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Nodes: 16544,
Authors: 17854,
Journals: 2479,
Outer References: 377380,
Words: 15829
Collection span: 1901 - 2005
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Page 109 of 166: 1 | [ 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 ] 111 121 131 141 151 161
# | LCR | NCR | Node / Date / Journal / Author | LCS | GCS |
10801 | 2 | 14 | 14294 2001 PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE 68 (3): S345-S357 Rynasiewicz R Definition, convention, and simultaneity: Malament's result and its alleged refutation by Sarkar and Stachel | 0 | 0 |
10802 | 2 | 24 | 14296 2001 PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS 294 (1-2): 96-110 Mieck B Coherent state path integral and Langevin equations of interacting bosons | 1 | 2 |
10803 | 2 | 40 | 14321 2001 PHYSICAL REVIEW A 6304 (4): art. no.-42109 Bandyopadhyay JN; Lakshminarayan A; Sheorey VB Algebraic approach in the study of time-dependent nonlinear integrable systems: Case of the singular oscillator | 0 | 1 |
10804 | 2 | 68 | 14360 2001 PHYSICAL REVIEW B 6420 (20): Art. No. 205418 Paulus PM; Goossens A; Thiel RC; van der Kraan AM; Schmid G; et al. Surface and quantum-size effects in Pt and Au nanoparticles probed by Au-197 Mossbauer spectroscopy | 0 | 4 |
10805 | 2 | 30 | 14369 2001 PHYSICAL REVIEW D 6406 (6): art. no.-63504 Boehm T; Durrer R; van de Bruck C Dynamical instabilities of the Randall-Sundrum model | 0 | 10 |
10806 | 2 | 26 | 14388 2001 PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 8701 (1): art. no.-17901 Arnesen MC; Bose S; Vedral V Natural thermal and magnetic entanglement in the 1D Heisenberg model | 0 | 81 |
10807 | 2 | 30 | 14407 2001 PHYSICS ESSAYS 14 (4): 320-328 Gift SJG A negation of Einstein's general theory of relativity and a return to Newtonian gravitation | 0 | 0 |
10808 | 2 | 26 | 14408 2001 PHYSICS ESSAYS 14 (4): 329-340 Arunasalam V Lorentz covariance versus invariance: Deeper insights | 0 | 0 |
10809 | 2 | 22 | 14427 2001 PHYSICS LETTERS A 291 (4-5): 220-225 Tuszynski JA; Middleton J; Christiansen PL; Dixon JM Exact eigenfunctions of the linear ramp potential in the Gross-Pitaevskii equation for the Bose-Einstein condensate | 0 | 1 |
10810 | 2 | 17 | 14430 2001 PHYSICS LETTERS B 500 (1-2): 209-214 Jun GY; Kwon PS Time evolution as a gauge transformation: x(5)-dependent cosmological solution in 5d Kaluza-Klein theory | 0 | 2 |
# | LCR | NCR | Node / Date / Journal / Author | LCS | GCS |
10811 | 2 | 13 | 14436 2001 PHYSICS OF FLUIDS 13 (12): 3517-3520 Govindarajan R; Nott PR; Ramaswamy S Theory of suspension segregation in partially filled horizontal rotating cylinders | 1 | 6 |
10812 | 2 | 23 | 14437 2001 PHYSICS OF PARTICLES AND NUCLEI 32 (1): 1-14 Nikishov AI On energy-momentum tensors of the gravitational field | 0 | 1 |
10813 | 2 | 52 | 14438 2001 PHYSICS OF PARTICLES AND NUCLEI 32 (5): 619-640 Sukhanov AD A new approach to the energy-time uncertainty relation | 1 | 2 |
10814 | 2 | 26 | 14455 2001 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON SERIES A-MATHEMATICAL PHYSICAL AND ENGINEERING SCIENCES 457 (2015): 2741-2755 Farlow R; Hayward G The minimum signal force detectable in air with a piezoelectric plate transducer | 0 | 0 |
10815 | 2 | 11 | 14470 2001 REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS 72 (7): 3086-3094 Althouse WE; Hand SD; Jones LK; Lazzarini A; Weiss R Precision alignment of the LIGO 4 km arms using the dual-frequency differential global positioning system | 0 | 4 |
10816 | 2 | 31 | 14475 2001 RUBBER CHEMISTRY AND TECHNOLOGY 74 (1): 16-27 Kohjiya S; Murakami K; Iio S; Tanahashi T; Ikeda Y In situ filling of silica onto "green" natural rubber by the sol-gel process | 1 | 8 |
10817 | 2 | 14 | 14476 2001 RUBBER CHEMISTRY AND TECHNOLOGY 74 (1): 116-123 Schwartz GA Prediction of rheometric properties of compounds by using artificial neural networks | 0 | 0 |
10818 | 2 | 12 | 14482 2001 SEMICONDUCTOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 16 (3): 140-143 Summers HD; Thomson JD; Smowton PM; Blood P; Hopkinson M Thermodynamic balance in quantum dot lasers | 0 | 12 |
10819 | 2 | 59 | 14483 2001 SEMIOTICA 133 (1-4): 15-44 Oller JW; Kim K; Choe Y Can instructions to nonverbal IQ tests be given in pantomime? Additional applications of a general theory of signs | 0 | 0 |
10820 | 2 | 50 | 14490 2001 STUDIES IN HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF MODERN PHYSICS 32B (1): 1-31 Clifton R; Halvorson H Entanglement and open systems in algebraic quantum field theory | 0 | 8 |
# | LCR | NCR | Node / Date / Journal / Author | LCS | GCS |
10821 | 2 | 113 | 14493 2001 STUDIES IN HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF MODERN PHYSICS 32B (3): 305-394 Uffink J Bluff your way in the second law of thermodynamics | 0 | 9 |
10822 | 2 | 57 | 14495 2001 SURFACE SCIENCE 490 (1-2): 196-210 Mitchell CEJ; Howard A; Carney M; Egdell RG Direct observation of behaviour of Au nanoclusters on TiO2 (110) at elevated temperatures | 0 | 20 |
10823 | 2 | 890 | 14496 2001 SURFACE SCIENCE REPORTS 42 (3-5): 79-205 Jones FH Teeth and bones: applications of surface science to dental materials and related biomaterials | 0 | 2 |
10824 | 2 | 12 | 14499 2001 THEORETICAL AND MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS 129 (1): 1385-1397 Slavnov DA Statistical algebraic approach to quantum mechanics | 0 | 0 |
10825 | 2 | 17 | 14501 2001 THERMOCHIMICA ACTA 377 (1-2): 1-7 Jeong YH Modern calorimetry: going beyond tradition | 0 | 2 |
10826 | 2 | 68 | 14508 2001 WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH 37 (12): 2873-2888 Vanderborght J; Vanclooster M; Timmerman A; Seuntjens P; Mallants D; et al. Overview of inert tracer experiments in key Belgian soil types: Relation between transport and soil morphological and hydraulic properties | 0 | 6 |
10827 | 2 | 22 | 14522 2002 ADVANCED ENGINEERING MATERIALS 4 (5): 296-300 Malzbender J; de With G Modification of the mechanical properties of a sol-gel coating using silica filler nanoparticles | 0 | 0 |
10828 | 2 | 28 | 14523 2002 ADVANCED MATERIALS 14 (6): 421-+ Liu XY; Sawant PD Mechanism of the formation of self-organized microstructures in soft functional materials | 0 | 8 |
10829 | 2 | 9 | 14532 2002 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 70 (5): 498-501 Alaniz A A simple special relativistic perturbation scheme for yielding the general relativistic behavior of point particles and photons in the gravitational field of stars | 0 | 1 |
10830 | 2 | 37 | 14541 2002 ANNALEN DER PHYSIK 11 (2): 163-171 Nimtz G; Haibel A Basics of superluminal signals | 2 | 7 |
# | LCR | NCR | Node / Date / Journal / Author | LCS | GCS |
10831 | 2 | 20 | 14549 2002 ARCHIVE OF APPLIED MECHANICS 72 (2-3): 85-95 Fromer D; Lerche D An experimental approach to the study of the sedimentation of dispersed particles in a centrifugal field | 0 | 5 |
10832 | 2 | 217 | 14562 2002 CANADIAN JOURNAL OF STATISTICS-REVUE CANADIENNE DE STATISTIQUE 30 (4): 493-556 Csrorgo M A glimpse of the impact of Pal Erdos on probability and statistics | 0 | 0 |
10833 | 2 | 25 | 14569 2002 CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS 362 (1-2): 8-12 George J; Varghese G Formation of periodic precipitation patterns: a moving boundary problem | 3 | 7 |
10834 | 2 | 35 | 14571 2002 CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS 14 (10): 4202-4208 Joly S; Garnaud G; Ollitrault R; Bokobza L; Mark JE Organically modified layered silicates as reinforcing fillers for natural rubber | 1 | 13 |
10835 | 2 | 18 | 14583 2002 CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY 19 (1): 127-141 Ramachandra BS; Vishveshwara CV Schwarzschild black hole in the background of the Einstein universe: some physical effects | 0 | 3 |
10836 | 2 | 48 | 14584 2002 CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY 19 (4): 725-739 Dymnikova I The cosmological term as a source of mass | 0 | 6 |
10837 | 2 | 49 | 14589 2002 CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY 19 (20): 5073-5100 Kraniotis GV; Whitehouse SB General relativity, the cosmological constant and modular forms | 1 | 4 |
10838 | 2 | 20 | 14590 2002 CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY 19 (21): 5543-5555 Horowitz GT; Maeda K Colliding Kaluza-Klein bubbles | 0 | 3 |
10839 | 2 | 40 | 14595 2002 COLLOID AND POLYMER SCIENCE 280 (12): 1131-1136 George J; Varghese G Liesegang patterns: Estimation of diffusion coefficient and a plausible justification for colloid explanation | 0 | 0 |
10840 | 2 | 32 | 14602 2002 COMMUNICATIONS IN THEORETICAL PHYSICS 38 (3): 305-308 Long GL; Yan HY; Li YS; Tu CC; Zhu SJ; et al. Quantum mechanical nature in liquid NMR quantum computing | 0 | 3 |
# | LCR | NCR | Node / Date / Journal / Author | LCS | GCS |
10841 | 2 | 67 | 14611 2002 CONTEMPORARY PHYSICS 43 (6): 427-436 Dash JG Melting from one to two to three dimensions | 0 | 3 |
10842 | 2 | 69 | 14615 2002 CZECHOSLOVAK JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 52 (7): 821-837 Rudenko VN Current programs of search for gravitational waves by terrestrial detectors | 0 | 0 |
10843 | 2 | 10 | 14618 2002 DOKLADY MATHEMATICS 66 (3): 440-445 Smolyanov OG; Truman A Probabilistic models of quantum systems and Bell-type inequalities | 0 | 0 |
10844 | 2 | 5 | 14625 2002 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 23 (3): 331-337 Grangier P Contextual objectivity: a realistic interpretation of quantum mechanics | 0 | 1 |
10845 | 2 | 15 | 14633 2002 EUROPEAN POLYMER JOURNAL 38 (11): 2207-2211 Hijazi A; Zoaeter M Brownian dynamics simulations for rod-like particles in dilute flowing solution | 0 | 0 |
10846 | 2 | 38 | 14639 2002 EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE 227 (5): 291-300 Foldes-Papp Z; Demel U; Domej W; Tilz GP A new dimension for the development of fluorescence-based assays in solution: From physical principles of FCS detection to biological applications | 0 | 8 |
10847 | 2 | 10 | 14640 2002 EXPERIMENTAL THERMAL AND FLUID SCIENCE 27 (1): 111-119 Greene GA; Finfrock CC Measurements of the specific heat of high-purity copper at temperatures below 8 K by a modified pulse-heating technique | 0 | 0 |
10848 | 2 | 52 | 14648 2002 FOUNDATIONS OF PHYSICS 32 (3): 379-406 Atmanspacher H; Romer H; Walach H Weak quantum theory: Complementarity and entanglement in physics and beyond | 2 | 17 |
10849 | 2 | 51 | 14650 2002 FOUNDATIONS OF PHYSICS 32 (4): 531-565 Chen JL; Ungar AA The Bloch gyrovector | 3 | 6 |
10850 | 2 | 29 | 14654 2002 FOUNDATIONS OF PHYSICS 32 (9): 1399-1417 Duvenhage R The nature of information in quantum mechanics | 0 | 0 |
# | LCR | NCR | Node / Date / Journal / Author | LCS | GCS |
10851 | 2 | 8 | 14666 2002 FOUNDATIONS OF PHYSICS LETTERS 15 (3): 293-298 Rigolin G Uncertainty relations for entangled states | 0 | 0 |
10852 | 2 | 26 | 14671 2002 GENERAL RELATIVITY AND GRAVITATION 34 (5): 577-603 Roscoe DF Clock and rods - Or something more fundamental? | 2 | 3 |
10853 | 2 | 20 | 14674 2002 GENERAL RELATIVITY AND GRAVITATION 34 (6): 767-791 Baker GA Effects on the structure of the universe of an accelerating expansion | 0 | 2 |
10854 | 2 | 24 | 14679 2002 GENERAL RELATIVITY AND GRAVITATION 34 (12): 2163-2170 Feoli A; Lambiase G Cerenkov radiation from a charged particle in a Weyl-Dirac theory | 0 | 0 |
10855 | 2 | 72 | 14684 2002 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION 6 (3): 292-305 Roy PK; Kozma R; Majumder DD From neurocomputation to immunocomputation - A model and algorithm for fluctuation-induced instability and phase transition in biological systems | 0 | 3 |
10856 | 2 | 50 | 14685 2002 IETE TECHNICAL REVIEW 19 (5): 333-347 Gupta VK Quantum to quantum computing | 0 | 1 |
10857 | 2 | 10 | 14687 2002 INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH 41 (13): 3326-3328 Kooijman HA A modification of the Stokes-Einstein equation for diffusivities in dilute binary mixtures | 0 | 1 |
10858 | 2 | 46 | 14700 2002 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS D 11 (7): 963-994 Ruediger A Detecting gravitational waves with ground and space interferometers - with special attention to the space project ASTROD | 0 | 2 |
10859 | 2 | 17 | 14703 2002 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS 41 (10): 1841-1855 Friedman Y; Gofman Y Why does the geometric product simplify the equations of physics? | 0 | 0 |
10860 | 2 | 10 | 14707 2002 JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 92 (10): 6005-6009 Daly BC; Maris HJ; Ford WK; Antonelli GA; Wong L; et al. Optical pump and probe measurement of the thermal conductivity of low-k dielectric thin films | 0 | 0 |
# | LCR | NCR | Node / Date / Journal / Author | LCS | GCS |
10861 | 2 | 32 | 14718 2002 JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS 117 (12): 5594-5606 Nagaoka M; Okamoto T; Maruyama Y Kramers-Fokker-Planck equation for polyatomic molecules | 0 | 1 |
10862 | 2 | 69 | 14727 2002 JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS 149 (1): 101-118 Hyodo S Meso-scale fusion: a method for molecular electronic state calculation in inhomogeneous materials | 0 | 2 |
10863 | 2 | 16 | 14730 2002 JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL AND THEORETICAL PHYSICS 94 (6): 1091-1102 Alekseev VA The Bose-Einstein condensation in a finite one-dimensional homogeneous system of noninteracting bosons | 0 | 0 |
10864 | 2 | 23 | 14734 2002 JOURNAL OF HEAT TRANSFER-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME 124 (1): 111-119 Tangthieng C; Cheung FB; Shiah SW Behavior of the two-phase mushy zone during freeze coating on a continuous moving plate | 1 | 4 |
10865 | 2 | 22 | 14745 2002 JOURNAL OF MODERN OPTICS 49 (5-6): 821-838 Loudon R Theory of the radiation pressure on dielectric surfaces | 2 | 7 |
10866 | 2 | 40 | 14753 2002 JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE-THEOCHEM 586: 209-223 Zhao XZ; Cai ZS; Wang GC; Pan YM; Wu BX The conservation of generalized parity: molecular symmetry and conservation rules in chemistry | 0 | 2 |
10867 | 2 | 23 | 14755 2002 JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY 2 (5): 557-580 Grimes DM; Grimes CA The exact electromagnetic field description of photon emission, absorption, and radiation pattern. II. | 0 | 0 |
10868 | 2 | 15 | 14756 2002 JOURNAL OF NON-CRYSTALLINE SOLIDS 307: 750-757 Sanchez MS; Pradas MM; Ribelles JLG Thermal transitions of benzene in a poly(ethyl acrylate) network | 1 | 6 |
10869 | 2 | 47 | 14759 2002 JOURNAL OF OPTICS A-PURE AND APPLIED OPTICS 4 (5): S125-S134 Oughstun KE; Cartwright NA Dispersive pulse dynamics and associated pulse velocity measures | 0 | 0 |
10870 | 2 | 69 | 14775 2002 JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A 106 (42): 9999-10009 Metzker JKP; Gruhn NE; Lichtenberger DL Transferability of the valence ionization intensities of chemical functional groups between molecules | 0 | 2 |
# | LCR | NCR | Node / Date / Journal / Author | LCS | GCS |
10871 | 2 | 27 | 14784 2002 JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS 35 (22): 4751-4756 Brida G; Cagliero E; Falzetta G; Genovese M; Gramegna M; et al. Experimental realization of a first test of de Broglie-Bohm theory | 1 | 7 |
10872 | 2 | 43 | 14793 2002 JOURNAL OF SOL-GEL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 23 (2): 135-144 Zhang Q; Huang Z; Whatmore RW Studies of lead zirconate titanate sol ageing - Part I: Factors affecting particle growth | 0 | 3 |
10873 | 2 | 62 | 14812 2002 MACROMOLECULES 35 (15): 6005-6019 McCormick JA; Hall CK; Khan SA Entanglement relaxation and release in hard chain fluids during molecular dynamics simulations | 0 | 0 |
10874 | 2 | 44 | 14820 2002 MEDICAL HYPOTHESES 58 (4): 352-358 Fritzsche M Impaired information processing triggers altered states of consciousness | 0 | 3 |
10875 | 2 | 32 | 14822 2002 MEDICAL IMAGE ANALYSIS 6 (2): 93-108 Westin CF; Maier SE; Mamata H; Nabavi A; Jolesz FA; et al. Processing and visualization for diffusion tensor MRI | 0 | 48 |
10876 | 2 | 13 | 14827 2002 MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS A 17 (7): 421-428 Dereli T; Tucker RW On the detection of scalar field induced space-time torsion | 1 | 3 |
10877 | 2 | 47 | 14837 2002 MODERNISM-MODERNITY 9 (4): 605-633 Morrisson M Edith Sitwell's atomic bomb poems: Alchemy and scientific reintegration | 0 | 0 |
10878 | 2 | 5 | 14839 2002 NATURE 418 (6895): 281-282 Barnes W Quantum physics: Survival of the entangled | 1 | 3 |
10879 | 2 | 69 | 14842 2002 NATURWISSENSCHAFTEN 89 (5): 187-200 Lin YK Some recent advances in the theory of random vibration | 0 | 0 |
10880 | 2 | 21 | 14845 2002 NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS 323 (1): 41-44 Wood SJ Human otolith-ocular reflexes during off-vertical axis rotation: effect of frequency on tilt-translation ambiguity and motion sickness | 0 | 4 |
# | LCR | NCR | Node / Date / Journal / Author | LCS | GCS |
10881 | 2 | 106 | 14857 2002 OIL GAS-EUROPEAN MAGAZINE 28 (2): 27-33 Kuru E; Miska S Hydraulics design concepts for underbalanced drilling operations - A current state of the art | 0 | 0 |
10882 | 2 | 20 | 14870 2002 PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS 305 (1-2): 19-26 Cohen EGD Statistics and dynamics | 4 | 21 |
10883 | 2 | 15 | 14876 2002 PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS 314 (1-4): 722-727 McCauley JL Adam Smith's invisible hand is unstable: physics and dynamics reasoning applied to economic theorizing | 0 | 0 |
10884 | 2 | 5 | 14880 2002 PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER 316: 254-257 Daly BC; Antonelli GA; Maris HJ; Ford WK; Wong L; et al. Measurements of the thermal conductivity of amorphous materials with low dielectric constants | 0 | 2 |
10885 | 2 | 12 | 14926 2002 PHYSICAL REVIEW A 65 (6): Art. No. 062319 Giovannetti V; Lloyd S; Maccone L; Shahriar MS Limits to clock synchronization induced by completely dephasing communication channels | 1 | 1 |
10886 | 2 | 27 | 14931 2002 PHYSICAL REVIEW A 65 (6): Art. No. 064305 Zou XB; Pahlke K; Mathis W Teleportation implementation of nondeterministic quantum logic operations by using linear optical elements | 4 | 11 |
10887 | 2 | 6 | 14938 2002 PHYSICAL REVIEW A 66 (2): Art. No. 024305 Krco M; Paul P Quantum clock synchronization: Multiparty protocol | 0 | 0 |
10888 | 2 | 17 | 14951 2002 PHYSICAL REVIEW A 66 (4): Art. No. 044308 Zhang JF; Lu ZH; Shan L; Deng ZW Synthesizing NMR analogs of Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen states using the generalized Grover's algorithm | 1 | 3 |
10889 | 2 | 42 | 14961 2002 PHYSICAL REVIEW B 65 (9): Art. No. 094205 Costescu RM; Bullen AJ; Matamis G; O'Hara KE; Cahill DG Thermal conductivity and sound velocities of hydrogen-silsesquioxane low-k dielectrics | 0 | 1 |
10890 | 2 | 17 | 14970 2002 PHYSICAL REVIEW D 65 (2): Art. No. 024007 Olabarrieta I; Choptuik MW Critical phenomena at the threshold of black hole formation for collisionless matter in spherical symmetry | 0 | 5 |
# | LCR | NCR | Node / Date / Journal / Author | LCS | GCS |
10891 | 2 | 9 | 14977 2002 PHYSICAL REVIEW D 65 (8): Art. No. 084022 He F; Kim SW New Brans-Dicke wormholes | 0 | 3 |
10892 | 2 | 19 | 14980 2002 PHYSICAL REVIEW D 65 (8): Art. No. 084048 Minguzzi E Gauge invariance in teleparallel gravity theories: A solution to the background structure problem | 0 | 0 |
10893 | 2 | 30 | 14988 2002 PHYSICAL REVIEW D 65 (12): Art. No. 125005 Machado LAS; Neto PAM Inertial forces in the Casimir effect with two moving plates | 2 | 5 |
10894 | 2 | 35 | 14993 2002 PHYSICAL REVIEW D 66 (8): Art. No. 084021 Goncalves SMCV Relativistic shells: Dynamics, horizons, and shell crossing | 0 | 2 |
10895 | 2 | 19 | 14994 2002 PHYSICAL REVIEW D 66 (10): Art. No. 103001 Bozza V Gravitational lensing in the strong field limit | 0 | 8 |
10896 | 2 | 39 | 14999 2002 PHYSICAL REVIEW E 65 (3): Art. No. 036615 Rinaldi C; Brenner H Body versus surface forces in continuum mechanics: Is the Maxwell stress tensor a physically objective Cauchy stress? | 0 | 2 |
10897 | 2 | 23 | 15004 2002 PHYSICAL REVIEW E 66 (4): Art. No. 047101 Adib AB Adiabatic invariance with first integrals of motion | 0 | 1 |
10898 | 2 | 70 | 15005 2002 PHYSICAL REVIEW E 66 (6): Art. No. 065101 Cabral BJC; Tsallis C Metastability and weak mixing in classical long-range many-rotator systems | 2 | 11 |
10899 | 2 | 20 | 15015 2002 PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 88 (16): Art. No. 168102 Ding JQ; Warriner HE; Zasadzinski JA Viscosity of two-dimensional suspensions | 0 | 9 |
10900 | 2 | 21 | 15024 2002 PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF LIQUIDS 40 (2): 135-142 Mezzasalma SA An equation for viscosity and isothermal compressibility of simple liquids from a closed-form expression for the effective viscosity of a dispersed system | 0 | 0 |
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