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12 January 2012
Records: 20228, Authors: 21511, Journals: 3479, Cited References: 693096, Words: 14485
Yearly outputDocument TypeLanguageInstitutionInstitution with SubdivisionCountry
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#Date / Author / JournalLCSGCSLCRCR
1560116792 Garcia-Aracil A, Gracia AG, Perez-Marin MSCIENTOMETRICS. 2006 MAY; 67 (2): 213-230 06965
1560216874 Skilton PFSCIENTOMETRICS. 2006 JUL; 68 (1): 73-96 34438
1560317023 Rey-Rocha J, Garzon-Garcia B, Martin-Sempere JSCIENTOMETRICS. 2006 NOV; 69 (2): 183-212 181663
1560417064 Basu ASCIENTOMETRICS. 2006 DEC; 68 (3): 361-375 13318
1560517065 Small HSCIENTOMETRICS. 2006 DEC; 68 (3): 595-610 235422
1560617230 Guan JC, Ma NSCIENTOMETRICS. 2007 JAN; 70 (1): 107-124 011338
1560717267 Moutinho PSF, Fontes M, Godinho MMSCIENTOMETRICS. 2007 FEB; 70 (2): 355-377 38945
1560817347 Bailon-Moreno R, Jurado-Alameda E, Ruiz-Banos R, Courtial JP, Jimenez-Contreras ESCIENTOMETRICS. 2007 APR; 71 (1): 3-24 02235
1560917348 Royle J, Coles L, Williams D, Evans PSCIENTOMETRICS. 2007 APR; 71 (1): 59-86 05255
1561017375 Rodriguez V, Janssens F, Debackere K, De Moor BSCIENTOMETRICS. 2007 MAY; 71 (2): 239-269 23947
#Date / Author / JournalLCSGCSLCRCR
1561117414 Guerrero-Bote VP, Zapico-Alonso F, Espinosa-Calvo ME, Gomez-Crisostomo R, De Moya-Anegon FSCIENTOMETRICS. 2007 JUN; 71 (3): 423-441 15221
1561217450 McMillan GS, Hamilton RDSCIENTOMETRICS. 2007 JUL; 72 (1): 3-10 05516
1561317451 Rey-Rocha J, Garzon-Garcia B, Martin-Sempere MJSCIENTOMETRICS. 2007 JUL; 72 (1): 59-80 01538
1561417527 Fowler JH, Aksnes DWSCIENTOMETRICS. 2007 SEP; 72 (3): 427-437 432418
1561517606 Diamond AM, Toth RJSCIENTOMETRICS. 2007 NOV; 73 (2): 131-137 00223
1561617848 Vaughan L, Shaw DSCIENTOMETRICS. 2008 FEB; 74 (2): 317-330 111332
1561717902 Schmoch U, Schubert TSCIENTOMETRICS. 2008 MAR; 74 (3): 361-377 422534
1561817903 Biglu MH
The influence of references per paper in the SCI to Impact Factors and the Matthew Effect
SCIENTOMETRICS. 2008 MAR; 74 (3): 453-470
1561917972 Baldini NSCIENTOMETRICS. 2008 MAY; 75 (2): 289-311 3101885
1562018057 Haslam N, Ban L, Kaufmann L, Loughnan S, Peters K, et al.SCIENTOMETRICS. 2008 JUL; 76 (1): 169-185 261033
#Date / Author / JournalLCSGCSLCRCR
1562118136 Kyvik S, Olsen TBSCIENTOMETRICS. 2008 SEP; 76 (3): 439-455 25618
1562218137 Onder C, Sevkli M, Altinok T, Tavukcuoglu CSCIENTOMETRICS. 2008 SEP; 76 (3): 543-560 03119
1562318190 Levitt JM, Thelwall MSCIENTOMETRICS. 2008 OCT; 77 (1): 41-60 12317
1562418238 Harwood NSCIENTOMETRICS. 2008 NOV; 77 (2): 253-265 01530
1562518239 Jonkers K, Tijssen RSCIENTOMETRICS. 2008 NOV; 77 (2): 309-333 17847
1562618293 Bornmann L, Nast I, Daniel HDSCIENTOMETRICS. 2008 DEC; 77 (3): 415-432 29632
1562718500 Levitt JM, Thelwall MSCIENTOMETRICS. 2009 JAN; 78 (1): 45-67 112330
1562818531 Gossart C, Ozman MSCIENTOMETRICS. 2009 FEB; 78 (2): 323-345 04631
1562918576 Skilton PFSCIENTOMETRICS. 2009 MAR; 78 (3): 525-542 011242
1563018618 Coccia MSCIENTOMETRICS. 2009 APR; 79 (1): 93-107 03334
#Date / Author / JournalLCSGCSLCRCR
1563118619 Hornbostel S, Bohmer S, Klingsporn B, Neufeld J, von Ins MSCIENTOMETRICS. 2009 APR; 79 (1): 171-190 26520
1563218653 Sandstrom USCIENTOMETRICS. 2009 MAY; 79 (2): 341-349 12623
1563318756 Marx W, Cardona MSCIENTOMETRICS. 2009 JUL; 80 (1): 1-21 24129
1563418906 Sotudeh H, Horri ASCIENTOMETRICS. 2009 OCT; 81 (1): 7-31 001674
1563518907 Schmoch U, Schubert TSCIENTOMETRICS. 2009 OCT; 81 (1): 195-218 36646
1563618908 Duque RB, Shrum WM, Barriga O, Henriquez GSCIENTOMETRICS. 2009 OCT; 81 (1): 239-263 00894
1563718977 Guan JC, Ma NSCIENTOMETRICS. 2009 DEC; 81 (3): 683-698 13756
1563818978 Reinhart MSCIENTOMETRICS. 2009 DEC; 81 (3): 789-809 241054
1563919187 Klitkou A, Gulbrandsen MSCIENTOMETRICS. 2010 JAN; 82 (1): 93-108 01942
1564019232 Gingras Y, Wallace ML
Why it has become more difficult to predict Nobel Prize winners: a bibliometric analysis of nominees and winners of the chemistry and physics prizes (1901-2007)
SCIENTOMETRICS. 2010 FEB; 82 (2): 401-412
#Date / Author / JournalLCSGCSLCRCR
1564119233 Puuska HMSCIENTOMETRICS. 2010 FEB; 82 (2): 419-437 121244
1564219316 Upham SP, Small HSCIENTOMETRICS. 2010 APR; 83 (1): 15-38 04567
1564319317 Franzoni C, Simpkins CL, Li BL, Ram ASCIENTOMETRICS. 2010 APR; 83 (1): 321-335 00828
1564419368 Yang PY, Chang YCSCIENTOMETRICS. 2010 MAY; 83 (2): 403-421 011265
1564519369 Wray KBSCIENTOMETRICS. 2010 MAY; 83 (2): 471-476 11011
1564619370 Krampen GSCIENTOMETRICS. 2010 MAY; 83 (2): 507-513 00416
1564719371 Upham SP, Rosenkopf L, Ungar LHSCIENTOMETRICS. 2010 MAY; 83 (2): 525-554 01877
1564819423 Pislyakov V, Dyachenko ESCIENTOMETRICS. 2010 JUN; 83 (3): 739-749 22719
1564919466 Zuccala ASCIENTOMETRICS. 2010 JUL; 84 (1): 221-235 011132
1565019495 Schultz DM
Are three heads better than two? How the number of reviewers and editor behavior affect the rejection rate
SCIENTOMETRICS. 2010 AUG; 84 (2): 277-292
#Date / Author / JournalLCSGCSLCRCR
1565119496 Sooryamoorthy RSCIENTOMETRICS. 2010 AUG; 84 (2): 373-390 00451
1565219497 Marx W, Bornmann LSCIENTOMETRICS. 2010 AUG; 84 (2): 441-464 11977
1565319551 Larsen PO, von Ins MSCIENTOMETRICS. 2010 SEP; 84 (3): 575-603 05553
1565419552 Tang L, Walsh JPSCIENTOMETRICS. 2010 SEP; 84 (3): 763-784 03346
1565519595 Parker JN, Lortie C, Allesina SSCIENTOMETRICS. 2010 OCT; 85 (1): 129-143 011550
1565619638 Lancho-Barrantes BS, Guerrero-Bote VP, Moya-Anegon FSCIENTOMETRICS. 2010 NOV; 85 (2): 443-461 01324
1565719682 De Witte K, Rogge NSCIENTOMETRICS. 2010 DEC; 85 (3): 657-680 016105
1565819683 Feeney MK, Bernal MSCIENTOMETRICS. 2010 DEC; 85 (3): 767-790 00544
1565919822 Bornmann LSCIENTOMETRICS. 2011 JAN; 86 (1): 173-177 02327
1566019964 Cocosila M, Serenko A, Turel OSCIENTOMETRICS. 2011 APR; 87 (1): 1-16 00463
#Date / Author / JournalLCSGCSLCRCR
1566120050 Lariviere V, Vignola-Gagne E, Villeneuve C, Gelinas P, Gingras YSCIENTOMETRICS. 2011 JUN; 87 (3): 483-498 001270
1566220051 Wang MY, Yu G, Yu DRSCIENTOMETRICS. 2011 JUN; 87 (3): 695-706 00624
1566320126 Gorraiz J, Gumpenberger C, Wieland MSCIENTOMETRICS. 2011 AUG; 88 (2): 627-652 00233
1566420215 Garcia JA, Rodriguez-Sanchez R, Fdez-Valdivia J
Overall prestige of journals with ranking score above a given threshold
SCIENTOMETRICS. 2011 OCT; 89 (1): 229-243
1566520216 Wu Q, Wolfram DSCIENTOMETRICS. 2011 OCT; 89 (1): 245-258 001430
1566620217 Frigotto ML, Riccaboni MSCIENTOMETRICS. 2011 OCT; 89 (1): 397-420 00964
1566720218 Guo HN, Weingart S, Borner KSCIENTOMETRICS. 2011 OCT; 89 (1): 421-435 00544
1566820219 Watts C, Gilbert NSCIENTOMETRICS. 2011 OCT; 89 (1): 437-463 00766
15669777 MACK JASCOTTISH JOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY. 1958; 5 (1): 1-14 01118
156701771 BEHREND HSCOTTISH JOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY. 1964; 11 (2): 85-103 0515
#Date / Author / JournalLCSGCSLCRCR
1567211749 REDMAN DASCOTTISH JOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY. 1993 MAY; 40 (2): 210-230 04154
156745977 ATKINSON PSCOTTISH JOURNAL OF SOCIOLOGY. 1977; 2 (1): 71-85 12332
156755593 RONAYNE JSEARCH. 1976; 7 (3): 85-89 24326
156765978 EVANS LTSEARCH. 1977; 8 (11-1): 403-410 03121
156776798 MANWELL CSEARCH. 1979; 10 (3): 81-86 210322
156787194 MOYAL ASEARCH. 1980; 11 (7-8): 231-239 27531
156797593 MANWELL C, BAKER CMASEARCH. 1981; 12 (6): 151-160 3717129
1568015777 Von Busekist ASECURITY DIALOGUE. 2004 MAR; 35 (1): 81-98 02137
#Date / Author / JournalLCSGCSLCRCR
1568119684 Waever O
Towards a Political Sociology of Security Studies
SECURITY DIALOGUE. 2010 DEC; 41 (6): 649-658
1568218909 Hinduja SSECURITY JOURNAL. 2009 OCT; 22 (4): 269-285 001361
1568319766 Tunley M
Need, greed or opportunity? An examination of who commits benefit fraud and why they do it
SECURITY JOURNAL. 2011; 24 (4): 302-319
1568419870 Garwood JSECURITY JOURNAL. 2011 FEB; 24 (1): 37-51 00134
1568513223 Welch DASECURITY STUDIES. 1997 SUM; 6 (4): 197-216 03264
1568719119 Mattern KD, Burrus J, Shaw ESELF AND IDENTITY. 2010; 9 (2): 129-141 00320
1568817759 Grutter R, Scharrenbach T, Bauer-Messmer BSEMANTIC WEB - ISWC 2008. 2008; 5318: 293-306 08122
156899264 MALINA BJSEMEIA. 1986; (35): 35-& 02241
1569010607 PERDUE LGSEMEIA. 1990; (50): 5-39 051106
#Date / Author / JournalLCSGCSLCRCR
1569112292 Rohrbaugh RLSEMEIA. 1995; (72): 247-258 02115
1569214533 Marino GSEMINARS IN ORGANIC SYNTHESIS. 2001; : 273-283 00238
156943769 MILLER JGSEMINARS IN PSYCHIATRY. 1971; 3 (3): 357-& 11115
1569510608 BOUISSAC PSEMIOTICA. 1990; 79 (3-4): 289-306 00127
1569614115 Posner RSEMIOTICA. 2000; 128 (3-4): 445-486 04243
1569717760 Matoesian GSEMIOTICA. 2008; 171 (1-4): 15-49 01532
1569810942 WELLER ACSERIALS LIBRARIAN. 1991; 19 (3-4): 95-103 25212
1569914534 Kim HJSERIALS LIBRARIAN. 2001; 41 (1): 31-64 0015278
1570017904 Guedon JC
Mixing and matching the Green and Gold Roads to Open Access - Take 2
SERIALS REVIEW. 2008 MAR; 34 (1): 41-51
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