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4 August 2011
Records: 1052, Authors: 3525, Journals: 314, Cited References: 44689, Words: 2387
Yearly outputDocument TypeLanguageInstitutionInstitution with SubdivisionCountry
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1951Canive JM1010
1952Cannon R100
1953Capote HA102
1954Carcelen R102
1955Carelli RM104
1956Caretti V104
1957Carlone O1071
1958Carlson SR104
1959Carnes PJ102
1960Caron A100
1961Carr DB101
1962Carter CS104
1963Carter P102
1964Carter S102
1965Casey BJ100
1966Cassin B103
1967Cassin J100
1968Castaneda AE106
1969Castellanos FX100
1970Caster JM1014
1971Cauda F100
1972Cavouras DD100
1973Ceballos NA100
1974Cerasa A100
1975Chakos MH1047
1976Chaminade T101
1977Chan RCK102
1978Chandler LD100
1979Chandler R102
1980Chanraud S103
1981Charles-Nicolas A1010
1982Charlton R100
1983Chase HW102
1984Chauvet C102
1985Chavanon ML100
1986Chavez RS101
1987Che Y102
1988Cheetham A103
1989Chen BT1011
1990Chen CC100
1991Chen CK1042
1992Chen W1042
1993Chen XG102
1994Chen XY102
1995Chen YF101
1996Cheng HW100
1997Cheng TE106
1998Cheng WY100
1999Cherkas L101
2000Cherng CG101
2001Chi WH100
2002Chiong W100
2003Chisin R1034
2004Chizh B1016
2005Cho SS101
2006Chocyk A1016
2007Chou CP103
2008Christensen CH100
2009Christian BT107
2010Christopher NC105
2011Chung T206
2012Cinciripini PM100
2013Cinti ME1071
2014Ciruela F100
2015Claggett-Borne E101
2016Clancy L100
2017Clare L1071
2018Clark DB2023
2019Clark KA104
2020Clark M100
2021Claudino AM103
2022Clements NT100
2023Clerici M100
2024Cleva RM100
2025Cohen AL1014
2026Cohen RA102
2027Cole JC101
2028Collier DA1042
2029Collins DL107
2030Colom F107
2031Colzato LS108
2032Constantinescu CC106
2033Conti DV103
2034Converse AK107
2035Convit A100
2036Conway KP102
2037Cooper CC100
2038Cooper S101
2039Coppa-Hopman RD102
2040Coppola S102
2041Cormand B100
2042Correa M102
2043Correll CU103
2044Cortese E104
2045Cottencin O101
2046Cottone L100
2047Courtet P103
2048Cox CL100
2049Cramer AOJ102
2050Crespo-Facorro B1018
2051Crews FT101
2052Crookes AE104
2053Cruz F102
2054Cunha-Oliveira T1023
2055Cunningham KA205
2056D'Agata F100
2057D'Argembeau A105
2058D'Iddio S100
2059D'Souza DC1012
2060Daban C107
2061Daglish MRC105
2062Damianopoulos EN202
2063Daniel M102
2064Danielson PE1016
2065Dannon PN209
2066Daoust M108
2067Dario P101
2068Darna M102
2069Daro FR103
2070DaSilva AF1016
2071Davidson RJ107
2072Davies SJC105
2073Davis CL101
2074Davis SM1047
2075Davydov DM102
2076de Almeida RMM100
2077De Boni R204
2078de Bournonville S102
2079De Bruyne S100
2080De Carolis D106
2081De Graaf R105
2082de Haan L207
2083De La Garza R100
2084de Leon JMRS500
2085de los Cobos JP100
2086de Mendelssohn A104
2087de Souza DOG104
2088De Vos F100
2089de Wit H2019
2090Deadwyler SA100
2091Decker SA100
2092Delain F103
2093DelBello MP105
2094Deleye S100
2095Delis DC100
2096Delisi S104
2097Dell'Agnello G104
2098Delosh D100
2099Dembele D100
2100Dembinsky Y102
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