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Note: In Windows you can select multiple files and "drag and drop" them onto HistCite icon or shortcut. The program would start and load those files.
4 August 2011
Records: 1052, Authors: 3525, Journals: 314, Cited References: 44689, Words: 2387
Yearly outputDocument TypeLanguageInstitutionInstitution with SubdivisionCountry
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2551La Regina G100
2552Lacerda ALT100
2553Lagoa A100
2554Lai CY100
2555Lakaye B103
2556Lam CY100
2557Landa N100
2558Landau S104
2559Landro NI102
2560Langas AM100
2561Langevin D107
2562Langs G100
2563Laranjeira RR100
2564Lasko NB100
2565Lason W101
2566Lategan BH102
2567Latvala A106
2568Laucht M1017
2569Laurienti PJ100
2570Lauzon NM103
2571Lavack A100
2572Lawford B100
2573Layec S100
2574Le AD101
2575Le Moal M101
2576Le Strat Y109
2577Leboyer M103
2578Lee A101
2579Lee CC100
2580Lee KJ103
2581Lee SI103
2582Lee SS100
2583Lehar J100
2584Lehtinen R100
2585Lei YL102
2586Lejuez CW100
2587Lencz T1019
2588Lende DH101
2589Leonard ST100
2590Leonardi C104
2591Leotta D100
2592Lerch J107
2593Leroy S1010
2594Leskiewicz M101
2595Leskovjan A100
2596Lester H1034
2597Levant B105
2598Levesque J105
2599Levin R1034
2600Levran O100
2601Levy D100
2602Levy J102
2603Levy YZ100
2604Lewis C2016
2605Lewis CM103
2606Lewis M1015
2607Lewis MD101
2608Lewis PB100
2609Li H100
2610Li Hong Zhang QL100
2611Li LM100
2612Li Qiang Yang LY100
2613Li SH101
2614Li T1042
2615Li XR105
2616Li ZX101
2617Liang HC100
2618Liao YH102
2619Liappas IA100
2620Liauw SS100
2621Liddle PF100
2622Liebschutz JM101
2623Lin CL100
2624Lin FC100
2625Lin SK1042
2626Lin ST100
2627Lin XT103
2628Lindqvist D1018
2629Lindstrom M1015
2630Ling J100
2631Linnet J100
2632Linszen D107
2633Lippoff C100
2634Littel M100
2635Little KY103
2636Liu F100
2637Liu J1018
2638Liu N102
2639Liu SW103
2640Liu TQ102
2641Liu YD102
2642Llanero-Luque M100
2643Llopis JJ200
2644Lockwood KP100
2645Loh EW1042
2646Lonnqvist J106
2647Lopez-Belmonte G102
2648Lopez-Goni JJ100
2649Lopez-Larson MP100
2650Lorea I100
2651Lotrich FE102
2652Lott DC1019
2653Lou R1012
2654Louzoun Y1034
2655Lovallo WR100
2656Lowengrub K209
2657Lozano O100
2658Lozoya-Delgado P100
2659Lu AP105
2660Lu J100
2661Lu Lin Guo YM100
2662Lu QL103
2663Lu ZL105
2664Lubar J100
2665Lucas M100
2666Lugo-Escobar N103
2667Luijten M200
2668Luks TL101
2669Luna B100
2670Luo J100
2671Lv XF100
2672Lykke-Mortensen E101
2673Lynch L100
2674Lyons-Ruth K109
2675Lyvers M101
2676Ma MD102
2677Ma YY102
2678Maayan L100
2679MacDonald AW100
2680Machielsen MWJ100
2681Machowska A101
2682Mackay TFC105
2683Mackenzie R101
2684MacKillop J100
2685Madan A100
2686Madea B100
2687Mader SL109
2688Madoz-Gurpide A200
2689Maelicke A106
2690Magalhaes T100
2691Magariello A100
2692Magrys SA100
2693Mahoney JJ100
2694Maier EY102
2695Maki P100
2696Malafosse A103
2697Malbert CH100
2698Maleki N103
2699Malhotra AK1019
2700Malki R107
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