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12 January 2012
Records: 20228, Authors: 21511, Journals: 3479, Cited References: 693096, Words: 14485
Yearly outputDocument TypeLanguage | Institution | Institution with SubdivisionCountry
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151Univ Utah2822220
152Florida Atlantic Univ2751379
153Free Univ Berlin2719188
154George Mason Univ2729247
155No Illinois Univ2734277
156Stockholm Univ27484
157Univ Heidelberg2715125
158Univ Lancaster2724529
159Univ Rochester2731482
160Univ Warwick2718337
161Boston Coll2667478
162Carleton Univ2617127
163Rensselaer Polytech Inst2669274
164Univ Bristol2630225
165Univ Hawaii2615367
166Univ Melbourne2642408
167Univ New Hampshire2647794
168La Trobe Univ2529272
169Univ Essex2515163
170Univ Haifa2522114
171Univ Houston2544273
172Univ Nottingham2531300
173Cardiff Univ2439475
174Univ Denver2419359
175Univ Waterloo2416161
176Rice Univ2314273
177Simon Fraser Univ2381398
178Univ Exeter233178
179Univ Miami2312244
180Univ Quebec2324215
181Auburn Univ2223295
182CUNY Hunter Coll2214529
183Florida Int Univ2229284
184Illinois State Univ2215164
185Oklahoma State Univ2220135
186Oregon State Univ2211269
187Univ Akron2221178
188Univ Victoria2237270
189Western Michigan Univ2241137
190American Univ2146245
191Coll William & Mary2131172
192Dalhousie Univ2117632
193Lund Univ2121320
194Mississippi State Univ2163252
195Univ Liverpool217226
196Univ Munich2120123
197Univ Stockholm2142365
198Fordham Univ2016496
199HEBREW UNIV2084258
200Katholieke Univ Leuven2051238
201London Sch Econ2020368
202Umea Univ20466
203Univ Guelph2012154
204Univ Ottawa20480
205Univ Wyoming2019241
206Calif State Univ1914101
207Concordia Univ198277
208Hungarian Acad Sci1941348
209Univ Bath1983238
210Univ Bologna191580
211Univ Ghent191444
212Univ Gothenburg191267
213Univ Hamburg19273
214Univ Warsaw19327
215Virginia Commonwealth Univ199202
216Ben Gurion Univ Negev1810369
217Colorado State Univ1810105
218Flinders Univ S Australia189174
219Georgetown Univ1816216
220Mem Univ Newfoundland18783
221Natl Univ Singapore184146
222St Johns Univ189167
223Univ Cologne187189
224Univ Durham1812115
225Univ Maine181055
226Univ Vermont1823348
227Uppsala Univ18366
229Cent Michigan Univ1737174
230Chinese Univ Hong Kong173200
231Cleveland State Univ1754312
233Drexel Univ1759303
234Kansas State Univ1727108
236Univ Aberdeen1749120
237Univ Bradford179233
238Univ Copenhagen1714142
239Univ Leipzig170152
240Univ London Imperial Coll Sci Technol & Med1717148
241Univ Texas Austin17033
242Univ Vienna17328
243Villanova Univ1739141
244Wolverhampton Univ1719158
245Brunel Univ1612171
246Copenhagen Sch Econ & Business Adm16740
247Griffith Univ161792
248Iowa State Univ Sci & Technol1615120
249RAND Corp1623219
250SUNY Binghamton1613158
251SUNY Coll Purchase16146962
252Univ Bergen1612140
253Univ Laval16288
254Univ Mannheim168123
255Univ N Texas16261
256Vrije Univ Amsterdam16791
257Calif State Univ Los Angeles154140
258Clemson Univ1527385
259Gothenburg Univ1514162
260Jagiellonian Univ15135
261New Mexico State Univ1547223
263Open Univ1512115
264Russian Acad Sci15328
265Tilburg Univ151297
266Univ Coll Dublin153118
267Univ Frankfurt15398
268Univ Twente158103
269Wake Forest Univ159326
270Dartmouth Coll1417210
271E Carolina Univ1420248
272HAIFA UNIV1420193
273Loughborough Univ Technol1465324
274Ohio Univ1438163
275Queens Univ Belfast148135
276Sam Houston State Univ14644
277Univ Basel14319
278Univ Cent Florida147188
279Univ Oxford Nuffield Coll1416301
280Univ Reading14370
281Univ Saskatchewan14227
282Univ W Indies14127
283Wichita State Univ1451350
284Bocconi Univ1322161
285Calif State Univ Long Beach1310146
286CUNY John Jay Coll Criminal Justice131187
288Memphis State Univ1312147
289Miami Univ1338120
290San Diego State Univ13474
291Tufts Univ1320168
292Univ Bremen13469
293Univ Calif Santa Cruz1323158
294Univ Erlangen Nurnberg131085
295Univ Granada13649
296Univ Hull13261
297Univ Konstanz1328150
298Univ Louisville13079
299Univ Lund13661
300Univ Newcastle132125
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