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Thu Aug 18 17:56:48 2005
Papers and Books by Carl Djerassi
and the papers citing C Djerassi

Nodes: 29221, Authors: 40665, Journals: 1485, Outer References: 554040, Words: 41910
Collection span: 1946 - 2005
View: Overview. Sorted by date. Page 293 of 293:  1   101  |  201   211   221   231   241   251   261   271   281  [  291  292  293 ]

#LCRNCRNode / Date / Journal / AuthorLCSGCS
29201126429180 2005 [JUN 30] ORGANIC GEOCHEMISTRY 36 (6): 907-922
Otto A; Simoneit BRT; Rember WC
Conifer and angiosperm biomarkers in clay sediments and fossil plants from the Miocene Clarkia Formation, Idaho, USA
2920213629181 2005 [JUN 30] ORGANIC GEOCHEMISTRY 36 (6): 963-970
Sutton PA; Lewis CA; Rowland SJ
Isolation of individual hydrocarbons from the unresolved complex hydrocarbon mixture of a biodegraded crude oil using preparative capillary gas chromatography
2920314129191 2005 [JUN 30] RAPID COMMUNICATIONS IN MASS SPECTROMETRY 19 (1): 15-22
Finch JW; Toerne KA; Schram KH; Denton MB
Evaluation of a hydrogen laser vacuum ultraviolet source for photoionization mass spectrometry of pharmaceuticals
2920453729192 2005 [JUN 30] RAPID COMMUNICATIONS IN MASS SPECTROMETRY 19 (8): 1005-1010
Martinez AG; Vilar ET; Fraile AG; Martinez-Alvarez R; Cerero SD; et al.
Electron ionization mass spectral studies of bridgehead 7,7-dimethylnorbornane-based beta-amino alcohols
29205103929193 2005 [JUN 30] RAPID COMMUNICATIONS IN MASS SPECTROMETRY 19 (10): 1296-1304
Morales-Rios MS; Velasco L; Perez-Rojas NA; Joseph-Nathan P
Electron ionization mass spectra of indolenines obtained using sector and ion trap mass spectrometers
2920632129194 2005 [JUN 30] RAPID COMMUNICATIONS IN MASS SPECTROMETRY 19 (10): 1343-1351
Wang W; Kourtchev I; Graham B; Cafmeyer J; Maenhaut W; et al.
Characterization of oxygenated derivatives of isoprene related to 2-methyltetrols in Amazonian aerosols using trimethylsilylation and gas chromatography/ion trap mass spectrometry
2920752129195 2005 [JUN 30] RAPID COMMUNICATIONS IN MASS SPECTROMETRY 19 (12): 1775-1778
Sparrapan R; Eberlin MN; Augnsti R
Locating the charge site in isomeric pyrrolyl ions by Eberlin ion/molecule reactions
2920833129219 2005 [JUN 30] TURKISH JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY 29 (2): 177-186
Kolak U; Topcu G; Birteksoz S; Otuk G; Ulubelen A
Terpenoids and steroids from the roots of Salvia blepharochlaena
2920992929105 2005 JUL 4 CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL 11 (14): 4179-4184
Gorski A; Kohler T; Seidel D; Lee JT; Orzanowska G; et al.
Electronic structure, spectra, and magnetic circular dichroism of cyclohexa-, cyclohepta-, and cyclooctapyrrole
2921022929162 2005 JUL 6 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 127 (26): 9348-9349
Muhlthau F; Schuster O; Bach T
High facial diastereoselectivity in intra-and intermolecular reactions of chiral benzylic cations
#LCRNCRNode / Date / Journal / AuthorLCSGCS
2921127129135 2005 JUL 14 JOURNAL OF MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY 48 (14): 4628-4653
Thompson AM; Delaney AM; Hamby DM; Schroeder MC; Spoon TA; et al.
Synthesis and structure-activity relationships of soluble 7-substituted 3-(3,5-dimethoxyphenyl)-1,6-naphthyridin-2-amines and related ureas as dual inhibitors of the fibroblast growth factor receptor-1 and vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-2 tyrosine kinases
2921265329086 2005 JUL 15 ARCHIVES OF BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOPHYSICS 439 (2): 234-240
Michel E; Nauser T; Sutter B; Bounds PL; Koppenol WH
Kinetics properties of Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase as a function of metal content
2921382229117 2005 JUL [15] FITOTERAPIA 76 (5): 433-438
Rauter AP; Filipe MM; Prata C; Noronha JP; Sampayo MAM; et al.
A new dihydroxysterol from the marine phytoplankton Diacronema sp.
2921431529129 2005 JUL [15] JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL EDUCATION 82 (7): 1053-1054
Reed NA; Rapp RD; Hamann CS; Artz PG
Circular dichroism investigation of Dess-Martin periodinane oxidation in the organic chemistry laboratory
2921582529172 2005 JUL [15] NATURAL PRODUCT RESEARCH 19 (5): 435-442
Mehta BK; Mehta D; Verma M
Novel steroids from the seeds of Centratherum anthelminticum
2921634629173 2005 JUL [15] NATURAL PRODUCT RESEARCH 19 (5): 529-539
Deota PT; Upadhyay PR
Biological studies of azadirachtin and its derivatives against polyphagous pest, Spodoptera litura
292172829184 2005 JUL [15] PHARMAZIE 60 (7): 559-560
Vrondeli A; Kefalas P; Kokkalou E
A new alkaloid from Narcissus serotinus L.
29218122229201 2005 JUL [15] STEROIDS 70 (8): 487-493
Jin PF; Deng ZW; Pei YH; Fu HZ; Li J; et al.
Polyhydroxylated steroids from the soft coral Sinularia dissecta
2921954929202 2005 JUL [15] STEROIDS 70 (8): 551-562
Khripach VA; Zhabinskii VN; Konstantinova OV; Khripach NB; Antonchick AV; et al.
Preparation of (25R)- and (25S)-26-functionalized steroids as tools for biosynthetic studies of cholic acids
2922056229155 2005 JUL 22 JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 70 (15): 5903-5911
Vachon J; Perollier C; Monchaud D; Marsol C; Ditrich K; et al.
Biphasic enantioselective olefin epoxidation using tropos dibenzoazepinium catalysts
#LCRNCRNode / Date / Journal / AuthorLCSGCS
2922121129091 2005 AUG [15] BIOCHEMICAL SYSTEMATICS AND ECOLOGY 33 (8): 845-847
Bongui JB; Blanckaert A; Elorari A; Seguin E
Constituents of Zanthoxylum heitzii (Rutaceae)

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