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4 August 2011
Records: 1052, Authors: 3525, Journals: 314, Cited References: 44689, Words: 2387
Yearly outputDocument TypeLanguageInstitutionInstitution with SubdivisionCountry
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1501Lowe R1113
1502Luque ML511
1503Luquero E113
1504Lutz J118
1505Lynch KG116
1506Maciejewski PK116
1507Mactutus CF1112
1508Maki PM111
1509Manka D112
1510Manka M112
1511Mann SC1123
1512Mantione KJ1124
1513Manuck SB111
1514Manzoni O115
1515Marlatt GA114
1516Marotta G1123
1517Marsh DC117
1518Martin-Thormeyer E111
1519Martin-Thormeyer EM216
1520Marzinzik F111
1521Matsuda-Matsumoto H1116
1522McCool BA117
1523Mccoy MT118
1524Melendez RI2133
1525Menchon JM1113
1526Mendez IA2115
1527Mensour B3112
1528Menz M111
1529Mesias B118
1530Meyer G113
1531Miedl SF113
1532Miller DK112
1533Miller M112
1534Moelter ST115
1535Montag C2111
1536Montgomery KS1110
1537Mooeller HJ118
1538Moorman DE3165
1539Mota GR511
1540Mucha RF212
1541Mulert C118
1542Muller DL1121
1543Muller MB1110
1544Munafo MR4160
1545Murphy MFG3160
1546Nabulsi N115
1547Naiman D1125
1548Nairn AC111
1549Nall AH1110
1550Nappo SA112
1551Narumoto J1125
1552Nasif F1124
1553Negrete JC1119
1554Neisewander JL213
1555Neumeister A115
1556Newman TK115
1557Newmark R112
1558Ng J1123
1559Nikulin VV111
1560Nosyk B117
1561O'Brien CP1110
1562O'Connor JA117
1563O'Malley S112
1564Okvist A215
1565Olausson P219
1566Oo H111
1567Oslin DW1110
1568Oviedo-Joekes E117
1569Pallanti S112
1570Pantalon MV116
1571Park HJ116
1572Patrick CJ1117
1573Pauli P212
1574Payer DE2113
1575Pei G1111
1576Pentkowski NS213
1577Peoples LL216
1578Perez EJP511
1579Peris L118
1580Pettinati HM1110
1581Pezzoli G1123
1582Pfister H112
1583Piechatzek M112
1584Planeta-Wilson B115
1585Pociello AT111
1586Pockros LA213
1587Podell K116
1588Pogarell O118
1589Poline JB111
1590Ponce JD112
1591Prabhu VV118
1592Prieto A118
1593Pujol J1113
1594Puuskari V219
1595Racagni G115
1596Ramirez DR2111
1597Rathnayaka N113
1598Reiser M118
1599Reuter M2111
1600Reynolds B112
1601Richardson HN1119
1602Richardson KA2165
1603Rietschel M111
1604Riggs NR112
1605Rinder CS114
1606Rinder HM114
1607Riva MA115
1608Roebroeck A1118
1609Roefs A1118
1610Roncero C3112
1611Ropchan J115
1612Rosa J118
1613Roy MA1126
1614Salvatore MF1112
1615Sanchez ZV112
1616Sargent JD112
1617Sayers SL1123
1618Schechter MT117
1619Schioth HB3166
1620Schippers GM119
1621Schmitt-Mechelke T111
1622Schmitz JM213
1623Schneider GH111
1624Schneider S111
1625Schreckenberger M216
1626Schumann G2118
1627Schutz CG112
1628Schwegler H112
1629Scott DJ1152
1630Seeck M111
1631Seo DJ1117
1632Seo JH115
1633Serecigni JG111
1634Setlow B2115
1635Shang Y118
1636Shannon EE1117
1637Sheedy D317
1638Sibley DR1150
1639Siep N1118
1640Sillaber I1110
1641Silveira CM112
1642Simon NW1110
1643Simpson K117
1644Singewald N1110
1645Singhal T115
1646Siri C1123
1647Smith JT114
1648Smith RJ2165
1649Smolen A112
1650Smolka M111
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