HistCite Tip of the DayX
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Add FileX ?
Use [Browse...] to select a file with bibliography data:
Use wildcard '*' to add more than one file at a time. For example, if you have file1, file2, etc. all in the same folder or directory; first, locate one of the files with the [Browse...] button. Then alter the file path in the box above to include '*' character (eg. file*). Wildcard '?' to blanket only one character works too.
Note: In Windows you can select multiple files and "drag and drop" them onto HistCite icon or shortcut. The program would start and load those files.
15 May 2009
Records: 1684, Authors: 2048, Journals: 669, Cited References: 78690, Words: 3208
Yearly outputDocument TypeLanguageInstitutionInstitution with SubdivisionCountry
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2001Yang MS100
2002YANG SS2697
2003Yarnold PR100
2004YAVETZ I100
2005Ye JJ116
2006Yeh AB104
2007Yen S1038
2008Yin J100
2009Yohai VJ109
2011YOUNG AT2066
2012YOUNG KDS1028
2013YOUNG LDG109
2014Young LJ100
2015Younger AJ2015
2016Yu LY104
2017Yuan LW100
2018ZABELL S117
2019Zabell SL6433
2020Zacksenhouse M100
2021Zamar RH109
2022Zanarini MC1038
2023Zaslavsky AM105
2024Zeger SL2055
2025ZEHNA PW112
2026Zeileis A200
2027Zellner A4028
2028ZEMROCH PJ1013
2029Zettergren P109
2030Zheng S100
2031Zhou J218
2032Zhou W100
2033Zhu LQ106
2034Zhu W105
2035Zhu Y101
2036Zidek JV2013
2037Ziliak ST101
2038Zimmerman DL100
2040ZIMOWSKI M118346
2041ZIRIAX JM1113
2042ZITIKIS R111
2043ZIV J100
2044Zuberi T108
2046Zuo YJ326
2047Zwinkels WS100
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