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Nodes: 16544,
Authors: 17854,
Journals: 2479,
Outer References: 377380,
Words: 15829
Collection span: 1901 - 2005
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Page 139 of 166: 1 | 101 111 121 [ 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 ] 141 151 161
# | LCR | NCR | Node / Date / Journal / Author | LCS | GCS |
13801 | 4 | 26 | 12830 1998 REVUE PHILOSOPHIQUE DE LA FRANCE ET DE L ETRANGER 123 (4): 441-461 Boutot A Logic and ontology in the test of experience - Quantum mechanics and Bell's inequalities | 0 | 0 |
13802 | 0 | 18 | 12834 1998 SCIENCE 282 (5397): 2186-2190 Dresselhaus MS The AAAS celebrates its 150th | 0 | 0 |
13803 | 2 | 20 | 12835 1998 SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES A-MATHEMATICS PHYSICS ASTRONOMY 41 (3): 324-329 Wu YL; Zhou GZ A possible unification model for all basic forces | 0 | 0 |
13804 | 1 | 99 | 12836 1998 SCIENCE IN CONTEXT 11 (1): 89-141 Jha SR On the duties of intellectuals to truth: The life and work of chemist-philosopher Michael Polanyi | 0 | 1 |
13805 | 3 | 191 | 12837 1998 SOLIDIFICATION PROCESSING OF REINFORCED METALS 151-1: 136-233 [Anon] Process fundamentals | 0 | 0 |
13806 | 3 | 59 | 12839 1998 STUDIES IN HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF MODERN PHYSICS 29B (1): 1-35 Sterrett SG Sounds like light: Einstein's special theory of relativity and Mach's work in acoustics and aerodynamics | 0 | 0 |
13807 | 9 | 85 | 12840 1998 STUDIES IN HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF MODERN PHYSICS 29B (2): 183-222 Berkovitz J Aspects of quantum non-locality - I: Superluminal signalling, action-at-a-distance, non-separability and holism | 0 | 3 |
13808 | 1 | 11 | 12841 1998 STUDIES IN HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF MODERN PHYSICS 29B (2): 223-243 Flores F Einstein's 1935 derivation of E=mc(2) | 0 | 0 |
13809 | 3 | 37 | 12842 1998 STUDIES IN HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF MODERN PHYSICS 29B (3): 321-338 Kaiser D A psi is just a psi? Pedagogy, practice, and the reconstitution of general relativity, 1942-1975 | 0 | 0 |
13810 | 4 | 51 | 12843 1998 STUDIES IN HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF MODERN PHYSICS 29B (4): 435-471 Earman J; Norton JD Exorcist XIV: The wrath of Maxwell's demon. Part I. From Maxwell to Szilard | 0 | 8 |
# | LCR | NCR | Node / Date / Journal / Author | LCS | GCS |
13811 | 3 | 35 | 12844 1998 STUDIES IN HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF MODERN PHYSICS 29B (4): 547-574 Bain J Whitehead's theory of gravity | 0 | 0 |
13812 | 5 | 18 | 12845 1998 SUPERLATTICES AND MICROSTRUCTURES 23 (3-4): 373-379 Peres A Quantum disentanglement and computation | 0 | 5 |
13813 | 4 | 53 | 12847 1998 THEOCHEM-JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE 426: 87-93 Arranz FJ; Borondo F; Benito RM Probability density distributions in phase space | 0 | 1 |
13814 | 5 | 38 | 12848 1998 THEORETICAL AND MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS 114 (3): 345-354 Khalilov VR Charged vector bosons in a magnetic field at a finite temperature | 0 | 0 |
13815 | 1 | 279 | 12849 1998 THEORY AND SOCIETY 27 (2): 151-208 Woolcock M Social capital and economic development: Toward a theoretical synthesis and policy framework | 0 | 231 |
13816 | 1 | 6 | 12853 1998 USPEKHI FIZICHESKIKH NAUK 168 (9): 1037-1040 Hovsepyan YI Some notes on the relativistic Doppler effect | 0 | 0 |
13817 | 6 | 98 | 12854 1998 USPEKHI FIZICHESKIKH NAUK 168 (11): 1221-1233 Ivanitsky GR; Medvinsky AB; Deev AA; Tsyganov MA From Maxwell's Demon to the self-organization of mass transfer processes in living systems | 0 | 6 |
13818 | 1 | 7 | 12856 1998 WESTERN JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION 62 (2): 209-216 Wrobbel ED A conversation analyst's response to Patterson, Neupauer, Burant, Koehn, and Reed | 0 | 1 |
13819 | 1 | 99 | 12857 1998 YALE JOURNAL OF CRITICISM 11 (2): 407-432 Norris C On the limits of "undecidability": Quantum physics, deconstruction, and anti-realism | 0 | 0 |
13820 | 1 | 11 | 12861 1998 ZHURNAL FIZICHESKOI KHIMII 72 (9): 1690-1692 Skomorokhov VI; Panfilovich KB Molecular mass dependence of the self-diffusion coefficients for low-molecular organic liquids | 0 | 0 |
# | LCR | NCR | Node / Date / Journal / Author | LCS | GCS |
13821 | 2 | 53 | 12862 1999 ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT REVIEW 24 (4): 742-758 Folger R; Turillo CJ Theorizing as the thickness of thin abstraction | 0 | 4 |
13822 | 1 | 15 | 12863 1999 ACTA ASTRONAUTICA 45 (2): 109-114 Maccone C Tethered system to get magnified radio pictures of the galactic center from a distance of 550 AU | 0 | 2 |
13823 | 0 | 21 | 12864 1999 ACTA ASTRONAUTICA 45 (10): 605-617 Touboul P; Foulon B; Willemenot E Electrostatic space accelerometers for present and future missions | 0 | 5 |
13824 | 2 | 39 | 12865 1999 ACTA MATERIALIA 47 (5): 1575-1586 Leigh SH; Berndt CC Modelling of elastic constants of plasma spray deposits with ellipsoid-shaped voids | 0 | 22 |
13825 | 6 | 25 | 12866 1999 ACTA MATHEMATICA SCIENTIA 19 (2): 148-157 Gu GQ; Yu KW New method for effective viscosity of colloidal dispersions with periodic microstructures | 0 | 0 |
13826 | 2 | 23 | 12867 1999 ACTA PHYSICA HUNGARICA NEW SERIES-HEAVY ION PHYSICS 9 (2-3): 217-227 Lovas I Squeezing and the quantization of gravitational waves | 0 | 1 |
13827 | 3 | 12 | 12868 1999 ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA B 30 (10): 2989-3001 Novikov ID Cosmology then and now | 0 | 0 |
13828 | 4 | 13 | 12870 1999 ACTA PHYSICA SINICA 48 (11): 1983-1991 Tan WH; Yan KZ A general approach to the Bose-Einstein condensation of neutral atoms with repellent interaction | 0 | 3 |
13829 | 8 | 20 | 12872 1999 ACTA PHYSICA SINICA-OVERSEAS EDITION 8 (10): 721-732 Zheng JR Chemical potential quantization and Bose-Einstein condensation | 0 | 3 |
13830 | 3 | 110 | 12874 1999 ACTA PHYSICA SLOVACA 49 (5): 835-874 Biro TS; Levai P; Zimanyi J; Traxler CT Hadronization and strangeness production in heavy-ion collisions | 0 | 0 |
# | LCR | NCR | Node / Date / Journal / Author | LCS | GCS |
13831 | 1 | 39 | 12875 1999 ADVANCES IN CHEMICAL PHYSICS, VOL 109 109: 1-37 Scaife BKP On the theory of the complex, frequency-dependent susceptibility of magnetic fluids | 0 | 5 |
13832 | 1 | 40 | 12876 1999 ADVANCES IN POLYMER TECHNOLOGY 18 (2): 147-170 Potente H; Bastian M; Flecke J Design of a compounding extruder by means of the SIGMA simulation software | 0 | 9 |
13833 | 2 | 255 | 12877 1999 AEROSOL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 31 (2-3): 83-128 Knutson EO History of diffusion batteries in aerosol measurements | 0 | 2 |
13834 | 1 | 50 | 12878 1999 AICHE JOURNAL 45 (1): 1-12 Zielinski JM; Hanley BF Practical friction-based approach to modeling multicomponent diffusion | 0 | 15 |
13835 | 1 | 9 | 12879 1999 AICHE JOURNAL 45 (9): 2018-2023 Poncelet D; Neufeld RJ; Goosen MFA; Burgarski B; Babak V Formation of microgel beads by electric dispersion of polymer solutions | 0 | 8 |
13836 | 1 | 39 | 12880 1999 ALTERNATIVE THERAPIES IN HEALTH AND MEDICINE 5 (2): 120-+ Springer SC; Eicher DJ Effects of a prayer circle on a moribund premature infant | 0 | 0 |
13837 | 9 | 21 | 12882 1999 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 67 (3): 241-251 Moreau W; Purdie C; Wood J The rate of deflection of light in an accelerated frame and a gravitational field | 0 | 0 |
13838 | 1 | 34 | 12888 1999 ANALYST 124 (8): 1137-1141 Molander P; Trones R; Haugland K; Greibrokk T Aspects and applications of non-aqueous high temperature packed capillary liquid chromatography | 0 | 18 |
13839 | 2 | 17 | 12889 1999 ANALYTICA CHIMICA ACTA 398 (2-3): 319-327 Yao G; Li KA; Tong SY Study on the interaction of protein with Sulfonazo III by Rayleigh light scattering technique and its application | 0 | 24 |
13840 | 2 | 39 | 12895 1999 APPLIED SPECTROSCOPY REVIEWS 34 (4): 209-247 Menzel ER Interaction of light with molecules - An overview (Reprinted from Laser Spectroscopy, Techniques and Applications (pg 5-43, 1995) | 0 | 0 |
# | LCR | NCR | Node / Date / Journal / Author | LCS | GCS |
13841 | 3 | 17 | 12898 1999 ARCHIVES OF PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY 107 (1): 35-42 Rougier P Automatic determination of the transition between successive control mechanisms in upright stance assessed by modelling of tee centre of pressure | 0 | 11 |
13842 | 1 | 47 | 12899 1999 ASTRONOMICAL JOURNAL 118 (3): 1177-1189 Merritt D; Valluri M Resonant orbits in triaxial galaxies | 0 | 8 |
13843 | 3 | 35 | 12901 1999 ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 512 (1): 442-453 Swisdak M; Zweibel E Effects of large-scale convection on p-mode frequencies | 0 | 6 |
13844 | 1 | 10 | 12903 1999 ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 520 (2): 454-455 Sivaram C On zero-point fluctuations, the cosmological constant, and the graviton mass | 0 | 1 |
13845 | 2 | 59 | 12904 1999 ASTROPHYSICS AND SPACE SCIENCE 266 (3): 399-447 Masreliez CJ The scale expanding cosmos theory | 0 | 3 |
13846 | 2 | 66 | 12905 1999 ASTROPHYSICS AND SPACE SCIENCE 269: 723-740 Craig WL The ultimate question of origins: God and the beginning of the universe | 0 | 0 |
13847 | 2 | 64 | 12907 1999 BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 380 (7-8): 923-929 Bieri O; Kiefhaber T Elementary steps in protein folding | 0 | 8 |
13848 | 2 | 27 | 12909 1999 BIOTECHNOLOGY PROGRESS 15 (3): 366-372 Brandenberger HR; Widmer F Immobilization of highly concentrated cell suspensions using the laminar jet breakup technique | 0 | 3 |
13849 | 3 | 59 | 12910 1999 BJU INTERNATIONAL 84 (2): 204-211 Floratos DL; de la Rosette JJMCH Lasers in urology | 0 | 4 |
13850 | 0 | 198 | 12914 1999 BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY 36 (2): 135-249 Grigor'yan A Analytic and geometric background of recurrence and non-explosion of the Brownian motion on Riemannian manifolds | 0 | 46 |
# | LCR | NCR | Node / Date / Journal / Author | LCS | GCS |
13851 | 1 | 42 | 12915 1999 CANADIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 77 (10): 785-794 Wolf C Dissipative quantum evolution of a spin system in a magnetic field | 0 | 0 |
13852 | 1 | 22 | 12916 1999 CANADIAN METALLURGICAL QUARTERLY 38 (1): 81-92 Ip SW; Wang Y; Toguri JM Aluminum foam stabilization by solid particles | 0 | 20 |
13853 | 1 | 66 | 12917 1999 CANCER RESEARCH 59 (22): 5836-5841 Halpern HJ; Chandramouli GVR; Barth ED; Yu C; Peric M; et al. Diminished aqueous microviscosity of tumors in murine models measured with in vivo radiofrequency electron paramagnetic resonance | 0 | 7 |
13854 | 2 | 22 | 12918 1999 CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL 25 (2): 107-113 Liu DM Adsorption, rheology, packing, and sintering of nanosize ceramic powders | 0 | 10 |
13855 | 2 | 39 | 12921 1999 CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS 10 (2-3): 483-497 Oda I Topological symmetry, background independence and matrix models | 0 | 2 |
13856 | 1 | 30 | 12922 1999 CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS 10 (2-3): 499-512 Ord GN Gravity and the spiral model | 0 | 9 |
13857 | 6 | 71 | 12924 1999 CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS 10 (12): 2087-2098 Bodzenta J Influence of order-disorder transition on thermal conductivity of solids | 0 | 3 |
13858 | 2 | 20 | 12925 1999 CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL 73 (1): 43-51 Chang JH; Lee SC; Lee WK Effects of preparation variables of enzyme-encapsulating water-in-oil emulsion on enzymatic reaction conversion and emulsion stability in an enzyme-emulsion-liquid-membrane reactor | 0 | 4 |
13859 | 2 | 49 | 12926 1999 CHEMICAL ENGINEERING PROGRESS 95 (4): 25-34 de Jong JAH; Hoffmann AC; Finkers HJ Properly determine powder flowability to maximize plant output | 0 | 3 |
13860 | 1 | 84 | 12930 1999 CHEMIE INGENIEUR TECHNIK 71 (8): 795-807 Platzer B; Steffani K; Grobe S Possible approaches to the prediction of residence time distributions | 0 | 10 |
# | LCR | NCR | Node / Date / Journal / Author | LCS | GCS |
13861 | 4 | 23 | 12931 1999 CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 37 (2): 113-117 Nester JM; Yo HJ Symmetric teleparallel general relativity | 0 | 2 |
13862 | 2 | 35 | 12932 1999 CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY 16 (2): 323-341 Clement G; Fabbri A The gravitating sigma model in 2+1 dimensions: black hole solutions | 0 | 10 |
13863 | 3 | 18 | 12933 1999 CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY 16 (3): 973-978 Dzhunushaliev V; Singleton D Flux tube solutions in Kaluza-Klein theory | 0 | 10 |
13864 | 6 | 27 | 12934 1999 CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY 16 (4): 1175-1184 Glass EN; Krisch JP Two-fluid atmosphere for relativistic stars | 0 | 11 |
13865 | 3 | 75 | 12937 1999 CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY 16 (12A): A3-A21 Celotti A; Miller JC; Sciama DW Astrophysical evidence for the existence of black holes | 0 | 4 |
13866 | 15 | 262 | 12938 1999 CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY 16 (12A): A37-A75 Ellis GFR 83 years of general relativity and cosmology: progress and problems | 0 | 5 |
13867 | 3 | 34 | 12939 1999 CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY 16 (12A): A113-A130 Penrose R Twistor theory and the Einstein vacuum | 0 | 2 |
13868 | 7 | 88 | 12940 1999 CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY 16 (12A): A157-A175 Trautman A Gauge and optical aspects of gravitation | 0 | 3 |
13869 | 2 | 81 | 12942 1999 CLINICS IN CHEST MEDICINE 20 (1): 107-+ Turner JF; Wang KP Endobronchial laser therapy | 0 | 10 |
13870 | 1 | 30 | 12945 1999 COMBUSTION AND FLAME 117 (4): 851-860 Hayashi S; Hisaeda Y; Asakuma Y; Aoki H; Miura T; et al. Simulation of soot aggregates formed by benzene pyrolysis | 0 | 5 |
# | LCR | NCR | Node / Date / Journal / Author | LCS | GCS |
13871 | 4 | 7 | 12947 1999 COMMUNICATIONS IN THEORETICAL PHYSICS 32 (4): 611-614 Fan HY; Liu NL Differential forms of completeness relation in two-mode <xi vertical bar-<eta vertical bar representations | 0 | 0 |
13872 | 1 | 10 | 12948 1999 COMPTES RENDUS DE L ACADEMIE DES SCIENCES SERIE II FASCICULE B- MECANIQUE PHYSIQUE ASTRONOMIE 327 (1): 139-146 Benoit H On the effect of pressure and temperature on the zero angle scattering by mixtures containing polymers | 0 | 2 |
13873 | 4 | 29 | 12949 1999 COMPUTING & CONTROL ENGINEERING JOURNAL 10 (3): 105-112 Hey T Quantum computing: an introduction | 0 | 1 |
13874 | 2 | 25 | 12950 1999 CONCEPTS IN MAGNETIC RESONANCE 11 (4): 225-238 Pravia M; Fortunato E; Weinstein Y; Price MD; Teklemariam G; et al. Observations of quantum dynamics by solution-state NMR spectroscopy | 0 | 7 |
13875 | 1 | 31 | 12953 1999 CREATIVITY RESEARCH JOURNAL 12 (1): 67-76 Therivel WA Why Mozart and not Salieri | 0 | 4 |
13876 | 4 | 61 | 12954 1999 CURRENT SCIENCE 77 (3): 402-410 Ramaswamy S Suspensions far from equilibrium | 0 | 2 |
13877 | 0 | 63 | 12955 1999 CURRICULUM INQUIRY 29 (1): 7-32 Conle C Why narrative? Which narrative? Struggling with time and place in life and research | 0 | 6 |
13878 | 0 | 20 | 12956 1999 DIALECTICA 53 (3-4): 307-344 Essler WK; Labude J; Ucsnay S Metaphysical bases of mechanics | 0 | 0 |
13879 | 1 | 5 | 12958 1999 ENGINEERING GEOLOGY 53 (2): 195-204 Treadaway ACJ; Lynch RJ; Bolton MD Pollution transport studies using an in-situ fibre optic photometric sensor | 0 | 0 |
13880 | 2 | 32 | 12960 1999 EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL B 10 (1): 91-97 Asaklil A; Mazroui M; Boughaleb Y Fokker-Planck dynamics in a bistable periodic potential | 0 | 8 |
# | LCR | NCR | Node / Date / Journal / Author | LCS | GCS |
13881 | 3 | 24 | 12961 1999 EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL B 12 (1): 135-146 Weis J; Weis O Misinterpretation yields supervelocities during transmission of wave packets through a barrier | 0 | 3 |
13882 | 25 | 210 | 12966 1999 FOUNDATIONS OF PHYSICS 29 (1): 91-132 Mehra J; Rechenberg H Planck's half-quanta: A history of the concept of zero-point energy | 0 | 3 |
13883 | 3 | 104 | 12968 1999 FOUNDATIONS OF PHYSICS 29 (2): 281-316 Meessen A Spacetime quantization, elementary particles, and cosmology | 0 | 0 |
13884 | 0 | 4 | 12970 1999 FOUNDATIONS OF PHYSICS 29 (3): 491-495 Tisza L Unreasonable and "unreasonable" in quantum mechanics? | 0 | 0 |
13885 | 4 | 21 | 12974 1999 FOUNDATIONS OF PHYSICS 29 (6): 865-876 Vaidman L The meaning of elements of reality and quantum counterfactuals: Reply to Kastner | 0 | 4 |
13886 | 10 | 75 | 12975 1999 FOUNDATIONS OF PHYSICS 29 (8): 1233-1264 De Lorenci VA; Svaiter NF A rotating quantum vacuum | 0 | 4 |
13887 | 10 | 56 | 12979 1999 FOUNDATIONS OF PHYSICS 29 (11): 1695-1733 Gron O; Voyenli K On the foundation of the principle of relativity | 0 | 0 |
13888 | 2 | 31 | 12985 1999 FREQUENZ 53 (11-12): 226-232 Kark KW How fast is fast? Definition of velocities for the transmission of signals | 0 | 0 |
13889 | 2 | 25 | 12986 1999 GENERAL RELATIVITY AND GRAVITATION 31 (1): 31-51 Cadavid AC; Finkelstein RJ Kerr-Schild description of a rotating dyon | 0 | 1 |
13890 | 3 | 13 | 12989 1999 GENERAL RELATIVITY AND GRAVITATION 31 (10): 1501-1517 de Ritis R; Marmo G; Preziosi B A new look at relativity transformations | 0 | 0 |
# | LCR | NCR | Node / Date / Journal / Author | LCS | GCS |
13891 | 3 | 28 | 12990 1999 GENERAL RELATIVITY AND GRAVITATION 31 (11): 1727-1741 Dean BH Phase-plane analysis of periastron precession about a Reissner-Nordstrom black hole | 0 | 0 |
13892 | 4 | 10 | 12992 1999 GENERAL RELATIVITY AND GRAVITATION 31 (12): 1921-1929 Wanas MI; Kahil ME Quantum features of non-symmetric geometries | 0 | 1 |
13893 | 3 | 29 | 12993 1999 GENERAL RELATIVITY AND GRAVITATION 31 (12): 1985-1990 Friedman A On the curvature of space and on the possibility of a world with constant negative curvature of space. Commentary | 0 | 0 |
13894 | 1 | 63 | 12994 1999 HEYTHROP JOURNAL-A QUARTERLY REVIEW OF PHILOSOPHY AND THEOLOGY 40 (2): 184-206 Burns RM Richard Swinburne on simplicity in natural science (A theological extrapolation on the role and nature of empirical enquiry) | 0 | 0 |
13895 | 0 | 14 | 12995 1999 HUMAN DEVELOPMENT 42 (5): 266-270 Cahan ED; Hsueh Y Between biology and history: Ruminations on selfhood | 0 | 0 |
13896 | 1 | 9 | 12996 1999 IEEE ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION MAGAZINE 41 (5): 60-65 Tai CT Teaching electrodynamics without magnetism | 0 | 0 |
13897 | 1 | 20 | 12997 1999 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON APPLIED SUPERCONDUCTIVITY 9 (2): 4123-4126 Cosmelli C; Chiarello F; D'Agosta G; Castellano MG; Torrioli G Measurements of the decoherence time from energy level quantization in Josephson junctions and rf SQUIDs | 0 | 0 |
13898 | 5 | 13 | 12998 1999 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE 27 (5): 1288-1296 Lemons DS; Kaufman DL Brownian motion of a charged particle in a magnetic field | 0 | 0 |
13899 | 8 | 35 | 12999 1999 INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH 38 (12): 5005-5010 Pal R Rheology of blends of suspensions and emulsions | 0 | 2 |
13900 | 3 | 100 | 13000 1999 INQUIRY-AN INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY 42 (3-4): 311-342 Norris C Should philosophers take lessons from quantum theory? | 0 | 0 |
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