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Use [Browse...] to select a file with bibliography data:
Use wildcard '*' to add more than one file at a time. For example, if you have file1, file2, etc. all in the same folder or directory; first, locate one of the files with the [Browse...] button. Then alter the file path in the box above to include '*' character (eg. file*). Wildcard '?' to blanket only one character works too.
Note: In Windows you can select multiple files and "drag and drop" them onto HistCite icon or shortcut. The program would start and load those files.
4 August 2011
Records: 1052, Authors: 3525, Journals: 314, Cited References: 44689, Words: 2387
Yearly outputDocument TypeLanguageInstitutionInstitution with SubdivisionCountry
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601Cox WM11366
602Craig AB1212
603Craig AD12626
604Craig IW64666
605Craig KJ123
606Cramer AOJ102
607Crespo JA1226
608Crespo-Facorro B1018
609Crews FT101
610Crockford D1138
611Crockford DN11546
612Crookes AE104
613Cruz F102
614Cunha MJ137
615Cunha PJ324
616Cunha-Oliveira T1023
617Cunniff A1313
618Cunningham KA205
619Curio G111
620Curran HV4464
621Czobor P1224
622Czoty PW6362
623d'Acremont M21941
624D'Agata F100
625D'Argembeau A105
626D'Iddio S100
627D'Souza DC1012
628Daamen M112
629Daban C107
630Dackis CA1110
631Dagher A22299
632Daglish MRC105
633Dal Cin S112
634Dalley JW640197
635Damasio H132168
636Damianopoulos EN202
637Dan B2919
638Dani JA329
639Daniel M102
640Danielson PE1016
641Dannals RF2649
642Dannon PN209
643Daoust M108
644Dario P101
645Dario T1523
646Darna M102
647Daro FR103
648DaSilva AF1016
649Daunais JB2718
650David SP2139
651Davidson RJ107
652Davies SJC105
653Davis CL101
654Davis SM1047
655Davydov DM102
656Dawe S337230
657Dawes MA228
658Dawkins L61267
659de Almeida RMM100
660de Andrade AG327
661de Araujo IE11050
662de Arcos FA73694
663De Beurs E555229
664De Boni R204
665de Bournonville S102
666De Bruijn C2118
667De Bruyne S100
668De Carolis D106
669De Gaspari D1123
670De Graaf R105
671de Greck M3313
672de Haan L207
673de Haes JIU128
674De La Garza R100
675de Leon JMRS500
676de Leon JMS111
677de los Cobos JP100
678De Luca MA1124
679de Mendelssohn A104
680De Oliveira LG112
681De Risio S1523
682de Ruiter MB2517
683de Souza DOG104
684De Vos F100
685De Vries TJ3837
686de Wetering BJV1323
687de Wildt WAJM119
688de Wit H2019
689Deadwyler SA100
690Deakin JB11552
691Deakin JFW2514
692Decker SA100
693Deep-Soboslay A1113
694Dehaene S1424
695Dehoff MH113109
696Delain F103
697Delavelle J111
698DelBello MP105
699Deleye S100
700Delgado MR21246
701Delis DC100
702Delisi S104
703Dell'Agnello G104
704Delosh D100
705Dembele D100
706Dembinsky Y102
707Demers MF1126
708Demos KE100
709den Boer JA128
710Deng Y100
711Depue RA11819
712Derringer J100
713Desai A16138
714Desai RA116
715Desgranges B2644
716Desmond RC100
717Deus J1113
718DeYoung CG100
719Dezfouli A223
720Dhonnchadha BAN205
721Di Chiara G1124
722Di Ciano P1331
723di Giacomo E100
724Di Giannantonio M1523
725Di Nicola M2313
726Dias C1140
727Dick DM108
728Dickinson A2447
729Dieckmann M105
730Diekhof EK1413
731Dielentheis TF116
732Dietrich MS100
733Dillon DG109
734Ding YS546136
735Ding Z100
736Dinov ID103
737Dischinger PC100
738Dixit P103
739Dixon MR103
740Dixon V12140
741Djukic M1032
742Dlugos AM100
743Dobi A100
744Dobson-Stone C136
745Dolan S151186
746Dom G11953
747Domenici E100
748Dong MH348
749Dong Y4128
750Donnini C104
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