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4 August 2011
Records: 1052, Authors: 3525, Journals: 314, Cited References: 44689, Words: 2387
Yearly outputDocument TypeLanguageInstitutionInstitution with SubdivisionCountry
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1651Forschner L137
1652Fox AS107
1653Franco C107
1654Friedman D117
1655Furukawa Y107
1656Gaetani F117
1657Garrick T317
1658Gartry C117
1659Goikolea JM107
1660Gonzalez-Pinto A107
1661Goodwin RD107
1662Grant KA217
1663Guh D117
1664Guttman M107
1665Hanley MJ127
1666Hemby SE217
1667Hodgson T127
1668Holi M247
1669Kalin NH107
1670Keyes KM107
1671Kish SJ107
1672Krausz M117
1673Krupitsky E107
1674Langevin D107
1675Lerch J107
1676Linszen D107
1677Luty J137
1678Macedo T137
1679Malki R107
1680Marques TR137
1681Marsh DC117
1682Martinez-Aran A107
1683McCluskey T107
1684McCool BA117
1685Mckee SA207
1686Meyer J107
1687Mezzich A107
1688Mir NU107
1689Mundo E107
1690Murali D107
1691Newton LD107
1692Nickles RJ107
1693Nosyk B117
1694O'Connor JA117
1695Oakes TR107
1696Oviedo-Joekes E117
1697Parks RW107
1698Prescott TJ107
1699Relvas JS137
1700Ribeiro CAF137
1701Roiser JP227
1702Rovira E137
1703Rusjan PM107
1704Saint-Cyr JA107
1705Sanchez-Moreno J107
1706Schechter MT117
1707Scott J107
1708Shapiro C107
1709Sheedy D317
1710Shelton SE107
1711Simpson K117
1712Stelzel C117
1713Sugranyes G107
1714Supady A137
1715Tabares-Seisdedos R107
1716Tarter R107
1717Taylor A127
1718Thiemann R137
1719Tiihonen J347
1720Tikkanen R347
1721Tolliver B107
1722Tong J107
1723Torrent C107
1724Tsoy M107
1725van Beveren N107
1726van Nimwegen L107
1727Van Rensburg KJ127
1728Vandehey NT107
1729Verbitskaya E107
1730Vieta E107
1731Virkkunen M347
1732Virmani A117
1733von Ploetz K137
1734Warsh JJ107
1735Welzel H127
1736White MD107
1737Wilkins D107
1738Wilson AA207
1739Woodruff PWR107
1740Yakovleva T317
1741Yang WC347
1742Yeh PH117
1743Zijlstra C147
1744Zijlstra F137
1745Zvartau E107
1746Zvolensky MJ107
1747Aalto-Setala T106
1748Acri JB116
1749Ainslie G226
1750Albuquerque EX106
1751Alcaro A106
1752Almeida LEF106
1753Archer T206
1754Bartenstein P116
1755Beer J106
1756Beninger RJ206
1757Birdsill AC126
1758Biswas J116
1759Buchholz HG116
1760Camara AL106
1761Castaneda AE106
1762Cavanaugh DJ116
1763Chechko N116
1764Cheng TE106
1765Chung T206
1766Constantinescu CC106
1767Costa PT136
1768De Carolis D106
1769Desai RA116
1770Dielentheis TF116
1771Dobson-Stone C136
1772Easdon CM106
1773Elkashef A116
1774Fehr C116
1775Gatt JM136
1776Geng XJ236
1777Giragosian L126
1778Glisky EL126
1779Goldberg E116
1780Gomez-Rio M126
1781Gordon E136
1782Grahame NJ206
1783Grunder G116
1784Halton KE116
1785Hohmann N116
1786Jia ZR166
1787Kang E116
1788Kang H116
1789Kang KW116
1790Kaprio J106
1791Kareken DA106
1792Kim JJ116
1793Kim SI116
1794Kostrzewa RM206
1795Kravitz AV216
1796Kuan SA136
1797Landvogt C116
1798Lasseter HC116
1799Latvala A106
1800Lee JM116
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