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4 August 2011
Records: 1052, Authors: 3525, Journals: 314, Cited References: 44689, Words: 2387
Yearly outputDocument TypeLanguageInstitutionInstitution with SubdivisionCountry
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451Xue ZM2815
452Zhang DR2812
453Zhang H2812
454Zhu W4863
455Zurowski M1851
456Akil H1718
457Andrews MM2715
458Asensio S3711
459Bae SC2747
460Bai LJ1711
461Baicy K1719
462Briand LA1718
463Brody AL1746
464Campbell IC1727
465Chung A2747
466Constable RT1729
467Daunais JB2718
468Economidou D2766
469Eranti SV1727
470Flagel SB1718
471Garcia-Fuster MJ1718
472Habeych M1735
473Hommer DW3727
474Kim YK3755
475Kirisci L2742
476Liang JM1711
477Lotfipour S2750
478Lu L2716
479Mandyam CD2738
480McLoughlin DM1727
481Meda SA2715
482Mogg A2730
483Nogueira L1717
484Palomo T5748
485Rebec GV3726
486Reynolds M1735
487Robinson TE1718
488Romero FJ3711
489Romero MJ3711
490Sarter M1718
491Schmidt U2730
492Shen HW3739
493Stevens MC2715
494Tarter RE1735
495Theobald DEH1772
496Thomas AD2715
497Treasure J1727
498Uher R2730
499Vanyukov M2742
500Vaska P1722
501Vassileva J5736
502Watson SJ1718
503Wee S2738
504Yoganathan D1727
505Zhao LY3717
506Alonso-Alonso M1626
507Antkiewicz-Michaluk L4619
508Bajbouj M2652
509Beaunieux H2644
510Bencherif B3651
511Benegal V2635
512Blum K4637
513Boyd SJ3651
514Buzby M1612
515Cagle S1647
516Camprodon JA2626
517Canales JJ3693
518Carroll KM7616
519Chang KH2628
520Chudasama Y16138
521Dannals RF2649
522Desai A16138
523Desgranges B2644
524Downs BW3637
525Eustache F2644
526Fletcher PJ1647
527Ford KA2623
528Frost JJ3651
529Gorelick DA3651
530Grekin ER2632
531Gueorguieva R1613
532Guillery-Girard B2644
533Harrison BJ3636
534Hobson JA1613
535Hutchison KE5626
536Hylton JL1613
537Jayakumar PN2635
538Jayne M368
539Jia ZR166
540Juckel G26164
541Kapur S1647
542Kim J2628
543Koslowski M26164
544Lopian D16138
545Lovic V1647
546Luo X3617
547Mar AC1665
548Martinez-Raga J1626
549Muris P3626
550Muska C1613
551Muzur A1613
552Nelson R2649
553Oscar-Berman M2639
554Petry NM2640
555Pitel AL2644
556Pittman B1613
557Quirk GJ1644
558Rhodes SEV16138
559Rizos Z1647
560Roberts DCS3672
561Sher KJ2632
562Shih MC1626
563Tenn CC1647
564Vabret F2644
565Venkatasubramanian G2635
566Villringer A26164
567Volavka J4656
568Ward AS1613
569Wigren PE1613
570Winterer G2652
571Witkowski T2644
572Worhunsky PD1616
573Addolorato G1523
574Ait-Daoud N259
575Ali PK1515
576Astley-Jones F1525
577Audette AR1519
578Banich MT2519
579Belluzzi JD1541
580Bjork JM2513
581Braverman ER2535
582Cao D1511
583Chen TJH2535
584Clarke K1523
585Claus E1519
586Comings DE2535
587Copersino M1544
588Dario T1523
589De Risio S1523
590de Ruiter MB2517
591Deakin JFW2514
592Di Giannantonio M1523
593Du YP1519
594Duka T6514
595Endres CJ2546
596Engelhart C1527
597Fan M158
598Filbey FM3520
599Forman SD1523
600Fornito A1523
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