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4 August 2011
Records: 1052, Authors: 3525, Journals: 314, Cited References: 44689, Words: 2387
Yearly outputDocument TypeLanguage | Institution | Institution with SubdivisionCountry
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151Univ Cagliari2350
152Univ Chicago5450
153Univ Paris Sud4249
154Hop Univ Paul Brousse3248
155Univ London Goldsmiths Coll41048
156Dept Vet Affairs Med Ctr1047
157Mental Hlth Advocates Inc1047
158Peking Univ6847
159Quintiles Inc1047
160Univ Puerto Rico2647
161Univ Valencia3447
162Univ Western Australia2047
163Greater Los Angeles VA Healthcare Syst1746
164Univ Geneva61946
165Zucker Hillside Hosp3246
166Free Univ Brussels41945
167Nagoya Univ5545
168Boston Univ6644
169CHR Clemenceau2644
170Univ Med & Dent New Jersey3544
171WPIC Univ Pittsburgh1244
172BioAssessments Inc11543
173Phys Tech Bundesanstalt2543
174CEA IFR491142
175Chang Gung Mem Hosp1042
176Montevideo Clin1142
177Sichuan Univ1042
178Taipei City Psychiat Ctr1042
179Univ Hosp Aachen1442
180Univ London Kings Coll1042
181Univ Paris 071142
182Richard Stockton Coll New Jersey1041
183Univ Magdeburg3341
184Karolinska Inst7240
186Univ Aix Marseille 11140
187Univ Cardenal Herrera1440
188Univ Connecticut4640
189Coburg Univ Appl Sci2139
190MRC Labs2139
191Univ Calif Berkeley2039
192Univ E London4539
193Univ Tubingen31839
194Polish Acad Sci7638
195Wayne State Univ51338
196CRC Corporacio Sanitaria2636
197Shenyang Pharmaceut Univ3436
198City Hope Natl Med Ctr2535
199Gachon Med Sch2335
200Natl Inst Mental Hlth & Neurosci2635
201Rutgers State Univ2335
202Washington Univ5135
203Chicago Med Sch11334
204Hadassah Univ Hosp1034
205Innsbruck Univ2334
206Montreal Sacre Coeur Hosp1034
207Yeshiva Univ1034
208Univ New Mexico8133
209Wake Forest Univ Hlth Sci31133
210Cardiff Univ2232
211Max Planck Inst Med Res1332
212Midwest Alcoholism Res Ctr1632
214Maastricht Univ5931
215Melbourne Neuropsychiat Ctr2731
216Univ Texas Austin4131
217Vet Affairs Connecticut Healthcare Syst21431
218Childrens Hosp2630
219Univ Coimbra2330
220Cent Inst Mental Hlth4329
221Heinrich Heine Univ Hosp1428
222Northeastern Ohio Univ Coll Med & Pharm11328
223Univ Heidelberg121128
224VA New York Harbor Healthcare Syst11328
225Oregon Res Inst3227
226Queens Univ4527
227Univ Western Ontario2227
228VA New Jersey Hlth Care Syst1527
229VISN 3 Mental Illness Res Educ & Clin Ctr1527
230AstraZeneca Pharmaceut1126
231Barrow Neurol Inst12626
232Hosp Louis H Lafontaine1126
233Med Univ Innsbruck1226
234Natl Inst Alcohol Abuse & Alcoholism1026
235Psychiat Hosp Tirol1226
236Temple Univ3126
237Univ Colorado6626
238Univ Laval1126
239Univ Laval Robert Giffard1126
240Univ Texas SW Med Ctr Dallas2226
241Catholic Univ Korea1225
242Chicago VA Hlth Care Syst1425
244Kanazawa Univ2225
245Kyoto Prefectural Univ Med1125
246Meijo Univ2225
247UCL Hosp1325
248VA San Diego Hlth Care Syst11425
249Charite Med Berlin1224
250Dipartimento Tossicol1124
251Dorothea Dix Hosp1224
252Dov Pharmaceut1224
253Inst Integrat Med & Hlth Res1124
254Inst Pasteur1424
255Manhattan Psychiat Ctr1224
256Max Delbruck Ctr1224
257Queensland Univ Technol3524
258Univ Dresden1224
259Univ Siena1124
260VA San Diego Healthcare Syst2024
261Austin & Repatriat Med Ctr1523
263Ist Clinici Perfezionamento1123
264Kaohsiung Med Univ2223
265Kaohsiung Med Univ Hosp2223
266Philadelphia VAMC1123
267SUNY Upstate Med Univ3323
268Univ Milano Bicocca2123
269Univ Sacred Heart1523
270US Dept Vet Affairs Med Ctr1523
271VISN 4 Mental Illness Res Educ & Clin Ctr1123
272Yuh Ing Jr Coll Hlth Care & Management1223
273Gachon Univ Med & Sci1522
274Harvard Med & McLean Hosp1522
275Serv Salud Mental1422
276Univ Caen1522
277Univ Caen Basse Normandie1122
278Univ Helsinki6522
279VA Healthcare Syst1322
280Rockefeller Univ2121
281Univ Birmingham1021
282Vet Adm Med Ctr1321
283Aristotle Univ Thessaloniki1120
284Univ Barcelona4120
285Chang Jung Christian Univ2219
286Cornell Univ11819
287Feinstein Inst Med Res1019
288Fourth Mil Med Univ61119
289Geffen Sch Med1019
290Georgetown Univ2119
291Innsbruck Med Univ1019
292LifeGen Inc2419
293Montreal Gen Hosp1119
294Roger Williams Canc Med Ctr1219
295Texas A&M Univ3119
296Univ Colorado Denver Hlth Sci1519
297Univ Haifa31419
298Univ Texas Hlth Sci Ctr San Antonio2319
299Univ Texas SW1119
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