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20 September 2010
Records: 6995, Authors: 6957, Journals: 1774, Cited References: 157535, Words: 7841, Tags: 3
Yearly outputDocument TypeLanguageInstitutionInstitution with SubdivisionCountry
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1Garfield E15831222812247
2VLACHY J52449606
3Leydesdorff L44293597
4Moed HF38501862
5Small H3810601672
7Braun T33214494
8Rousseau R32174334
9CAWKELL AE27109145
10Thelwall M27144513
11Vinkler P27224373
12Schubert A24198441
13Smith DR24100125
14Cronin B22194350
15Oppenheim C22172281
16Arunachalam S20119215
17Bonitz M194066
18Chen CM19133387
19Glanzel W19227375
20McCain KW19275671
21Zitt M1871149
22Kostoff RN1765183
23Buela-Casal G1670116
24Narin F15412726
25Campanario JM1456166
26Daniel HD1446192
27de Moya-Anegon F141747
28Hargens LL1465197
29Hjorland B1416174
30Tijssen RJW1462229
31Bassecoulard E1355124
32Falagas ME1351118
33Giles CL1392239
34Ho YS131537
35Ingwersen P1381249
36Markusova VA131831
37van Leeuwen TN13159259
38Willett P1346130
39Wilson CS1363131
40Bornmann L1243166
41VanRaan AFJ12149294
42Egghe L1145128
43Gingras Y11829
44Jacso P1174133
45Jones AW114476
46McGhee CNJ114670
47Nederhof AJ1179200
48OVER R1120107
49RUSHTON JP11132300
50SHER IH11317317
51Ugolini D1159113
52White HD11187395
53Borner K1094255
54DOREIAN P1075158
55Moya-Anegon F102159
56Pouris A101332
57Scharnhorst A102049
59Bar-Ilan J950174
60Bensman SJ968108
61Bollen J962135
62Borgman CL9113294
63Courtial JP967195
64DIXON B91316
65Harnad S93165
66Harter SP950173
67Jimenez-Contreras E91945
68Lariviere V91228
69Marx W93362
71Peritz BC95699
72Porter AL989263
73SMART JC965136
74Yu G91321
75Barker K83852
76BAYER AE8136262
77Bordons M881137
78BUJDOSO E850102
79Diamond AM846121
80Ding Y81446
81Holden G83852
82Lawrence S881224
83LINDSEY D8110228
84Merton RK849347
86Pudovkin AI89193
87REVESZ GS85756
88Rosenberg G83852
89Stock WG81029
90Vargas-Quesada B82547
91Wouters P82131
92Aksnes DW756120
93Boyack KW797243
94Chen HC71791
95CHUBIN DE765196
96Frandsen TF73054
97Garg KC73675
98GRANITO CE767102
99Guan JC7720
101Hartley J7423
102Herrero-Solana V72659
104Lewison G72563
105Liang LM7112
106Lopez-Cozar ED71030
107MARTIN BR7113260
108Matias-Guiu J7511
109Meho LI763134
110NAKAYAMA K71947
111Nalimov VV701
112Nicolaisen J72442
113Nisonger TE759100
114PAO ML72364
115Pichappan P71930
116Rada R71357
117Reedijk J7122160
118Russell JM7824
119SALTON G749108
120Seglen PO7517790
121SMALL HG7247390
122Swanson DR753322
123TODOROV R774102
124Van de Sompel H750105
125Visser MS73478
126Windsor DA71851
127Zsindely S71643
128Archambault E61224
129Benavent RA6011
130Cawkell T61112
131Chinchilla-Rodriguez Z62445
132Corera-Alvarez E62445
133GRIFFITH BC6228437
134HAWKINS DT63686
135IRVINE J6111248
136Janssens F624
137Klaic B61835
138Krauskopf M61950
139Larsen B62938
140LAWANI SM6127200
141Luwel M645103
142LYON WS63671
143Marusic A61879
144Mela GS647120
145MORGAN PP6317
146Navarro FA62147
147Osareh F63269
148Ramanana-Rahary S62953
149Rice RE649136
150RUSH JE63379
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