# | Cited nodes | Nodes / Authors | GCS | LCS |
1 | 1 | 490 2001 SCIENCE 291(5507):1304-+
Venter JC; Adams MD; Myers EW; Li PW; Mural RJ; Sutton GG; Smith HO; Yandell M; Evans CA; Holt RA; Gocayne JD; Amanatides P; Ballew RM; Huson DH; Wortman JR; Zhang Q; Kodira CD; Zheng XQH; Chen L; Skupski M; Subramanian G; Thomas PD; Zhang JH; Miklos GLG; Nelson C; Broder S; Clark AG; Nadeau C; McKusick VA; Zinder N; Levine AJ; Roberts RJ; Simon M; Slayman C; Hunkapiller M; Bolanos R; Delcher A; Dew I; Fasulo D; Flanigan M; Florea L; Halpern A; Hannenhalli S; Kravitz S; Levy S; Mobarry C; Reinert K; Remington K; Abu-Threideh J; Beasley E; Biddick K; Bonazzi V; Brandon R; Cargill M; Chandramouliswaran I; Charlab R; Chaturvedi K; Deng ZM; Di Francesco V; Dunn P; Eilbeck K; Evangelista C; Gabrielian AE; Gan W; Ge WM; Gong FC; Gu ZP; Guan P; Heiman TJ; Higgins ME; Ji RR; Ke ZX; Ketchum KA; Lai ZW; Lei YD; Li ZY; Li JY; Liang Y; Lin XY; Lu F; Merkulov GV; Milshina N; Moore HM; Naik AK; Narayan VA; Neelam B; Nusskern D; Rusch DB; Salzberg S; Shao W; Shue BX; Sun JT; Wang ZY; Wang AH; Wang X; Wang J; Wei MH; Wides R; Xiao CL; Yan CH; Yao A; Ye J; Zhan M; Zhang WQ; Zhang HY; Zhao Q; Zheng LS; Zhong F; Zhong WY; Zhu SPC; Zhao SY; Gilbert D; Baumhueter S; Spier G; Carter C; Cravchik A; Woodage T; Ali F; An HJ; Awe A; Baldwin D; Baden H; Barnstead M; Barrow I; Beeson K; Busam D; Carver A; Center A; Cheng ML; Curry L; Danaher S; Davenport L; Desilets R; Dietz S; Dodson K; Doup L; Ferriera S; Garg N; Gluecksmann A; Hart B; Haynes J; Haynes C; Heiner C; Hladun S; Hostin D; Houck J; Howland T; Ibegwam C; Johnson J; Kalush F; Kline L; Koduru S; Love A; Mann F; May D; McCawley S; McIntosh T; McMullen I; Moy M; Moy L; Murphy B; Nelson K; Pfannkoch C; Pratts E; Puri V; Qureshi H; Reardon M; Rodriguez R; Rogers YH; Romblad D; Ruhfel B; Scott R; Sitter C; Smallwood M; Stewart E; Strong R; Suh E; Thomas R; Tint NN; Tse S; Vech C; Wang G; Wetter J; Williams S; Williams M; Windsor S; Winn-Deen E; Wolfe K; Zaveri J; Zaveri K; Abril JF; Guigo R; Campbell MJ; Sjolander KV; Karlak B; Kejariwal A; Mi HY; Lazareva B; Hatton T; Narechania A; Diemer K; Muruganujan A; Guo N; Sato S; Bafna V; Istrail S; Lippert R; Schwartz R; Walenz B; Yooseph S; Allen D; Basu A; Baxendale J; Blick L; Caminha M; Carnes-Stine J; Caulk P; Chiang YH; Coyne M; Dahlke C; Mays AD; Dombroski M; Donnelly M; Ely D; Esparham S; Fosler C; Gire H; Glanowski S; Glasser K; Glodek A; Gorokhov M; Graham K; Gropman B; Harris M; Heil J; Henderson S; Hoover J; Jennings D; Jordan C; Jordan J; Kasha J; Kagan L; Kraft C; Levitsky A; Lewis M; Liu XJ; Lopez J; Ma D; Majoros W; McDaniel J; Murphy S; Newman M; Nguyen T; Nguyen N; Nodell M; Pan S; Peck J; Peterson M; Rowe W; Sanders R; Scott J; Simpson M; Smith T; Sprague A; Stockwell T; Turner R; Venter E; Wang M; Wen MY; Wu D; Wu M; Xia A; Zandieh A; Zhu XH The sequence of the human genome | 1867 | 1867
2 | 1 | 95 2001 CELL 106(4):413-415
Hogenesch JB; Ching KA; Batalov S; Su AI; Walker JR; Zhou YY; Kay SA; Schultz PG; Cooke MP A comparison of the Celera and Ensembl predicted gene sets reveals little overlap in novel genes | 95 | 65
3 | 27 | 1247 2002 NATURE 420(6915):520-562
Waterston RH; Lindblad-Toh K; Birney E; Rogers J; Abril JF; Agarwal P; Agarwala R; Ainscough R; Alexandersson M; An P; Antonarakis SE; Attwood J; Baertsch R; Bailey J; Barlow K; Beck S; Berry E; Birren B; Bloom T; Bork P; Botcherby M; Bray N; Brent MR; Brown DG; Brown SD; Bult C; Burton J; Butler J; Campbell RD; Carninci P; Cawley S; Chiaromonte F; Chinwalla AT; Church DM; Clamp M; Clee C; Collins FS; Cook LL; Copley RR; Coulson A; Couronne O; Cuff J; Curwen V; Cutts T; Daly M; David R; Davies J; Delehaunty KD; Deri J; Dermitzakis ET; Dewey C; Dickens NJ; Diekhans M; Dodge S; Dubchak I; Dunn DM; Eddy SR; Elnitski L; Emes RD; Eswara P; Eyras E; Felsenfeld A; Fewell GA; Flicek P; Foley K; Frankel WN; Fulton LA; Fulton RS; Furey TS; Gage D; Gibbs RA; Glusman G; Gnerre S; Goldman N; Goodstadt L; Grafham D; Graves TA; Green ED; Gregory S; Guigo R; Guyer M; Hardison RC; Haussler D; Hayashizaki Y; Hillier LW; Hinrichs A; Hlavina W; Holzer T; Hsu F; Hua A; Hubbard T; Hunt A; Jackson I; Jaffe DB; Johnson LS; Jones M; Jones TA; Joy A; Kamal M; Karlsson EK; Karolchik D; Kasprzyk A; Kawai J; Keibler E; Kells C; Kent WJ; Kirby A; Kolbe DL; Korf I; Kucherlapati RS; Kulbokas EJ; Kulp D; Landers T; Leger JP; Leonard S; Letunic I; Levine R; Li J; Li M; Lloyd C; Lucas S; Ma B; Maglott DR; Mardis ER; Matthews L; Mauceli E; Mayer JH; McCarthy M; McCombie WR; McLaren S; McLay K; McPherson JD; Meldrim J; Meredith B; Mesirov JP; Miller W; Miner TL; Mongin E; Montgomery KT; Morgan M; Mott R; Mullikin JC; Muzny DM; Nash WE; Nelson JO; Nhan MN; Nicol R; Ning Z; Nusbaum C; O'Connor MJ; Okazaki Y; Oliver K; Larty EO; Pachter L; Parra G; Pepin KH; Peterson J; Pevzner P; Plumb R; Pohl CS; Poliakov A; Ponce TC; Ponting CP; Potter S; Quail M; Reymond A; Roe BA; Roskin KM; Rubin EM; Rust AG; Santos R; Sapojnikov V; Schultz B; Schultz J; Schwartz MS; Schwartz S; Scott C; Seaman S; Searle S; Sharpe T; Sheridan A; Shownkeen R; Sims S; Singer JB; Slater G; Smit A; Smith DR; Spencer B; Stabenau A; Strange-Thomann NS; Sugnet C; Suyama M; Tesler G; Thompson J; Torrents D; Trevaskis E; Tromp J; Ucla C; Vidal AU; Vinson JP; von Niederhausern AC; Wade CM; Wall M; Weber RJ; Weiss RB; Wendl MC; West AP; Wetterstrand K; Wheeler R; Whelan S; Wierzbowski J; Willey D; Williams S; Wilson RK; Winter E; Worley KC; Wyman D; Yang S; Yang SP; Zdobnov EM; Zody MC; Lander ES; Mouse Genome Sequencing Consor Initial sequencing and comparative analysis of the mouse genome | 130 | 42
4 | 1 | 500 2001 SCIENCE 293(5527):104-111
Dehal P; Predki P; Olsen AS; Kobayashi A; Folta P; Lucas S; Land M; Terry A; Zhou CLE; Rash S; Zhang Q; Gordon L; Kim J; Elkin C; Pollard MJ; Richardson P; Rokhsar D; Uberbacher E; Hawkins T; Branscomb E; Stubbs L Human chromosome 19 and related regions in mouse: Conservative and lineage-specific evolution | 69 | 28
5 | 1 | 486 2001 SCIENCE 291(5507):1255-1257
Claverie JM Gene number - What if there are only 30,000 human genes? | 47 | 23
6 | 1 | 1260 2002 NATURE GENETICS 30(1):13-19
Modrek B; Lee C A genomic view of alternative splicing | 80 | 22
7 | 3 | 1433 2002 SCIENCE 296(5573):1661-1671
Mural RJ; Adams MD; Myers EW; Smith HO; Miklos GLG; Wides R; Halpern A; Li PW; Sutton GG; Nadeau J; Salzberg SL; Holt RA; Kodira CD; Lu F; Chen L; Deng ZM; Evangelista CC; Gan WN; Heiman TJ; Li JY; Li ZY; Merkulov GV; Milshina NV; Naik AK; Qi R; Shue BC; Wang AH; Wang J; Wang X; Yan XH; Ye JN; Yooseph S; Zhao Q; Zheng LS; Zhu SPC; Biddick K; Bolanos R; Delcher AL; Dew IM; Fasulo D; Flanigan MJ; Huson DH; Kravitz SA; Miller JR; Mobarry CM; Reinert K; Remington KA; Zhang Q; Zheng XQH; Nusskern DR; Lai ZW; Lei YD; Zhong WY; Yao A; Guan P; Ji RR; Gu ZP; Wang ZY; Zhong F; Xiao CL; Chiang CC; Yandell M; Wortman JR; Amanatides PG; Hladun SL; Pratts EC; Johnson JE; Dodson KL; Woodford KJ; Evans CA; Gropman B; Rusch DB; Venter E; Wang V; Smith TJ; Houck JT; Tompkins DE; Haynes C; Jacob D; Chin SH; Allen DR; Dahlke CE; Sanders R; Li K; Liu XJ; Levitsky AA; Majoros WH; Chen Q; Xia AC; Lopez JR; Donnelly MT; Newman MH; Glodek A; Kraft CL; Nodell M; Ali F; An HJ; Baldwin-Pitts D; Beeson KY; Cai S; Carnes M; Carver A; Caulk PM; Center A; Chen YH; Cheng ML; Coyne MD; Crowder M; Danaher S; Davenport LB; Desilets R; Dietz SM; Doup L; Dullaghan P; Ferriera S; Fosler CR; Gire HC; Gluecksmann A; Gocayne JD; Gray J; Hart B; Haynes J; Hoover J; Howland T; Ibegwam C; Jalali M; Johns D; Kline L; Ma DS; MacCawley S; Magoon A; Mann F; May D; McIntosh TC; Mehta S; Moy L; Moy MC; Murphy BJ; Murphy SD; Nelson KA; Nuri Z; Parker KA; Prudhomme AC; Puri VN; Qureshi H; Raley JC; Reardon MS; Regier MA; Rogers YHC; Romblad DL; Schutz J; Scott JL; Scott R; Sitter CD; Smallwood M; Sprague AC; Stewart E; Strong RV; Suh E; Sylvester K; Thomas R; Tint NN; Tsonis C; Wang G; Wang G; Williams MS; Williams SM; Windsor SM; Wolfe K; Wu MM; Zaveri J; Chaturvedi K; Gabrielian AE; Ke ZX; Sun JT; Subramanian G; Venter JC A comparison of whole-genome shotgun-derived mouse chromosome 16 and the human genome | 51 | 21
8 | 1 | 398 2001 NATURE 414(6866):865-U3
Deloukas P; Matthews LH; Ashurst J; Burton J; Gilbert JGR; Jones M; Stavrides G; Almeida JP; Babbage AK; Bagguley CL; Bailey J; Barlow KF; Bates KN; Beard LM; Beare DM; Beasley OP; Bird CP; Blakey SE; Bridgeman AM; Brown AJ; Buck D; Burrill W; Butler AP; Carder C; Carter NP; Chapman JC; Clamp M; Clark G; Clark LN; Clark SY; Clee CM; Clegg S; Cobley VE; Collier RE; Connor R; Corby NR; Coulson A; Coville GJ; Deadman R; Dhami P; Dunn M; Ellington AG; Frankland JA; Fraser A; French L; Garner P; Grafham DV; Griffiths C; Griffiths ND; Gwilliam R; Hall RE; Hammond S; Harley JL; Heath PD; Ho S; Holden JL; Howden PJ; Huckle E; Hunt AR; Hunt SE; Jekosch K; Johnson CM; Johnson D; Kay MP; Kimberley AM; King A; Knights A; Laird GK; Lawlor S; Lehvaslaiho MH; Leversha M; Lloyd C; Lloyd DM; Lovell JD; Marsh VL; Martin SL; McConnachie LJ; McLay K; McMurray AA; Milne S; Mistry D; Moore MJF; Mullikin JC; Nickerson T; Oliver K; Parker A; Patel R; Pearce TAV; Peck AI; Phillimore BJCT; Prathalingam SR; Plumb RW; Ramsay H; Rice CM; Ross MT; Scott CE; Sehra HK; Shownkeen R; Sims S; Skuce CD; Smith ML; Soderlund C; Steward CA; Sulston JE; Swann M; Sycamore N; Taylor R; Tee L; Thomas DW; Thorpe A; Tracey A; Tromans AC; Vaudin M; Wall M; Wallis JM; Whitehead SL; Whittaker P; Willey DL; Williams L; Williams SA; Wilming L; Wray PW; Hubbard T; Durbin RM; Bentley DR; Beck S; Rogers J The DNA sequence and comparative analysis of human chromosome 20 | 38 | 18
9 | 1 | 489 2001 SCIENCE 291(5507):1298-+
Olivier M; Aggarwal A; Allen J; Almendras AA; Bajorek ES; Beasley EM; Brady SD; Bushard JM; Bustos VI; Chu A; Chung TR; De Witte A; Denys ME; Dominguez R; Fang NY; Foster BD; Freudenberg RW; Hadley D; Hamilton LR; Jeffrey TJ; Kelly L; Lazzeroni L; Levy MR; Lewis SC; Liu X; Lopez FJ; Louie B; Marquis JP; Martinez RA; Matsuura MK; Misherghi NS; Norton JA; Olshen A; Perkins SM; Perou AJ; Piercy C; Piercy M; Qin F; Reif T; Sheppard K; Shokoohi V; Smick GA; Sun WL; Stewart EA; Tejeda JF; Tran NM; Trejo T; Vo NT; Yan SCM; Zierten DL; Zhao SY; Sachidanandam R; Trask BJ; Myers RM; Cox DR A high-resolution radiation hybrid map of the human genome draft sequence | 32 | 18
10 | 3 | 1437 2002 SCIENCE 297(5585):1301-1310
Aparicio S; Chapman J; Stupka E; Putnam N; Chia J; Dehal P; Christoffels A; Rash S; Hoon S; Smit A; Gelpke MDS; Roach J; Oh T; Ho IY; Wong M; Detter C; Verhoef F; Predki P; Tay A; Lucas S; Richardson P; Smith SF; Clark MS; Edwards YJK; Doggett N; Zharkikh A; Tavtigian SV; Pruss D; Barnstead M; Evans C; Baden H; Powell J; Glusman G; Rowen L; Hood L; Tan YH; Elgar G; Hawkins T; Venkatesh B; Rokhsar D; Brenner S Whole-genome shotgun assembly and analysis of the genome of Fugu rubripes | 62 | 17
11 | 1 | 243 2001 GENOME RESEARCH 11(5):803-816
Yeh RF; Lim LP; Burge CB Computational inference of homologous gene structures in the human genome | 38 | 16
12 | 1 | 392 2001 NATURE 409(6822):856-859
Aach J; Bulyk ML; Church GM; Comander J; Derti A; Shendure J Computational comparison of two draft sequences of the human genome | 24 | 16
13 | 1 | 1239 2002 NATURE 415(6874):871-880
Wood V; Gwilliam R; Rajandream MA; Lyne M; Lyne R; Stewart A; Sgouros J; Peat N; Hayles J; Baker S; Basham D; Bowman S; Brooks K; Brown D; Brown S; Chillingworth T; Churcher C; Collins M; Connor R; Cronin A; Davis P; Feltwell T; Fraser A; Gentles S; Goble A; Hamlin N; Harris D; Hidalgo J; Hodgson G; Holroyd S; Hornsby T; Howarth S; Huckle EJ; Hunt S; Jagels K; James K; Jones L; Jones M; Leather S; McDonald S; McLean J; Mooney P; Moule S; Mungall K; Murphy L; Niblett D; Odell C; Oliver K; O'Neil S; Pearson D; Quail MA; Rabbinowitsch E; Rutherford K; Rutter S; Saunders D; Seeger K; Sharp S; Skelton J; Simmonds M; Squares R; Squares S; Stevens K; Taylor K; Taylor RG; Tivey A; Walsh S; Warren T; Whitehead S; Woodward J; Volckaert G; Aert R; Robben J; Grymonprez B; Weltjens I; Vanstreels E; Rieger M; Schafer M; Muller-Auer S; Gabel C; Fuchs M; Fritzc C; Holzer E; Moestl D; Hilbert H; Borzym K; Langer I; Beck A; Lehrach H; Reinhardt R; Pohl TM; Eger P; Zimmermann W; Wedler H; Wambutt R; Purnelle B; Goffeau A; Cadieu E; Dreano S; Gloux S; Lelaure V; Mottier S; Galibert F; Aves SJ; Xiang Z; Hunt C; Moore K; Hurst SM; Lucas M; Rochet M; Gaillardin C; Tallada VA; Garzon A; Thode G; Daga RR; Cruzado L; Jimenez J; Sanchez M; del Rey F; Benito J; Dominguez A; Revuelta JL; Moreno S; Armstrong J; Forsburg SL; Cerrutti L; Lowe T; McCombie WR; Paulsen I; Potashkin J; Shpakovski GV; Ussery D; Barrell BG; Nurse P The genome sequence of Schizosaccharomyces pombe | 112 | 16
14 | 2 | 388 2001 NATURE 409(6822):814-816
Baltimore D Our genome unveiled | 61 | 15
15 | 1 | 485 2001 SCIENCE 291(5507):1251-+
Nadeau JH; Balling R; Barsh G; Beier D; Brown SDM; Bucan M; Camper S; Carlson G; Copeland N; Eppig J; Fletcher C; Frankel WN; Ganten D; Goldowitz D; Goodnow C; Guenet JL; Hicks G; de Angelis MH; Jackson I; Jacob HJ; Jenkins N; Johnson D; Justice M; Kay S; Kingsley D; Lehrach H; Magnuson T; Meisler M; Poustka AM; Rinchik EM; Rossant J; Russell LB; Schimenti J; Shiroishi T; Skarnes WC; Soriano P; Stanford W; Takahashi JS; Wurst W; Zimmer A; Int Mouse Mutagenesis Consortium Sequence interpretation - Functional annotation of mouse genome sequences | 39 | 15
16 | 2 | 548 2001 TRENDS IN GENETICS 17(11):661-669
Eichler EE Recent duplication, domain accretion and the dynamic mutation of the human genome | 42 | 15
17 | 4 | 1429 2002 SCIENCE 296(5565):79-92
Yu J; Hu SN; Wang J; Wong GKS; Li SG; Liu B; Deng YJ; Dai L; Zhou Y; Zhang XQ; Cao ML; Liu J; Sun JD; Tang JB; Chen YJ; Huang XB; Lin W; Ye C; Tong W; Cong LJ; Geng JN; Han YJ; Li L; Li W; Hu GQ; Huang XG; Li WJ; Li J; Liu ZW; Li L; Liu JP; Qi QH; Liu JS; Li L; Li T; Wang XG; Lu H; Wu TT; Zhu M; Ni PX; Han H; Dong W; Ren XY; Feng XL; Cui P; Li XR; Wang H; Xu X; Zhai WX; Xu Z; Zhang JS; He SJ; Zhang JG; Xu JC; Zhang KL; Zheng XW; Dong JH; Zeng WY; Tao L; Ye J; Tan J; Ren XD; Chen XW; He J; Liu DF; Tian W; Tian CG; Xia HG; Bao QY; Li G; Gao H; Cao T; Wang J; Zhao WM; Li P; Chen W; Wang XD; Zhang Y; Hu JF; Wang J; Liu S; Yang J; Zhang GY; Xiong YQ; Li ZJ; Mao L; Zhou CS; Zhu Z; Chen RS; Hao BL; Zheng WM; Chen SY; Guo W; Li GJ; Liu SQ; Tao M; Wang J; Zhu LH; Yuan LP; Yang HM A draft sequence of the rice genome (Oryza sativa L. ssp indica) | 175 | 15
18 | 3 | 1430 2002 SCIENCE 296(5565):92-100
Goff SA; Ricke D; Lan TH; Presting G; Wang RL; Dunn M; Glazebrook J; Sessions A; Oeller P; Varma H; Hadley D; Hutchinson D; Martin C; Katagiri F; Lange BM; Moughamer T; Xia Y; Budworth P; Zhong JP; Miguel T; Paszkowski U; Zhang SP; Colbert M; Sun WL; Chen LL; Cooper B; Park S; Wood TC; Mao L; Quail P; Wing R; Dean R; Yu YS; Zharkikh A; Shen R; Sahasrabudhe S; Thomas A; Cannings R; Gutin A; Pruss D; Reid J; Tavtigian S; Mitchell J; Eldredge G; Scholl T; Miller RM; Bhatnagar S; Adey N; Rubano T; Tusneem N; Robinson R; Feldhaus J; Macalma T; Oliphant A; Briggs S A draft sequence of the rice genome (Oryza sativa L. ssp japonica) | 169 | 15
19 | 5 | 289 2001 JAMA-JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION 286(18):2296-2307
Subramanian G; Adams MD; Venter JC; Broder S Implications of the human genome for understanding human biology and medicine | 22 | 14
20 | 1 | 412 2001 NATURE REVIEWS GENETICS 2(5):333-341
Wolfe KH Yesterday's polyploids and the mystery of diploidization | 45 | 14
21 | 1 | 425 2001 NATURE STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY 8(6):559-566
Vitkup D; Melamud E; Moult J; Sander C Completeness in structural genomics | 69 | 13
22 | 10 | 1248 2002 NATURE 420(6915):563-573
Okazaki Y; Furuno M; Kasukawa T; Adachi J; Bono H; Kondo S; Nikaido I; Osato N; Saito R; Suzuki H; Yamanaka I; Kiyosawa H; Yagi K; Tomaru Y; Hasegawa Y; Nogami A; Schonbach C; Gojobori T; Baldarelli R; Hill DP; Bult C; Hume DA; Quackenbush J; Schriml LM; Kanapin A; Matsuda H; Batalov S; Beisel KW; Blake JA; Bradt D; Brusic V; Chothia C; Corbani LE; Cousins S; Dalla E; Dragani TA; Fletcher CF; Forrest A; Frazer KS; Gaasterland T; Gariboldi M; Gissi C; Godzik A; Gough J; Grimmond S; Gustincich S; Hirokawa N; Jackson IJ; Jarvis ED; Kanai A; Kawaji H; Kawasawa Y; Kedzierski RM; King BL; Konagaya A; Kurochkin IV; Lee Y; Lenhard B; Lyons PA; Maglott DR; Maltais L; Marchionni L; McKenzie L; Miki H; Nagashima T; Numata K; Okido T; Pavan WJ; Pertea G; Pesole G; Petrovsky N; Pillai R; Pontius JU; Qi D; Ramachandran S; Ravasi T; Reed JC; Reed DJ; Reid J; Ring BZ; Ringwald M; Sandelin A; Schneider C; Semple CAM; Setou M; Shimada K; Sultana R; Takenaka Y; Taylor MS; Teasdale RD; Tomita M; Verardo R; Wagner L; Wahlestedt C; Wang Y; Watanabe Y; Wells C; Wilming LG; Wynshaw-Boris A; Yanagisawa M; Yang I; Yang L; Yuan Z; Zavolan M; Zhu Y; Zimmer A; Carninci P; Hayatsu N; Hirozane-Kishikawa T; Konno H; Nakamura M; Sakazume N; Sato K; Shiraki T; Waki K; Kawai J; Aizawa K; Arakawa T; Fukuda S; Hara A; Hashizume W; Imotani K; Ishii Y; Itoh M; Kagawa I; Miyazaki A; Sakai K; Sasaki D; Shibata K; Shinagawa A; Yasunishi A; Yoshino M; Waterston R; Lander ES; Rogers J; Birney E; Hayashizaki Y; FANTOM Consurtium; RIKEN Genome Exploration Res Grp Analysis of the mouse transcriptome based on functional annotation of 60,770 full-length cDNAs | 62 | 13
23 | 4 | 1476 2002 TRENDS IN GENETICS 18(2):74-82
Stankiewicz P; Lupski JR Genome architecture, rearrangements and genomic disorders | 46 | 13
24 | 1 | 421 2001 NATURE REVIEWS GENETICS 2(12):930-942
Syvanen AC Accessing genetic variation: Genotyping single nucleotide polymorphisms | 59 | 12
Waterston RH; Lander ES; Sulston JE On the sequencing of the human genome | 15 | 12
26 | 1 | 1434 2002 SCIENCE 296(5576):2225-2229
Gabriel SB; Schaffner SF; Nguyen H; Moore JM; Roy J; Blumenstiel B; Higgins J; DeFelice M; Lochner A; Faggart M; Liu-Cordero SN; Rotimi C; Adeyemo A; Cooper R; Ward R; Lander ES; Daly MJ; Altshuler D The structure of haplotype blocks in the human genome | 112 | 12
Camargo AA; Samaia HPB; Dias-Neto E; Simao DF; Migotto IA; Briones MRS; Costa FF; Nagai MA; Verjovski-Almeida S; Zago MA; Andrade LEC; Carrer H; El-Dorry HFA; Espreafico EM; Habr-Gama A; Giannella-Neto D; Goldman GH; Gruber A; Hackel C; Kimura ET; Maciel RMB; Marie SKN; Martins EAL; Nobrega MP; Paco-Larson ML; Pardini MIMC; Pereira GG; Pesquero JB; Rodrigues V; Rogatto SR; da Silva IDCG; Sogayar MC; Sonati MDF; Tajara EH; Valentini SR; Alberto FL; Amaral MEJ; Aneas I; Arnaldi LAT; de Assis AM; Bengtson MH; Bergamo NA; Bombonato V; de Camargo MER; Canevari RA; Carraro DM; Cerutti JM; Correa MLC; Correa RFR; Costa MCR; Curcio C; Hokama POM; Ferreira AJS; Furuzawa GK; Gushiken T; Ho PL; Kimura E; Krieger JE; Leite LCC; Majumder P; Marins M; Marques ER; Melo ASA; Melo M; Mestriner CA; Miracca EC; Miranda DC; Nascimento ALTO; Nobrega FG; Ojopi EPB; Pandolfi JRC; Pessoa LG; Prevedel AC; Rahal P; Rainho CA; Reis EMR; Ribeiro ML; da Ros N; de Sa RG; Sales MM; Sant'anna SC; dos Santos ML; da Silva AM; da Silva NP; Silva WA; da Silveira RA; Sousa JF; Stecconi D; Tsukumo F; Valente V; Soares F; Moreira ES; Nunes DN; Correa RG; Zalcberg H; Carvalho AF; Reis LFL; Brentani RR; Simpson AJG; de Souza SJ The contribution of 700,000 ORF sequence tags to the definition of the human transcriptome | 26 | 11
28 | 3 | 1276 2002 NATURE REVIEWS GENETICS 3(1):65-72
Samonte RV; Eichler EE Segmental duplications and the evolution of the primate genome | 39 | 11
29 | 5 | 1435 2002 SCIENCE 297(5583):1003-1007
Bailey JA; Gu ZP; Clark RA; Reinert K; Samonte RV; Schwartz S; Adams MD; Myers EW; Li PW; Eichler EE Recent segmental duplications in the human genome | 35 | 11
30 | 3 | 586 2002 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS 70(1):83-100
Bailey JA; Yavor AM; Viggiano L; Misceo D; Horvath JE; Archidiacono N; Schwartz S; Rocchi M; Eichler EE Human-specific duplication and mosaic transcripts: The recent paralogous structure of chromosome 22 | 34 | 10
31 | 2 | 956 2002 GENOME RESEARCH 12(2):272-280
Harrison PM; Hegyi H; Balasubramanian S; Luscombe NM; Bertone P; Echols N; Johnson T; Gerstein M Molecular fossils in the human genome: Identification and analysis of the pseudogenes in chromosomes 21 and 22 | 22 | 10
32 | 1 | 1256 2002 NATURE BIOTECHNOLOGY 20(5):508-512
Saha S; Sparks AB; Rago C; Akmaev V; Wang CJ; Vogelstein B; Kinzler KW; Velculescu VE Using the transcriptome to annotate the genome | 26 | 10
33 | 1 | 488 2001 SCIENCE 291(5507):1260-+
Roos DS Computational biology - Bioinformatics - Trying to swim in a sea of data | 16 | 9
34 | 2 | 543 2001 TRENDS IN GENETICS 17(9):481-485
Nachman MW Single nucleotide polymorphisms and recombination rate in humans | 39 | 9
35 | 7 | 1265 2002 NATURE GENETICS 31(2):200-204
McLysaght A; Hokamp K; Wolfe KH Extensive genomic duplication during early chordate evolution | 28 | 9
36 | 4 | 1266 2002 NATURE GENETICS 31(2):205-209
Gu X; Wang YF; Gu JY Age distribution of human gene families shows significant roles of both large- and small-scale duplications in vertebrate evolution | 21 | 9
37 | 3 | 1438 2002 SCIENCE 298(5591):129-+
Holt RA; Subramanian GM; Halpern A; Sutton GG; Charlab R; Nusskern DR; Wincker P; Clark AG; Ribeiro JMC; Wides R; Salzberg SL; Loftus B; Yandell M; Majoros WH; Rusch DB; Lai ZW; Kraft CL; Abril JF; Anthouard V; Arensburger P; Atkinson PW; Baden H; de Berardinis V; Baldwin D; Benes V; Biedler J; Blass C; Bolanos R; Boscus D; Barnstead M; Cai S; Center A; Chatuverdi K; Christophides GK; Chrystal MA; Clamp M; Cravchik A; Curwen V; Dana A; Delcher A; Dew I; Evans CA; Flanigan M; Grundschober-Freimoser A; Friedli L; Gu ZP; Guan P; Guigo R; Hillenmeyer ME; Hladun SL; Hogan JR; Hong YS; Hoover J; Jaillon O; Ke ZX; Kodira C; Kokoza E; Koutsos A; Letunic I; Levitsky A; Liang Y; Lin JJ; Lobo NF; Lopez JR; Malek JA; McIntosh TC; Meister S; Miller J; Mobarry C; Mongin E; Murphy SD; O'Brochta DA; Pfannkoch C; Qi R; Regier MA; Remington K; Shao HG; Sharakhova MV; Sitter CD; Shetty J; Smith TJ; Strong R; Sun JT; Thomasova D; Ton LQ; Topalis P; Tu ZJ; Unger MF; Walenz B; Wang AH; Wang J; Wang M; Wang XL; Woodford KJ; Wortman JR; Wu M; Yao A; Zdobnov EM; Zhang HY; Zhao Q; Zhao SY; Zhu SPC; Zhimulev I; Coluzzi M; della Torre A; Roth CW; Louis C; Kalush F; Mural RJ; Myers EW; Adams MD; Smith HO; Broder S; Gardner MJ; Fraser CM; Birney E; Bork P; Brey PT; Venter JC; Weissenbach J; Kafatos FC; Collins FH; Hoffman SL The genome sequence of the malaria mosquito Anopheles gambiae | 74 | 9
38 | 1 | 93 2001 CELL 106(3):367-379
Gratacos M; Nadal M; Martin-Santos R; Pujana MA; Gago J; Peral B; Armengol L; Ponsa I; Miro R; Bulbena A; Estivill X A polymorphic genomic duplication on human chromosome 15 is a susceptibility factor for panic and phobic disorders | 39 | 8
39 | 1 | 266 2001 GENOMICS 77(1-2):71-78
Das M; Burge CB; Park E; Colinas J; Pelletier J Assessment of the total number of human transcription units | 19 | 8
40 | 3 | 416 2001 NATURE REVIEWS GENETICS 2(8):573-583
Green ED Strategies for the systematic sequencing of complex genomes | 16 | 8
41 | 1 | 495 2001 SCIENCE 292(5523):1903-1906
Salzberg SL; White O; Peterson J; Eisen JA Microbial genes in the human genome: Lateral transfer or gene loss? | 45 | 8
42 | 1 | 503 2001 SCIENCE 294(5540):109-115
Schueler MG; Higgins AW; Rudd MK; Gustashaw K; Willard HF Genomic and genetic definition of a functional human centromere | 42 | 8
43 | 5 | 1243 2002 NATURE 418(6899):743-U3
Gregory SG; Sekhon M; Schein J; Zhao SY; Osoegawa K; Scott CE; Evans RS; Burridge PW; Cox TV; Fox CA; Hutton RD; Mullenger IR; Phillips KJ; Smith J; Stalker J; Threadgold GJ; Birney E; Wylie K; Chinwalla A; Wallis J; Hillier L; Carter J; Gaige T; Jaeger S; Kremitzki C; Layman D; Maas J; McGrane R; Mead K; Walker R; Jones S; Smith M; Asano J; Bosdet I; Chan S; Chittaranjan S; Chiu R; Fjell C; Fuhrmann D; Girn N; Gray C; Guin R; Hsiao L; Krzywinski M; Kutsche R; Lee SS; Mathewson C; McLeavy C; Messervier S; Ness S; Pandoh P; Prabhu AL; Saeedi P; Smailus D; Spence L; Stott J; Taylor S; Terpstra W; Tsai M; Vardy J; Wye N; Yang G; Shatsman S; Ayodeji B; Geer K; Tsegaye G; Shvartsbeyn A; Gebregeorgis E; Krol M; Russell D; Overton L; Malek JA; Holmes M; Heaney M; Shetty J; Feldblyum T; Nierman WC; Catanese JJ; Hubbard T; Waterston RH; Rogers J; de Jong PJ; Fraser CM; Marra M; McPherson JD; Bentley DR A physical map of the mouse genome | 35 | 8
44 | 5 | 1307 2002 NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH 30(5):1083-1090
Harrison PM; Kumar A; Lang N; Snyder M; Gerstein M A question of size: the eukaryotic proteome and the problems in defining it | 21 | 8
45 | 2 | 259 2001 GENOME RESEARCH 11(11):1842-1847
Friedman R; Hughes AL Pattern and timing of gene duplication in animal genomes | 26 | 7
46 | 1 | 373 2001 MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR BIOLOGY 21(11):3609-3615
Collins T; Stone JR; Williams AJ All in the family: the BTB/POZ, KRAB, and SCAN domains | 33 | 7
47 | 2 | 420 2001 NATURE REVIEWS GENETICS 2(12):919-929
Eddy SR Non-coding RNA genes and the modern RNA world | 62 | 7
48 | 1 | 484 2001 SCIENCE 291(5507):1219-+
Paabo S Genomics and society - The human genome and our view of ourselves | 18 | 7
49 | 1 | 1298 2002 NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH 30(1):129-136
Kerlavage A; Bonazzi V; di Tommaso M; Lawrence C; Li P; Mayberry F; Mural R; Nodell M; Yandell M; Zhang JH; Thomas P The Celera Discovery System (TM) | 14 | 7
50 | 2 | 1303 2002 NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH 30(1):242-244
Letunic I; Goodstadt L; Dickens NJ; Doerks T; Schultz J; Mott R; Ciccarelli F; Copley RR; Ponting CP; Bork P Recent improvements to the SMART domain-based sequence annotation resource | 128 | 7
51 | 2 | 1426 2002 SCIENCE 295(5552):131-134
Fujiyama A; Watanabe H; Toyoda A; Taylor TD; Itoh T; Tsai SF; Park HS; Yaspo ML; Lehrach H; Chen Z; Fu G; Saitou N; Osoegawa K; de Jong PJ; Suto Y; Hattori M; Sakaki Y Construction and analysis of a human-chimpanzee comparative clone map | 29 | 7
52 | 1 | 67 2001 BIOINFORMATICS 17(10):871-877
Levy S; Hannenhalli S; Workman C Enrichment of regulatory signals in conserved non-coding genomic sequence | 21 | 6
53 | 1 | 146 2001 CURRENT OPINION IN CELL BIOLOGY 13(3):302-309
Hastings ML; Krainer AR Pre-mRNA splicing in the new millennium | 67 | 6
54 | 1 | 287 2001 JAMA-JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION 286(18):2280-2288
King HC; Sinha AA Gene expression profile analysis by DNA microarrays - Promise and pitfalls | 26 | 6
55 | 1 | 390 2001 NATURE 409(6822):818-820
Bork P; Copley R The draft sequences - Filling in the gaps | 18 | 6
56 | 2 | 405 2001 NATURE GENETICS 29(4):412-417
Davuluri RV; Grosse I; Zhang MQ Computational identification of promoters and first exons in the human genome | 25 | 6
57 | 3 | 414 2001 NATURE REVIEWS GENETICS 2(7):493-503
Stein L Genome annotation: From sequence to biology | 16 | 6
58 | 1 | 487 2001 SCIENCE 291(5507):1257-+
Galas DJ Sequence interpretation - Making sense of the sequence | 11 | 6
59 | 1 | 518 2001 STRUCTURE 9(8):717-723
Wolfe SA; Grant RA; Elrod-Erickson M; Pabo CO Beyond the "recognition code": Structures of two Cys(2)His(2) zinc finger/TATA box complexes | 16 | 6
60 | 2 | 742 2002 CELL 109(3):283-284
Daly MJ Estimating the human gene count | 8 | 6
61 | 1 | 854 2002 DRUG DISCOVERY TODAY 7(4):235-246
Wise A; Gearing K; Rees S Target validation of G-protein coupled receptors | 18 | 6
62 | 2 | 905 2002 FEBS LETTERS 520(1-3):97-101
Takeda S; Kadowaki S; Haga T; Takaesu H; Mitaku S Identification of G protein-coupled receptor genes from the human genome sequence | 16 | 6
63 | 2 | 1287 2002 NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE 347(19):1512-1520
Guttmacher AE; Collins FS Genomic medicine - A primer | 19 | 6
64 | 1 | 1310 2002 NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH 30(11):2478-2483
Delcher AL; Phillippy A; Carlton J; Salzberg SL Fast algorithms for large-scale genome alignment and comparison | 15 | 6
Myers EW; Sutton GG; Smith HO; Adams MD; Venter JC On the sequencing and assembly of the human genome | 8 | 6
66 | 1 | 14 2001 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS 69(5):936-950
Altmuller J; Palmer LJ; Fischer G; Scherb H; Wjst M Genomewide scans of complex human diseases: True linkage is hard to find | 53 | 5
67 | 1 | 47 2001 ARCHIVES OF NEUROLOGY 58(11):1772-1778
Cravchik A; Subramanian G; Broder S; Venter JC Sequence analysis of the human genome - Implications for the understanding of nervous system function and disease | 7 | 5
68 | 1 | 150 2001 CURRENT OPINION IN GENETICS & DEVELOPMENT 11(3):247-257
Sreekumar KR; Aravind L; Koonin EV Computational analysis of human disease-associated genes and their protein products | 8 | 5
69 | 1 | 162 2001 CURRENT OPINION IN STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY 11(3):377-381
Gaasterland T; Oprea M Whole-genome analysis: annotations and updates | 13 | 5
70 | 1 | 227 2001 GENE 276(1-2):47-56
Oliver JL; Bernaola-Galvan P; Carpena P; Roman-Roldan R Isochore chromosome maps of eukaryotic genomes | 11 | 5
71 | 1 | 242 2001 GENOME RESEARCH 11(5):667-670
Makalowski W Are we polyploids? A brief history of one hypothesis | 11 | 5
72 | 2 | 254 2001 GENOME RESEARCH 11(10):1736-1745
Zhao SY; Shatsman S; Ayodeji B; Geer K; Tsegaye G; Krol M; Gebregeorgis E; Shvartsbeyn A; Russell D; Overton L; Jiang LX; Dimitrov G; Tran K; Shetty J; Malek JA; Feldblyum T; Nierman WC; Fraser CM Mouse BAC ends quality assessment and sequence analyses | 10 | 5
73 | 1 | 268 2001 GENOMICS 78(1-2):46-54
Reymond A; Friedli M; Henrichsen CN; Chapot F; Deutsch S; Ucla C; Rossier C; Lyle R; Guipponi M; Antonarakis SE From PREDs and open reading frames to cDNA isolation: Revisiting the human chromosome 21 transcription map | 8 | 5
74 | 1 | 327 2001 JOURNAL OF MEDICAL GENETICS 38(5):285-303
Costello JF; Plass C Methylation matters | 43 | 5
75 | 1 | 331 2001 JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY 307(2):683-706
Chasman D; Adams RM Predicting the functional consequences of non-synonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms: Structure-based assessment of amino acid variation | 22 | 5
76 | 1 | 376 2001 MOLECULAR BIOLOGY AND EVOLUTION 18(9):1611-1630
Mattick JS; Gagen MJ The evolution of controlled multitasked gene networks: The role of introns and other noncoding RNAs in the development of complex organisms | 21 | 5
77 | 1 | 493 2001 SCIENCE 292(5523):1838-1838
Venter JC The sequence of the human genome (vol 292, pg 1304, 2001) | 14 | 5
78 | 2 | 494 2001 SCIENCE 292(5523):1848-1850
Andersson JO; Doolittle WF; Nesbo CL Genomics - Are there bugs in our genome? | 18 | 5
79 | 1 | 502 2001 SCIENCE 294(5540):86-87
Avise JC Evolving genomic metaphors: A new look at the language of DNA | 8 | 5
80 | 1 | 682 2002 BIOINFORMATICS 18(3):440-445
Ma B; Tromp J; Li M PatternHunter: faster and more sensitive homology search | 12 | 5
81 | 1 | 1297 2002 NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH 30(1):21-26
Stoesser G; Baker W; van den Broek A; Camon E; Garcia-Pastor M; Kanz C; Kulikova T; Leinonen R; Lin Q; Lombard V; Lopez R; Redaschi N; Stoehr P; Tuli MA; Tzouvara K; Vaughan R The EMBL Nucleotide Sequence Database | 56 | 5
Markstein M; Markstein P; Markstein V; Levine MS Genome-wide analysis of clustered Dorsal binding sites identifies putative target genes in the Drosophila embryo | 35 | 5
83 | 3 | 1440 2002 SCIENCE 298(5601):2157-2167
Dehal P; Satou Y; Campbell RK; Chapman J; Degnan B; De Tomaso A; Davidson B; Di Gregorio A; Gelpke M; Goodstein DM; Harafuji N; Hastings KEM; Ho I; Hotta K; Huang W; Kawashima T; Lemaire P; Martinez D; Meinertzhagen IA; Necula S; Nonaka M; Putnam N; Rash S; Saiga H; Satake M; Terry A; Yamada L; Wang HG; Awazu S; Azumi K; Boore J; Branno M; Chin-bow S; DeSantis R; Doyle S; Francino P; Keys DN; Haga S; Hayashi H; Hino K; Imai KS; Inaba K; Kano S; Kobayashi K; Kobayashi M; Lee BI; Makabe KW; Manohar C; Matassi G; Medina M; Mochizuki Y; Mount S; Morishita T; Miura S; Nakayama A; Nishizaka S; Nomoto H; Ohta F; Oishi K; Rigoutsos I; Sano M; Sasaki A; Sasakura Y; Shoguchi E; Shin-i T; Spagnuolo A; Stainier D; Suzuki MM; Tassy O; Takatori N; Tokuoka M; Yagi K; Yoshizaki F; Wada S; Zhang C; Hyatt PD; Larimer F; Detter C; Doggett N; Glavina T; Hawkins T; Richardson P; Lucas S; Kohara Y; Levine M; Satoh N; Rokhsar DS The draft genome of Ciona intestinalis: Insights into chordate and vertebrate origins | 25 | 5
Ideker T; Galitski T; Hood L A new approach to decoding life: Systems biology | 34 | 4
85 | 1 | 55 2001 BIOCHEMICAL PHARMACOLOGY 62(10):1311-1336
Clarke PA; Poele RT; Wooster R; Workman P Gene expression microarray analysis in cancer biology, pharmacology, and drug development: progress and potential | 31 | 4
86 | 1 | 110 2001 CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN 46(23):1937-1942
Yu J; Hu SN; Wang J; Li SG; Wong KSG; Liu B; Deng Y; Dai L; Zhou Y; Zhang XQ; Cao ML; Liu J; Sun JD; Tang JB; Chen YJ; Huang XB; Lin W; Ye C; Tong W; Cong LJ; Geng JN; Han YJ; Li L; Li W; Hu GQ; Huang XG; Li WJ; Li J; Liu ZW; Li L; Liu JP; Qi QH; Liu JS; Li L; Wang XG; Lu H; Wu TT; Zhu M; Ni PX; Han H; Dong W; Ren XY; Feng XL; Cui P; Li XR; Wang H; Xu X; Zhai WX; Xu Z; Zhang JS; He SJ; Zhang JG; Xu JC; Zhang KL; Zheng XW; Dong JH; Zeng WY; Tao L; Chen XW; He J; Liu DF; Tian W; Tian CG; Xia HG; Li G; Gao H; Li P; Chen W; Wang XD; Zhang Y; Hu JF; Wang J; Liu S; Yang J; Zhang GY; Xiong YQ; Li ZJ; Mao L; Zhou CS; Zhu Z; Chen RS; Hao BL; Zheng WM; Chen SY; Guo W; Li GJ; Liu SQ; Huang GY; Tao M; Wang J; Zhu LH; Yuan LP; Yang HM A draft sequence of the rice (Oryza sativa ssp indica) genome | 14 | 4
87 | 2 | 145 2001 CURRENT OPINION IN BIOTECHNOLOGY 12(6):632-637
Segal DJ; Barbas CF Custom DNA-binding proteins come of age: polydactyl zinc-finger proteins | 7 | 4
88 | 1 | 155 2001 CURRENT OPINION IN GENETICS & DEVELOPMENT 11(6):673-680
Long M Evolution of novel genes | 20 | 4
89 | 2 | 189 2001 DRUG DISCOVERY TODAY 6(19):989-995
Bajorath J Rational drug discovery revisited: interfacing experimental programs with bio- and chemo-informatics | 11 | 4
90 | 1 | 226 2001 GENE 276(1-2):3-13
Bernardi G Misunderstandings about isochores. Part 1 | 14 | 4
91 | 1 | 256 2001 GENOME RESEARCH 11(10):1758-1765
Suzuki H; Fukunishi Y; Kagawa I; Saito R; Oda H; Endo T; Kondo S; Bono H; Okazaki Y; Hayashizaki Y Protein-protein interaction panel using mouse full-length cDNAs | 16 | 4
92 | 1 | 274 2001 HUMAN MOLECULAR GENETICS 10(20):2215-2223
Horvath JE; Bailey JA; Locke DP; Eichler EE Lessons from the human genome: transitions between euchromatin and heterochromatin | 17 | 4
93 | 1 | 277 2001 HUMAN MUTATION 17(6):475-492
Gut IG Automation in genotyping of single nucleotide polymorphisms | 35 | 4
94 | 2 | 281 2001 IMMUNITY 15(3):351-362
Flajnik MF; Kasahara M Comparative genomics of the MHC: Glimpses into the evolution of the adaptive immune system | 25 | 4
95 | 1 | 391 2001 NATURE 409(6822):820-821
Rubin GM The draft sequences - Comparing species | 21 | 4
96 | 1 | 395 2001 NATURE 411(6839):759-762
Downward J The ins and outs of signalling | 27 | 4
97 | 1 | 411 2001 NATURE REVIEWS GENETICS 2(4):302-312
Kumar A; Snyder M Emerging technologies in yeast genomics | 30 | 4
98 | 1 | 427 2001 NEOPLASIA 3(4):314-323
Dai ZY; Lakshmanan RR; Zhu WG; Smiraglia DJ; Rush LJ; Fruhwald MC; Brena RM; Li B; Wright FA; Ross P; Otterson GA; Plass C Global methylation profiling of lung cancer identifies novel methylated genes | 16 | 4
Hazbun TR; Fields S Networking proteins in yeast | 19 | 4
Thornton JW Evolution of vertebrate steroid receptors from an ancestral estrogen receptor by ligand exploitation and serial genome expansions | 24 | 4
# | Cited nodes | Nodes / Authors | GCS | LCS |
101 | 2 | 472 2001 PROGRESS IN NEUROBIOLOGY 65(3):289-308
Grabowski PJ; Black DL Alternative RNA splicing in the nervous system | 35 | 4
102 | 1 | 505 2001 SCIENCE 294(5545):1343-1346
Saha S; Bardelli A; Buckhaults P; Velculescu VE; Rago C; St Croix B; Romans KE; Choti MA; Lengauer C; Kinzler KW; Vogelstein B A phosphatase associated with metastasis of colorectal cancer | 44 | 4
103 | 1 | 531 2001 TRENDS IN BIOTECHNOLOGY 19(7):266-272
Maggio ET; Ramnarayan K Recent developments in computational proteomics | 13 | 4
104 | 1 | 759 2002 CIRCULATION RESEARCH 90(4):380-389
Lopez MF; Melov S Applied proteomics - Mitochondrial proteins and effect on function | 13 | 4
105 | 3 | 932 2002 GENES & DEVELOPMENT 16(1):6-21
Bird A DNA methylation patterns and epigenetic memory | 113 | 4
106 | 1 | 1203 2002 MOLECULAR & CELLULAR PROTEOMICS 1(4):323-333
Griffin TJ; Gygi SP; Ideker T; Rist B; Eng J; Hood L; Aebersold R Complementary profiling of gene expression at the transcriptome and proteome levels in Saccharomyces cerevisiae | 25 | 4
107 | 2 | 1237 2002 NATURE 415(6872):702-709
Hoffman SL; Subramanian GM; Collins FH; Venter JC Plasmodium, human and Anopheles genomics and malaria | 28 | 4
108 | 10 | 1242 2002 NATURE 418(6894):236-243
Maniatis T; Tasic B Alternative pre-mRNA splicing and proteome expansion in metazoans | 28 | 4
109 | 2 | 1251 2002 NATURE BIOTECHNOLOGY 20(2):135-141
Beerli RR; Barbas CF Engineering polydactyl zinc-finger transcription factors | 23 | 4
110 | 3 | 1274 2002 NATURE REVIEWS DRUG DISCOVERY 1(9):727-730
Hopkins AL; Groom CR The druggable genome | 21 | 4
111 | 3 | 1277 2002 NATURE REVIEWS GENETICS 3(4):285-298
Cartegni L; Chew SL; Krainer AR Listening to silence and understanding nonsense: Exonic mutations that affect splicing | 53 | 4
112 | 1 | 1296 2002 NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH 30(1):1-12
Baxevanis AD The Molecular Biology Database Collection: 2002 update | 12 | 4
113 | 1 | 1304 2002 NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH 30(1):328-331
Suzuki Y; Yamashita R; Nakai K; Sugano S DBTSS: DataBase of human transcriptional start sites and full- length cDNAs | 12 | 4
Jessani N; Liu YS; Humphrey M; Cravatt BF Enzyme activity profiles of the secreted and membrane proteome that depict cancer cell invasiveness | 13 | 4
115 | 1 | 1486 2002 TRENDS IN PHARMACOLOGICAL SCIENCES 23(3):140-146
Lu ZL; Saldanha JW; Hulme EC Seven-transmembrane receptors: crystals clarify | 21 | 4
116 | 1 | 13 2001 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS 69(3):516-527
Jenne DE; Tinschert S; Reimann H; Lasinger W; Thiel G; Hameister H; Kehrer-Sawatzki H Molecular characterization and gene content of breakpoint boundaries in patients with neurofibromatosis type 1 with 17q11.2 microdeletions | 11 | 3
117 | 1 | 26 2001 ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 73(9):1917-1926
Shevchenko A; Sunyaev S; Loboda A; Shevehenko A; Bork P; Ens W; Standing KG Charting the proteomes of organisms with unsequenced genomes by MALDI-quadrupole time of flight mass spectrometry and BLAST homology searching | 29 | 3
118 | 1 | 68 2001 BIOINFORMATICS 17(10):878-889
Frith MC; Hansen U; Weng ZP Detection of cis-element clusters in higher eukaryotic DNA | 18 | 3
119 | 1 | 94 2001 CELL 106(4):391-394
Hastie ND Life, sex, and WT1 isoforms - Three amino acids can make all the difference | 13 | 3
120 | 1 | 96 2001 CELL 106(5):619-632
Dong XZ; Han SK; Zylka MJ; Simon MI; Anderson DJ A diverse family of GPCRs expressed in specific subsets of nociceptive sensory neurons | 17 | 3
121 | 2 | 197 2001 EMBO REPORTS 2(11):986-991
Mattick JS Non-coding RNAs: the architects of eukaryotic complexity | 26 | 3
122 | 1 | 228 2001 GENE 276(1-2):57-72
Li WT Delineating relative homogeneous G+C domains in DNA sequences | 10 | 3
123 | 1 | 229 2001 GENE 276(1-2):73-81
Pesole G; Mignone F; Gissi C; Grillo G; Licciulli F; Liuni S Structural and functional features of eukaryotic mRNA untranslated regions | 14 | 3
124 | 1 | 245 2001 GENOME RESEARCH 11(7):1290-1295
Tapper WJ; Morton NE; Dunham I; Ke XY; Collins A A sequence-based integrated map of chromosome 22 | 8 | 3
125 | 1 | 258 2001 GENOME RESEARCH 11(11):1807-1816
Chen R; Bouck JB; Weinstock GM; Gibbs RA Comparing vertebrate whole-genome shotgun reads to the human genome | 5 | 3
126 | 1 | 267 2001 GENOMICS 77(3):117-118
Rogers J; Bradley A The mouse genome sequence: Status and prospects | 5 | 3
127 | 2 | 273 2001 HUMAN MOLECULAR GENETICS 10(20):2209-2214
Goodstadt L; Ponting CR Sequence variation and disease in the wake of the draft human genome | 6 | 3
128 | 1 | 275 2001 HUMAN MOLECULAR GENETICS 10(21):2319-2328
Miller MP; Kumar S Understanding human disease mutations through the use of interspecific genetic variation | 12 | 3
129 | 1 | 312 2001 JOURNAL OF CELL SCIENCE 114(18):3219-3231
Harris BZ; Lim WA Mechanism and role of PDZ domains in signaling complex assembly | 64 | 3
130 | 1 | 318 2001 JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY 19(11):2948-2958
Polyak K; Riggins GJ Gene discovery using the serial analysis of gene expression technique: Implications for cancer research | 21 | 3
131 | 1 | 330 2001 JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR CARDIOLOGY 33(10):1879-1886
Dempsey AA; Dzau VJ; Liew CC Cardiovascular genomics: Estimating the total number of genes expressed in the human cardiovascular system | 11 | 3
132 | 1 | 389 2001 NATURE 409(6822):816-818
Olson MV The maps - Clone by clone by clone | 5 | 3
133 | 1 | 396 2001 NATURE 412(6847):580-582
Chicurel M Faster, better, cheaper genotyping | 10 | 3
134 | 1 | 406 2001 NATURE GENETICS 29(4):459-464
Hodgson G; Hager JH; Volik S; Hariono S; Wernick M; Moore D; Albertson DG; Pinkel D; Collins C; Hanahan D; Gray JW Genome scanning with array CGH delineates regional alterations in mouse islet carcinomas | 30 | 3
135 | 1 | 424 2001 NATURE REVIEWS NEUROSCIENCE 2(12):861-870
Heintz N Bac to the future: The use of bac transgenic mice for neuroscience research | 14 | 3
136 | 1 | 430 2001 NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE 344(18):1392-1393
Schwartz RS Racial profiling in medical research. | 43 | 3
137 | 1 | 440 2001 ONCOGENE 20(36):5033-5042
Fruhwald MC; O'Dorisio MS; Dai ZY; Tanner SM; Balster DA; Gao X; Wright FA; Plass C Aberrant promoter methylation of previously unidentified target genes is a common abnormality in medulloblastomas - Implications for tumor biology and potential clinical utility | 19 | 3
Zhou XB; Marks PA; Rifkind RA; Richon VM Cloning and characterization of a histone deacetylase, HDAC9 | 46 | 3
Nacht M; Dracheva T; Gao YH; Fujii T; Chen YD; Player A; Akmaev V; Cook B; Dufault M; Zhang M; Zhang W; Guo MZ; Curran J; Han S; Sidransky D; Buetow K; Madden SL; Jen J Molecular characteristics of non-small cell lung cancer | 16 | 3
140 | 2 | 508 2001 SCIENTIST 15(20):1-+
Hollon T Human genes: How many? | 0 | 3
141 | 1 | 528 2001 TRENDS IN BIOTECHNOLOGY 19(10):S17-S22
Choudhary JS; Blackstock WP; Creasy DM; Cottrell JS Matching peptide mass spectra to EST and genomic DNA databases | 7 | 3
142 | 1 | 530 2001 TRENDS IN BIOTECHNOLOGY 19(10):S61-S66
Weir M; Swindells M; Overington J Insights into protein function through large-scale computational analysis of sequence and structure | 5 | 3
143 | 2 | 533 2001 TRENDS IN BIOTECHNOLOGY 19(12):496-499
Reiss T Drug discovery of the future: the implications of the human genome project | 8 | 3
144 | 1 | 535 2001 TRENDS IN CARDIOVASCULAR MEDICINE 11(2):66-75
Macri J; Rapundalo ST Application of proteomics to the study of cardiovascular biology | 10 | 3
145 | 3 | 953 2002 GENOME RESEARCH 12(1):3-15
DeSilva U; Elnitski L; Idol JR; Doyle JL; Gan WN; Thomas JW; Schwartz S; Dietrich NL; Beckstrom-Sternberg SM; McDowell JC; Blakesley RW; Bouffard GG; Thomas PJ; Touchman JW; Miller W; Green ED Generation and comparative analysis of similar to 3.3 Mb of mouse genomic sequence orthologous to the region of human chromosome 7q11.23 implicated in Williams syndrome | 13 | 3
146 | 2 | 957 2002 GENOME RESEARCH 12(3):391-399
Pavlicek A; Paces J; Elleder D; Hejnar J Processed Pseudogenes of human endogenous retroviruses generated by LINEs: Their integration, stability, and distribution | 5 | 3
147 | 5 | 958 2002 GENOME RESEARCH 12(3):424-429
Semple CAM; Morris SW; Porteous DJ; Evans KL Computational comparison of human genomic sequence assemblies for a region of chromosome 4 | 5 | 3
148 | 1 | 1019 2002 HUMAN MUTATION 19(1):58-68
Matyas G; Giunta C; Steinmann B; Hossle JP; Hellwig R Quantification of single nucleotide polymorphisms: A novel method that combines primer extension assay and capillary electrophoresis | 10 | 3
149 | 1 | 1021 2002 HUMAN MUTATION 20(1):57-64
Werner M; Sych M; Herbon N; Illig T; Konig IR; Wjst M Large-scale determination of SNP allele frequencies in DNA pools using MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry | 11 | 3
150 | 1 | 1060 2002 JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 277(8):5882-5890
Finta C; Zaphiropoulos PG Intergenic mRNA molecules resulting from trans-splicing | 11 | 3
151 | 2 | 1255 2002 NATURE BIOTECHNOLOGY 20(4):393-396
Cai WW; Mao JH; Chow CW; Damani S; Balmain A; Bradley A Genome-wide detection of chromosomal imbalances in tumors using BAC microarrays | 16 | 3
152 | 6 | 1278 2002 NATURE REVIEWS GENETICS 3(5):391-A396
Tabor HK; Risch NJ; Myers RM Candidate-gene approaches for studying complex genetic traits: practical considerations | 27 | 3
153 | 2 | 1300 2002 NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH 30(1):158-162
Hirakawa M; Tanaka T; Hashimoto Y; Kuroda M; Takagi T; Nakamura Y JSNP: a database of common gene variations in the Japanese population | 10 | 3
Su AI; Cooke MP; Ching KA; Hakak Y; Walker JR; Wiltshire T; Orth AP; Vega RG; Sapinoso LM; Moqrich A; Patapoutian A; Hampton GM; Schultz PG; Hogenesch JB Large-scale analysis of the human and mouse transcriptomes | 33 | 3
155 | 1 | 1469 2002 TRENDS IN BIOTECHNOLOGY 20(4):160-166
Templin MF; Stoll D; Schrenk M; Traub PC; Vohringer CF; Joos TO Protein microarray technology | 32 | 3
156 | 9 | 1614 2003 GENOME RESEARCH 13(1):73-80
Couronne O; Poliakov A; Bray N; Ishkhanov T; Ryaboy D; Rubin E; Pachter L; Dubchak I Strategies and tools for whole-genome alignments | 3 | 3
157 | 1 | 10 2001 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS 69(1):159-178
Rannala B; Reeve JP High-resolution multipoint linkage-disequilibrium mapping in the context of a human genome sequence | 13 | 2
158 | 1 | 23 2001 ANALYTICAL BIOCHEMISTRY 297(1):79-85
Knaust RKC; Nordlund P Screening for soluble expression of recombinant proteins in a 96-well format | 6 | 2
Wess G; Urmann M; Sickenberger B Medicinal chemistry: Challenges and opportunities | 15 | 2
Mombaerts P The human repertoire of odorant receptor genes and pseudogenes | 9 | 2
161 | 2 | 62 2001 BIOESSAYS 23(6):473-476
Nal B; Mohr E; Ferrier P Location analysis of DNA-bound proteins at the whole-genome level: untangling transcriptional regulatory networks | 5 | 2
162 | 1 | 77 2001 BLOOD 98(4):1127-1134
Nakajima T; Matsumoto K; Suto H; Tanaka K; Ebisawa M; Tomita H; Yuki K; Katsunuma T; Akasawa A; Hashida R; Sugita Y; Ogawa H; Ra C; Saito H Gene expression screening of human mast cells and eosinophils using high-density oligonucleotide probe arrays: abundant expression of major basic protein in mast cells | 6 | 2
163 | 1 | 114 2001 CIRCULATION RESEARCH 89(11):1065-1072
Bang ML; Centner T; Fornoff F; Geach AJ; Gotthardt M; McNabb M; Witt CC; Labeit D; Gregorio CC; Granzier H; Labeit S The complete gene sequence of titin, expression of an unusual approximate to 700-kDa titin isoform, and its interaction with obscurin identify a novel Z-line to I-band linking system | 30 | 2
164 | 1 | 141 2001 CURRENT OPINION IN BIOTECHNOLOGY 12(5):516-522
Roberts MA; Mutch DM; German JB Genomics: food and nutrition | 6 | 2
165 | 1 | 144 2001 CURRENT OPINION IN BIOTECHNOLOGY 12(6):626-631
Walke DW; Han CS; Shaw J; Wann E; Zambrowicz B; Sands A In vivo drug target discovery: identifying the best targets from the genome | 5 | 2
166 | 2 | 156 2001 CURRENT OPINION IN GENETICS & DEVELOPMENT 11(6):681-684
Sankoff D Gene and genome duplication | 11 | 2
Kole R; Sazani P Antisense effects in the cell nucleus: Modification of splicing | 17 | 2
168 | 1 | 167 2001 CYTOGENETICS AND CELL GENETICS 93(3-4):284-290
Amid C; Bahr A; Mujica A; Sampson N; Bikar SE; Winterpacht A; Zabel B; Hankeln T; Schmidt ER Comparative genomic sequencing reveals a strikingly similar architecture of a conserved syntenic region on human chromosome 11p15.3 (including gene ST5) and mouse chromosome 7 | 2 | 2
169 | 1 | 175 2001 DISEASE MARKERS 17(2):89-98
Chanock S Candidate genes and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the study of human disease | 10 | 2
170 | 1 | 176 2001 DNA RESEARCH 8(2):85-95
Nagase T; Nakayama M; Nakajima D; Kikuno R; Ohara O Prediction of the coding sequences of unidentified human genes. XX. The complete sequences of 100 new cDNA clones from brain which code for large proteins in vitro | 24 | 2
171 | 3 | 178 2001 DNA RESEARCH 8(6):319-327
Nagase T; Kikuno R; Ohara O Prediction of the coding sequences of unidentified human genes. XXII. The complete sequences of 50 new cDNA clones which code for large proteins | 4 | 2
172 | 1 | 190 2001 DRUG DISCOVERY TODAY 6(19):996-1004
Maggio ET; Ramnarayan K Recent developments in computational proteomics | 6 | 2
173 | 1 | 194 2001 ELECTROPHORESIS 22(19):4104-4117
Mitnik L; Novotny M; Felten C; Buonocore S; Koutny L; Schmalzing D Recent advances in DNA sequencing by capillary and microdevice electrophoresis | 6 | 2
174 | 2 | 211 2001 EXPERT OPINION ON INVESTIGATIONAL DRUGS 10(7):1327-1344
Sawyer T; Boyce B; Dalgarno D; Iuliucci J Src inhibitors: genomics to therapeutics | 7 | 2
175 | 1 | 225 2001 GENE 275(1):83-91
Lee DK; Nguyen T; Lynch KR; Cheng R; Vanti WB; Arkhitko O; Lewis T; Evans JF; George SR; O'Dowd BF Discovery and mapping of ten novel G protein-coupled receptor genes | 11 | 2
176 | 3 | 290 2001 JAMA-JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION 286(18):2322-2324
Collins FS; Guttmacher AE Genetics moves into the medical mainstream | 8 | 2
177 | 1 | 307 2001 JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 276(47):43604-43610
Wang LQ; Wu Q; Qiu P; Mirza A; McGuirk M; Kirschmeier P; Greene JR; Wang YL; Pickett CB; Liu SX Analyses of p53 target genes in the human genome by bioinformatic and microarray approaches | 21 | 2
178 | 1 | 315 2001 JOURNAL OF CELLULAR PHYSIOLOGY 188(2):143-160
Black AR; Black JD; Azizkhan-Clifford J Sp1 and kruppel-like factor family of transcription factors in cell growth regulation and cancer | 53 | 2
179 | 1 | 326 2001 JOURNAL OF MASS SPECTROMETRY 36(6):589-606
Null AP; Muddiman DC Perspectives on the use of electrospray ionization Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry for short tandem repeat genotyping in the post-genome era | 10 | 2
180 | 2 | 361 2001 MAMMALIAN GENOME 12(8):575-581
Moldin SO; Farmer ME; Chin HR; Battey JF Trans-NIH neuroscience initiatives on mouse phenotyping and mutagenesis | 8 | 2
181 | 1 | 362 2001 MAMMALIAN GENOME 12(9):673-677
Kondo S; Shinagawa A; Saito T; Kiyosawa H; Yamanaka I; Aizawa K; Fukuda S; Hara A; Itoh M; Kawai J; Shibata K; Hayashizaki Y Computational analysis of full-length mouse cDNAs compared with human genome sequences | 5 | 2
182 | 1 | 387 2001 NATURE 409(6822):747-748
Butler D Publication of human genomes sparks fresh sequence debate | 4 | 2
183 | 1 | 407 2001 NATURE GENETICS 29(4):487-489
Hughes JF; Coffin JM Evidence for genomic rearrangements mediated by human endogenous retroviruses during primate evolution | 9 | 2
184 | 1 | 409 2001 NATURE MEDICINE 7(8):961-966
Takebayashi Y; Pourquier P; Zimonjic DB; Nakayama K; Emmert S; Ueda T; Urasaki Y; Kanzaki A; Akiyama S; Popescu N; Kraemer KH; Pommier Y Antiproliferative activity of ecteinascidin 743 is dependent upon transcription-coupled nucleotide-excision repair | 30 | 2
185 | 2 | 410 2001 NATURE REVIEWS CANCER 1(2):99-108
Relling MV; Dervieux T Pharmacogenetics and cancer therapy | 21 | 2
186 | 1 | 436 2001 NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH 29(18):3864-3872
Shchepinov MS; Denissenko MF; Smylie KJ; Worl RJ; Leppin AL; Cantor CR; Rodi CP Matrix-induced fragmentation of P3 '-N5 ' phosphoramidate- containing DNA: high-throughput MALDI-TOF analysis of genomic sequence polymorphisms | 10 | 2
Fischer SEJ; Wienholds E; Plasterk RHA Regulated transposition of a fish transposon in the mouse germ line | 24 | 2
Pevzner PA; Tang HX; Waterman MS An Eulerian path approach to DNA fragment assembly | 8 | 2
189 | 1 | 473 2001 PROTEIN SCIENCE 10(10):1970-1979
Liu JF; Rost B Comparing function and structure between entire proteomes | 23 | 2
190 | 1 | 474 2001 PROTEIN SCIENCE 10(11):2200-2206
Battistutta R; De Moliner E; Sarno S; Zanotti G; Pinna LA Structural features underlying selective inhibition of protein kinase CK2 by ATP site-directed tetrabromo-2-benzotriazole | 9 | 2
191 | 1 | 506 2001 SCIENCE 294(5547):1669-1670
Kwok PY Genomics - Genetic association by whole-genome analysis? | 7 | 2
192 | 3 | 507 2001 SCIENTIST 15(5):1-+
Russo E Behind the sequence | 0 | 2
193 | 2 | 534 2001 TRENDS IN BIOTECHNOLOGY 19(12):511-518
Ko MSH Embryogenomics: developmental biology meets genomics | 7 | 2
194 | 1 | 545 2001 TRENDS IN GENETICS 17(9):541-545
Peri S; Ibarrola N; Blagoev B; Mann M; Pandey A Common pitfalls in bioinformatics-based analyses: look before you leap | 4 | 2
195 | 1 | 579 2002 ADVANCES IN CANCER RESEARCH, VOL 84 84():57-80
Jaffe AB; Hall A Rho GTPases in transformation and metastasis | 13 | 2
196 | 1 | 589 2002 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS 70(2):425-434
Schaid DJ; Rowland CM; Tines DE; Jacobson RM; Poland GA Score tests for association between traits and haplotypes when linkage phase is ambiguous | 17 | 2
Ponting CP; Russell RR The natural history of protein domains | 5 | 2
198 | 3 | 725 2002 BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL 324(7344):1018-1022
Bayat A Science, medicine, and the future - Bioinformatics | 4 | 2
199 | 2 | 743 2002 CELL 109(3):307-320
Panda S; Antoch MP; Miller BH; Su AI; Schook AB; Straume M; Schultz PG; Kay SA; Takahashi JS; Hogenesch JB Coordinated transcription of key pathways in the mouse by the circadian clock | 49 | 2
200 | 3 | 785 2002 CURRENT OPINION IN BIOTECHNOLOGY 13(1):68-71
Goodman N Biological data becomes computer literate: new advances in bioinformatics | 9 | 2
# | Cited nodes | Nodes / Authors | GCS | LCS |
201 | 5 | 788 2002 CURRENT OPINION IN CHEMICAL BIOLOGY 6(1):13-16
Camargo AA; de Souza SJ; Brentani RR; Simpson AJG Human gene discovery through experimental definition of transcribed regions of the human genome | 2 | 2
202 | 1 | 792 2002 CURRENT OPINION IN CHEMICAL BIOLOGY 6(1):97-101
Mousses S; Kallioniemi A; Kauraniemi P; Elkahloun A; Kallioniemi OP Clinical and functional target validation using tissue and cell microarrays | 3 | 2
203 | 5 | 796 2002 CURRENT OPINION IN CHEMICAL BIOLOGY 6(3):375-383
Roberts GC; Smith CWJ Alternative splicing: combinatorial output from the genome | 10 | 2
204 | 1 | 903 2002 FEBS LETTERS 513(1):77-84
Stenmark H; Aasland R; Driscoll PC The phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate-binding FYVE finger | 7 | 2
205 | 5 | 923 2002 GENE 294(1-2):35-44
Gilligan P; Brenner S; Venkatesh B Fugu and human sequence comparison identifies novel human genes and conserved non-coding sequences | 3 | 2
206 | 4 | 926 2002 GENE 300(1-2):117-127
Oliver JL; Carpena P; Roman-Roldan R; Mata-Balaguer T; Mejias-Romero A; Hackenberg M; Bernaola-Galvan P Isochore chromosome maps of the human genome | 2 | 2
207 | 4 | 962 2002 GENOME RESEARCH 12(5):669-671
Mardis E; McPherson J; Martienssen R; Wilson RK; McCombie WR What is finished, and why does it matter | 5 | 2
208 | 1 | 964 2002 GENOME RESEARCH 12(5):785-794
Xie HQ; Wasserman A; Levine Z; Novik A; Grebinskiy V; Shoshan A; Mintz L Large-scale protein annotation through gene ontology | 6 | 2
209 | 6 | 970 2002 GENOME RESEARCH 12(8):1277-1285
Thomas JW; Prasad AB; Summers TJ; Lee-Lin SQ; Maduro VVB; Idol JR; Ryan JF; Thomas PJ; McDowell JC; Green ED Parallel construction of orthologous sequence-ready clone contig maps in multiple species | 3 | 2
210 | 5 | 971 2002 GENOME RESEARCH 12(10):1466-1482
Zhang ZL; Harrison P; Gerstein M Identification and analysis of over 2000 ribosomal protein pseudogenes in the human genome | 5 | 2
211 | 1 | 982 2002 GENOMICS 79(2):154-161
Kurihara LJ; Semenova E; Miller W; Ingram RS; Guan XJ; Tilghman SM Candidate genes required for embryonic development: A comparative analysis of distal mouse chromosome 14 and human chromosome 13q22 | 3 | 2
212 | 2 | 990 2002 GENOMICS 79(4):587-597
Rowen L; Young J; Birditt B; Kaur A; Madan A; Philipps DL; Qin SZ; Minx P; Wilson RK; Hood L; Graveley BR Analysis of the human neurexin genes: Alternative splicing and the generation of protein diversity | 8 | 2
213 | 2 | 991 2002 GENOMICS 79(5):635-656
Christian SL; McDonough J; Liu CY; Shaikh S; Vlamakis V; Badner JA; Chakravarti A; Gershon ES An evaluation of the assembly of an approximately 15-Mb region on human chromosome 13q32-q33 linked to bipolar disorder and schizophrenia | 6 | 2
214 | 4 | 996 2002 GENOMICS 80(2):138-139
Li SY; Liao JY; Cutler G; Hoey T; Hogenesch JB; Cooke MP; Schultz PG; Ling XFB Comparative analysis of human genome assemblies reveals genome- level differences | 2 | 2
215 | 3 | 998 2002 GENOMICS 80(2):213-222
Anisimov SV; Tarasov KV; Stern MD; Lakatta EG; Boheler KR A quantitative and validated SAGE transcriptome reference for adult mouse heart | 4 | 2
216 | 1 | 1056 2002 JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 277(3):2247-2257
Ward SDC; Hamdan FF; Bloodworth LM; Wess J Conformational changes that occur during M-3 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor activation probed by the use of an in situ disulfide cross-linking strategy | 8 | 2
217 | 2 | 1091 2002 JOURNAL OF CHROMATOGRAPHY B 771(1-2):89-106
Yanagida M Functional proteomics; current achievements | 6 | 2
218 | 1 | 1100 2002 JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY 20(7):1932-1941
Ramaswamy S; Golub TR DNA microarrays in clinical oncology | 34 | 2
Bowen DJ Haemophilia a and haemophilia b: molecular insights | 1 | 2
220 | 2 | 1113 2002 JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS 47(11):605-610
Haga H; Yamada R; Ohnishi Y; Nakamura Y; Tanaka T Gene-based SNP discovery as part of the Japanese Millennium Genome Project: identification of 190562 genetic variations in the human genome | 8 | 2
221 | 5 | 1128 2002 JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY 318(5):1155-1174
Harrison PM; Gerstein M Studying Genomes through the aeons: Protein families, pseudogenes and proteome evolution | 7 | 2
222 | 1 | 1194 2002 MEDICAL HYPOTHESES 59(4):367-372
Kong Q; Sun J; Kong LD Cell brain crystallization for cancer therapy | 3 | 2
223 | 3 | 1197 2002 METHODS 26(1):76-83
Segal DJ The use of zinc finger peptides to study the role of specific factor binding sites in the chromatin environment | 5 | 2
224 | 1 | 1214 2002 MOLECULAR BIOLOGY AND EVOLUTION 19(5):654-663
Betran E; Wang W; Jin L; Long MY Evolution of the Phosphoglycerate mutase processed gene in human and chimpanzee revealing the origin of a new primate gene | 4 | 2
225 | 1 | 1253 2002 NATURE BIOTECHNOLOGY 20(4):353-358
Yeakley JM; Fan JB; Doucet D; Luo L; Wickham E; Ye Z; Chee MS; Fu XD Profiling alternative splicing on fiber-optic arrays | 20 | 2
226 | 1 | 1254 2002 NATURE BIOTECHNOLOGY 20(4):376-380
Kawasaki H; Onuki R; Suyama E; Taira K Identification of genes that function in the TNF-alpha-mediated apoptotic pathway using randomized hybrid ribozyme libraries | 18 | 2
227 | 1 | 1261 2002 NATURE GENETICS 30(2):141-142
Weber G; Shendure J; Tanenbaum DM; Church GM; Meyerson M Identification of foreign gene sequences by transcript filtering against the human genome | 4 | 2
228 | 1 | 1264 2002 NATURE GENETICS 31(2):184-189
Cossette P; Liu LD; Brisebois K; Dong HH; Lortie A; Vanasse M; Saint-Hilaire JM; Carmant L; Verner A; Lu WY; Wang YT; Rouleau GA Mutation of GABRA1 in an autosomal dominant form of juvenile myoclonic epilepsy | 15 | 2
229 | 1 | 1279 2002 NATURE REVIEWS MOLECULAR CELL BIOLOGY 3(3):177-186
Yaffe MB Phosphotyrosine-binding domains in signal transduction | 12 | 2
230 | 1 | 1301 2002 NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH 30(1):205-206
Paces J; Pavlicek A; Paces V HERVd: database of human endogenous retroviruses | 4 | 2
231 | 4 | 1334 2002 PHARMACOGENOMICS 3(3):379-391
Judson R; Salisbury B; Schneider J; Windemuth A; Stephens JC How many SNPs does a genome-wide haplotype map require? | 8 | 2
Chen CF; Gentles AJ; Jurka J; Karlin S Genes, pseudogenes, and Alu sequence organization across human chromosomes 21 and 22 | 6 | 2
Green P Whole-genome disassembly | 2 | 2
Lipton MS; Pasa-Tolic L; Anderson GA; Anderson DJ; Auberry DL; Battista KR; Daly MJ; Fredrickson J; Hixson KK; Kostandarithes H; Masselon C; Markillie LM; Moore RJ; Romine MF; Shen YF; Stritmatter E; Tolic N; Udseth HR; Venkateswaran A; Wong LK; Zhao R; Smith RD Global analysis of the Deinococcus radiodurans proteome by using accurate mass tags | 19 | 2
Chumakov I; Blumenfeld M; Guerassimenko O; Cavarec L; Palicio M; Abderrahim H; Bougueleret L; Barry C; Tanaka H; La Rosa P; Puech A; Tahri N; Cohen-Akenine A; Delabrosse S; Lissarrague S; Picard FP; Maurice K; Essioux L; Millasseau P; Grel P; Debailleul V; Simon AM; Caterina D; Dufaure I; Malekzadeh K; Belova M; Luan JJ; Bouillot M; Sambucy JL; Primas G; Saumier M; Boubkiri N; Martin-Saumier S; Nasroune M; Peixoto H; Delaye A; Pinchot V; Bastucci M; Guillou S; Chevillon M; Sainz-Fuertes R; Meguenni S; Aurich-Costa J; Cherif D; Gimalac A; Van Duijn C; Gauvreau D; Quelette G; Fortier I; Realson J; Sherbatich T; Riazanskaia N; Rogaev E; Raeymaekers P; Aerssens J; Konings F; Luyten W; Macciardi F; Sham PC; Straub RE; Weinberger DR; Cohen N; Cohen D Genetic and physiological data implicating the new human gene G72 and the gene for D-amino acid oxidase in schizophrenia | 18 | 2
Strausberg RL; Feingold EA; Grouse LH; Derge JG; Klausner RD; Collins FS; Wagner L; Shenmen CM; Schuler GD; Altschul SF; Zeeberg B; Buetow KH; Schaefer CF; Bhat NK; Hopkins RF; Jordan H; Moore T; Max SI; Wang J; Hsieh F; Diatchenko L; Marusina K; Farmer AA; Rubin GM; Hong L; Stapleton M; Soares MB; Bonaldo MF; Casavant TL; Scheetz TE; Brownstein MJ; Usdin TB; Toshiyuki S; Carninci P; Prange C; Raha SS; Loquellano NA; Peters GJ; Abramson RD; Mullahy SJ; Bosak SA; McEwan PJ; McKernan KJ; Malek JA; Gunaratne PH; Richards S; Worley KC; Hale S; Garcia AM; Gay LJ; Hulyk SW; Villalon DK; Muzny DM; Sodergren EJ; Lu XH; Gibbs RA; Fahey J; Helton E; Ketteman M; Madan A; Rodrigues S; Sanchez A; Whiting M; Madan A; Young AC; Shevchenko Y; Bouffard GG; Blakesley RW; Touchman JW; Green ED; Dickson MC; Rodriguez AC; Grimwood J; Schmutz J; Myers RM; Butterfield YSN; Kryzywinski MI; Skalska U; Smailus DE; Schnerch A; Schein JE; Jones SJM; Marra MA; Mammalian Gene Collection MGC Pro Generation and initial analysis of more than 15,000 full-length human and mouse cDNA sequences | 6 | 2
237 | 1 | 1398 2002 PROTEIN SCIENCE 11(3):636-641
Kallberg Y; Oppermann U; Jornvall H; Persson B Short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase (SDR) relationships: A large family with eight clusters common to human, animal, and plant genomes | 9 | 2
238 | 1 | 1406 2002 PROTEOMICS 2(9):1069-1078
Hubbard MJ Functional proteomics: The goalposts are moving | 2 | 2
Schoneberg T; Schulz A; Gudermann T The structural basis of G-protein-coupled receptor function and dysfunction in human diseases | 6 | 2
240 | 1 | 1425 2002 SCIENCE 295(5552):127-131
Boulton SJ; Gartner A; Reboul J; Vaglio P; Dyson N; Hill DE; Vidal M Combined functional genomic maps of the C-elegans DNA damage response | 29 | 2
241 | 4 | 1436 2002 SCIENCE 297(5585):1283-1285
Hedges SB; Kumar S Vertebrate genomes compared | 5 | 2
242 | 2 | 1467 2002 TRENDS IN BIOTECHNOLOGY 20(2):79-84
Norin M; Sundstrom M Structural proteomics: developments in structure-to-function predictions | 6 | 2
243 | 2 | 1480 2002 TRENDS IN GENETICS 18(10):529-536
Edwards AM; Kus B; Jansen R; Greenbaum D; Greenblatt J; Gerstein M Bridging structural biology and genomics: assessing protein interaction data with known complexes | 6 | 2
244 | 1 | 1483 2002 TRENDS IN MOLECULAR MEDICINE 8(4):S1-S9
Workman P; Kaye SB Translating basic cancer research into new cancer therapeutics | 4 | 2
Waterston RH; Lander ES; Sulston JE More on the sequencing of the human genome | 2 | 2
246 | 1 | 9 2001 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS 68(5):1229-1237
Longmate JA Complexity and power in case-control association studies | 17 | 1
247 | 1 | 12 2001 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS 69(2):381-395
Subrahmanyan L; Eberle MA; Clark AG; Kruglyak L; Nickerson DA Sequence variation and linkage disequilibrium in the human T- cell receptor beta (TCRB) locus | 16 | 1
248 | 1 | 34 2001 ANNUAL REPORTS IN MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY, VOL 36 36():227-235
Kreider BL Chapter 22. Proteomics: Defining protein function in the post genomics era | 5 | 1
Tang CM; Moxon ER The impact of microbial genomics on antimicrobial drug development | 3 | 1
250 | 1 | 40 2001 ARCHIVES OF GENERAL PSYCHIATRY 58(11):995-1004
Tecott LH; Wehner JM Mouse molecular genetic technologies - Promise for psychiatric research | 4 | 1
Monkley SJ; Pritchard CA; Critchley DR Analysis of the mammalian talin2 gene TLN2 | 4 | 1
252 | 1 | 61 2001 BIOESSAYS 23(5):436-446
Smith CIE; Islam TC; Mattsson PT; Mohamed AJ; Nore BF; Vihinen M The Tec family of cytoplasmic tyrosine kinases: mammalian Btk, Bmx, Itk, Tec, Txk and homologs in other species | 25 | 1
253 | 1 | 63 2001 BIOESSAYS 23(12):1131-1137
Wade PA Methyl CpG-binding transcriptional proteins and repression | 20 | 1
254 | 2 | 66 2001 BIOINFORMATICS 17(7):581-586
Ke XY; Tapper W; Collins A LDB2000: sequence-based integrated maps of the human genome | 2 | 1
255 | 1 | 74 2001 BIOTECHNIQUES 30(3):626-+
Sawyer TK Cancer - Emerging breakthrough drugs | 3 | 1
256 | 1 | 81 2001 BRAIN RESEARCH BULLETIN 55(6):711-721
Fritzsch B; Beisel KW Evolution and development of the vertebrate ear | 6 | 1
257 | 1 | 83 2001 BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL 322(7293):1031-1034
Mathew C Science medicine and the future - Postgenomic technologies: hunting the genes for common disorders | 8 | 1
258 | 1 | 84 2001 BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL 323(7313):611-615
Aitman TJ Science, medicine, and the future - DNA microarrays in medical practice | 13 | 1
Risch N The genetic epidemiology of cancer: Interpreting family and twin studies and their implications for molecular genetic approaches | 36 | 1
260 | 1 | 91 2001 CELL 104(4):465-467
Davies K After the genome: DNA and human disease | 2 | 1
261 | 1 | 97 2001 CELL 107(2):195-207
Billuart P; Winter CG; Maresh A; Zhao XS; Luo LQ Regulating axon branch stability: The role of p190 RhoGAP in repressing a retraction signaling pathway | 33 | 1
262 | 1 | 101 2001 CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR LIFE SCIENCES 58(7):868-884
Jonsson AP Mass spectrometry for protein and peptide characterisation | 12 | 1
263 | 1 | 103 2001 CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR LIFE SCIENCES 58(12-13):1842-1856
Rauch U; Feng K; Zhou XH Neurocan: a brain chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan | 6 | 1
264 | 1 | 111 2001 CIRCULATING NUCLEIC ACIDS IN PLASMA OR SERUM II 945():103-115
Verma M; Wright GL; Hanash SM; Gopal-Srivastava R; Srivastava S Proteomic approaches within the NCI Early Detection Research Network for the discovery and identification of cancer biomarkers | 12 | 1
265 | 1 | 128 2001 CRITICAL CARE 5(3):125-130
Villar J; Mendez S; Slutsky AS Critical care medicine in the 21st century: from CPR to PCR | 1 | 1
266 | 5 | 134 2001 CURRENT BIOLOGY 11(20):R808-R811
Scherer SW; Cheung J Discovery of the human genome sequence in the public and private databases | 1 | 1
267 | 2 | 138 2001 CURRENT OPINION IN BIOTECHNOLOGY 12(4):340-347
Pelletier J; Sidhu S Mapping protein-protein interactions with combinatorial biology methods | 4 | 1
268 | 1 | 139 2001 CURRENT OPINION IN BIOTECHNOLOGY 12(4):348-354
Heinemann U; Illing G; Oschkinat H High-throughput three-dimensional protein structure determination | 12 | 1
269 | 2 | 142 2001 CURRENT OPINION IN BIOTECHNOLOGY 12(6):607-612
Griffin TJ; Goodlett DR; Aebersold R Advances in proteome analysis by mass spectrometry | 8 | 1
270 | 2 | 143 2001 CURRENT OPINION IN BIOTECHNOLOGY 12(6):622-625
Dean NM Functional genomics and target validation approaches using antisense oligonucleotide technology | 14 | 1
271 | 1 | 147 2001 CURRENT OPINION IN CELL BIOLOGY 13(5):611-618
Brummendorf T; Lemmon V Immunoglobulin superfamily receptors: cis-interactions, intracellular adapters and alternative splicing regulate adhesion | 8 | 1
272 | 1 | 149 2001 CURRENT OPINION IN CHEMICAL BIOLOGY 5(4):464-470
Caron PR; Mullican MD; Mashal RD; Wilson KP; Su MS; Murcko MA Chemogenomic approaches to drug discovery - Commentary | 21 | 1
Ardekani AM; Herman EH; Sistare FD; Liotta LA; Petricoin EF Molecular profiling of cancer and drug-induced toxicity using new proteomic technologies | 3 | 1
274 | 1 | 172 2001 DEVELOPMENTAL CELL 1(5):679-690
Hidalgo A; Kinrade EFV; Georgiou M The Drosophila neuregulin vein maintains glial survival during axon guidance in the CNS | 10 | 1
275 | 1 | 174 2001 DISEASE MARKERS 17(2):49-57
Herrmann PC; Liotta LA; Petricoin EF Cancer proteomics: The state of the art | 5 | 1
276 | 2 | 177 2001 DNA RESEARCH 8(4):179-187
Nagase T; Kikuno R; Ohara O Prediction of the coding sequences of unidentified human genes. XXI. The complete sequences of 60 new cDNA clones from brain which code for large proteins | 5 | 1
277 | 1 | 184 2001 DRUG DISCOVERY TODAY 6(10):495-498
Peet NP; Bey P Pharmacogenomics: challenges and opportunities | 5 | 1
278 | 1 | 196 2001 EMBO REPORTS 2(7):586-592
Cuadrado M; Sacristan M; Antequera F Species-specific organization of CpG island promoters at mammalian homologous genes | 4 | 1
279 | 1 | 213 2001 EXPERT OPINION ON THERAPEUTIC PATENTS 11(11):1729-1752
Ilies MA; Balaban AT Recent developments in cationic lipid-mediated gene delivery and gene therapy | 5 | 1
280 | 1 | 224 2001 GENE 275(1):31-37
Osada N; Hida M; Kususda J; Tanuma R; Iseki K; Hirata M; Suto Y; Hirai M; Terao K; Suzuki Y; Sugano S; Hashimoto K Assignment of 118 novel cDNAs of cynomolgus monkey brain to human chromosomes | 5 | 1
281 | 2 | 230 2001 GENE 277(1-2):31-47
Goldstrohm AC; Greenleaf AL; Garcia-Blanco MA Co-transcriptional splicing of pre-messenger RNAs: considerations for the mechanism of alternative splicing | 16 | 1
282 | 1 | 238 2001 GENETICS IN MEDICINE 3(6):426-429
McCabe ERB Clinical genetics: Compassion, access, science, and advocacy | 3 | 1
283 | 1 | 240 2001 GENOME RESEARCH 11(5):641-643
Collins FS Contemplating the end of the beginning | 11 | 1
284 | 4 | 241 2001 GENOME RESEARCH 11(5):645-651
Green ED; Chakravarti A The human genome sequence expedition: Views from the "Base Camp" | 6 | 1
285 | 1 | 249 2001 GENOME RESEARCH 11(9):1461-1462
Pevzner PA Assembling puzzles from preassembled blocks | 1 | 1
286 | 1 | 250 2001 GENOME RESEARCH 11(9):1520-1526
Beaudoing E; Gautheret D Identification of alternate polyadenylation sites and analysis of their tissue distribution using EST data | 7 | 1
287 | 1 | 251 2001 GENOME RESEARCH 11(10):1619-1623
Cai WW; Chen R; Gibbs RA; Bradley A A clone-array pooled shotgun strategy for sequencing large genomes | 1 | 1
288 | 1 | 260 2001 GENOME RESEARCH 11(11):1899-1912
Tugendreich S; Perkins E; Couto J; Barthmaier P; Sun DX; Tang S; Tulac S; Nguyen A; Yeh E; Mays A; Wallace E; Lila T; Shivak D; Prichard M; Andrejka L; Kim R; Melese T A streamlined process to phenotypically profile heterologous cDNAs in parallel using yeast cell-based assays | 2 | 1
289 | 1 | 261 2001 GENOME RESEARCH 11(11):1913-1925
Cutler DJ; Zwick ME; Carrasquillo MM; Yohn CT; Tobin KP; Kashuk C; Mathews DJ; Shah NA; Eichler EE; Warrington JA; Chakravarti A High-throughput variation detection and genotyping using microarrays | 16 | 1
290 | 2 | 262 2001 GENOME RESEARCH 11(12):1975-1977
Wong GKS; Passey DA; Yu J Most of the human genome is transcribed | 4 | 1
291 | 1 | 263 2001 GENOME RESEARCH 11(12):2127-2132
Hukriede N; Fisher D; Epstein J; Joly L; Tellis P; Zhou Y; Barbazuk B; Cox K; Fenton-Noriega L; Hersey C; Miles J; Sheng XM; Song A; Waterman R; Johnson SL; Dawid IB; Chevrette M; Zon LI; McPherson J; Ekker M The LN54 radiation hybrid map of zebrafish expressed sequences | 15 | 1
292 | 1 | 276 2001 HUMAN MOLECULAR GENETICS 10(23):2619-2626
Takai D; Gonzales FA; Tsai YC; Thayer MJ; Jones PA Large scale mapping of methylcytosines in CTCF-binding sites in the human H19 promoter and aberrant hypomethylation in human bladder cancer | 14 | 1
293 | 1 | 288 2001 JAMA-JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION 286(18):2289-2295
McKusick VA The anatomy of the human genome - A neo-Vesalian basis for medicine in the 21st century | 5 | 1
294 | 1 | 296 2001 JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 276(25):23161-23172
Kraev A; Quednau BD; Leach S; Li XF; Dong H; Winkfein R; Perizzolo M; Cai XJ; Yang RM; Philipson KD; Lytton J Molecular cloning of a third member of the potassium-dependent sodium-calcium exchanger gene family, NCKX3 | 18 | 1
295 | 1 | 303 2001 JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 276(43):40282-40287
Angata T; Varki NM; Varki A A second uniquely human mutation affecting sialic acid biology | 14 | 1
296 | 1 | 306 2001 JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 276(46):43216-43220
Zhang Q; Fan JS; Zhang MJ Interdomain chaperoning between PSD-95, Dlg, and Zo-1 (PDZ) domains of glutamate receptor-interacting proteins | 7 | 1
297 | 2 | 313 2001 JOURNAL OF CELL SCIENCE 114(24):4359-4369
Moustakas A; Souchelnytskyi S; Heldin CH Smad regulation in TGF-beta signal transduction | 53 | 1
298 | 1 | 323 2001 JOURNAL OF HEPATOLOGY 35(2):178-186
Yano N; Habib NA; Fadden KJ; Yamashita H; Mitry R; Jauregui H; Kane A; Endoh M; Rifai A Profiling the adult human liver transcriptome: analysis by cDNA array hybridization | 4 | 1
299 | 1 | 325 2001 JOURNAL OF LIPID RESEARCH 42(7):1007-1017
Dean M; Hamon Y; Chimini G The human ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter superfamily | 64 | 1
300 | 2 | 329 2001 JOURNAL OF MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY 44(26):4595-4614
Dean MK; Higgs C; Smith RE; Bywater RP; Snell CR; Scott PD; Upton GJG; Howe TJ; Reynolds CA Dimerization of G-protein-coupled receptors | 18 | 1
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301 | 2 | 334 2001 JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR ENDOCRINOLOGY 27(2):123-131
Akker SA; Smith PJ; Chew SL Nuclear post-transcriptional control of gene expression | 8 | 1
302 | 1 | 335 2001 JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR EVOLUTION 53(2):160-162
Finta C; Zaphiropoulos PG A statistical view of genome transcription? | 3 | 1
303 | 1 | 341 2001 JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 21(21):8306-8309
Sutcliffe JG Open-system approaches to gene expression in the CNS | 2 | 1
304 | 1 | 344 2001 JOURNAL OF PATHOLOGY 195(1):87-96
Frantz GD; Pham TQ; Peale FV; Hillan KJ Detection of novel gene expression in paraffin-embedded tissues by isotopic in situ hybridization in tissue microarrays | 7 | 1
305 | 1 | 365 2001 MECHANISMS OF DEVELOPMENT 107(1-2):169-174
Houweling AC; Dildrop R; Peters T; Mummenhoff J; Moorman AFM; Ruther U; Christoffels VM Gene and cluster-specific expression of the Iroquois family members during mouse development | 3 | 1
306 | 1 | 371 2001 METHODS OF INFORMATION IN MEDICINE 40(4):346-358
Luscombe NM; Greenbaum D; Gerstein M What is bioinformatics? A proposed definition and overview of the field | 6 | 1
307 | 1 | 377 2001 MOLECULAR BIOLOGY AND EVOLUTION 18(9):1694-1702
Wuchty S Scale-free behavior in protein domain networks | 15 | 1
308 | 1 | 381 2001 MOLECULAR DIAGNOSIS 6(4):243-252
Subramanian G; Mural R; Hoffman SL; Venter JC; Broder S Microbial disease in humans: A genomic perspective | 2 | 1
309 | 1 | 399 2001 NATURE BIOTECHNOLOGY 19(5):440-445
Harrington JJ; Sherf B; Rundlett S; Jackson PD; Perry R; Cain S; Leventhal C; Thornton M; Ramachandran R; Whittington J; Lerner L; Costanzo D; McElligott K; Boozer S; Mays R; Smith E; Veloso N; Klika A; Hess J; Cothren K; Lo K; Offenbacher J; Danzig J; Ducar M Creation of genome-wide protein expression libraries using random activation of gene expression | 13 | 1
310 | 1 | 400 2001 NATURE GENETICS 27(4):383-391
Kuehl P; Zhang J; Lin Y; Lamba J; Assem M; Schuetz J; Watkins PB; Daly A; Wrighton SA; Hall SD; Maurel P; Relling M; Brimer C; Yasuda K; Venkataramanan R; Strom S; Thummel K; Boguski MS; Schuetz E Sequence diversity in CYP3A promoters and characterization of the genetic basis of polymorphic CYP3A5 expression | 113 | 1
311 | 1 | 402 2001 NATURE GENETICS 29(1):4-6
Quackenbush J The power of public access - The human genome project and the scientific process | 3 | 1
312 | 1 | 403 2001 NATURE GENETICS 29(3):310-314
Birkenhager R; Otto E; Schurmann MJ; Vollmer M; Ruf EM; Maier-Lutz I; Beekmann F; Fekete A; Omran H; Feldmann D; Milford DV; Jeck N; Konrad M; Landau D; Knoers NVAM; Antignac C; Sudbrak R; Kispert A; Hildebrandt F Mutation of BSND causes Bartter syndrome with sensorineural deafness and kidney failure | 36 | 1
313 | 1 | 408 2001 NATURE IMMUNOLOGY 2(9):802-809
Wandstrat A; Wakeland E The genetics of complex autoimmune diseases: non-MHC susceptibility genes | 18 | 1
314 | 1 | 413 2001 NATURE REVIEWS GENETICS 2(5):392-396
Roche PA; Annas GJ Opinion - Protecting genetic privacy | 10 | 1
315 | 1 | 418 2001 NATURE REVIEWS GENETICS 2(9):681-689
Kim SK HTTP ://C-elegans: Mining the functional genomic landscape | 7 | 1
316 | 2 | 419 2001 NATURE REVIEWS GENETICS 2(10):801-809
Brenner SE A tour of structural genomics | 18 | 1
317 | 1 | 422 2001 NATURE REVIEWS MOLECULAR CELL BIOLOGY 2(7):493-503
Kinoshita K; Honjo T Linking class-switch recombination with somatic hypermutation | 32 | 1
318 | 1 | 429 2001 NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE 344(8):601-602
Golub TR Genome-wide views of cancer. | 9 | 1
319 | 1 | 431 2001 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW 76(6):1623-1691
Gitter DM International conflicts over patenting human DNA sequences in the United States and the European Union: An argument for compulsory licensing and a fair-use exemption | 4 | 1
320 | 1 | 437 2001 NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH 29(21):4274-4283
Takash W; Canizares J; Bonneaud N; Poulat F; Mattei MG; Jay P; Berta P SOX7 transcription factor: sequence, chromosomal localisation, expression, transactivation and interference with Wnt signalling | 10 | 1
321 | 2 | 438 2001 NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH 29(24):4983-4993
Mu XQ; Zhao S; Pershad R; Hsieh TF; Scarpa A; Wang SW; White RA; Beremand PD; Thomas TL; Gan L; Klein WH Gene expression in the developing mouse retina by EST sequencing and microarray analysis | 6 | 1
Kollmar R; Nakamura SK; Kappler JA; Hudspeth AJ Expression and phylogeny of claudins in vertebrate primordia | 10 | 1
323 | 2 | 491 2001 SCIENCE 292(5516):515-+
Meldrum DR Sequencing genomes and beyond | 2 | 1
324 | 1 | 492 2001 SCIENCE 292(5519):1115-1118
Hooper LV; Gordon JI Commensal host-bacterial relationships in the gut | 44 | 1
325 | 1 | 496 2001 SCIENCE 292(5524):2041-2050
Santagata S; Boggon TJ; Baird CL; Gomez CA; Zhao J; Shan WS; Myszka DG; Shapiro L G-protein signaling through tubby proteins | 33 | 1
326 | 1 | 511 2001 SCIENTIST 15(4):16-16
Russo E Negotiating the human genome | 0 | 1
327 | 1 | 523 2001 TOXICOLOGY LETTERS 122(3):189-203
Frueh FW; Hayashibara KC; Brown PO; Whitlock JP Use of cDNA microarrays to analyze dioxin-induced changes in human liver gene expression | 18 | 1
328 | 1 | 525 2001 TRENDS IN BIOCHEMICAL SCIENCES 26(11):639-641
Blagoev B; Pandey A Microarrays go live - new prospects for proteomics | 3 | 1
329 | 1 | 527 2001 TRENDS IN BIOCHEMICAL SCIENCES 26(12):724-732
Zheng Y Dbl family guanine nucleotide exchange factors | 43 | 1
330 | 2 | 529 2001 TRENDS IN BIOTECHNOLOGY 19(10):S40-S48
Simpson RJ; Dorow DS Cancer proteomics: from signaling networks to tumor markers | 17 | 1
331 | 1 | 532 2001 TRENDS IN BIOTECHNOLOGY 19(10):412-415
Noordewier MO; Warren PV Gene expression microarrays and the integration of biological knowledge | 13 | 1
332 | 1 | 537 2001 TRENDS IN CELL BIOLOGY 11(11):S60-S65
Martin DB; Nelson PS From genomics to proteomics: techniques and applications in cancer research | 4 | 1
333 | 1 | 538 2001 TRENDS IN CELL BIOLOGY 11(5):203-211
Wouters FS; Verveer PJ; Bastiaens PIH Imaging biochemistry inside cells | 47 | 1
334 | 1 | 539 2001 TRENDS IN ECOLOGY & EVOLUTION 16(8):420-422
Lynch M The molecular natural history of the human genome | 2 | 1
335 | 1 | 542 2001 TRENDS IN GENETICS 17(6):353-357
Jobling MA In the name of the father: surnames and genetics | 5 | 1
336 | 1 | 554 2001 TRENDS IN MICROBIOLOGY 9(12):611-617
McDevitt D; Rosenberg M Exploiting genomics to discover new antibiotics | 12 | 1
337 | 3 | 559 2001 TRENDS IN MOLECULAR MEDICINE 7(11):507-512
Taylor JG; Choi EH; Foster CB; Chanock SJ Using genetic variation to study human disease | 21 | 1
338 | 1 | 563 2001 TRENDS IN PHARMACOLOGICAL SCIENCES 22(9):485-486
Rana BK; Insel PA Useful G-protein-coupled receptor websites | 2 | 1
339 | 1 | 564 2001 TRENDS IN PHARMACOLOGICAL SCIENCES 22(12):611-615
Enmark E; Gustafsson JA Comparing nuclear receptors in worms, flies and humans | 4 | 1
340 | 1 | 565 2001 TRENDS IN PLANT SCIENCE 6(5):195-196
Messing J Do plants have more genes than humans? | 4 | 1
341 | 3 | 574 2002 ACTA BIOCHIMICA POLONICA 49(3):553-569
Klysik J Mice and humans: chromosome engineering and its application to functional genomics | 1 | 1
342 | 2 | 587 2002 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS 70(1):101-107
DeWan AT; Parrado AR; Matise TC; Leal SM The map problem: A comparison of genetic and sequence-based physical maps | 4 | 1
343 | 2 | 592 2002 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS 70(5):1305-1317
Onuchic LF; Furu L; Nagasawa Y; Hou XY; Eggermann T; Ren ZY; Bergmann C; Senderek J; Esquivel E; Zeltner R; Rudnik-Schoneborn S; Mrug M; Sweeney W; Avner ED; Zerres K; Guay-Woodford LM; Somlo S; Germino GG PKHD1, the polycystic kidney and hepatic disease 1 gene, encodes a novel large protein containing multiple immunoglobulin-like plexin-transcription-factor domains and parallel beta-helix 1 repeats | 20 | 1
344 | 3 | 594 2002 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS 70(6):1398-1410
Matise TC; Porter CJ; Buyske S; Cuttichia AJ; Sulman EP; White PS Systematic evaluation of map quality: Human chromosome 22 | 2 | 1
345 | 1 | 598 2002 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PATHOLOGY 160(3):801-813
Scheidl SJ; Nilsson S; Kalen M; Hellstrom M; Takemoto M; Hakansson J; Lindahl P mRNA expression profiling of laser microbeam microdissected cells from slender embryonic structures | 10 | 1
Birney E; Clamp M; Hubbard T Databases and tools for browsing genomes | 3 | 1
347 | 1 | 638 2002 ANNUAL REVIEW OF NEUROSCIENCE 25():1-50
Cowan WM; Kopnisky KL; Hyman SE The human genome project and its impact on psychiatry | 8 | 1
Angers S; Salahpour A; Bouvier M Dimerization: An emerging concept for G protein-coupled receptor ontogeny and function | 36 | 1
349 | 1 | 643 2002 ANNUAL REVIEW OF PSYCHOLOGY 53():435-462
Crabbe JC Genetic contributions to addiction | 12 | 1
350 | 1 | 651 2002 ARTHRITIS AND RHEUMATISM 46(4):874-884
Grant EP; Pickard MD; Briskin MJ; Gutierrez-Ramos JC Gene expression profiles - Creating new perspectives in arthritis research | 5 | 1
351 | 1 | 652 2002 ARTHRITIS AND RHEUMATISM 46(4):885-893
Robinson WH; Steinman L; Utz PJ Proteomics technologies for the study of autoimmune disease | 7 | 1
Xu HM; Zhang S; Liu DP; Li XG; Hao DL; Liang CC Efficient isolation of regulatory sequences from human genome and BAC DNA | 2 | 1
Forde CE; Gonzales AD; Smessaert JM; Murphy GA; Shields SJ; Fitch JP; McCutchen-Maloney SL A rapid method to capture and screen for transcription factors by SELDI mass spectrometry | 6 | 1
354 | 1 | 661 2002 BIOCHEMICAL JOURNAL 364():457-463
Facchin S; Lopreiato R; Stocchetto S; Arrigoni G; Cesaro L; Marin O; Carignani G; Pinna LA Structure-function analysis of yeast piD261/Bud32, an atypical protein kinase essential for normal cell life | 2 | 1
355 | 1 | 665 2002 BIOCHEMISTRY 41(19):6128-6139
Henry LK; Khare S; Son C; Babu VVS; Naider F; Becker JM Identification of a contact region between the tridecapeptide alpha-factor mating pheromone of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and its G protein-coupled receptor by photoaffinity labeling | 3 | 1
356 | 4 | 687 2002 BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY 52(6):457-477
Merikangas KR; Chakravarti A; Moldin SO; Araj H; Blangero J; Burmeister M; Crabbe JC; Depaulo JR; Foulks E; Freimer NB; Koretz DS; Lichtenstein W; Mignot E; Reiss AL; Risch NJ; Takahashi JS Workgroup reports: NIMH strategic plan for mood disorders research - Future of genetics of mood disorders research | 6 | 1
357 | 1 | 695 2002 BIOSCIENCE 52(1):31-43
Ehrlich PR Human natures, nature conservation, and environmental ethics | 4 | 1
358 | 1 | 708 2002 BIOTECHNIQUES 33(2):306-309
Carninci P; Nakamura M; Sato K; Hayashizaki Y; Brownstein MJ Cytoplasmic RNA extraction from fresh and frozen mammalian tissues | 2 | 1
359 | 2 | 721 2002 BREAST CANCER RESEARCH 4(4):148-154
Aherne GW; McDonald E; Workman P Finding the needle in the haystack: why high-throughput screening is good for your health | 3 | 1
360 | 1 | 722 2002 BRITISH JOURNAL OF CANCER 87(6):630-634
Boulay JL; Mild G; Lowy A; Reuter J; Lagrange M; Terracciano L; Laffer U; Herrmann R; Rochlitz C SMAD4 is a predictive marker for 5-fluorouracil-based chemotherapy in patients with colorectal cancer | 3 | 1
361 | 2 | 744 2002 CELL 109(7):807-809
Adachi N; Lieber MR Bidirectional gene organization: A common architectural feature of the human genome | 7 | 1
362 | 1 | 745 2002 CELL 110(4):521-529
Schroder ARW; Shinn P; Chen HM; Berry C; Ecker JR; Bushman F HIV-1 integration in the human genome favors active genes and local hotspots | 27 | 1
363 | 2 | 749 2002 CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR LIFE SCIENCES 59(6):1070-1075
Nordling E; Persson B; Jornvall H Differential multiplicity of MDR alcohol dehydrogenases: enzyme genes in the human genome versus those in organisms initially studied | 6 | 1
364 | 1 | 750 2002 CHEMBIOCHEM 3(1):17-37
Maly DJ; Huang L; Ellman JA Combinatorial strategies for targeting protein families: Application to the proteases | 2 | 1
365 | 4 | 764 2002 CLINICAL CHEMISTRY 48(8):1160-1169
Srinivas PR; Verma M; Zhao YM; Srivastava S Proteomics for cancer biomarker discovery | 2 | 1
366 | 2 | 782 2002 CURRENT BIOLOGY 12(22):1952-1958
Walhout AJM; Reboul J; Shtanko O; Bertin N; Vaglio P; Ge H; Lee H; Doucette-Stamm L; Gunsalus KC; Schetter AJ; Morton DG; Kemphues KJ; Reinke V; Kim SK; Piano F; Vidal M Integrating interactome, phenome, and transcriptome mapping data for the C-elegans germline | 5 | 1
367 | 1 | 786 2002 CURRENT OPINION IN CELL BIOLOGY 14(3):343-350
Weiner AM SINEs and LINEs: the art of biting the hand that feeds you | 5 | 1
368 | 3 | 790 2002 CURRENT OPINION IN CHEMICAL BIOLOGY 6(1):24-30
Remm M; Metspalu A High-density genotyping and linkage disequilibrium in the human genome using chromosome 22 as a model | 3 | 1
369 | 11 | 805 2002 CURRENT OPINION IN GENETICS & DEVELOPMENT 12(3):312-319
Stankiewicz P; Lupski JR Molecular-evolutionary mechanisms for genomic disorders | 8 | 1
370 | 1 | 814 2002 CURRENT OPINION IN OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY 14(2):161-168
Miny P; Tercanli S; Holzgreve W Developments in laboratory techniques for prenatal diagnosis | 5 | 1
371 | 1 | 817 2002 CURRENT OPINION IN PHARMACOLOGY 2(4):361-365
Weinstein JN 'Omic' and hypothesis-driven research in the molecular pharmacology of cancer | 4 | 1
372 | 2 | 824 2002 CURRENT PHARMACEUTICAL DESIGN 8(23):2049-2075
Metcalf CA; van Schravendijk MR; Dalgarno DC; Sawyer TK Targeting protein kinases for bone disease: Discovery and development of Src inhibitors | 4 | 1
373 | 1 | 837 2002 DEVELOPMENT 129(12):2891-2903
Zhu JW; Motejlek K; Wang DN; Zang KL; Schmidt A; Reichardt LF beta 8 integrins are required for vascular morphogenesis in mouse embryos | 5 | 1
374 | 2 | 844 2002 DNA RESEARCH 9(3):99-106
Nakajima D; Okazaki N; Yamakawa H; Kikuno R; Ohara O; Nagase T Construction of expression-ready cDNA clones for KIAA genes: Manual curation of 330 KIAA cDNA clones | 3 | 1
375 | 8 | 849 2002 DRUG DISCOVERY TODAY 7(11):S64-S69
Duckworth DM; Sanseau P In silico identification of novel therapeutic targets | 2 | 1
376 | 4 | 850 2002 DRUG DISCOVERY TODAY 7(11):S70-S76
Rust AG; Mongin E; Birney E Genome annotation techniques: new approaches and challenges | 2 | 1
377 | 2 | 856 2002 DRUG DISCOVERY TODAY 7(5):315-323
Augen J The evolving role of information technology in the drug discovery process | 8 | 1
378 | 1 | 867 2002 ELECTROPHORESIS 23(4):640-646
Werhahn W; Braun HP Biochemical dissection of the mitochondrial proteome from Arabidopsis thaliana by three-dimensional gel electrophoresis | 8 | 1
379 | 6 | 878 2002 ENDOCRINE REVIEWS 23(3):369-381
Leo CP; Hsu SY; Hsueh AJW Hormonal genomics | 4 | 1
380 | 1 | 880 2002 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH PERSPECTIVES 110():3-9
Liebler DC Proteomic approaches to characterize protein modifications: New tools to study the effects of environmental exposures | 5 | 1
381 | 2 | 888 2002 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER 38(16):2189-2193
Workman P Challenges of PK/PD measurements in modern drug development | 2 | 1
382 | 2 | 890 2002 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS 10(1):26-35
Pujana MA; Nadal M; Guitart M; Armengol L; Gratacos M; Estivill X Human chromosome 15q11-q14 regions of rearrangements contain clusters of LCR15 duplicons | 4 | 1
383 | 1 | 914 2002 GASTROENTEROLOGY 122(5):1467-1482
Bates MD; Erwin CR; Sanford LP; Wiginton D; Bezerra JA; Schatzman LC; Jegga AG; Ley-Ebert C; Williams SS; Steinbrecher KA; Warner BW; Cohen MB; Aronow BJ Novel genes and functional relationships in the adult mouse gastrointestinal tract, identified by microarray analysis | 6 | 1
384 | 1 | 936 2002 GENETICA 115(1):65-80
Betran E; Long MY Expansion of genome coding regions by acquisition of new genes | 3 | 1
385 | 2 | 940 2002 GENETICS 161(1):217-229
Yan CM; Dobie KW; Le HD; Konev AY; Karpen GH Efficient recovery of centric heterochromatin P-element insertions in Drosophila melanogaster | 4 | 1
386 | 2 | 943 2002 GENETICS 161(3):1321-1332
Kuznetsov VA; Knott GD; Bonner RF General statistics of stochastic process of gene expression in eukaryotic cells | 4 | 1
387 | 1 | 951 2002 GENOME 45(1):147-156
Jiang ZH; He H; Hamasima N; Suzuki H; Gibbins AMV Comparative mapping of Homo sapiens chromosome 4 (HSA4) and Sus scrofa chromosome 8 (SSC8) using orthologous genes representing different cytogenetic bands as landmarks | 4 | 1
388 | 1 | 954 2002 GENOME RESEARCH 12(1):26-36
Bourque G; Pevzner PA Genome-scale evolution: Reconstructing gene orders in the ancestral species | 6 | 1
389 | 1 | 955 2002 GENOME RESEARCH 12(1):198-202
Nekrutenko A; Makova KD; Li WH The K-A/K-S ratio test for assessing the protein-coding potential of genomic regions: An empirical and simulation study | 9 | 1
390 | 1 | 959 2002 GENOME RESEARCH 12(3):462-469
Liu RX; States DJ Consensus promoter identification in the human genome utilizing expressed gene markers and gene modeling | 2 | 1
391 | 3 | 963 2002 GENOME RESEARCH 12(5):713-728
Bi WM; Yan J; Stankiewicz P; Park SS; Walz K; Boerkoel CF; Potocki L; Shaffer LG; Devriendt K; Nowaczyk MJM; Inoue K; Lupski JR Genes in a refined Smith-Magenis syndrome critical deletion interval on chromosome 17p11.2 and the syntenic region of the mouse | 8 | 1
392 | 3 | 965 2002 GENOME RESEARCH 12(5):824-831
Wang J; Wong GKS; Ni PX; Han YJ; Huang XG; Zhang JG; Ye C; Zhang Y; Hu JF; Zhang KL; Xu X; Cong LJ; Lu H; Ren XD; Ren XY; He J; Tao L; Passey DA; Wang J; Yang HM; Yu J; Li SG RePS: A sequence assembler that masks exact repeats identified from the shotgun data | 2 | 1
393 | 1 | 968 2002 GENOME RESEARCH 12(8):1168-1174
Mott R; Schultz J; Bork P; Ponting CP Predicting protein cellular localization using a domain projection method | 2 | 1
394 | 1 | 974 2002 GENOME RESEARCH 12(11):1642-1650
Kaessmann H; Zollner S; Nekrutenko A; Li WH Signatures of domain shuffling in the human genome | 3 | 1
395 | 1 | 983 2002 GENOMICS 79(2):177-185
Sierra DA; Gilbert DJ; Householder D; Grishin NV; Yu K; Ukidwe P; Barker SA; He W; Wensel TG; Otero G; Brown G; Copeland NG; Jenkins NA; Wilkie TM Evolution of the regulators of G-protein signaling multigene family in mouse and human | 5 | 1
396 | 1 | 986 2002 GENOMICS 79(3):413-422
Buzdin A; Khodosevich K; Mamedov I; Vinogradova T; Lebedev Y; Hunsmann G; Sverdlov E A technique for genome-wide identification of differences in the interspersed repeats integrations between closely related genomes and its application to detection of human-specific integrations of HERV-K LTRs | 6 | 1
397 | 4 | 994 2002 GENOMICS 79(6):824-832
Reymond A; Camargo AA; Deutsch S; Stevenson BJ; Parmigiani RB; Ucla C; Bettoni F; Rossier C; Lyle R; Guipponi M; de Souza S; Iseli C; Jongeneel CV; Bucher P; Simpson AJG; Antonarakis SE Nineteen additional unpredicted transcripts from human chromosome 21 | 5 | 1
398 | 3 | 997 2002 GENOMICS 80(2):172-184
Peterson KA; King BL; Hagge-Greenberg A; Roix JJ; Bult CJ; O'Brien TP Functional and comparative genomic analysis of the piebald deletion region of mouse chromosome 14 | 1 | 1
399 | 1 | 1017 2002 HUMAN MOLECULAR GENETICS 11(19):2341-2346
Wang PJ; Page DC Functional substitution for TAF(II)250 by a retroposed homolog that is expressed in human spermatogenesis | 2 | 1
400 | 1 | 1025 2002 IMMUNOGENETICS 54(2):87-95
Guselnikov SV; Ershova SA; Mechetina LV; Najakshin AM; Volkova OY; Alabyev BY; Taranin AV A family of highly diverse human and mouse genes structurally links leukocyte FcR, gp42 and PECAM-1 | 2 | 1
# | Cited nodes | Nodes / Authors | GCS | LCS |
401 | 1 | 1045 2002 INVESTIGATIVE OPHTHALMOLOGY & VISUAL SCIENCE 43(5):1350-1357
Ormestad M; Blixt A; Churchill A; Martinsson T; Enerback S; Carlsson P Foxe3 haploinsufficiency in mice: A model for Peters' anomaly | 3 | 1
402 | 1 | 1052 2002 JOURNAL OF APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY 92(1):7-12
Allsop A; Illingworth R The impact of genomics and related technologies on the search for new antibiotics | 1 | 1
403 | 1 | 1064 2002 JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 277(16):13463-13472
Himmel KL; Bi F; Shen HF; Jenkins NA; Copeland NG; Zheng Y; Largaespada DA Activation of Clg, a novel Dbl family guanine nucleotide exchange factor gene, by proviral insertion at Evi24, a common integration site in B cell and myeloid leukemias | 1 | 1
404 | 2 | 1066 2002 JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 277(17):14581-14588
Schmidt A; Hall A The Rho exchange factor Net1 is regulated by nuclear sequestration | 3 | 1
405 | 1 | 1067 2002 JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 277(18):15752-15757
Hu B; Senkler C; Yang A; Soto F; Liang BT P2X(4) receptor is a glycosylated cardiac receptor mediating a positive inotropic response to ATP | 2 | 1
406 | 4 | 1081 2002 JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL SCIENCE 9(5):384-394
Ye SQ; Usher DC; Zhang LQ Gene expression profiling of human diseases by serial analysis of gene expression | 3 | 1
407 | 1 | 1082 2002 JOURNAL OF BIOMOLECULAR SCREENING 7(3):233-246
Kassack MU; Hofgen B; Lehmann J; Eckstein N; Quillan JM; Sadee W Functional screening of g protein-coupled receptors by measuring intracellular calcium with a fluorescence microplate reader | 6 | 1
408 | 1 | 1088 2002 JOURNAL OF CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR MEDICINE 6(2):279-303
Cristea PD Conversion of nucleotides sequences into genomic signals | 1 | 1
409 | 1 | 1118 2002 JOURNAL OF MASS SPECTROMETRY 37(2):133-145
Regnier FE; Riggs L; Zhang RJ; Xiong L; Liu PR; Chakraborty A; Seeley E; Sioma C; Thompson RA Comparative proteomics based on stable isotope labeling and affinity selection | 21 | 1
410 | 1 | 1119 2002 JOURNAL OF MEDICAL GENETICS 39(2):81-90
Kamnasaran D; Cox DW Current status of human chromosome 14 | 3 | 1
411 | 1 | 1125 2002 JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY 315(5):1063-1073
Liu B; Huang L; Sihlbom C; Burlingame A; Marks JD Towards proteome-wide production of monoclonal antibody by phage display | 12 | 1
412 | 1 | 1126 2002 JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY 316(1):173-187
Zheng WJ; Doniach S Protein structure prediction constrained by solution X-ray scattering data and structural homology identification | 6 | 1
413 | 1 | 1130 2002 JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY 319(4):931-942
Olson MV The human genome project: A player's perspective | 3 | 1
414 | 3 | 1143 2002 JOURNAL OF NUTRITION 132(4):621-629
Young VR 2001 W.O. Atwater Memorial Lecture and the 2001 ASNS president's lecture: Human nutrient requirements: The challenge of the post-genome era | 4 | 1
415 | 1 | 1175 2002 MAMMALIAN GENOME 13(4):198-205
Rink A; Santschi EM; Beattie CW Normalized cDNA libraries from a porcine model of orthopedic implant-associated infection | 4 | 1
416 | 2 | 1180 2002 MAMMALIAN GENOME 13(6):327-332
Qiu P; Ding W; Jiang Y; Greene JR; Wang LQ Computational analysis of composite regulatory elements | 2 | 1
417 | 4 | 1183 2002 MAMMALIAN GENOME 13(9):510-514
Levy S; Hannenhalli S Identification of transcription factor binding sites in the human genome sequence | 2 | 1
418 | 4 | 1189 2002 MAYO CLINIC PROCEEDINGS 77(8):773-782
Lorentz CP; Wieben ED; Tefferi A; Whiteman DAH; Dewald GW Primer on medical genomics part I: History of genetics and sequencing of the human genome | 2 | 1
419 | 9 | 1190 2002 MAYO CLINIC PROCEEDINGS 77(8):785-804
Tefferi A; Wieben ED; Dewald GW; Whiteman DAH; Bernard ME; Spelsberg TC Primer on medical genomics part II: Background principles and methods in molecular genetics | 1 | 1
Graves PR; Haystead TAJ Molecular biologist's guide to proteomics | 15 | 1
421 | 2 | 1205 2002 MOLECULAR & CELLULAR PROTEOMICS 1(10):781-790
Adam GC; Sorensen EJ; Cravatt BF Chemical strategies for functional proteomics | 6 | 1
422 | 1 | 1206 2002 MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR BIOLOGY 22(5):1402-1411
Korotkov KV; Novoselov SV; Hatfield DL; Gladyshev VN Mammalian selenoprotein in which selenocysteine (Sec) incorporation is supported by a new form of Sec insertion sequence element | 7 | 1
423 | 1 | 1208 2002 MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR BIOLOGY 22(18):6321-6335
Vinson C; Myakishev M; Acharya A; Mir AA; Moll JR; Bonovich M Classification of human B-ZIP proteins based on dimerization properties | 5 | 1
424 | 2 | 1209 2002 MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR ENDOCRINOLOGY 190(1-2):1-8
MacDonald CC; Redondo JL Reexamining the polyadenylation signal: were we wrong about AAUAAA? | 3 | 1
425 | 2 | 1213 2002 MOLECULAR BIOLOGY AND EVOLUTION 19(3):336-340
Payseur BA; Nachman MW Gene density and human nucleotide polymorphism | 4 | 1
426 | 2 | 1223 2002 MOLECULAR GENETICS AND METABOLISM 75(1):1-16
Fruhwald MC; Plass C Global and gene-specific methylation patterns in cancer: Aspects of tumor biology and clinical potential | 7 | 1
427 | 1 | 1224 2002 MOLECULAR HUMAN REPRODUCTION 8(1):8-15
Eriksson A; Tohonen V; Wedell A; Nordqvist K Isolation of the human testatin gene and analysis in patients with abnormal gonadal development | 4 | 1
428 | 1 | 1226 2002 MOLECULAR PHARMACOLOGY 62(6):1364-1372
Graves PR; Kwiek JJ; Fadden P; Ray R; Hardeman K; Coley AM; Foley M; Haystead TAJ Discovery of novel targets of quinoline drugs in the human purine binding proteome | 2 | 1
429 | 1 | 1230 2002 MUTAGENESIS 17(3):193-200
Morales JF; Snow ET; Murnane JP Environmental factors affecting transcription of the human L1 retrotransposon. I. Steroid hormone-like agents | 1 | 1
430 | 2 | 1250 2002 NATURE BIOTECHNOLOGY 20(1):27-28
Oliver S 'To-day, we have naming of parts ...' | 2 | 1
431 | 1 | 1262 2002 NATURE GENETICS 30(3):277-284
Kurima K; Peters LM; Yang YD; Riazuddin S; Ahmed ZM; Naz S; Arnaud D; Drury S; Mo JH; Makishima T; Ghosh M; Menon PSN; Deshmukh D; Oddoux C; Ostrer H; Khan S; Riazuddin S; Deininger PL; Hampton LL; Sullivan SL; Battey JF; Keats BJB; Wilcox ER; Friedman TB; Griffith AJ Dominant and recessive deafness caused by mutations of a novel gene, TMC1, required for cochlear hair-cell function | 15 | 1
432 | 1 | 1269 2002 NATURE GENETICS 32(1):135-142
Reich DE; Schaffner SF; Daly MJ; McVean G; Mullikin JC; Higgins JM; Richter DJ; Lander ES; Altshuler D Human genome sequence variation and the influence of gene history, mutation and recombination | 16 | 1
433 | 1 | 1271 2002 NATURE MEDICINE 8(2):121-127
Arap W; Kolonin MG; Trepel M; Lahdenranta J; Cardo-Vila M; Giordano RJ; Mintz PJ; Ardelt PU; Yao VJ; Vidal CI; Chen L; Flamm A; Valtanen H; Weavind LM; Hicks ME; Pollock RE; Botz GH; Bucana CD; Koivunen E; Cahill D; Troncoso P; Baggerly KA; Pentz RD; Do KA; Logothetis CJ; Pasqualini R Steps toward mapping the human vasculature by phage display | 36 | 1
434 | 3 | 1273 2002 NATURE REVIEWS DRUG DISCOVERY 1(8):599-608
Chalmers DT; Behan DP The use of constitutively active GPCRs in drug discovery and functional genomics | 4 | 1
435 | 1 | 1275 2002 NATURE REVIEWS GENETICS 3(1):53-64
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436 | 1 | 1289 2002 NEW GENETICS AND SOCIETY 21(1):29-37
Moldrup C When pharmacogenomics goes public | 1 | 1
437 | 1 | 1299 2002 NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH 30(1):137-141
Hodges PE; Carrico PM; Hogan JD; O'Neill KE; Owen JJ; Mangan M; Davis BP; Brooks JE; Garrels JI Annotating the human proteome: the Human Proteome Survey Database (HumanPSD (TM)) and an in-depth target database for G protein-coupled receptors (GPCR-PD (TM)) from Incyte Genomics | 7 | 1
438 | 1 | 1302 2002 NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH 30(1):221-225
Honkura T; Ogasawara J; Yamada T; Morishita S The Gene Resource Locator: gene locus maps for transcriptome analysis | 4 | 1
439 | 2 | 1308 2002 NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH 30(8):1751-1756
Castresana J Genes on human chromosome 19 show extreme divergence from the mouse orthologs and a high GC content | 5 | 1
440 | 2 | 1309 2002 NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH 30(11):2469-2477
Shevchenko Y; Bouffard GG; Butterfield YSN; Blakesley RW; Hartley JL; Young AC; Marra MA; Jones SJM; Touchman JW; Green ED Systematic sequencing of cDNA clones using the transposon Tn5 | 4 | 1
441 | 2 | 1311 2002 NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH 30(13):2899-2905
Cserpan I; Katona R; Praznovszky T; Novak E; Rozsavolgyi M; Csonka E; Morocz M; Fodor K; Hadlaczky G The chAB4 and NF1-related long-range multisequence DNA families are contiguous in the centromeric heterochromatin of several human chromosomes | 1 | 1
442 | 1 | 1312 2002 NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH 30(14):3163-3170
Kutsenko AS; Gizatullin RZ; Al-Amin AN; Wang FL; Kvasha SM; Podowski RM; Matushkin YG; Gyanchandani A; Muravenko OV; Levitsky VG; Kolchanov KA; Protopopov AI; Kashuba VI; Kisselev LL; Wasserman W; Wahlestedt C; Zabarovsky ER Notl flanking sequences: a tool for gene discovery and verification of the human genome | 4 | 1
443 | 2 | 1314 2002 NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH 30(15):3295-3311
Kirk BW; Feinsod M; Favis R; Kliman RM; Barany F Single nucleotide polymorphism seeking long term association with complex disease | 5 | 1
444 | 3 | 1320 2002 ONCOGENE 21(23):3804-3813
Shiraishi M; Sekiguchi A; Terry MJ; Oates AJ; Miyamoto Y; Chuu YH; Munakata M; Sekiya T A comprehensive catalog of CpG islands methylated in human lung adenocarcinomas for the identification of tumor suppressor genes | 5 | 1
445 | 6 | 1321 2002 ONCOGENE 21(35):5414-5426
Smiraglia DJ; Plass C The study of aberrant methylation in cancer via restriction landmark genomic scanning | 3 | 1
Hunter P; Robbins P; Noble D The IUPS human physiome project | 1 | 1
447 | 4 | 1335 2002 PHARMACOGENOMICS 3(3):393-402
Balasubramanian S; Harrison P; Hegyi H; Bertone P; Luscombe N; Echols N; McGarvey P; Zhang ZL; Gerstein M SNPs on human chromosomes 21 and 22 - analysis in terms of protein features and pseudogenes | 1 | 1
Oliver SG Functional genomics: lessons from yeast | 4 | 1
Furlong RF; Holland PWH Were vertebrates octoploid? | 9 | 1
450 | 1 | 1354 2002 PHYSIOLOGICAL GENOMICS 10(3):159-168
Lynch RA; Wagoner L; Li SN; Sparks L; Molkentin J; Dorn GW Novel and nondetected human signaling protein polymorphisms | 4 | 1
Maniatis N; Collins A; Xu CF; McCarthy LC; Hewett DR; Tapper W; Ennis S; Ke X; Morton NE The first linkage disequilibrium (LD) maps: Delineation of hot and cold blocks by diplotype analysis | 10 | 1
Harafuji N; Keys DN; Levine M Genome-wide identification of tissue-specific enhancers in the Ciona tadpole | 7 | 1
Chen JJ; Sun M; Lee SG; Zhou GL; Rowley JD; Wang S Identifying novel transcripts and novel genes in the human genome by using novel SAGE tags | 5 | 1
Battogtokh D; Asch DK; Case ME; Arnold J; Schuttler HB An ensemble method for identifying regulatory circuits with special reference to the qa gene cluster of Neurospora crassa | 1 | 1
455 | 1 | 1389 2002 PROGRESS IN BIOPHYSICS & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY 80(1-2):3-22
Gromov PS; Ostergaard M; Gromova I; Celis JE Human proteomic databases: a powerful resource for functional genomics in health and disease | 2 | 1
456 | 1 | 1402 2002 PROTEOMICS 2(3):241-246
Rubenwolf S; Niewohner J; Meyer E; Petit-Frere C; Rudert F; Hoffmann PR; Ilag LL Functional proteomics using chromophore-assisted laser inactivation | 5 | 1
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Manning G; Whyte DB; Martinez R; Hunter T; Sudarsanam S The protein kinase complement of the human genome | 28 | 1
458 | 3 | 1443 2002 SCIENTIST 16(3):29-+
Maher BA Hot papers - The human genome - One year later | 2 | 1
459 | 1 | 1468 2002 TRENDS IN BIOTECHNOLOGY 20(3):110-115
Croston GE Functional cell-based uHTS in chemical genomic drug discovery | 6 | 1
460 | 4 | 1477 2002 TRENDS IN GENETICS 18(2):104-108
Thomas JW; Touchman JW Vertebrate genome sequencing: building a backbone for comparative genomics | 4 | 1
461 | 1 | 1479 2002 TRENDS IN GENETICS 18(5):259-264
Graves JAM The rise and fall of SRY | 4 | 1
462 | 3 | 1522 2003 BIOCHEMISTRY 42(10):2759-2767
Mirzadegan T; Benko G; Filipek S; Palczewski K Sequence analyses of G-protein-coupled receptors: Similarities to rhodopsin | 3 | 1
463 | 3 | 1601 2003 GENES & DEVELOPMENT 17(4):529-540
Rinn JL; Euskirchen G; Bertone P; Martone R; Luscombe NM; Hartman S; Harrison PM; Nelson FK; Miller P; Gerstein M; Weissman S; Snyder M The transcriptional activity of human Chromosome 22 | 1 | 1
464 | 7 | 1615 2003 GENOME RESEARCH 13(1):81-90
Mullikin JC; Ning ZM The phusion assembler | 1 | 1
465 | 5 | 1656 2003 HUMAN MOLECULAR GENETICS 12(7):701-709
Emes RD; Goodstadt L; Winter EE; Ponting CP Comparison of the genomes of human and mouse lays the foundation of genome zoology | 1 | 1
466 | 1 | 1674 2003 JAMA-JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION 289(10):1305-1306
Rosenberg RN Translating biomedical research to the bedside - A national crisis and a call to action | 2 | 1
467 | 2 | 1731 2003 MECHANISMS OF AGEING AND DEVELOPMENT 124(1):17-25
Schneider JA; Pungliya MS; Choi JY; Jiang RH; Sun XJ; Salisbury BA; Stephens JC DNA variability of human genes | 1 | 1
468 | 2 | 1748 2003 NATURE 421(6920):231-237
Kamath RS; Fraser AG; Dong Y; Poulin G; Durbin R; Gotta M; Kanapin A; Le Bot N; Moreno S; Sohrmann M; Welchman DP; Zipperlen P; Ahringer J Systematic functional analysis of the Caenorhabditis elegans genome using RNAi | 21 | 1
469 | 7 | 1750 2003 NATURE 421(6923):601-U1
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470 | 1 | 1753 2003 NATURE 422(6934):859-868
Galagan JE; Calvo SE; Borkovich KA; Selker EU; Read ND; Jaffe D; FitzHugh W; Ma LJ; Smirnov S; Purcell S; Rehman B; Elkins T; Engels R; Wang SG; Nielsen CB; Butler J; Endrizzi M; Qui DY; Ianakiev P; Pedersen DB; Nelson MA; Werner-Washburne M; Selitrennikoff CP; Kinsey JA; Braun EL; Zelter A; Schulte U; Kothe GO; Jedd G; Mewes W; Staben C; Marcotte E; Greenberg D; Roy A; Foley K; Naylor J; Stabge-Thomann N; Barrett R; Gnerre S; Kamal M; Kamvysselis M; Mauceli E; Bielke C; Rudd S; Frishman D; Krystofova S; Rasmussen C; Metzenberg RL; Perkins DD; Kroken S; Cogoni C; Macino G; Catcheside D; Li WX; Pratt RJ; Osmani SA; DeSouza CPC; Glass L; Orbach MJ; Berglund JA; Voelker R; Yarden O; Plamann M; Seller S; Dunlap J; Radford A; Aramayo R; Natvig DO; Alex LA; Mannhaupt G; Ebbole DJ; Freitag M; Paulsen I; Sachs MS; Lander ES; Nusbaum C; Birren B The genome sequence of the filamentous fungus Neurospora crassa | 7 | 1
471 | 6 | 1755 2003 NATURE 423(6942):825-U2
Skaletsky H; Kuroda-Kawaguchi T; Minx PJ; Cordum HS; Hillier L; Brown LG; Repping S; Pyntikova T; Ali J; Bieri T; Chinwalla A; Delehaunty A; Delehaunty K; Du H; Fewell G; Fulton L; Fulton R; Graves T; Hou SF; Latrielle P; Leonard S; Mardis E; Maupin R; McPherson J; Miner T; Nash W; Nguyen C; Ozersky P; Pepin K; Rock S; Rohlfing T; Scott K; Schultz B; Strong C; Tin-Wollam A; Yang SP; Waterston RH; Wilson RK; Rozen S; Page DC The male-specific region of the human Y chromosome is a mosaic of discrete sequence classes | 4 | 1
472 | 4 | 1780 2003 NEUROSURGERY 52(4):723-730
Taylor MD; Mainprize TG; Rutka JT Bioinformatics in neurosurgery | 1 | 1
Paulding CA; Ruvolo M; Haber DA The Tre2 (USP6) oncogene is a hominoid-specific gene | 1 | 1
Adams MD; Sutton GG; Smith HO; Myers EW; Venter JC The independence of our genome assemblies | 1 | 1
Ding CM; Cantor CR A high-throughput gene expression analysis technique using competitive PCR and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight MS | 2 | 1
Vassilatis DK; Hohmann JG; Zeng H; Li FS; Ranchalis JE; Mortrud MT; Brown A; Rodriguez SS; Weller JR; Wright AC; Bergmann JE; Gaitanaris GA The G protein-coupled receptor repertoires of human and mouse | 1 | 1
477 | 2 | 1837 2003 SCIENCE 300(5618):445-452
Pawson T; Nash P Assembly of cell regulatory systems through protein interaction domains | 1 | 1
478 | 1 | 1845 2003 TETRAHEDRON LETTERS 44(5):1043-1046
Liau ML; Panicker RC; Yao SQ Design and synthesis of an affinity probe that targets caspases in proteomic experiments | 4 | 1
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Shafer RH; Smirnov I Biological aspects of DNA/RNA quadruplexes | 3 | 0
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482 | 1 | 4 2001 AAPS PHARMSCI 3(4):art. no.-31
Lucas JL; Sadee W; DeYoung JA Single nucleotide polymorphisms of the human M1 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor gene | 0 | 0
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486 | 1 | 8 2001 ALIMENTARY PHARMACOLOGY & THERAPEUTICS 15(6):731-748
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487 | 1 | 11 2001 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS 69(2):361-370
Krawczak M; Cooper DN; Schmidtke J Estimating the efficacy and efficiency of cascade genetic screening | 3 | 0
488 | 1 | 15 2001 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS 69(5):951-960
Migeon BR; Chowdhury AK; Dunston JA; McIntosh I Identification of TSIX, encoding an RNA antisense to human XIST, reveals differences from its murine counterpart: Implications for X inactivation | 9 | 0
489 | 1 | 16 2001 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL GENETICS 106(3):223-232
Greendale K; Pyeritz RE Empowering primary care health professionals in medical genetics: How soon? How fast? How far? | 8 | 0
Zhao BT; Bowden RA; Stavchansky SA; Bowman PD Human endothelial cell response to gram-negative lipopolysaccharide assessed with cDNA microarrays | 12 | 0
Heusch G; Erbel R; Siffert W Genetic determinants of coronary vasomotor tone in humans | 4 | 0
Stuart RO; Pavlova A; Beier D; Li ZX; Krijanovski Y; Nigam SK EEG1, a putative transporter expressed during epithelial organogenesis: comparison with embryonic transporter expression during nephrogenesis | 0 | 0
Edgar AJ; Birks EJ; Yacoub MH; Polak JM Cloning of dexamethasone-induced transcript - A novel glucocorticoid-induced gene that is upregulated in emphysema | 1 | 0
494 | 2 | 21 2001 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SURGERY 182(6):547-551
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495 | 1 | 22 2001 ANALYTICAL BIOCHEMISTRY 294(2):176-184
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