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4 August 2011
Records: 1052, Authors: 3525, Journals: 314, Cited References: 44689, Words: 2387
Yearly outputDocument TypeLanguageInstitutionInstitution with SubdivisionCountry
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1351Gardini S112
1352Garg PK1114
1353Garg S1114
1354Garrick T317
1355Gartry C117
1356Gebicke-Haerter PJ112
1357Gendron A1126
1358Genius J118
1359Georges F115
1360Gerhardt GA1112
1361Gibson N115
1362Gil AM111
1363Glasmacher C112
1364Golda A115
1365Goldberg E116
1366Gonzalez AS111
1367Gorelick D1142
1368Goudie A111
1369Grant KA217
1370Graz C118
1371Greenberg MT112
1372Grunder G116
1373Gu PF118
1374Guardia J113
1375Guarna M1124
1376Guh D117
1377Guo QA112
1378Gupta R111
1379Gur RE3113
1380Halton KE116
1381Hamilton EC113
1382Havermans R1118
1383Haznedar MM112
1384Heatherton TF313
1385Hegerl U118
1386Heitz RP113
1387Hemby SE217
1388Henriksson R214
1389Henry S115
1390Hernandez-Ribas R1113
1391Herrmann M113
1392Herzog E115
1393Hess J1125
1394Hill SK115
1395Hillemacher T1112
1396Hohmann N116
1397Hollander E112
1398Holmes A1150
1399Holtschmidt-Taschner B118
1400Hoppes K119
1401Howell JL111
1402Huddy V115
1403Hudspeth O1112
1404Huestis MA1113
1405Hughett P115
1406Hurd YL115
1407Hyde TM2126
1408IMAGEN Consortium111
1409Indlekofer F112
1410Isaias IU1123
1411Itterman B111
1412Iwazaki T1116
1413Jager L118
1414Jalabert M115
1415James GA1114
1416Jansen A2118
1417Johnson C1125
1418Johnstone EC3160
1419Jokela O219
1420Jones A2111
1421Joyce EM115
1422Kahkonen S219
1423Kampman KM1110
1424Kang E116
1425Kang H116
1426Kang KW116
1427Karamatskos E118
1428Karavatos A1120
1429Karch S118
1430Kashem MA1116
1431Kashiwa Y1125
1432Katz JL118
1433Kaut KP118
1434Keck ME1110
1435Kelley WM212
1436Kennealy PJ1117
1437Kenny PJ212
1438Kiefer F518
1439Kim JJ116
1440Kim SI116
1441Kim YT115
1442Kindlundh-Hogberg AMS2122
1443Kitabayashi Y1125
1444Kivisaari R219
1445Kjome KL113
1446Kleinman JE2126
1447Klostermann F111
1448Koeppe RA1152
1449Koerselman F1113
1450Kondrich J1123
1451Korff C111
1452Kornhuber J1112
1453Korzec A1113
1454Koscik TR111
1455Kosmidis MH1120
1456Krasnova IN118
1457Krausz M117
1458Kravitz AV216
1459Kream RM2139
1460Krueger DD111
1461Krystal JH2114
1462Kupsch A111
1463Kurian M111
1464Kuzmin A215
1465Kwon DH115
1466Kwon JS219
1467Labaree D115
1468Lachowicz JE1150
1469Landis T111
1470Landvogt C116
1471Lange KW112
1472LaSarge CL1110
1473Lasseter HC116
1474Lathrop M111
1475Lee HY1110
1476Lee J215
1477Lee JM116
1478Lee JS219
1479Lee MC116
1480Lee SW115
1481Lehert P119
1482Lehrmann E2126
1483Lei H2111
1484Lei Y1111
1485Leicht G118
1486Leroy C219
1487Li CY1125
1488Li QA313
1489Li SM118
1490Li W318
1491Li Y1111
1492LiCalzi EM112
1493Lieb R112
1494Lieberman MD2113
1495Lindberg N111
1496Lipp O1126
1497Lipton M115
1498Liu QR1125
1499Liu Xu An SS111
1500Loth E111
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