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4 August 2011
Records: 1052, Authors: 3525, Journals: 314, Cited References: 44689, Words: 2387
Yearly outputDocument TypeLanguage | Institution | Institution with SubdivisionCountry
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451Benito Menni Mental Hlth Inst118
452Brain Resource Int Database238
453Clin Montevideo218
454Hosp Psychiat118
455Leiden Inst Brain & Cognit108
456Madrid City Council118
457Moratalaz Mental Hlth Dept118
458Oregon Hlth & Sci Univ208
459Peoples Lib Army 463 Hosp118
460Peoples Liberat Army Gen Hosp158
461Prizer Global Res & Dev128
462Rutgers Univ Newark128
464Univ Akron118
465Univ Illinois Urbana Champaign308
466Univ Leipzig118
467Univ Picardie Jules Verne108
468Alfred & Monash Univ237
469Clin Dependence & Addict Alte Oelmuehle Magdburg137
470Comm Phys Hlth107
471Cornell Weil Sch Med107
472Ctr Addict Res British Columbia117
473Ctr Movement Disorders107
474Erasmus Med Ctr107
475Hosp Arnau Vilanova157
476Hosp Clin Barcelona107
478Inst Neurol127
479Jesse Brown VA Med Ctr427
480Juntendo Tokyo Koto Geriatr Med Ctr107
481Michael E DeBakey VA Med Ctr117
482Minnesota VAMC107
483Monash Univ227
484Montreal Neurol Inst107
485N Essex Partnership Fdn Trust137
486N Shore Long Isl Jewish Hlth Syst177
487Natl Inst Hlth & Welf317
488Newcastle Univ107
489Pacific Inst Res & Evaluat107
490Pavlov Med Univ107
491Private Practice107
492Providence Hlth Care117
493S Essex Partnership NHS Trust137
494Sigma Tau Hlth Sci117
495Toronto Western Hosp107
496Univ Autonoma Madrid207
497Univ Basque Country107
498Univ Kuopio347
499Univ Parma317
500Univ Sheffield207
501Univ Sussex547
502Univ Texas Dallas307
503Univ Texas Hlth Sci Ctr Houston317
504Univ Vermont207
505US FDA117
506Vancouver Coastal Hlth117
507Widener Univ177
508Brain Resource Co136
510Coatesville Vet Affairs Med Ctr126
511E Tennessee State Univ206
512Hanyang Univ116
513Helsinki Univ Cent Hosp106
514Henry Ford Hlth Syst116
515Hop Fernand Widal116
516Hosp Univ Virgen Las Nieves116
517Hosp Virgen Nieves126
518Indiana Univ Purdue Univ206
519Indiana Univ Purdue Univ Indianapolis106
520Indiana Univ Sch Med106
521Natl Canc Ctr116
522Prince Wales Med Res Inst136
523Purdue Univ206
524Rhein Westfal TH Aachen116
525Tufts Univ206
526Umea Univ Hosp236
527Univ Aquila106
528Univ Fed Rio de Janeiro206
529Univ Gothenburg206
530Univ Kansas206
531Univ Tampere106
532Yonsei Univ216
533Zent Inst Seel Gesundheit106
534Bristol Special Alcohol Serv105
536Communidad Madrid145
537G De Lisio Inst Behav Sci105
538Hammersmith Hosp105
539Hlth Dist 8 ASL 8105
541Humboldt Univ145
542Imperial Coll Sch Med105
543IRCCS San Giovanni Diofatebenefratelli115
544Junta de Andaulica145
545Karolinska Univ Hosp105
546Kent State Univ205
547Kyungpook Natl Univ Hosp115
548Mario Negri Inst Pharmacol Res115
549Marquette Univ105
550N Carolina State Univ105
551Netherlands Inst Ment Hlth & Addict105
552Otto von Guericke Univ105
553Pathophysiol Synapt Plast Grp115
554Robert Koch Inst105
555Sci Publ Policy Assoc105
556State Hosp Uchtspringe105
557Univ Bordeaux115
558Univ Cincinnati105
559Univ Fed Sao Paulo215
560Univ London Imperial Coll Sci Technol & Med115
561Univ Med Ctr Utrecht105
562Univ Milan115
563Univ Ottawa105
564Univ Paris 06115
565Univ Penn Hlth Syst115
566Univ Sci115
567Univ Texas Med Branch205
568Univ Texas Med Sch Houston105
570ASL Roma C104
571AUSL Parma104
572Boston Med Ctr104
573Chiba Ind Adv Ctr104
574Columbia Univ Teachers Coll144
575Hadassah Hebrew Univ104
576Kazusa DNA Res Inst204
577Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust104
578Life & Brain Ctr104
579Med Univ Vienna104
580Rush Behav Hlth104
581Tokyo Inst Psychiat204
582UN Off Drug & Crime104
583Univ Bologna104
584Univ Fed Rio Grande do Sul304
585Univ Hosp Bonn104
586Univ Hosp Geneva314
587Univ Hull214
588Univ Klin Psychiat104
589Univ Leicester104
590Univ Palermo104
591Univ Seville114
592Univ Washington114
593Univ York124
594VA Pittsburgh Healthcare Syst104
595Yokohama City Univ204
596Albert Chenevier Hosp103
597Amer Univ Paris103
598CHU Montpellier103
599Chungbuk Natl Univ103
600CUNY City Coll203
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