne Hlth203
615Northeastern Univ103
616Penn State Univ313
617Philadelphia Vet Adm Med Ctr103
618Radboud Univ Nijmegen Med Ctr103
619Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur Univ103
620Shandong Med Imaging Res Inst103
621Shandong Univ103
622Sharif Univ Technol223
623So Illinois Univ103
624TELL Counseling & Assessment103
625Univ Georgia203
626Univ Marburg213
627Univ Med Ctr Maastricht103
628Univ Montpellier 1103
629Univ Paris 12103
630Univ Spital Zurich103
631Univ Tehran223
632Univ Tehran Med Sci223
633Univ Victor Segalen Bordeaux 2123
634Univ Wurzburg313
635Vet Affairs San Diego Hlth Care Syst303
636Weizmann Inst Sci113
637AJA PharmaServ102
638Biol Serv102
639Brazilian Ctr Informat Psychotrop Drugs CEBRID112
640Bridging Gaps Treatment Ctr112
641Carl von Ossietzky Univ Oldenburg202
642Carolinas HealthCare Syst Behav Hlth Ctr102
643Chinese Univ Hong Kong102
644CHU Montreal102
646Ctr Informat Hlth & Alcohol CISA112
647Dent Neurol Inst102
648Direct Sante Publ Montreal102
649E China Normal Univ102
650G&G Addict Treatment Ctr112
651George Washington Univ202
652Georgia Inst Technol202
653Grad Univ Chinese Acad Sci102
654Hillside Hosp132
655Hoshi Univ102
656Hunan Brain Hosp102
657IFT Inst Therapiefroachung Muenchen102
658Inst Psychiat & Neurol102
659Isar Amper Clin Munich E112
660Jeevan Biosci INC102
661John B Pierce Lab132
662Kalamazoo Coll102
663Kangda Voluntary Drug Rehabil Ctr102
664Kunming Med Sch102
665LifeStream Solut Inc112
666Ludwik Rydygier Med Univ102
667Meadows Inst102
668Med Acad Warsaw102
669Med Coll Chinese Peoples Armed Police Forces102
670Montefiore Med Ctr302
671Moscow Sci Pract Ctr Narcol102
672Natl Integrated Hlth Associates112
673Ness Ziona Beer Yaakov Med Complex102
674Neurobehav Consultants112
675Ningbo Univ202
676Ohio State Univ112
677Path Fdn NY112
678Royal Prince Alfred Hosp102
679Schneider Childrens Hosp132
680Shantou Univ102
681Soterian Hlth Care112
682SRI Int102
683St Louis Univ102
684Summa Hlth Syst102
685SUNY Buffalo202
686Suzhou Univ102
687Synapt Connect Res Inst112
688Ullevaal Univ Hosp102
689Univ Ghent322
690Univ Giessen212
691Univ Jaume I102
692Univ Miami102
693Univ Modena & Reggio Emilia112
694Univ Oslo202
695Univ Poitiers102
696Univ Regensburg112
697Univ S Australia102
698Univ Stellenbosch102
699Univ Valencia FGUV102
700Univ Witten Herdecke112
701VA Med Ctr202
702Vernadskii Tavricheskii Natl Univ102
703Vet Adm Connecticut Healthcare Syst122
704Westmead Millennium Inst102
705Xi An Jiao Tong Univ202
706Yale New Haven Med Ctr122
707Ziv Govt Med Ctr112
708Aarhus Univ Hosp201
709AHG Clin Psychosomat Med & Addict Disorders101
710Aix Marseille Univ101
711Beijing Normal Univ111
712Bernstein Ctr Computat Neurosci111
713Bond Univ101
714Bristol Myers Squibb Co111
715Calif State Univ Fullerton101
716Cent Comm Treatment Heroin Addicts CCBH101
717China Univ Polit Sci & Law111
718Clever Instruments SL111
719Coll Nursing101
720Ctr Atenc & Drogodependientes111
721Ctr Natl Genotypage111
722CUNY Queens Coll111
723Dist Hosp Luzern111
724Edith Norse VE Med Ctr101
725Fdn Vallee101
726Franklin & Marshall Coll101
727Fuenlabrada Comunidad Autenoma Madrid111
728Georgia Hlth Sci Univ101
729Georgia State Univ201
730Goldsmiths Univ London101
731Helsinki Univ Hosp111
732Hosp Santa Crue & Sant Pau111
733Hosp Univ101
734Iida Hosp101
735Italian Inst Technol101
736Italy Japan Joint Lab Humanoid & Personal Robot R101
737Jagiellonian Univ201
738Korea Univ101
739Kuopio Univ Hosp211
740Med Univ S Calrolina101
741Merck & Co Inc101
742Mind Res Network301
743Monash Inst Pharmaceut Sci101
744Natl Cheng Kung Univ101
745Natl Ctr Neurol & Psychiat101
746Netherlands Med Evaluat Board101
747Otto VonGuericke Univ Magdegurg201
749Radboud Univ Nijmegen101
750Res Inst Addict101
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