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Use wildcard '*' to add more than one file at a time. For example, if you have file1, file2, etc. all in the same folder or directory; first, locate one of the files with the [Browse...] button. Then alter the file path in the box above to include '*' character (eg. file*). Wildcard '?' to blanket only one character works too.
Note: In Windows you can select multiple files and "drag and drop" them onto HistCite icon or shortcut. The program would start and load those files.
4 August 2011
Records: 1052, Authors: 3525, Journals: 314, Cited References: 44689, Words: 2387
Yearly outputDocument TypeLanguageInstitutionInstitution with SubdivisionCountry
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3151Shi J105
3152Shimada K104
3153Shindo K102
3154Shinnick-Gallagher P1018
3155Shohamy D101
3156Shorter E104
3157Shpaner M103
3158Shriner R100
3159Siegelmann HT100
3160Siegrist J1013
3161Sierra JC100
3162Sigmundsson T104
3163Silvestri R100
3164Simmons AN201
3165Simonsen E100
3166Simpson GV101
3167Sinclair CM100
3168Singh JP100
3169Sinol N100
3170Sizoo BB103
3171Skilleter AJ101
3172Skowronek MH1017
3173Skrok-Wolska D102
3174Slade S105
3175Smith A1010
3176Smith G108
3177Smith ND100
3178Smith TL101
3179Smits M100
3180Snead C100
3181Soczynska JK100
3182Soderstrom CA100
3183Sokoloff J101
3184Soliman A100
3185Solinas M102
3186Somaini L104
3187Spalletta G100
3188Spear L100
3189Specker S100
3190Spielberg JM100
3191Staelens S100
3192Stahl D103
3193Stanek KM102
3194Stanford T100
3195Stang A1013
3196Stanis JJ208
3197Stapleton JR100
3198Starkstein SE2047
3199Steenbeek HW100
3200Steffen C101
3201Stein DJ109
3202Stein MB103
3203Steinberg L100
3204Steingass HP100
3205Stelten BML103
3206Stenger VA104
3207Sterk CE101
3208Stewart B102
3209Steyn J102
3210Stice SL102
3211Stouwe CV100
3212Strakowski SM105
3213Stroup TS1047
3214Su YH100
3215Su YY100
3216Su ZI105
3217Suchinsky RT2016
3218Suda M1011
3219Sugranyes G107
3220Suhr JA100
3221Sullivan MA3016
3222Sun B103
3223Sun J104
3224Sun P103
3225Sun W103
3226Sunik Z106
3227Surkov S100
3228Sutcliffe JG1016
3229Suto T1011
3230Sutton BP100
3231Suvisaari J106
3232Suzuki M102
3233Suzuki T102
3234Swain JL100
3235Swan GE102
3236Swann AC104
3237Swartz MS1047
3238Sweat V100
3239Swinford SE100
3240Sylvia LG104
3241Szczepanik J100
3242Tabares-Seisdedos R107
3243Tahsili-Fahadan P1014
3244Takahashi A100
3245Takamatsu Y204
3246Takanishi A101
3247Tamerin JS2016
3248Tanaka H100
3249Tang JR100
3250Tang JS102
3251Tang YC103
3252Tang YQ100
3253Tang YY103
3254Tantrakul V100
3255Tapert SF2024
3256Tarter R107
3257Tartter M102
3258Tarumi T100
3259Tauscher J104
3260Taylor AH103
3261Taylor DV100
3262Taylor LA100
3263Taylor LG105
3264Taylor MA104
3265Taylor RE100
3266Tcheremissine OV102
3267Tedeschi D100
3268Tejero A100
3269Telaug F100
3270Temel Y103
3271Terry J100
3272Terwilliger R100
3273Teshiba TM100
3274Tessner KD100
3275Thamm M105
3276Thatcher D100
3277Thatcher DL1023
3278Thibault C100
3279Thiriet N102
3280Thoma RJ1010
3281Thomas EA1016
3282Thorberg FA101
3283Tian Jie Li QA100
3284Tian JZ100
3285Tirapu-Ustarroz J100
3286Tirelli E103
3287Tolentino NJ101
3288Tolliver B107
3289Tomberg C102
3290Tong J107
3291Topiwala A100
3292Torrent C107
3293Torres-Diaz YM103
3294Tort ABL104
3295Torta DME100
3296Tovino SA103
3297Traskman-Bendz L2033
3298Tremblay AM200
3299Treutlein J1017
3300Trim RS101
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