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Note: In Windows you can select multiple files and "drag and drop" them onto HistCite icon or shortcut. The program would start and load those files.
4 August 2011
Records: 1052, Authors: 3525, Journals: 314, Cited References: 44689, Words: 2387
Yearly outputDocument TypeLanguageInstitutionInstitution with SubdivisionCountry
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751Sun X148
752Tiihonen J347
753Tikkanen R347
754Tornasi D144
755Verdejo A2424
756Vetulani J2411
757Virkkunen M347
758Vocci FJ1412
759Vollstadt-Klein S345
760von Haebler D1428
761Weddington W1425
762Wetter JB1418
763Witthaus H1442
764Wu CF3436
765Yan P1415
766Yang JY2432
767Yang WC347
768Yang YH348
769Zald DH3476
770Zijlstra C147
771Abrantes M137
772Alexander-Kaufman K2329
773Anderson CM2318
774Andreoli S2313
775Aron A1334
776Baltus M133
777Beck A1313
778Bendor JT1317
779Blum SH1317
780Bogdan NA137
781Bogerts B137
782Boggio PS2353
783Booij J137
784Botelho MF137
785Brandner B1325
786Brenhouse HC1336
787Bria P1313
788Bromley L1325
789Brown LL1334
790Carey RJ3323
791Carter H1312
792Cassel K1317
793Caviness VS1322
794Chandler LJ1327
795Chen ALC1317
796Costa PT136
797Cunha MJ137
798Cunniff A1313
799Czoty PW6362
800de Greck M3313
801de Wetering BJV1323
802Di Ciano P1331
803Di Nicola M2313
804Dobson-Stone C136
805Dunning JP333
806Durazzo TC339
807Fecteau S2353
808Feil J237
809Fisch HU1318
810Fischman AJ1317
811Fisher HE1334
812Flor H339
813Foca F1313
814Forschner L137
815Franzek EJ1323
816Frederick BD1317
817Fregni F2353
818Garawi F2335
819Gatt JM136
820Gazdzinski S339
821Geng XJ236
822Gordon E136
823Grace AA1355
824Gu H133
825Guo M1324
826Hagele C1313
827Hajcak G4340
828Hao Y2328
829Harano M2314
830Harper C4320
831Harris GJ1322
832Hasan KM139
833Heidbreder R1318
834Hein J1313
835Heitzeg MM2361
836Hill SY2312
837Holmes B1312
838Horton K2344
839Huston JP1321
840Inada T2314
841Iwata N2314
842Iwata Y2314
843Iyo M2314
844Jaffin SK1322
845Kahnt T1313
846Kaneko Y134
847Kaufman MJ1317
848Kawai M1313
849Kennedy D1322
850Kerner MM1317
851Keshavan MS1312
852Komiyama T2314
853Kosel M1318
854Kostelnik B1312
855Kuan SA136
856Lancaster E1318
857Lawrence SS1339
858Levin ED3358
859Levin FR4351
860Liguori P1353
861Livni E1317
862Lohoff FW2334
863Luty J137
864Maas LC1317
865Macedo T137
866Madras BK2368
867Mann K5317
868Marinkovic K1322
869Marques TR137
870Mason BJ236
871Matsumoto I3333
872Matsuzaki H1313
873McDermott M1312
874Meyerhoff DJ339
875Michaluk J136
876Miller MD134
877Minabe Y1313
878Mofeez A1325
879Monterosso JR2319
880Mori N2314
881Muller CP1321
882Nakovics H3317
883Nederkoorn C233
884Northoff G3313
885Oleson EB1332
886Orozco-Gimenez C1310
887Ouyang X134
888Ozaki N2314
889Palmer DM136
890Papadimitriou GM1322
891Paus T2310
892Pava M1332
893Petro A2344
894Pickering AD1316
895Powell JF1316
896Prihoda TJ1317
897Pum M1321
898Raby WN1325
899Reinking J1317
900Relvas JS137
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