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4 August 2011
Records: 1052, Authors: 3525, Journals: 314, Cited References: 44689, Words: 2387
Yearly outputDocument TypeLanguageInstitution | Institution with Subdivision | Country
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#Institution with SubdivisionRecsTLCSTGCS
1651Univ S Australia, Sch Hlth Sci102
1652Univ Sacred Heart, Inst Internal Med1523
1653Univ Sacred Heart, Inst Psychiat & Psychol1523
1654Univ Sao Paulo, Coll Med100
1655Univ Sao Paulo, Dept Stat112
1656Univ Sao Paulo, Fac Med100
1657Univ Sao Paulo, GREA100
1658Univ Sao Paulo, Inst Psychiat100
1659Univ Sao Paulo, Interdisciplinary Grp Studies Alcohol & Drugs103
1660Univ Sci & Technol China, CAS Key Lab Brain Funct & Dis100
1661Univ Sci, Hlth Psychol Program115
1662Univ Seville, Dept Fisiol Med114
1663Univ Sheffield, Sheffield Cognit & Neuroimaging Lab107
1664Univ Siena, Dept Biomed Sci1124
1665Univ Siena, Dept Neurosci1124
1666Univ So Calif105
1667Univ So Calif, Ctr Neurol Study Emot & Creat1914
1668Univ So Calif, Dana & David Dornsife Cognit Neurosci Imaging Ctr105
1669Univ So Calif, Dept Psychiat100
1670Univ So Calif, Dornsife Cognit Neurosci Imaging Ctr132168
1671Univ So Calif, Grad Program Neurosci126
1672Univ So Calif, Keck Sch Med103
1673Univ So Calif, Los Angeles Cty Med Ctr100
1674Univ So Calif, Unit 8 Alhambra112
1675Univ So Mississippi, Dept Psychol101
1676Univ Spital Zurich, Klin Psychiat & Psychotherapie103
1677Univ Stellenbosch, Dept Econ102
1678Univ Stellenbosch, Dept Genet102
1679Univ Stellenbosch, Dept Psychiat102
1680Univ Strasbourg100
#Institution with SubdivisionRecsTLCSTGCS
1681Univ Sussex, Dept Psychol111
1682Univ Sussex, Sch Psychol100
1683Univ Sydney, Fac Med1213
1684Univ Sydney, NICTA136
1685Univ Sydney, Sch Informat Technol136
1686Univ Sydney, Sch Med102
1687Univ Sydney, Sch Mol & Microbial Biosci1213
1688Univ Sydney, Sch Psychol136
1689Univ Sydney, Western Clin Sch136
1690Univ Sydney, Westmead Millennium Inst136
1691Univ Tampere, Sch Publ Hlth106
1692Univ Tehran Med Sci, Dept Psychiat123
1693Univ Tehran Med Sci, Iranian Natl Ctr Addict Studies100
1694Univ Tehran Med Sci, Roozbeh Hosp100
1695Univ Tehran, Control & Intelligent Proc Ctr Excellence123
1696Univ Tehran, Sch Elect & Comp Engn100
1697Univ Tennessee, Dept Psychol100
1698Univ Texas Austin1123
1699Univ Texas Austin, Coll Pharm102
1700Univ Texas Austin, Dept Kinesiol & Hlth Educ100
1701Univ Texas Dallas100
1702Univ Texas Dallas, Ctr Brain Hlth100
1703Univ Texas Dallas, SW Med Sch107
1704Univ Texas Hlth Sci Ctr Houston, Dept Diagnost & Intervent Imaging113
1705Univ Texas Hlth Sci Ctr San Antonio, Dept Pathol1317
1706Univ Texas Hlth Sci Ctr San Antonio, Res Imaging Inst102
1707Univ Texas Hlth Sci Ctr, Dept Diagnost & Intervent Imaging139
1708Univ Texas Imaging Res Ctr100
1709Univ Texas MD Anderson Canc Ctr, Dept Behav Sci100
1710Univ Texas Med Branch, Dept Pharmacol & Toxicol100
#Institution with SubdivisionRecsTLCSTGCS
1711Univ Texas Med Sch Houston, Dept Psychiat & Behav Sci105
1712Univ Texas SW Med Ctr Dallas, Dept Psychiat1225
1713Univ Texas SW Med Ctr Dallas, Dept Psychiat & Neurosci101
1714Univ Texas SW, Med Ctr1119
1715Univ Texas, SW Med Sch109
1716Univ Toledo, Coll Pharm & Pharmaceut Sci100
1717Univ Toronto, CAMH PET Ctr1015
1718Univ Toronto, Dept Life Sci Psychol Neurosci12652
1719Univ Toronto, Dept Pharmacol & Toxicol100
1720Univ Toronto, Dept Publ Hlth Sci1932
1721Univ Toronto, Fac Med104
1722Univ Toronto, Hosp Sick Children SickKids107
1723Univ Toronto, Human Neurochem Pathol Lab107
1724Univ Toronto, Inst Med Sci100
1725Univ Toronto, Toronto108
1726Univ Toronto, Toronto Western Hosp1015
1727Univ Toronto, Toronto Western Res Inst1015
1728Univ Toronto, UHN1851
1729Univ Tromso100
1730Univ Tubingen1010
1731Univ Turin, Dept Psychol100
1732Univ Turin, Neurosci Inst Turin100
1733Univ Utah, Ctr Human Toxicol107
1734Univ Utah, Inst Brain100
1735Univ Utah, Med Ctr103
1736Univ Utah, Sch Med100
1737Univ Utrecht, Sect Psychopharmacol112
1738Univ Valencia FGUV, Cavanilles Inst ICBiBE102
1739Univ Valencia, Cavanilles Inst Biodivers & Dev Biol1440
1740Univ Valencia, CIBERSAM107
#Institution with SubdivisionRecsTLCSTGCS
1741Univ Valencia, Dept Psicobiol100
1742Univ Vermont, Dept Psychiat100
1743Univ Victor Segalen Bordeaux 2, Inst Sante Publ Epidemiol & Dev123
1744Univ Virginia, Hlth Sci Ctr124
1745Univ Washington, Dept Psychol114
1746Univ Western Ontario, Dept Anat & Cell Biol103
1747Univ Western Ontario, Schulich Sch Med1224
1748Univ Wisconsin, Dept Med Phys107
1749Univ Wisconsin, Dept Psychiat107
1750Univ Wisconsin, Dept Psychol104
1751Univ Wisconsin, Harlow Primate Ctr107
1752Univ Wisconsin, Sch Med & Publ Hlth100
1753Univ Wisconsin, Waisman Lab Brain Imaging & Behav107
1754Univ Witten Herdecke, Dept Math112
1755Univ Wollongong, Illawarra Inst Mental Hlth1417
1756Univ Wollongong, Sch Psychol1417
1757Univ Wurzburg, Dept Psychol Biol Psychol Clin Psychol & Psychoth101
1758Univ York, Dept Hlth Sci124
1759Univ Zurich Hosp, Dept Psychiat & Psychotherapy100
1760Universal Med Ctr Utrecht, Dept Psychiat1113
1761Uppsala Univ100
1762Uppsala Univ, Biomed Ctr108
1763Uppsala Univ, Dept Pharmaceut Biosci102
1764US Dept Vet Affairs Med Ctr1523
1765US FDA, Neurochem Lab117
1766US FDA, Neurophysiol Lab117
1767US Olymp Training Ctr100
1768UTAMA, AP HP109
1769UTHSC Houston, Dept Psychiat & Behav Neurobiol1612
1770UTHSC Houston, Grad Sch Biomed Sci1612
#Institution with SubdivisionRecsTLCSTGCS
1772VA Connecticut Healthcare Syst100
1773VA Connecticut Healthcare Syst, Alcohol Res Ctr 116A1012
1774VA Connecticut Healthcare Syst, Schizophrenia Biol Res Ctr 116A1012
1775VA Healthcare Syst, Dept Anat & Neurobiol1322
1776VA Healthcare Syst, Dept Neurol1322
1777VA Healthcare Syst, Dept Psychiat1322
1778VA N Texas Hlth Care Syst11064
1779VA N Texas Hlth Care Syst, Mental Hlth Serv1225
1780VA New Jersey Hlth Care Syst1527
1781VA New York Harbor Healthcare Syst, Dept Psychiat11328
1782VA Pittsburgh Healthcare Syst104
1783VA San Diego Hlth Care Syst, Psychiat Serv11425
1784Vancouver Coastal Hlth, Vancouver117
1785Vanderbilt Univ1123
1786Vanderbilt Univ, Dept Biomed Engn100
1787Vanderbilt Univ, Dept Radiol & Radiol Sci100
1788Vanderbilt Univ, Inst Imaging Sci100
1789Vanderbilt Univ, Med Ctr100
1790Vanderbilt Univ, Psychiat Neuroimaging Program100
1791Vanderbilt Univ, Sch Med100
1792Vanderbilt Univ, Vanderbilt Addict Ctr100
1793Vanderbilt Univ, Vanderbilt Dept Psychol100
1794Vanderbilt Univ, Vanderbilt Inst Imaging Sci100
1795VCU Pharmacol, Inst Drug & Alcohol Studies1011
1796VCU Psychiat, Virginia Inst Psychiat & Behav Genet1011
1797Vernadskii Tavricheskii Natl Univ, Simferopol102
1798Vestre Viken Hosp Trust100
1799Vet Adm Connecticut Healthcare Syst122
1800Vet Adm Med Ctr, Res & Dev 1511321
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