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Nodes: 16200,
Authors: 18277,
Journals: 1499,
Outer References: 363576,
Words: 15025
Collection span: 1909 - 2005
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Page 151 of 162: 1 | 101 111 121 131 141 [ 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 ] 161
# | LCR | NCR | Node / Date / Journal / Author | LCS | GCS |
15001 | 1 | 16 | 14625 2000 PHYSICAL REVIEW E 61 (2): 1912-1919 Baiko DA; Yakovlev DG; De Witt HE; Slattery WL Coulomb crystals in the harmonic lattice approximation | 0 | 5 |
15002 | 3 | 20 | 14627 2000 PHYSICAL REVIEW E 61 (4): 3378-3383 Szelestey P; Heino P; Kertesz J; Kaski K Effect of anisotropy on the instability of crack propagation | 0 | 1 |
15003 | 0 | 20 | 14628 2000 PHYSICAL REVIEW E 61 (4): 3823-3827 Chiueh T Fluid Lagrangian approach to the classical-quantum transition | 0 | 0 |
15004 | 5 | 38 | 14631 2000 PHYSICAL REVIEW E 62 (5): 6094-6102 Farago O; Kantor Y Elasticity of Gaussian and nearly Gaussian phantom networks | 0 | 4 |
15005 | 0 | 39 | 14633 2000 PHYSICAL REVIEW E 62 (6): 8295-8298 Quinn PV; Hong DC Liquid-solid transition of hard spheres under gravity | 0 | 11 |
15006 | 1 | 5 | 14637 2000 PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 84 (16): 3733-3733 Chou MY; Choi M Comment on "Determination of phonon dispersions from x-ray transmission scattering: The example of silicon" | 0 | 3 |
15007 | 3 | 22 | 14641 2000 PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF MINERALS 27 (3): 149-155 Tsuchiya T; Yamanaka T; Matsui M Molecular dynamics study of pressure-induced transformation of quartz-type GeO2 | 0 | 4 |
15008 | 1 | 24 | 14643 2000 PHYSICS LETTERS A 268 (1-2): 17-24 Doebner HD; Man'ko VI; Scherer W Photon distribution and quadrature correlations in nonlinear quantum mechanics | 0 | 2 |
15009 | 4 | 19 | 14647 2000 PHYSICS LETTERS B 482 (4): 420-428 Acatrinei C Effects of magnetic fields on string pair creation | 0 | 0 |
15010 | 3 | 44 | 14649 2000 PHYSICS LETTERS B 492 (1-2): 201-213 Nishino H Supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory in eleven dimensions | 0 | 2 |
# | LCR | NCR | Node / Date / Journal / Author | LCS | GCS |
15011 | 1 | 32 | 14650 2000 PHYSICS OF FLUIDS 12 (2): 444-465 Beylich AE Solving the kinetic equation for all Knudsen numbers | 0 | 5 |
15012 | 7 | 149 | 14651 2000 PHYSICS OF PARTICLES AND NUCLEI 31 (1): 1-21 Novozhilov YV; Novozhilov VY Vladimir A. Fock (dedicated to the 100th anniversary of birth of academician V.A. Fock) | 0 | 1 |
15013 | 1 | 32 | 14652 2000 PHYSICS OF THE EARTH AND PLANETARY INTERIORS 117 (1-4): 123-137 Vocadlo L; Brodholt J; Alfe D; Gillan MJ; Price GD Ab initio free energy calculations on the polymorphs of iron at core conditions | 0 | 32 |
15014 | 14 | 82 | 14653 2000 PHYSICS OF THE SOLID STATE 42 (6): 991-1008 Novik VK; Gavrilova ND Low-temperature pyroelectricity | 0 | 2 |
15015 | 3 | 163 | 14654 2000 PHYSICS REPORTS-REVIEW SECTION OF PHYSICS LETTERS 325 (6): 240-310 Rafii-Tabar H Modelling the nano-scale phenomena in condensed matter physics via computer-based numerical simulations | 0 | 2 |
15016 | 2 | 23 | 14656 2000 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON SERIES A-MATHEMATICAL PHYSICAL AND ENGINEERING SCIENCES 456 (1993): 185-204 Leng YS; Hu YZ; Zheng LQ Adhesion of smoothly flat-ended wedges | 0 | 1 |
15017 | 2 | 18 | 14658 2000 PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS SUPPLEMENT (138): 229-233 Kimizuka H; Kaburaki H; Shimizu F; Kogure Y Molecular dynamics analysis of negative Poisson ratios over the alpha-beta transition in cristobalite, SiO2 | 0 | 0 |
15018 | 3 | 81 | 14659 2000 PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS SUPPLEMENT (140): 156-175 Bonche P Microscopic description of low-energy nuclear collisions: Review and perspective | 0 | 0 |
15019 | 3 | 111 | 14660 2000 PURE AND APPLIED CHEMISTRY 72 (8): 1406-1423 Barden CJ; Schaefer HF Quantum chemistry in the 21st century (Special Topic Article) | 0 | 2 |
15020 | 1 | 39 | 14661 2000 PURE AND APPLIED GEOPHYSICS 157 (11-12): 1905-1928 Wang YC; Yin XC; Ke FJ; Xia MF; Peng KY Numerical simulation of rock failure and earthquake process on mesoscopic scale | 0 | 9 |
# | LCR | NCR | Node / Date / Journal / Author | LCS | GCS |
15021 | 0 | 18 | 14662 2000 RADIOCHEMISTRY 42 (1): 53-60 Dushin RB; Barbanel' YA; Kolin VV; Kotlin VP; Nekhoroshkov SN; et al. Luminescence spectra of Cs2NaLuBr6 : Eu3+ crystal | 0 | 0 |
15022 | 1 | 13 | 14663 2000 RECENT ADVANCES IN PARALLEL VIRTUAL MACHINE AND MESSAGE PASSING INTERFACE, PROCEEDINGS 1908: 338-345 Bolloni A; Crocchianti S; Lagana A Time independent 3D quantum reactive scattering on MIMD parallel computers | 0 | 0 |
15023 | 1 | 5 | 14664 2000 REPORTS ON MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS 46 (1-2): 253-260 Slawianowski JJ Various aspects of the Born-Infeld nonlinearity | 0 | 1 |
15024 | 0 | 19 | 14665 2000 REPORTS ON MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS 46 (3): 429-460 Slawianowski JJ Bertrand systems on spaces of constant sectional curvature, the action-angle analysis | 0 | 6 |
15025 | 2 | 190 | 14667 2000 REPORTS ON PROGRESS IN PHYSICS 63 (6): 893-938 Girard C; Joachim C; Gauthier S The physics of the near-field | 0 | 25 |
15026 | 0 | 11 | 14669 2000 REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS 71 (12): 4531-4534 Struckmeier J; Klopp E; Born M; Hofmann M; Tenbosch J; et al. Portable fluorescence photometer for monitoring free calcium | 0 | 0 |
15027 | 0 | 98 | 14673 2000 REVUE INTERNATIONALE DE PHILOSOPHIE 54 (212): 199-242 Paty M Interpretations and significations in quantum physics | 0 | 0 |
15028 | 1 | 91 | 14674 2000 RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY 45: S223-S248 Buznik VM Nuclear spectroscopy of solid inorganic fluorides | 0 | 0 |
15029 | 4 | 29 | 14675 2000 RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY 74: S46-S51 Al Berlin A; Gendel'man OV; Sinel'nikov NN; Mazo MA; Manevich LI An analysis of the structure and thermodynamic properties of bicomponent systems of disks and spheres | 0 | 0 |
15030 | 1 | 60 | 14677 2000 RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY 74 (1): 4-10 Tulub AV Studies of V.A. Fock on the theory of many-electron systems | 0 | 0 |
# | LCR | NCR | Node / Date / Journal / Author | LCS | GCS |
15031 | 7 | 90 | 14678 2000 RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY 74 (1): 34-39 Naray-Szabo G Chemical fragmentation in a quantum mechanical treatment of extended covalent systems | 0 | 0 |
15032 | 3 | 19 | 14679 2000 RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY 74 (4): 601-606 Tulub AV; Kukhtina EA A reactive field model near the surface of a liquid | 0 | 0 |
15033 | 1 | 18 | 14680 2000 SCIENCE 288 (5470): 1352-1353 Wolf M; Ertl G Surface science - Electron dynamics at surfaces | 0 | 10 |
15034 | 1 | 27 | 14683 2000 SOLID STATE COMMUNICATIONS 117 (8): 455-459 Kvyatkovskii OE Theory of isotope effect in displacive ferroelectrics | 0 | 8 |
15035 | 8 | 591 | 14685 2000 SOLID STATE PHYSICS: ADVANCES IN RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS, VOL. 54 54: 1-218 Aulbur WG; Jonsson L; Wilkins JW Quasiparticle calculations in solids | 0 | 35 |
15036 | 4 | 57 | 14686 2000 SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY-SUID-AFRIKAANSE TYDSKRIF VIR CHEMIE 53 (2): 49-72 Boeyens JCA Quantum potential chemistry | 0 | 1 |
15037 | 9 | 153 | 14687 2000 SPECTROCHIMICA ACTA PART A-MOLECULAR AND BIOMOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY 56 (12): 2273-2331 Van Hooydonk G Gauge symmetry, chirality and parity effects in four-particle systems: Coulomb's law as a universal function for diatomic molecules | 0 | 4 |
15038 | 0 | 47 | 14688 2000 STUDIES IN HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF MODERN PHYSICS 31B (4): 435-450 Kragh H Conceptual changes in chemistry: The notion of a chemical element, ca. 1900-1925 | 0 | 1 |
15039 | 5 | 38 | 14689 2000 STUDIES IN HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF MODERN PHYSICS 31B (4): 451-474 Park BS The contexts of simultaneous discovery: Slater, Pauling, and the origins of hybridisation | 0 | 0 |
15040 | 1 | 90 | 14690 2000 STUDIES IN HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF MODERN PHYSICS 31B (4): 475-491 Nye MJ Physical and biological modes of thought in the chemistry of Linus Pauling | 0 | 0 |
# | LCR | NCR | Node / Date / Journal / Author | LCS | GCS |
15041 | 1 | 74 | 14691 2000 STUDIES IN HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF MODERN PHYSICS 31B (4): 549-567 Ramsey J Of parameters and principles: Producing theory in twentieth century physics and chemistry | 0 | 2 |
15042 | 1 | 75 | 14692 2000 STUDIES IN HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF MODERN PHYSICS 31B (4): 583-609 Schweber S; Wachter M Complex systems, modelling and simulation | 0 | 1 |
15043 | 0 | 16 | 14693 2000 TECHNICAL PHYSICS 45 (3): 298-303 Vol'pyas VA; Gol'man EK Quasihard-sphere model in simulation of the processes of particle scattering | 0 | 4 |
15044 | 0 | 13 | 14700 2000 THERMOCHIMICA ACTA 348 (1-2): 147-159 Hipeaux JC; Born M; Durand JP; Claudy P; Letoffe JM Physico-chemical characterization of base stocks and thermal analysis by differential scanning calorimetry and thermomicroscopy at low temperature | 0 | 1 |
15045 | 2 | 35 | 14701 2000 ULTRAMICROSCOPY 83 (3-4): 261-264 Bourdillon AJ Use of the track structure approach in TEM | 0 | 0 |
15046 | 1 | 75 | 14702 2000 USPEKHI FIZICHESKIKH NAUK 170 (6): 649-679 Alekseev BV Physical principles of the generalized Boltzmann kinetic theory | 0 | 5 |
15047 | 0 | 24 | 14703 2000 ZEITSCHRIFT FUR ANGEWANDTE MATHEMATIK UND MECHANIK 80 (1): 53-59 Bufler H A unified representation of variational principles in non-linear elasticity | 0 | 0 |
15048 | 10 | 45 | 14705 2000 ZEITSCHRIFT FUR PHYSIKALISCHE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY & CHEMICAL PHYSICS 214: 1-13 Mandal R; Lahiri SC Gibbs energies of transfer of hydrogen ion from water to tetrahydrofuran plus water mixtures and basicity and structuredness of aquo-ethers | 0 | 3 |
15049 | 2 | 37 | 14708 2000 ZEITSCHRIFT FUR PHYSIKALISCHE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY & CHEMICAL PHYSICS 214: 419-435 El-Gamal M; Gutheil E; Warnatz J The structure of laminar premixed H-2-air flames at elevated pressures | 0 | 1 |
15050 | 5 | 20 | 14709 2000 ZYGON 35 (3): 489-503 Helrich CS Measurement and indeterminacy in the quantum mechanics of Dirac | 0 | 4 |
# | LCR | NCR | Node / Date / Journal / Author | LCS | GCS |
15051 | 2 | 24 | 14711 2001 ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION A 57: 686-689 Dub P; Litzman O Is the border surface of a crystal indeed the weakest point of the dynamical theory of diffraction? | 0 | 1 |
15052 | 4 | 42 | 14712 2001 ACTA MATERIALIA 49 (1): 53-63 Gupta H; Weinkamer R; Fratzl P; Lebowitz JL Microscopic computer simulations of directional coarsening in face-centered cubic alloys | 0 | 6 |
15053 | 19 | 55 | 14713 2001 ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA A 100 (4): 539-552 Ciftci YO; Colakoglu K Embedded atom method for theoretical strength and stability of some fcc metals | 0 | 0 |
15054 | 2 | 23 | 14715 2001 ADVANCED ENGINEERING MATERIALS 3 (11): 889-893 Herr U Phase stability in nanostructures | 0 | 0 |
15055 | 1 | 75 | 14716 2001 ADVANCES IN ATOMIC, MOLECULAR, AND OPTICAL PHYSICS, VOL 46 46: 243-275 Gupta S; Kokorowski DA; Rubenstein RA; Smith WW Longitudinal interferometry with atomic beams | 0 | 0 |
15056 | 26 | 312 | 14717 2001 ADVANCES IN PHYSICS 50 (6): 597-756 Lowdin PO Quantum theory of cohesive properties of solids | 0 | 1 |
15057 | 16 | 174 | 14718 2001 ADVANCES IN PHYSICS 50 (7): 813-864 Loudon R The Raman effect in crystals | 0 | 3 |
15058 | 2 | 49 | 14720 2001 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 69 (4): 413-422 Lamb WE Super classical quantum mechanics: The best interpretation of nonrelativistic quantum mechanics | 0 | 2 |
15059 | 0 | 7 | 14723 2001 ANASTHESIOLOGIE & INTENSIVMEDIZIN 42: 703-704 Frietsch T; Born M; Lenz C; Waschke KF Anesthesiological management in sickle-cell anemia - Anasthesiologie & Intensivmedizin 2000 (41) 660-672 | 0 | 0 |
15060 | 2 | 30 | 14724 2001 ANNALEN DER PHYSIK 10 (1-2): 177-186 Rigden JS The quantization of the atom in three acts | 0 | 0 |
# | LCR | NCR | Node / Date / Journal / Author | LCS | GCS |
15061 | 1 | 408 | 14725 2001 APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS 72 (5): 515-562 Kuck S Laser-related spectroscopy of ion-doped crystals for tunable solid-state lasers | 0 | 45 |
15062 | 3 | 65 | 14727 2001 BODENKULTUR 52 (2): 133-146 Gerzabek MH; Aquino AJA; Haberhauer G; Tunega D; Lischka H Molecular modelling - opportunities for soil research | 0 | 0 |
15063 | 1 | 50 | 14728 2001 BRITISH JOURNAL FOR THE PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE 52 (2): 303-330 Massimi M Exclusion principle and the identity of indiscernibles: A response to Margenau's argument | 0 | 1 |
15064 | 6 | 16 | 14729 2001 BULLETIN OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN 74 (4): 673-676 Ogawa T; Murata D; Soga H; Nakashima K Ionization of pyrene in nonpolar hydrocarbon solvents as studied by simultaneous two-photon ionization spectra | 0 | 0 |
15065 | 0 | 13 | 14730 2001 BULLETIN OF THE KOREAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 22 (1): 43-45 Kim W; Chair TS A simplified phenomenological theory of viscosity for liquid metals | 0 | 3 |
15066 | 4 | 57 | 14731 2001 CANADIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 79 (2-3): 611-622 Nicholls RW; Amani M; Mandelman M The r-centroid concept revisited | 0 | 0 |
15067 | 1 | 23 | 14732 2001 CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS 12 (9): 1567-1572 Conrad M Superpositional effects in molecular pattern recognition | 0 | 0 |
15068 | 3 | 80 | 14733 2001 CHEMICAL PHYSICS 263 (2-3): 471-490 Gratz H; Penzkofer A Saturable absorption dynamics in the triplet system and triplet excitation induced singlet fluorescence of some organic molecules | 0 | 3 |
15069 | 3 | 45 | 14737 2001 CHEMICAL PHYSICS 271 (1-2): 145-154 Stavrov SS Optical absorption band III of deoxyheme proteins as a probe of their structure and dynamics | 0 | 8 |
15070 | 2 | 19 | 14738 2001 CHEMICAL PHYSICS 273 (2-3): 197-206 Della Valle RG; Venuti E; Farina L; Brillante A Coupling between lattice and intramolecular modes in 9,10-dimethylanthracene: Raman spectra under pressure and quasi-harmonic lattice dynamics calculations | 0 | 3 |
# | LCR | NCR | Node / Date / Journal / Author | LCS | GCS |
15071 | 2 | 27 | 14739 2001 CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS 336 (5-6): 462-466 do Monte SA Effects of Zn and substituents(methyl and p-tolyl) on the decay of electron transfer rates in porphyrin-benzene-(bicyclo[2.2.2]octane)n-quinone (n=0, 1, 2) systems | 0 | 2 |
15072 | 4 | 295 | 14744 2001 CHEMICAL REVIEWS 101 (6): 1583-1627 Koritsanszky TS; Coppens P Chemical applications of X-ray charge-density analysis | 0 | 90 |
15073 | 3 | 63 | 14745 2001 CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL 7 (12): 2652-2662 Todorov E; Evans M; Lee S; Rousseau R Energy isosbestic points in third-row transition metal alloys | 0 | 2 |
15074 | 1 | 4 | 14746 2001 CHINESE PHYSICS 10 (9): 836-839 Niu JS; Luo Y; Ma BK Influences of nonlinear interactions on polaritons | 0 | 5 |
15075 | 0 | 27 | 14747 2001 CHIRURG 72 (9): 1067-1070 Decker P; Born M; Decker D; Hirner A Aortic rupture in Behcet's disease | 0 | 1 |
15076 | 0 | 0 | 14749 2001 CIRCULATION 104 (12): E60-+ Willinek WA; Strunk H; Born M; Remig J; Becher H; et al. Popliteal venous aneurysm with paradoxical embolization in a patient with patent foramen ovale | 0 | 1 |
15077 | 0 | 34 | 14751 2001 COLLOID AND POLYMER SCIENCE 279 (6): 554-561 Luck WAP Understanding of surface tension? | 0 | 2 |
15078 | 2 | 14 | 14753 2001 COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE 20 (3-4): 363-370 Pavone P; Steininger B; Strauch D First-principles study of Raman intensities in semiconductor systems | 0 | 1 |
15079 | 1 | 6 | 14754 2001 COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE 20 (3-4): 376-380 Steininger B; Pavone P; Strauch D Theoretical investigation of the lattice dynamics of GaAlSb superlattices | 0 | 0 |
15080 | 3 | 39 | 14755 2001 COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE 21 (1): 135-148 Godwin PD; Roberts AK; Yu DC; Dean K; Clancy P A comparison of orthogonal sp-based tight-binding models for silicon | 0 | 1 |
# | LCR | NCR | Node / Date / Journal / Author | LCS | GCS |
15081 | 1 | 41 | 14756 2001 COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS 41 (9): 1199-1214 Chen WYC; Galbraith HW; Louck JD Angular momentum theory, umbral calculus, and combinatorics | 0 | 1 |
15082 | 0 | 17 | 14757 2001 CRYSTALLOGRAPHY REPORTS 46 (3): 450-455 Bogdanov SV; Zubrinov II; Pestryakov EV; Petrov VV; Semenov VI; et al. Elastic properties of beryllium-lantanum hexaaluminate crystal, BeLaAl11O19 | 0 | 0 |
15083 | 0 | 46 | 14758 2001 CURRENT SCIENCE 81 (11): 1489-1494 Singh R Arnold Sommerfeld - The supporter of Indian physics in Germany | 0 | 0 |
15084 | 1 | 28 | 14759 2001 EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS 188 (1-2): 59-71 Wood BJ; Blundy JD The effect of cation charge on crystal-melt partitioning of trace elements | 0 | 25 |
15085 | 2 | 25 | 14760 2001 EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL B 23 (2): 139-151 Combescot A; Combescot R; Roulet B The exciton dead layer revisited | 0 | 4 |
15086 | 3 | 33 | 14762 2001 EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL D 14 (3): 299-307 Kruger T Proposal of an Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen experiment with molecules | 0 | 1 |
15087 | 1 | 39 | 14763 2001 EUROPHYSICS LETTERS 55 (1): 52-58 Bernstein N Linear scaling nonorthogonal tight-binding molecular dynamics for nonperiodic systems | 0 | 1 |
15088 | 1 | 29 | 14764 2001 FERROELECTRICS 265: 59-66 Kvyatkovskii OE Theory of isotope effect in SrTi ((O1-xOx)-O-16-O-18)(3) | 0 | 0 |
15089 | 1 | 43 | 14766 2001 FOUNDATIONS OF PHYSICS 31 (1): 7-26 Zaitsev O; Narevich R; Prange RE Quasiclassical Born-Oppenheimer approximations | 0 | 2 |
15090 | 1 | 52 | 14767 2001 FOUNDATIONS OF PHYSICS 31 (2): 283-326 Berglund N; Uzer T The averaged dynamics of the hydrogen atom in crossed electric and magnetic fields as a perturbed Kepler Problem | 0 | 1 |
# | LCR | NCR | Node / Date / Journal / Author | LCS | GCS |
15091 | 1 | 36 | 14769 2001 FOUNDATIONS OF PHYSICS 31 (5): 837-848 de Beauregard OC Relativistic quantum mechanics as a telegraph | 0 | 2 |
15092 | 2 | 77 | 14770 2001 FOUNDATIONS OF PHYSICS 31 (9): 1299-1355 Gill TL; Zachary WW; Lindesay J The classical electron problem | 0 | 3 |
15093 | 1 | 22 | 14771 2001 FOUNDATIONS OF PHYSICS 31 (12): 1703-1731 de la Pena L; Cetto AM Quantum theory and linear stochastic electrodynamics | 0 | 0 |
15094 | 2 | 55 | 14772 2001 GEOCHEMISTRY INTERNATIONAL 39 (10): 990-1006 Akinfiev NN; Zotov AV Thermodynamic description of chloride, hydrosulfide, and hydroxo complexes of Ag(I), Cu(I), and Au(I) at temperatures of 25-500 degrees C and pressures of 1-2000 bar | 0 | 1 |
15095 | 10 | 209 | 14773 2001 GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA 65 (21): 3879-3900 Plyasunov AV; Shock EL Correlation strategy for determining the parameters of the revised Helgeson-Kirkham-Flowers model for aqueous nonelectrolytes | 0 | 3 |
15096 | 6 | 104 | 14774 2001 GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA 65 (21): 3901-3917 Amend JP; Plyasunov AV Carbohydrates in thermophile metabolism: Calculation of the standard molal thermodynamic properties of aqueous pentoses and hexoses at elevated temperatures and pressures | 0 | 1 |
15097 | 2 | 20 | 14775 2001 INDIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY SECTION A-INORGANIC BIO-INORGANIC PHYSICAL THEORETICAL & ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 40 (12): 1334-1338 Babu MS; Rao GN; Ramana KV; Rao MSP Computer augmented speciation studies of cobalt(II), copper(II) and zinc(II) complexes of L-glutamic acid in water-urea mixtures | 0 | 1 |
15098 | 2 | 15 | 14776 2001 INDIAN JOURNAL OF PURE & APPLIED PHYSICS 39 (8): 510-513 Kor SK; Pandey G; Singh D Ultrasonic attenuation in semi-metallic GdX single crystals (X=P,As,Sb and Bi) in the temperature range 10 to 300 K | 0 | 0 |
15099 | 1 | 27 | 14777 2001 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MASS SPECTROMETRY 210 (1-3): 613-623 Julian RR; Beauchamp JL Site specific sequestering and stabilization of charge in peptides by supramolecular adduct formation with 18-crown-6 ether by way of electrospray ionization | 0 | 18 |
15100 | 1 | 22 | 14778 2001 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS A 16 (8): 1347-1365 Lindstrom U; Svendsen HG A pedestrian approach to high energy limits of branes and other gravitational systems | 0 | 1 |
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