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Use [Browse...] to select a file with bibliography data:
Use wildcard '*' to add more than one file at a time. For example, if you have file1, file2, etc. all in the same folder or directory; first, locate one of the files with the [Browse...] button. Then alter the file path in the box above to include '*' character (eg. file*). Wildcard '?' to blanket only one character works too.
Note: In Windows you can select multiple files and "drag and drop" them onto HistCite icon or shortcut. The program would start and load those files.
7 August 2008
Records: 6118, Authors: 9489, Journals: 445, Cited References: 163504, Words: 8244
Yearly outputDocument TypeLanguageInstitutionInstitution with SubdivisionCountry
Page 48 of 95  1   11   21   31 : [  41  42  43  44  45  46  47  48  49  50 ]  51   61   71   81   91 
4701Lein M1593
4703Leininger S105
4704LEISE M1012
4705Leitich J3424
4706Leivers M137
4707LELJ F204
4708Lemal DM1445248
4709LEMMER D1117
4710LENARD G1022
4711LENNARTZ HW11045
4712LENOBLE WJ43155
4713Lente G100
4714LENTZ D104
4715LENZ GR719225
4716LEONARD NJ77129
4717LEONE SR2227
4718LEONELLI J1036
4719LEONETTI J1022
4720LEPAGE L204
4721LEPAGE Y204
4722LEPERCHEC P17137
4723LEPESKA B1338
4724LEPETIT MB1120
4725LEPPIK RA1020
4726LEQUAN RM1025
4727LERNER RA13318
4728LERNER RD1021
4729LEROUX JP1117
4730LEROY G69116
4731LERT PW1530
4732LESAR R108
4733Lescop C113
4734LESLIE TM31684
4735LESTER WA1564
4736Leszczynski J111
4737LETERTRE G1117
4738LETOKHOV VS20128
4739LEUER M1239
4740Leung D137
4741Leung PH100
4743Leusser D101
4744LEV IJ1222
4745LEVENE R1051
4746LEVER OW1014
4747Levesque F112
4748LEVIN CC1987
4749LEVIN RH135
4750Levine RD1333311
4751LEWANDOS GS221114
4752Lewars E5320
4753LEWARS EG2318
4754LEWIS DA109
4755Lewis DE2020
4756Lewis DK4839
4757Lewis FD61183
4758LEWIS J119
4759LEWIS RS104
4760LEX J129
4761LEY SV3646
4765Li AH11266
4766Li B215
4767Li CM128
4768Li D106
4769Li EY103
4770Li F201
4771Li GQ215
4772Li GZ42543
4773LI HF1028
4774Li J1124
4775Li JQ101
4776Li LP1440
4777Li M100
4778LI QS100
4779Li RF323
4780Li RH1118
4781LI S1012
4782Li SM101
4783LI T109
4784LI WK2012
4785Li X114
4786LI XY100
4787Li Y5263949
4788LI YF1422
4789Li YH100
4790Li YL100
4791Li ZC100
4792Li ZH3114
4795Liakumovich AG101
4796LIAN HL1032
4797Liang CW1013
4798Liang FT113
4799LIANG G1253
4800Liang GX101
Page 48 of 95  1   11   21   31 : [  41  42  43  44  45  46  47  48  49  50 ]  51   61   71   81   91