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4 August 2011
Records: 1052, Authors: 3525, Journals: 314, Cited References: 44689, Words: 2387
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#Date / Author / JournalLCSGCSLCRCR
10012 Goldstein RZ, Volkow ND, Wang GJ, Fowler JS, Rajaram SNEUROREPORT. 2001 AUG 8; 12 (11): 2595-2599 6969019
1002131 Lee JS, Lee DS, Kim J, Kim YK, Kang E, et al.JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE. 2005 JUN; 20 (3): 483-488 16119
1003384 de Arcos FA, Garcia AV, Jimenez AL, Pareja MM, Juarez EG, et al.ADICCIONES. 2008; 20 (1): 27-35 00319
1004959 Volkow ND, Baler RD, Goldstein RZNEURON. 2011 FEB 24; 69 (4): 599-602 22319
100510 Goldstein RZ, Volkow ND, Chang L, Wang GJ, Fowler JS, et al.NEUROREPORT. 2002 DEC 3; 13 (17): 2253-2257 1819218
1006398 Langs G, Samaras D, Paragios N, Honorio J, Alia-Klein N, et al.MEDICAL IMAGE COMPUTING AND COMPUTER-ASSISTED INTERVENTION - MICCAI 2008, PT I, PROCEEDINGS. 2008; 5241: 925-933 00117
1007670 Qiu H, Chen YF
Bibliometric analysis of nicotine research in China during the period of 1991 to 2007
INHALATION TOXICOLOGY. 2009 SEP; 21 (8-11): 965-971
1008700 Wilson HMAYO CLINIC PROCEEDINGS. 2009 NOV; 84 (11): 1040-1041 00117
1009970 Rovai L, Maremmani AGI
Is it time for new studies on the level of insight in heroin addicts to promote compliance with methadone treatment?
1010117 Szerman N, Peris L, Mesias B, Colis P, Rosa J, et al.HUMAN PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY-CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL. 2005 APR; 20 (3): 189-192 18116
#Date / Author / JournalLCSGCSLCRCR
1011160 Uher R, Yoganathan D, Mogg A, Eranti SV, Treasure J, et al.BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY. 2005 NOV 15; 58 (10): 840-842 727116
1012246 Ventura R, De Carolis D, Alcaro A, Puglisi-Allegra SNEUROREPORT. 2006 NOV 27; 17 (17): 1813-1817 06116
1013681 Berman SM, Noble EP, Mohammadian P, Ritchie T, Mandelkern MA, et al.SYNAPSE. 2009 SEP; 63 (9): 817-821 01216
1014893 Krishnamoorthy M, Gerwe BA, Scharer CD, Heimburg-Molinaro J, Gregory F, et al.REPRODUCTIVE TOXICOLOGY. 2010 NOV; 30 (3): 489-492 02116
101575 Tucker KA, Potenza MN, Beauvais JE, Browndyke JN, Gottschalk PC, et al.BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY. 2004 OCT 1; 56 (7): 527-530 1327315
1016106 Reuter J, Raedler T, Rose M, Hand I, Glascher J, et al.NATURE NEUROSCIENCE. 2005 FEB; 8 (2): 147-148 33165115
1017992 George O, Koob GFNATURE NEUROSCIENCE. 2011 APR; 14 (4): 409-410 00215
10181010 Willeumier KC, Taylor DV, Amen DGOBESITY. 2011 MAY; 19 (5): 1095-1097 00215
1019285 Dawkins L, Acaster S, Powell JHADDICTIVE BEHAVIORS. 2007 FEB; 32 (2): 425-431 412314
1020309 Dani JA, Montague PRNATURE NEUROSCIENCE. 2007 APR; 10 (4): 403-404 29214
#Date / Author / JournalLCSGCSLCRCR
1021372 Vassileva J, Gonzalez R, Bechara A, Martin EMADDICTIVE BEHAVIORS. 2007 DEC; 32 (12): 3071-3076 310214
1022474 Goudie AJ, Field M, Cole JBEHAVIORAL AND BRAIN SCIENCES. 2008 AUG; 31 (4): 445-+ 01214
102363 Melendez RI, Kalivas PWNATURE NEUROSCIENCE. 2004 AUG; 7 (8): 795-796 03112
102411 Bowers MS, Lake RW, McFarland K, Peterson YK, Lanier SM, et al.GLUTAMATE AND DISORDERS OF COGNITION AND MOTIVATION. 2003; 1003: 356-357 03111
102549 Kelley AE, Schiltz CANEURON. 2004 APR 22; 42 (2): 181-183 26211
1026289 Karila L, Ferreri M, Coscas S, Cottencin O, Benyamina A, et al.PRESSE MEDICALE. 2007 FEB; 36 (2): 235-237 01210
1028275 Potenza MN
To do or not to do? The complexities of addiction, motivation, self- control, and impulsivity
1029476 Kurian M, Schmitt-Mechelke T, Korff C, Delavelle J, Landis T, et al.EPILEPSY & BEHAVIOR. 2008 AUG; 13 (2): 413-415 1119
1030634 Watanabe H, Henriksson R, Ohnishi YN, Ohnishi YH, Harper C, et al.ADDICTION BIOLOGY. 2009 JUL; 14 (3): 294-297 0228
#Date / Author / JournalLCSGCSLCRCR
1031698 Lawford B, White M, Young R, Proctor DDRUG AND ALCOHOL REVIEW. 2009 NOV; 28: A37-A37 0018
1032363 Reynaud MADDICTION. 2007 OCT; 102 (10): 1513-1514 0017
1033451 Merlo LJ, Carnes PJ, Gold MSAMERICAN JOURNAL ON ADDICTIONS. 2008 MAY-JUN; 17 (3): 247-248 0217
1034724 Zhou WHNEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY. 2010 JAN; 35 (1): 352-353 0126
1035930 Goldstein RZ, Volkow NDNEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY. 2011 JAN; 36 (1): 366-367 0046
103636 Kalivas PW
Choose to study choice in addiction
1037263 Parvaz MA, Maloney T, Woicik PA, Alia-Klein N, Telang F, et al.2007 IEEE 33RD ANNUAL NORTHEAST BIOENGINEERING CONFERENCE. 2007; : 60-61 0025
1038349 Snead CAMERICAN JOURNAL OF BIOETHICS. 2007 SEP; 7 (9): 60-61 0015
1039669 Ochoa E, Madoz-Gurpide AEUROPEAN NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY. 2009 SEP; 19: S649-S650 0012
1040597 Woicik PA, Moeller SJ, Alia-Klein N, Maloney T, Lukasik TM, et al.NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY. 2009 APR; 34 (5): 1360-1360 1111
#Date / Author / JournalLCSGCSLCRCR
1041649 Alia-Klein N, Goldstein RZ, Tomasi D, Woicik PA, Moeller SJ, et al.
Neural Mechanisms of Anger Regulation as a Function of Genetic Risk for Violence (vol 9, pg 385, 2009)
EMOTION. 2009 AUG; 9 (4): 487-487
1042835 Adams S, Ataya AF, Munafo MREUROPEAN NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY. 2010 AUG; 20: S577-S578 0011
10431 Goldstein RZ, Giovannetti T, Schullery MT, Lieberman JA, Robinson DG, et al.SCHIZOPHRENIA RESEARCH. 2001 APR 15; 49 (1-2): 107-108 0000
104493 Alia-Klein N, Goldstein RZ, Tomasi D, Cottone L, Fowler J, et al.JOURNAL OF COGNITIVE NEUROSCIENCE. 2005; : 33-34 0000
104594 Leskovjan A, Tomasi D, Zhang L, Cottone LA, Telang F, et al.JOURNAL OF COGNITIVE NEUROSCIENCE. 2005; : 36-36 0000
104695 Tomer R, Goldstein RZ, Wang GJ, Wong C, Volkow NDJOURNAL OF COGNITIVE NEUROSCIENCE. 2005; : 167-167 0000
104796 Delosh D, Leskovjan AC, Cottone LA, Alia-Klein N, Wong GJ, et al.JOURNAL OF COGNITIVE NEUROSCIENCE. 2005; : 226-226 0000
1048165 Goldstein RZ, Tomasi D, Alia-Klein N, Cottone LA, Zhang L, et al.NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY. 2005 DEC; 30: S143-S144 0000
1049253 Goldstein RZ, Alia-Klein N, Tomasi D, Rajaram S, Henn F, et al.NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY. 2006 DEC; 31: S202-S203 0000
1050325 Woicik PA, Westmaas JL, Conrod PJ, Goldstein RZALCOHOLISM-CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH. 2007 JUN; 31 (6): 162A-162A 0000
#Date / Author / JournalLCSGCSLCRCR
1051404 Dunning JP, Hajcak G, Parvaz MA, Maloney T, Alia-Klein N, et al.PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY. 2008; 45: S53-S53 0000
10521016 Goldstein RZBIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY. 2011 MAY 1; 69 (9): 213S-213S 0000
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