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4 August 2011
Records: 1052, Authors: 3525, Journals: 314, Cited References: 44689, Words: 2387
Yearly outputDocument TypeLanguageInstitutionInstitution with SubdivisionCountry
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1651Soriano-Mas C1113
1652Soyka M118
1653Spoor S1123
1654Stammel A118
1655Stanford JA1112
1656Stark R212
1657Steer CD115
1658Stelzel C117
1659Stemmler G213
1660Stevens E112
1661Stippekohl B212
1662Stohler CS1152
1663Stokes S112
1664Strohle A111
1665Struve M111
1666Sui N1111
1667Sullivan EV113
1668Sun N1111
1669Svenningsson P1115
1670Sweitzer MM118
1671Szerman N118
1672Taylor JR212
1673Teer AP113
1674Teicher MH2119
1675Thiel KJ113
1676Thurauf N1112
1677Tian S1111
1678Tranel D111
1679Tretter F112
1680Trujols J213
1681Tucha O112
1682Tucker K114
1683Ueda H1125
1684Uhl GR1125
1685Unterwald EM1121
1686Urban R116
1687Vaitl D112
1688Vallejo J1113
1689Vaz LJ112
1690Venneri A112
1691Verster JC112
1692Virmani A117
1693Vocci F116
1694von der Goltz C318
1695Wacker J213
1696Wagner DD213
1697Wahl M111
1698Walter B112
1699Walton RT2139
1700Weber SM113
1701Weller AE1110
1702Welt T1110
1703White FJ1124
1704Wilhelm J1112
1705Williams W115
1706Wilson FAW1111
1707Wilson PE1112
1708Winkler M112
1709Wittchen HU214
1710Wood WH118
1711Worhunsky P112
1712Xi ZX112
1713Xie XH116
1714Xue JS1113
1715Yakovleva T317
1716Yakushev I116
1717Yang B111
1718Yang Bo Yang SY111
1719Yang J2115
1720Yang SL112
1721Yang SuYong Zhao L111
1722Yeh PH117
1723Yeldandi S112
1724Yin LiuHua Liu X111
1725Yokum S112
1726Yoo TW116
1727Zahr NM113
1728Zangen A113
1729Zaniewska M115
1730Zeeb FD113
1731Zhao Lun Yin LH111
1732Zheng J1111
1733Ziegenbein M1112
1734Aalto-Setala T106
1735Abi-Dargham A1012
1736Abraham T101
1737Abramson LY104
1738Abu-Akel A100
1739Abulseoud O100
1740Ackermans L103
1741Adamantidis A103
1742Adams S100
1743Adell A1066
1744Ades J109
1745Adler CM105
1746af Klinteberg B100
1747Agnati LF100
1748Agosto-Rivera JL103
1749Agurs-Collins T103
1750Ahveninen J100
1751Aigbirhio FI103
1752Aizer A107
1753Akiskal HS105
1754Al-Kandari FH101
1755Al-Uzri MM104
1756Alam D104
1757Alavi A103
1758Albuquerque EX106
1759Alcaro A106
1760Alcazar-Corcoles MA100
1761Allen RM104
1762Allen TB107
1763Alloy LB104
1764Almeida LEF106
1765Almeida PP100
1766Alsuwaidan M100
1767Alvarez VA100
1768Amanzio M100
1769Amedee AM100
1770Amen DG100
1771Ames SL105
1772Anderson J103
1773Andreeva VA103
1774Anglard P100
1775Angres D104
1776Angres DH101
1777Anitha A101
1778Anllo-Vento L100
1779Apelskog-Torres K102
1780Appelhans BM1010
1781Appugleise D104
1782Apter A100
1783Archer T206
1784Arndt S1018
1785Arroyo AO300
1786Artigas F1066
1787Arumugham J102
1788Asgharnejad M102
1789Ashley-Koch AE103
1790Ashtari M1019
1791Assogna F100
1792Ataya AF100
1793Auman KM100
1794Aunis D100
1795Auvinen-Lintunen L100
1796Averbuch T101
1797Aveyard P1021
1798Avila HM107
1799Awad AG108
1800Ayduk O100
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