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Use [Browse...] to select a file with bibliography data:
Use wildcard '*' to add more than one file at a time. For example, if you have file1, file2, etc. all in the same folder or directory; first, locate one of the files with the [Browse...] button. Then alter the file path in the box above to include '*' character (eg. file*). Wildcard '?' to blanket only one character works too.
Note: In Windows you can select multiple files and "drag and drop" them onto HistCite icon or shortcut. The program would start and load those files.
4 August 2011
Records: 1052, Authors: 3525, Journals: 314, Cited References: 44689, Words: 2387
Yearly outputDocument TypeLanguageInstitutionInstitution with SubdivisionCountry
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2401Philibert RA102
2402Pickering A3539
2403Pickering AD1316
2404Pickering P109
2405Pickett KE124
2406Pidoplichko VI100
2407Piechatzek M112
2408Pierrefiche O108
2409Pike B129
2410Piliouras K100
2411Pimkine D102
2412Pine DS124
2413Pinheiro MF100
2414Piray P223
2415Pitel AL2644
2416Pitman RK100
2417Pitrak DL1425
2418Pittman B1613
2419Pizzagalli DA109
2420Planeta-Wilson B115
2421Plotsky P1039
2422Pociello AT111
2423Pockros LA213
2424Podell K116
2425Podkopacz MR100
2426Pogarell O118
2427Poirier MF1010
2428Polcari A101
2429Polderman T100
2430Poletto R100
2431Poline JB111
2432Poling J100
2433Pollandt S1018
2434Pollock BG102
2435Polunina AG102
2436Ponce G2425
2437Ponce JD112
2438Ponomarev OA100
2439Porjesz B428121
2440Porrino LJ63368
2441Portela LVC104
2442Poshusta AK102
2443Posner J1060
2444Posner MI103
2445Postlethwait JH1044
2446Potenza MN1351203
2447Potter J103
2448Potterat EG100
2449Potvin S4238
2450Poulos CX2932
2451Poupaert JH100
2452Powell J5540
2453Powell JF1316
2454Powell JH41266
2455Pozzi G2523
2456Prabhu VV118
2457Pradhan K43264
2458Pradhan S128
2459Praschak-Rieder N104
2460Prescott TJ107
2461Preston KL102
2462Prieto A118
2463Prihoda TJ1317
2464Prilipko O100
2465Prisinzano TE1023
2466Proctor D100
2467Proctor M1018
2468Prof LJ100
2469Prosch U101
2470Przegalinski E3412
2471Przewlocki R1016
2472Przewocki R102
2473Puglisi-Allegra S106
2474Puig-Ramos A103
2475Pujol J1113
2476Pum M1321
2477Puuskari V219
2478Qi HT103
2479Qi J104
2480Qian RB100
2481Qin LD100
2482Qin LY101
2483Qin W51119
2484Qin Wei Yuan K100
2485Qiu H101
2486Qiu J100
2487Qiu JA100
2488Qiu Jiang Li H100
2489Qiu YW100
2490Quadros IM100
2491Quattrone A100
2492Quickfall J21684
2493Quinette P1522
2494Quirin M101
2495Quirk GJ1644
2496Rabavilas AD100
2497Rabinovitz M102
2498Rabinstein J100
2499Raby W1010
2500Raby WN1325
2501Racagni G115
2502Raedler T133165
2503Raggi MA104
2504Ragland JD412104
2505Raineri M100
2506Rainey CJ1944
2507Rains NA1425
2508Rait MA101
2509Raj V100
2510Rajaram S3130132
2511Rallis D100
2512Rallis-Voak D1211
2513Ramchandani VA1214
2514Ramirez DR2111
2515Ramos-Fuentes MI100
2516Ramoz N109
2517Ramssen E103
2518Ranganath C1250
2519Rangaswamy M31363
2520Rapeli P100
2521Rassin E1219
2522Rathnayaka N113
2523Rawlings R1214
2524Ray LA203
2525Rebec GV3726
2526Rebollo-Mesa I100
2527Reboussin BA205
2528Recknor EC1837
2529Reddy US1212
2530Reddy VV1212
2531Reed LJ145
2532Reed SC102
2533Rees H106
2534Rego AC1023
2535Regulska M101
2536Reichel CM101
2537Reimers JM11383
2538Reina D3836
2539Reiner PB100
2540Reinking J1317
2541Reiser M118
2542Reivich M103
2543Relvas JS137
2544Renger JJ101
2545Renshaw P103
2546Renshaw PF630136
2547Reske M200
2548Reuter J133165
2549Reuter M2111
2550Reveley MA104
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