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4 August 2011
Records: 1052, Authors: 3525, Journals: 314, Cited References: 44689, Words: 2387
Yearly outputDocument TypeLanguageInstitutionInstitution with SubdivisionCountry
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151Simon SL124190
152Sui YH124190
153Thompson PM124190
154Toga AW224193
155Dagher A22299
156Goldstein R32285
157Peters J522123
158Rounsaville BJ62255
159Dixon V12140
160Hutcheson DM12140
161Pelloux Y12140
162Smith HR22151
163Stout JC12157
164Yurgelun-Todd DA22141
165Aw A12066
166Barrett SP12066
167Brokate B52077
168Eling P52077
169Hildebrandt H52077
170Kelly JT12066
171Lukasik TM22020
172Martin EM320139
173McBride D12066
174Szumlinski KK420194
175Yeliosof O22020
176d'Acremont M21941
177Dom G11953
178Hanak C31943
179Huang C21956
180Hulstijn W11953
181Noel X41943
182Sabbe B11953
183Van der Linden M41943
184Verbanck P41943
185Depue RA11819
186Gullo MJ21889
187Hu XT51872
188Hwang J418103
189Kubler A21829
190Lominac KD318176
191Lyoo IK418103
192Murphy K21829
193Olive MF418133
194Bradberry CW71761
195Franken IHA81770
196Gass JT317127
197Hong K11737
198Kemp K11737
199Lavin A31766
200Milovanovic M217101
201During MJ216141
202Gimenez CO11646
203Hart CL31631
204Klugmann M216141
205Passetti F216164
206Quickfall J21684
207Worley PF216141
208Belin D215131
209Breeden A11543
210Crockford DN11546
211Deakin JB11552
212Edwards J11546
213el-Guebaly N11546
214Eldreth DL11543
215Field M61571
216Fishbein DH11543
217Fletcher PC21554
218Goodyear B11546
219Gottschalk PC31540
220Grant S11543
221Hyde C11543
222Lewis SJG11552
223Sanchez-Barrera M31522
224Stocks-Gee G11552
225Aron JL11425
226Browndyke JN21436
227Edgar C21426
228Fulbright RK11437
229Gallinat J914167
230Kaufman JN11418
231Lacadie C11437
232Li SJ21452
233Pace-Schott EF21426
234Skudlarski P11437
235Stickgold R21426
236Tomer R31419
237Tucker KA21436
238Walker M21426
239Wexler BE11437
240Zhang Y61423
241Beauvais JE11327
242Berry T113109
243Boudreau AC11383
244Brewer JA41373
245Champtiaux NP113109
246Chorlian DB31363
247Cox WM11366
248Dehoff MH113109
249Franc DT11328
250Frys KA113109
251Griffin W113109
252Jones KA21363
253Kamarajan C31363
254Kang SH113109
255Knackstedt L21358
256Lim KO21328
257Lukas SE61391
258Middaugh LD113109
259Mueller BA21328
260Padmanabhapillai A21363
261Pelchat ML213112
262Rangaswamy M31363
263Reimers JM11383
264Rodriguez CP11328
265Rohrer J113109
266Rotrosen JP11328
267Shealy SE113109
268Silverman AB11328
269Specker SM11328
270Stimus AT31363
271Tu JC113109
272Winstanley CA31393
273Wozniak JR11328
274Adinoff B21289
275Allen NB61250
276Bhagwagar Z11227
277Bilder RM51252
278Cools R112118
279Dawkins L61267
280Delgado MR21246
281Gruber SA11225
282Hanlon CA31217
283Heinz A1012198
284Kienast T612141
285Parvaz MA71212
286Powell JH41266
287Ragland JD412104
288Simoes-Franklin C21221
289Weiss F112118
290Yan PS21228
291Cami J111128
292Chan R11191
293Choi K11140
294Farre M111128
295Hitzemann RJ11150
296Hodge SM21137
297Hoffman WF11150
298Johnson A11191
299Liu JX51119
300Makris N21137
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