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Note: In Windows you can select multiple files and "drag and drop" them onto HistCite icon or shortcut. The program would start and load those files.
7 August 2008
Records: 6118, Authors: 9489, Journals: 445, Cited References: 163504, Words: 8244
Yearly outputDocument TypeLanguageInstitutionInstitution with SubdivisionCountry
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401AGOSTA WC1126222
403CARLSON RG426145
404Das PK1326140
405Dondoni A1126211
406HARKEMA S826131
408HASTY NM12673
409KATO M826113
410Kobatake S326133
411LITTLER JS226116
412MASNOVI J52697
413Monnat F52676
414Moss RA426314
415SAMUEL CJ42682
416SAUNDERS M12673
417SCHULTZ AG626130
418TANIDA H626122
419TEE OS22696
421ALBRIGHT TA725373
422ANET FAL32593
423ASKANI R425131
424BUDA A12582
425CASERIO MC32566
427Chen B42542
428COFFIN RL325125
429FINDLAY DM22558
430FOWLER FW525123
431Greenlief CM325269
432HEALY EF22595
433HOFLE G325117
434Li GZ42543
435LIEBMAN JF925422
436Lopez X325173
437LOWE JP625171
438MCCAY IW32590
439Morihashi K42540
440REID PJ425161
441SCHAFFNER K825189
442Schwartz MP525305
443Sordo TL525124
444STUSCHE D325103
445TRUONG TN325516
446VOGEL E725259
447Wentrup C925195
448WETTE M22542
449WEYLER W22593
450YASLAK S22542
451ZSINDELY J525116
452ACTON N224244
453Apeloig Y524207
454ARNOLD DR424173
455Feringa BL624692
456FUCHS B82495
457GILLIES JZ524153
458HOFFMANN HM324279
459HUNTER DH42478
461KEARNS DR124796
462LOVAS FJ524153
463MALHERBE R22495
464Martin HD924176
466Muszkat KA724115
467Pasto DJ724212
468ROTH WR524141
469SUENRAM RD524153
470TRINDLE C824248
471UGI I1024377
472Zimmerman HE924199
473DUNNING TH223429
474George MV1423227
475Haas Y923104
476HAYES DM323111
477JONES TK423239
478KATO Y423147
480PAUST J123100
481RODWELL WR223140
482SAUTER H523158
484SKELL PS523116
487VANDINE GW123100
488WEHRLI R223118
489WILSON WS22369
490Zilberg S923104
491Arrieta A1022135
492Celani P322112
493Grimme W822180
494HAYAKAWA Y422246
495Hayashi N322133
496Hayes R42291
497HOFFMANN RW922201
498Kakehi A132295
500LAWLESS MK32288
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