Eugene Garfield, Ph.D.

Essays by Category

Algorithmic Historiography (HistCite)


Bradford's Law, Garfield's Law of Concentration, Garfield's Constant

Citation Classics

Creative Philanthropy

Delayed Recognition

deSolla Price, Derek J.

Faculty Evaluations

"Garfield's Constant"  or "Size of Field" -
see essay

Genetics Citation Index

Huichol Indians - Art, Mythology and Culture

History of Science

Impact Factor

John Scott Award

Journal Citation Studies

Jazz and Saxophone Music

Lederberg, Joshua

Mapping the World of Science

Merton R. K.

Most-Cited Papers

Nalimov, Vasily V.

Nobel Prize

Press Clippings

Peer Review and Refereeing

Scientific Reviewing and the NAS Award for Excellence in Scientific Reviewing.
