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Note: In Windows you can select multiple files and "drag and drop" them onto HistCite icon or shortcut. The program would start and load those files.
4 August 2011
Records: 1052, Authors: 3525, Journals: 314, Cited References: 44689, Words: 2387
Yearly outputDocument TypeLanguageInstitutionInstitution with SubdivisionCountry
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2851Slotkin TA1339
2852Smelson DA2528
2853Smit AB2423
2854Smith A1010
2855Smith AR1513
2856Smith G108
2857Smith HR22151
2858Smith JT114
2859Smith KA11050
2860Smith KD1515
2861Smith ND100
2862Smith RJ2165
2863Smith TL101
2864Smits M100
2865Smolen A112
2866Smolka M111
2867Smolka MN145
2868Smoller JW2815
2869Snead C100
2870Soczynska JK100
2871Soderstrom CA100
2872Sofuoglu M3514
2873Sokoloff J101
2874Soliman A100
2875Solinas M102
2876Solowij N1417
2877Somaini L104
2878Song IC1522
2879Song L136
2880Sonntag KC1336
2881Sora I4318
2882Soriano-Mas C1113
2883Soyka M118
2884Spalletta G100
2885Spear L100
2886Specker S100
2887Specker SM11328
2888Spencer TJ1317
2889Spielberg JM100
2890Spijker S2423
2891Spinella M51195
2892Spoor S1123
2893Squires NK25757
2894Staedtgen M1442
2895Staelens S100
2896Stahl D103
2897Stalnaker TA1828
2898Stammel A118
2899Stanek KM102
2900Stanford JA1112
2901Stanford T100
2902Stang A1013
2903Stanis JJ208
2904Stapleton JR100
2905Stark R212
2906Starkstein SE2047
2907Stauffer V129
2908Steenbeek HW100
2909Steer CD115
2910Steeves TDL1851
2911Stefano GB49143
2912Steffen C101
2913Stein DJ109
2914Stein EA348
2915Stein MB103
2916Steinberg JL31024
2917Steinberg L100
2918Steingass HP100
2919Stelten BML103
2920Stelzel C117
2921Stemmler G213
2922Stenger VA104
2923Sterk CE101
2924Stevens E112
2925Stevens MC2715
2926Stewart B102
2927Steyn J102
2928Stice E2225
2929Stice SL102
2930Stickgold R21426
2931Stiffier S1312
2932Stimus AT31363
2933Stip E4238
2934Stippekohl B212
2935Stockl P1226
2936Stocks-Gee G11552
2937Stohler CS1152
2938Stokes S112
2939Stout JC12157
2940Stouwe CV100
2941Strafella AP2866
2942Strain EC1318
2943Strakowski SM105
2944Streeter CC1916
2945Strohle A111
2946Stroup TS1047
2947Struve M111
2948Su YH100
2949Su YY100
2950Su ZI105
2951Suchinsky RT2016
2952Suckling J123
2953Suda M1011
2954Sugranyes G107
2955Suhr JA100
2956Sui N1111
2957Sui YH124190
2958Sullivan EV113
2959Sullivan MA3016
2960Sun B103
2961Sun J104
2962Sun JB348
2963Sun N1111
2964Sun P103
2965Sun W103
2966Sun X148
2967Sung SM11046
2968Sung YH3857
2969Sunik Z106
2970Supady A137
2971Surkov S100
2972Sussner BD1527
2973Sutcliffe JG1016
2974Suto T1011
2975Sutton BP100
2976Suvisaari J106
2977Suzuki A1313
2978Suzuki K2314
2979Suzuki M102
2980Suzuki T102
2981Svenningsson P1115
2982Swain JL100
2983Swan GE102
2984Swann AC104
2985Swanson JM382304
2986Swartz MS1047
2987Sweat V100
2988Sweitzer MM118
2989Swift RM1219
2990Swinford SE100
2991Sylvia LG104
2992Szczepanik J100
2993Szerman N118
2994Szeszko PR2243
2995Szumlinski KK420194
2996Tabares-Seisdedos R107
2997Tahsili-Fahadan P1014
2998Takahashi A100
2999Takamatsu Y204
3000Takanishi A101
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