13 August 2007
Records: 486, Authors: 669, Journals: 158, Cited References: 5605, Words: 1340, Tags: 4, Marks: 56
Yearly outputDocument TypeLanguageInstitution | Institution with Subdivision | Country
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#Institution with SubdivisionRecsTLCSTGCS
201Univ Wisconsin, Sch Med1155
202USA Med Component, Armed Forces Res Inst Med Sci1118
203USA, Dept Immunol & Med1115
204Vanderbilt Univ, Sch Med105
205Virginia Commonwealth Univ, Dept Psychiat105
206Washington Univ105
207Weizmann Inst Sci, Israel Proteom Ctr108
208Wellcome Trust Ctr Human Genet, Div Struct Biol108
209Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, European Bioinformat Inst1025
210Wellcome Trust Res Labs, Sanger Inst102
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