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4 August 2011
Records: 1052, Authors: 3525, Journals: 314, Cited References: 44689, Words: 2387
Yearly outputDocument TypeLanguageInstitution | Institution with Subdivision | Country
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#Institution with SubdivisionRecsTLCSTGCS
901Bar Ilan Univ, Dept Math106
902Brain Resource Co, Ultimo136
903Brain Resource Int Database, Ultimo136
906Coatesville Vet Affairs Med Ctr126
907E Tennessee State Univ, Quillen Coll Med206
908Hadassah Hosp Ein Kerem, Dept Biophys & Med Nucl116
909Hanyang Univ, Dept Biomed Engn116
910Helsinki Univ Cent Hosp, Hosp Children & Adolescents106
911Henry Ford Hlth Syst, Dept Psychiat116
912Hop Fernand Widal, AP HP116
913Hosp Univ Virgen Las Nieves, Dept Nucl Med116
914Hosp Virgen Nieves, Dept Nucl Med126
915Indiana Univ Purdue Univ Indianapolis, Dept Psychol106
916Indiana Univ Purdue Univ, Dept Biomed Engn106
917Indiana Univ Sch Med, Program Med Neurosci106
918Indiana Univ, Sch Med306
919INSERM, U669216
920Inst Psychiat, SGDP Ctr116
921Med Univ S Carolina, Dept Psychiat116
922Nagoya Univ, Hosp Pharm106
923Natl Canc Ctr, Dept Nucl Med116
924Natl Inst Drug Abuse, Clin Med Branch116
925Natl Inst Drug Abuse, Directors Off266
926Natl Inst Drug Abuse, Neuroimaging Res Branch236
927Natl Inst Hlth & Welf, Dept Mental Hlth106
928Natl Inst Hlth & Welf, Subst Abuse Serv106
929NIA, Lab Personal & Cognit136
930Prince Wales Med Res Inst, Sydney136
#Institution with SubdivisionRecsTLCSTGCS
931Purdue Univ, Weldon Sch Biomed Engn106
932Rhein Westfal TH Aachen, Dept Psychiat & Psychotherapy116
933SUNY Stony Brook, Biomed Engn Program166
934Tufts Univ, Dept Neurosci106
935Tufts Univ, Dept Pharmacol106
936Tufts Univ, Dept Psychiat106
937Tufts Univ, Dept Psychol106
938Umea Univ Hosp, Dept Neurosurg236
939Univ Aquila, Dipartimento Sci & Tecnol Biomed106
940Univ Calif San Francisco, Dept Physiol116
941Univ Fed Rio de Janeiro, Inst Ciencias Biomed106
942Univ Gothenburg, Dept Psychol206
943Univ Granada, Inst Neurociencias Federico Oloriz116
944Univ Helsinki, Dept Psychol206
945Univ Helsinki, Dept Publ Hlth106
946Univ Kuopio, Niuvanniemi Hosp136
947Univ Mainz, Dept Nucl Med116
948Univ Mainz, Dept Psychiat116
949Univ Mainz, Inst Legal Med116
950Univ Mainz, Sch Med106
951Univ Munich, Dept Nucl Med116
952Univ New S Wales, Sydney136
953Univ Paris 05, CNRS116
954Univ Paris Sud116
955Univ Roma La Sapienza, Dept Psicol106
956Univ Sao Paulo, Sch Med236
957Univ So Calif, Grad Program Neurosci126
958Univ Sussex, Sch Life Sci336
959Univ Sydney, NICTA136
960Univ Sydney, Sch Informat Technol136
#Institution with SubdivisionRecsTLCSTGCS
961Univ Sydney, Sch Psychol136
962Univ Sydney, Western Clin Sch136
963Univ Sydney, Westmead Millennium Inst136
964Univ Tampere, Sch Publ Hlth106
965Univ Texas Austin, Dept Psychol206
966Uppsala Univ, Clin Res Ctr236
967Wayne State Univ, Dept Psychiat116
968Yonsei Univ, Coll Med116
969Zent Inst Seel Gesundheit, Klin Abhangiges Verhalten & Suchtmed106
970Boston Univ, Sch Publ Hlth205
971Bristol Special Alcohol Serv, Bristol105
972CNR, Inst Neurosci105
973CNRS, UMR 7224115
974Communidad Madrid, Hortaleza Mental Hlth serv145
975CUNY Mt Sinai Sch Med, Dept Pharmacol & Biol Chem115
976Duke Univ, Dept Psychol & Neurosci105
977Eli Lilly & Co, Lilly Corp Ctr105
978G De Lisio Inst Behav Sci105
979Hammersmith Hosp, Hammersmith Imanet Ltd105
980Hlth Dist 8 ASL 8, Sardinia Reg Dependence Coordinat Unit105
981HSK, Clin Psychiat & Psychotherapy145
982Humboldt Univ, Inst Sportsci145
983Imperial Coll Sch Med, Fac Med105
984Indiana Univ, Dept Biol105
985Indiana Univ, Kinsey Inst Res Sex Gender & Reprod105
986INSERM, U952115
987Inst Municipal Invest Med, Pharmacol Res Inst145
988IRCCS San Giovanni Diofatebenefratelli115
989Junta de Andaulica, Cortijo Buenos Airtes145
990Karolinska Univ Hosp, Karolinska Inst105
#Institution with SubdivisionRecsTLCSTGCS
991Kyungpook Natl Univ Hosp, Dept Nucl Med115
992Mario Negri Inst Pharmacol Res, Dept Neurosci115
993Marquette Univ, Dept Biomed Sci105
994McGill Univ, Douglas Hosp105
995McLean Hosp, Behav Psychopharmacol Res Lab105
996N Carolina State Univ, Dept Genet105
997N Carolina State Univ, WM Keck Ctr Behav Biol105
998Netherlands Inst Ment Hlth & Addict105
999NIAAA, Intramural Program255
1000NIDA, IRP115
1001Otto von Guericke Univ, Dept Neurol105
1002Otto von Guericke Univ, Dept Psychiat105
1003Pathophysiol Synapt Plast Grp, Neuroctr Magendie115
1004Peking Univ, Dept Psychol105
1005Queens Univ, Dept Psychiat & Psychol105
1006Robert Koch Inst, Abt Epidemiol & Gesundheitsberichterstattung105
1007Sci Publ Policy Assoc, AU CNS105
1008State Hosp Uchtspringe105
1009Tech Univ Dresden, Dept Psychol145
1010Tech Univ Dresden, Fac Med Carl Gustav Carus145
1011Temple Univ, Dept Psychol205
1012UCL, Inst Neurol115
1013Univ Bordeaux115
1014Univ Bremen, Dept Neuropharmacol105
1015Univ Bristol, Avon Longitudinal Study Parents & Children115
1016Univ Bristol, Psychopharmacol Unit105
1017Univ Calif San Diego, Int Mood Ctr105
1018Univ Calif San Diego, VA Hosp105
1019Univ Cincinnati, Coll Med105
1020Univ Florida, Coll Journalism & Commun105
#Institution with SubdivisionRecsTLCSTGCS
1021Univ Florida, Coll Liberal Arts & Sci105
1022Univ Granada, Dept Personalid Evaluac & Tratmientop Psicol145
1023Univ Granada, Inst Neurosci145
1024Univ Hosp, Serv Psiquiatrico105
1025Univ Illinois115
1026Univ Kansas, Med Ctr105
1027Univ London Imperial Coll Sci Technol & Med, Div Neurosci & Psychol Med115
1028Univ Med Ctr Utrecht, Dept Psychiat105
1029Univ Milan, Dept Pharmacol Sci115
1030Univ Missouri115
1031Univ Montreal, Ctr Rech Fernand Seguin105
1032Univ Montreal, Dept Psychol105
1033Univ Oldenburg, FRG125
1034Univ Ottawa, Mental Hlth Res Inst105
1035Univ Paris 06115
1036Univ Penn Hlth Syst, Dept Psychiat115
1037Univ Penn, Dept Biostat & Epidemiol105
1038Univ Pisa, Dept Psychiat PNB105
1039Univ Sci, Hlth Psychol Program115
1040Univ So Calif105
1041Univ So Calif, Dana & David Dornsife Cognit Neurosci Imaging Ctr105
1042Univ Texas Med Branch, Addict Res Ctr205
1043Univ Texas Med Sch Houston, Dept Psychiat & Behav Sci105
1044Uppsala Univ, Div Biol Res Drug Dependence215
1045Washington Univ115
1046Xidian Univ, Life Sci Res Ctr235
1047Alfred & Monash Univ, Sch Psychol & Psychiat124
1048Arizona State Univ, Dept Psychol314
1049ASL Roma C, Dipartimento Dipendenze104
1050ASL, Dipartimento Dipendenze104
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