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4 August 2011
Records: 1052, Authors: 3525, Journals: 314, Cited References: 44689, Words: 2387
Yearly outputDocument TypeLanguageInstitutionInstitution with SubdivisionCountry
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1Volkow ND6817133097
2Goldstein RZ5613101317
3Wang GJ446711334
4Telang F38349587
5Alia-Klein N37349367
6Fowler JS316211284
7Tomasi D28268308
8Kalivas PW263892041
9Maloney T21231234
10Robbins TW202011328
11Woicik PA197172
12Garavan H18220427
13Perez-Garcia M18134338
14van den Brink W1886352
15Bechara A17243919
16Verdejo-Garcia A16115301
17Potenza MN1351203
18Everitt BJ122101469
19Goudriaan AE1168286
20Hester R11152285
21Clark L10100392
22Ersche KD1081228
23Heinz A1012198
24Li CSR1080233
25Sinha R1092268
26Wong C1095224
27Gallinat J914167
28Lubman DI964172
29Yucel M959160
30Franken IHA81770
31Kosten TR850145
32Logan J883175
33Nader MA824113
34Reynaud M8261
35Wang RL82961
36Wolf ME855495
37Zhang L8150157
38Bradberry CW71761
39Carroll KM7616
40Cottone LA7141143
41de Arcos FA73694
42Gold MS7935
43Koob GF724153
44Loeber S7514
45London ED7127438
46Moeller SJ73434
47Oosterlaan J760246
48Parvaz MA71212
49Paulus MP74055
50Sahakian BJ752141
51Allen NB61250
52Caparelli EC6101101
53Craig IW64666
54Czoty PW6362
55Dalley JW640197
56Dawkins L61267
57Duka T6514
58Field M61571
59Karila L6260
60Kienast T612141
61Lukas SE61391
62Porrino LJ63368
63Renshaw PF630136
64Rounsaville BJ62255
65Veltman DJ61032
66Wang W61119
67Zhang Y61423
68Benyamina A5258
69Bilder RM51252
70Brokate B52077
71Buchel C538175
72Chang L574100
73De Beurs E555229
74de Leon JMRS500
75Ding YS546136
76Eling P52077
77Elman I5036
78Garcia CP511
79Gonzalez R5516
80Gur RC53649
81Hildebrandt H52077
82Hu XT51872
83Hutchison KE5626
84Kiefer F518
85Liu JX51119
86Liu YJ5928
87Luque ML511
88Mann K5317
89Moeller FG51028
90Morgan D59115
91Mota GR511
92Palomo T5748
93Perez EJP511
94Peters J522123
95Powell J5540
96Qin W51119
97Samaras D55358
98See RE531171
99Spinella M51195
100Tian J51119
101Vassileva J5736
102Wang YR51119
103Williams B54560
104Wrase J59177
105Yuan K51119
106Antkiewicz-Michaluk L4619
107Aubin HJ4127
108Biegon A43434
109Blum K4637
110Bowers MS425126
111Brewer JA41373
112Bullmore ET4411
113Citrome L4442
114Curran HV4464
115Dong Y4128
116Esch T49143
117Fernandez-Serrano MJ447
118Foltin RW4432
119Goldman D4512
120Hajcak G4340
121Harper C4320
122Hwang J418103
123Kim SJ4860
124Lawrence AJ441132
125Leeman RF4217
126Levin FR4351
127Lieberman JA4573
128Lyoo IK418103
129Malison RT41120
130McFarland K470376
131Morgan CJA4464
132Munafo MR4160
133Noel X41943
134Olive MF418133
135Pantelis C439102
136Porjesz B428121
137Potvin S4238
138Powell JH41266
139Pradhan K43264
140Ragland JD412104
141Rubin E4336
142Schlagenhauf F49177
143Sora I4318
144Stefano GB49143
145Stip E4238
146Szumlinski KK420194
147Thanos PK441125
148Van der Linden M41943
149Verbanck P41943
150Volavka J4656
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