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Note: In Windows you can select multiple files and "drag and drop" them onto HistCite icon or shortcut. The program would start and load those files.
4 August 2011
Records: 1052, Authors: 3525, Journals: 314, Cited References: 44689, Words: 2387
Yearly outputDocument TypeLanguageInstitutionInstitution with SubdivisionCountry
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601Wallesch CW1032
602Yang JY2432
603Zack M3932
604Bellgrove MA1231
605Chambers CD1231
606Di Ciano P1331
607Hart CL31631
608Shumay E32931
609Yamada K3231
610Mogg A2730
611Schmidt U2730
612Uher R2730
613Ahmed SH2429
614Alexander-Kaufman K2329
615Constable RT1729
616Henn F22929
617Kubler A21829
618Murphy K21829
619Calu DJ1828
620Chang KH2628
621Dong Y4128
622Franc DT11328
623Franz TM1828
624Hao Y2328
625Kim J2628
626Lanz M1828
627Lim KO21328
628Liu YJ5928
629Moeller FG51028
630Mueller BA21328
631Neuhaus A1428
632Rodriguez CP11328
633Rotrosen JP11328
634Schoenbaum G1828
635Shaham Y1828
636Silverman AB11328
637Singh T1828
638Smelson DA2528
639Specker SM11328
640Stalnaker TA1828
641von Haebler D1428
642Wozniak JR11328
643Yan PS21228
644Aubin HJ4127
645Beauvais JE11327
646Bhagwagar Z11227
647Campbell IC1727
648Chandler LJ1327
649Engelhart C1527
650Eranti SV1727
651Hommer DW3727
652Kaune M1527
653Losonczy MF1527
654McLoughlin DM1727
655Rubino SR21127
656Seamans JK1327
657Sussner BD1527
658Treasure J1727
659Vilar-Lopez R2927
660Williams J1527
661Yoganathan D1727
662Ziedonis D1527
663Acquas E1226
664Alonso-Alonso M1626
665Bouchard RH1126
666Camprodon JA2626
667Carrillo JH32526
668Childress AR12626
669Craig AD12626
670Crespo JA1226
671Demers MF1126
672Donovan JE1026
673Edgar C21426
674Elie R1126
675Freed WJ2126
676Gendron A1126
677Grubinger P1226
678Haile CN2226
679Haring C1226
680Hutchison KE5626
681Hyde TM2126
682Joyce E11026
683Kenna GA2426
684King M11026
685Kleinman JE2126
686Kosten TA2226
687Kurz M1226
688Lehrmann E2126
689Lipp O1126
690Madlung E1226
691Martinez-Raga J1626
692Masten AS1026
693Mattson ME1026
694Mehta MA11026
695Moss HB1026
696Muris P3626
697Negus SS1226
698Pace-Schott EF21426
699Rebec GV3726
700Roy MA1126
701Saria A1226
702Shih MC1626
703Stickgold R21426
704Stockl P1226
705Vezina P1226
706Walker M21426
707Xu L3926
708Zernig G1226
709Aragues M2425
710Aron JL11425
711Astley-Jones F1525
712Brandner B1325
713Bromley L1325
714Carlezon WA2225
715Drgon T1125
716Fukui K1125
717Gray N1525
718Grbesic S1425
719Gruber SA11225
720Hess J1125
721Hoenicka J2425
722Johnson C1125
723Kashiwa Y1125
724Kim DJ1225
725Kitabayashi Y1125
726Li CY1125
727Liu QR1125
728Mizoguchi H2225
729Mofeez A1325
730Naiman D1125
731Narumoto J1125
732Nixon H1425
733Nunnally G1425
734Pitrak DL1425
735Ponce G2425
736Raby WN1325
737Rains NA1425
738Rodriguez-Jimenez R2425
739Rubio G2425
740Stice E2225
741Ueda H1125
742Uhl GR1125
743Weddington W1425
744Williams MJ1225
745Yoo J1225
746Yoon SJ1225
747Bassareo V1124
748Bianchi E1124
749Blocher J1224
750Cadet P1124
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