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Note: In Windows you can select multiple files and "drag and drop" them onto HistCite icon or shortcut. The program would start and load those files.
4 August 2011
Records: 1052, Authors: 3525, Journals: 314, Cited References: 44689, Words: 2387
Yearly outputDocument TypeLanguageInstitutionInstitution with SubdivisionCountry
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451Bierbrauer J1442
452Blecha L2142
453Chen CK1042
454Chen W1042
455Citrome L4442
456Collier DA1042
457Fichtner H11042
458Gorelick D1142
459Jacobsen LK1442
460Kirisci L2742
461Leopold K1442
462Li T1042
463Lin SK1042
464Loh EW1042
465Meisenzahl E1442
466Murray RM1042
467Runge K11042
468Seifert F1442
469Sham PC1042
470Staedtgen M1442
471Timm C11042
472Vanyukov M2742
473Witthaus H1442
474Belluzzi JD1541
475d'Acremont M21941
476Kim SW1441
477Odlaug BL1441
478Perez L1541
479Wang RH1541
480Yurgelun-Todd DA22141
481Amalric M1140
482Baunez C1140
483Cador M1140
484Choi K11140
485Dias C1140
486Dixon V12140
487Gottschalk PC31540
488Hajcak G4340
489Hutcheson DM12140
490Pelloux Y12140
491Petry NM2640
492Powell J5540
493David SP2139
494Francis DD1039
495Kozel M1039
496Kream RM2139
497Kuhar MJ1039
498Lawrence SS1339
499Moffett MC1039
500Nakamura K3439
501Oscar-Berman M2639
502Pickering A3539
503Plotsky P1039
504Seidler FJ1339
505Shen HW3739
506Slotkin TA1339
507Vicentic A1039
508Walton RT2139
509Crockford D1138
510Mancini-Marie A3238
511Mandyam CD2738
512Potvin S4238
513Stip E4238
514Wee S2738
515Blum K4637
516De Vries TJ3837
517Downs BW3637
518Fulbright RK11437
519Hodge SM21137
520Hong K11737
521Kemp K11737
522Lacadie C11437
523Makris N21137
524Olvet DM1037
525Recknor EC1837
526Skudlarski P11437
527Wexler BE11437
528Binnekade R2836
529Brenhouse HC1336
530Browndyke JN21436
531Elman I5036
532Harrison BJ3636
533Janiri L2836
534Martinotti G3836
535Reina D3836
536Rubin E4336
537Schmidt ED2836
538Schoffelmeer ANM2836
539Sonntag KC1336
540Tucker KA21436
541Vassileva J5736
542Voorn P2836
543Wu CF3436
544Benegal V2635
545Braverman ER2535
546Chen TJH2535
547Comings DE2535
548Garawi F2335
549Gold MS7935
550Habeych M1735
551Jayakumar PN2635
552Reynolds M1735
553Tarter RE1735
554Venkatasubramanian G2635
555Zucker RA2235
556Aron A1334
557Barkai G1034
558Becker KG3234
559Biegon A43434
560Bonne O1034
561Brandes D1034
562Brown LL1334
563Chisin R1034
564Fisher HE1334
565Freedman N1034
566Gage HD3234
567Gilboa A1034
568Lester H1034
569Levin R1034
570Lohoff FW2334
571Louzoun Y1034
572Moeller SJ73434
573Nielsen TA1034
574Shalev AY1034
575Yona I1034
576Lindenmayer JP2433
577Matsumoto I3333
578Melendez RI2133
579Pearlson GD31033
580Traskman-Bendz L2033
581Bardo MT2132
582Djukic M1032
583Fels C1032
584Foltin RW4432
585Grekin ER2632
586Heimann B1032
587Iacono WG2432
588Liu Y31032
589Malone SM1432
590Mazurek C1032
591McGue M1432
592Nau R1032
593Oleson EB1332
594Pava M1332
595Poulos CX2932
596Schmidt H1032
597Schwarz MK1332
598Seeburg PH1332
599Sher KJ2632
600Veltman DJ61032
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