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29 July 2012
Records: 45034, Authors: 91658, Journals: 3106, Cited References: 733455, Words: 24573, Tags: 27
Yearly outputDocument TypeLanguageInstitutionInstitution with SubdivisionCountry
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201Frizzera G1411692297
202Vivas C6211621342
203Rimola A7111582492
204Emre S7411562212
205Mintz DH3011551395
206Mazariegos G6411491409
207Sugarbaker PH2411462481
208Thurman RG5111463132
209Podesta L2211441192
210Cady B1211351600
211Scheele J2511352382
212Demetris A4211341296
213HALGRIMSON CG1811211173
214Doci R1511172691
215Nagorney DM3611142891
216Dodson F3411051203
217Ruiz P10311021922
218Teperman L1510981252
219Hiatt JR3710961632
220Lemasters JJ4110902883
221Nordlinger B3410882605
222Madariaga J4810821354
223STEELE G1810821760
224Warnock GL2510823339
225Sachs DH5110802619
226Nour B4410751312
227Kato T10410721834
228Egawa H8910632403
229Manez R4910601185
230Wonigeit K5610541769
231Batts KP2710532000
232Lakey JRT5210534749
233Morabito A710532843
234Bozzetti F1210462646
235Duquesnoy RJ7010251801
236Ozawa K9010192241
237Takayama T6710173171
238Cooper DKC10710082488
239Clavien PA6610042986
240Wright TL3010042604
242Imventarza O2910001010
243McCaughan GW739991807
244Shapiro AMJ489984300
245Azoulay D629922535
246Rubin RH439903612
247Scantlebury V539901111
248Carr B179821019
249Yersiz H439811797
250Gunson BK449801459
251Hughes KS99781267
252Randhawa PS489742668
253Strasberg SM269711989
254Jain AB429691154
255Montalto F109682448
256Greig PD559601967
257Stieber AC28956998
258LONGMIRE WP139541106
259Esquenazi V649481549
260Mazariegos GV679471598
261Goto T169441647
262Colonna JO219341197
263Tusch G209331590
264Mieles L309301035
265Reding R629261594
266SCHREIBER SL259266164
267Figueras J799201680
268OGrady J189181437
269Tan KC459181536
270Mayer AD539171681
271Kamada N469151781
272Miller C429141286
273Ericzon BG669102186
274Porayko MK339101578
275Burdelski M799081932
276Fu FM179081203
277Hanto DW319061664
278Corry RJ559031310
279Miller G108991327
280Williams JW528991797
281Belghiti J678912691
282Rela M898911759
283Mor E618901658
284Jamieson NV528891713
285Hermann G12888907
286Jaeck D448861985
287Wittekind C188861388
288BRITTAIN RS8885911
289Herrera L108841029
290Sheiner PA398811651
291Levy MF508801624
292Otto G768791622
293Lerut J508741195
294Enker WE48691290
295Fong Y368662912
296Nery J448601148
297LaRusso NF268572398
298Adams DH428552072
299Kawasaki S578542317
300Rodes J398542662
301Tilney NL418543004
302Colvin RB378514827
303Flechner SM428502275
304ALDRETE JS13848990
305Cramer DV468481290
306Kam I408441229
307FOSTER JH108431095
308Fuster J428422165
309Platt JL668422984
310Calne R338411143
311Kobayashi M638391355
312Buckels J278331336
313Porte RJ728321606
314Bronsther O36831865
315MACLEAN BJ5831974
316Bruix J248274841
317Eghtesad B588271278
318Kosuge T298262075
319Tarter RE448261225
320Yagihashi A37822896
321AltendorfHofmann A58201661
322Jaurrieta E638201403
323Campbell WL348191132
324Boudjema K418171836
325Bueno J408171077
326FARIS TD13816942
327Hohenberger P118161005
328HUME DM328151599
329Regalia E248152363
330Swinnen LJ168151499
331deGoyet JD328091260
332Concepcion W418071221
333Kiuchi T568042058
334Payne WD418011827
335DIXON FJ177991714
336HOBBS KEF187991010
337Langrehr JM927991927
338Martin DJ6798808
339HUGUET C397971669
340Woodle ES657971707
341Carroll P27796790
343Ryan EA147953905
344Southard JH467932061
345Rosen CB257881367
346Williams GM367871759
347Li YP12780838
348Gubernatis G347791324
349SCHLAG P8777907
350Seu P257711253
351Fan ST757683081
352Olthoff KM367671322
353Nery JR407631193
354Iwasaki Y13761840
355Keeffe EB487601484
356Hering BJ427591564
357Inomata Y527571721
358Petrelli NJ117561024
359Burroughs AK777541844
360Nishida S847541196
361Baker AL257511230
362MERRILL JP447502249
363Wall W267491106
364Evans DB307461709
365Lake J177461460
366Terblanche J537461438
367Duquesnoy R34745842
368Stiller C227451665
369Andreola S97442126
370Brennan MF117432375
371Woo J487431001
372Goss JA457421525
373Schwartz M387421519
374SHEAHAN DG10742742
375Howard T7738773
376Rossi RL10738869
377Freese DK16736942
378COPPA GF5731881
379Amemiya H497301136
380Winkler M347301191
381Ghobrial RM417291509
382PILLEN TJ16729937
383Pulvirenti A137292177
384Vauthey JN447282754
385Freeman RB427261891
386Jonas S587221614
387Lu LN247221120
388Li W427211312
389Christians U317191628
390Yamamoto J287191857
391Korbutt GS187173501
392Wagener MM447172295
393Campbell DA397161125
394Hill RB97161388
395Lo CM747162712
396Wall WJ39716966
397Kahn D70714898
398Steers JL317141243
399Hart J257111365
400Zhong R397111287
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