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Use [Browse...] to select a file with bibliography data:
Use wildcard '*' to add more than one file at a time. For example, if you have file1, file2, etc. all in the same folder or directory; first, locate one of the files with the [Browse...] button. Then alter the file path in the box above to include '*' character (eg. file*). Wildcard '?' to blanket only one character works too.
Note: In Windows you can select multiple files and "drag and drop" them onto HistCite icon or shortcut. The program would start and load those files.
4 August 2011
Records: 1052, Authors: 3525, Journals: 314, Cited References: 44689, Words: 2387
Yearly outputDocument TypeLanguageInstitutionInstitution with SubdivisionCountry
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3301Pedrero-Perez EJ100
3302Pelegrin BM100
3303Penetar DM100
3304Peralta AR100
3305Perez EP100
3306Peskin V100
3307Peterson E100
3308Phenotype Genotype Project Addicti100
3309Pidoplichko VI100
3310Piliouras K100
3311Pinheiro MF100
3312Pitman RK100
3313Podkopacz MR100
3314Polderman T100
3315Poletto R100
3316Poling J100
3317Ponomarev OA100
3318Potterat EG100
3319Poupaert JH100
3320Prilipko O100
3321Proctor D100
3322Prof LJ100
3323Qian RB100
3324Qin LD100
3325Qin Wei Yuan K100
3326Qiu J100
3327Qiu JA100
3328Qiu Jiang Li H100
3329Qiu YW100
3330Quadros IM100
3331Quattrone A100
3332Rabavilas AD100
3333Rabinstein J100
3334Raineri M100
3335Raj V100
3336Rallis D100
3337Ramos-Fuentes MI100
3338Rapeli P100
3339Rebollo-Mesa I100
3340Reiner PB100
3341Reske M200
3342Ribases M100
3343Richert BT100
3344Richter A100
3345Robinson JD100
3346Rochat L100
3347Rodolico J100
3348Rodriguez-Ruiz S100
3349Rodriguez-Santos L100
3350Rogowska J100
3351Romieu P100
3352Roopesh BN100
3353Ross BD100
3354Ross D100
3355Rotrosen J100
3356Rovai L100
3357Rowe R100
3358Ruchkin VV100
3359Ruiz-Padial E100
3360Rusted J100
3361Ryan ET200
3362Ryb GE100
3363Sabbineni A100
3364Sacco K100
3365Sacher J100
3366Sailasuta N100
3367Saiz JCB200
3368Sakai M100
3369Sanchez FA200
3370Sanjuan A100
3371Sanjuan R100
3372Santos A100
3373Saunders R100
3374Schapir L100
3375Schlussman SD100
3376Schluter OM100
3377Schullery MT100
3378Schwabe L100
3379Seabold GK100
3380Segala L100
3381Seger D100
3382Shah F100
3383Shahar G100
3384Shelton D100
3385Sher L100
3386Shriner R100
3387Siegelmann HT100
3388Sierra JC100
3389Silvestri R100
3390Simonsen E100
3391Sinclair CM100
3392Singh JP100
3393Sinol N100
3394Smith ND100
3395Smits M100
3396Snead C100
3397Soczynska JK100
3398Soderstrom CA100
3399Soliman A100
3400Spalletta G100
3401Spear L100
3402Specker S100
3403Spielberg JM100
3404Staelens S100
3405Stanford T100
3406Stapleton JR100
3407Steenbeek HW100
3408Steinberg L100
3409Steingass HP100
3410Stouwe CV100
3411Su YH100
3412Su YY100
3413Suhr JA100
3414Surkov S100
3415Sutton BP100
3416Swain JL100
3417Sweat V100
3418Swinford SE100
3419Szczepanik J100
3420Takahashi A100
3421Tanaka H100
3422Tang JR100
3423Tang YQ100
3424Tantrakul V100
3425Tarumi T100
3426Taylor DV100
3427Taylor LA100
3428Taylor RE100
3429Tedeschi D100
3430Tejero A100
3431Telaug F100
3432Terry J100
3433Terwilliger R100
3434Teshiba TM100
3435Tessner KD100
3436Thatcher D100
3437Thibault C100
3438Tian Jie Li QA100
3439Tian JZ100
3440Tirapu-Ustarroz J100
3441Topiwala A100
3442Torta DME100
3443Tremblay AM200
3444Troxclair DA100
3445Tu S100
3446Tu Shen Wang T100
3447Tyano S100
3448Tzur-Bitan D100
3449Uluc S100
3450Urban C100
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