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23 July 2009
Records: 70, Authors: 64, Journals: 32, Cited References: 1232, Words: 225, Tags: 1
Yearly outputDocument TypeLanguageInstitutionInstitution with SubdivisionCountry
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#Date / Author / JournalLCSGCSLCRCR
5154 Bueno de Mesquita B, Morrow JD, Siverson R, Smith AJOURNAL OF DEMOCRACY. 2001 JAN; 12 (1): 58-72 0905
5255 Bueno de Mesquita BINTERNATIONAL STUDIES QUARTERLY. 2002 MAR; 46 (1): 1-9 07339
5356 Bueno de Mesquita B, Morrow JD, Siverson RM, Smith ABRITISH JOURNAL OF POLITICAL SCIENCE. 2002 OCT; 32: 559-590 117264
5457 BUENO DE MESQUITA B, Smith A, Siverson RM, Morrow JDLOGIC POLITICAL SURV. 2003; 714500
5558 Bueno de Mesquita BRATIONALITY AND SOCIETY. 2003 FEB; 15 (1): 136-147 01124
5659 Bueno de Mesquita B, Koch MT, Siverson RMCONFLICT MANAGEMENT AND PEACE SCIENCE. 2004 WIN; 21 (4): 255-267 04434
5760 Bueno de Mesquita BEUROPEAN UNION POLITICS. 2004 MAR; 5 (1): 125-138 010318
5861 Bueno de Mesquita B, Morrow JD, Siverson RM, Smith AWORLD POLITICS. 2004 APR; 56 (3): 363-+ 14323
5962 Bueno de Mesquita BCONFLICT MANAGEMENT AND PEACE SCIENCE. 2004 FAL; 21 (3): 155-158 00110
6063 Bueno de Mesquita B, Downs GW, Smith A, Cherif FM
Thinking inside the box: A closer look at democracy and human rights
#Date / Author / JournalLCSGCSLCRCR
6164 Bueno de Mesquita B, Downs GWINTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION. 2006 SUM; 60 (3): 627-649 03127
6265 Bueno de Mesquita B
Game theory, political economy, and the evolving study of war and peace
6366 Bueno de Mesquita BHISTORICAL SOCIAL RESEARCH-HISTORISCHE SOZIALFORSCHUNG. 2007; 32 (4): 203-221 00010
6467 Bueno de Mesquita B, Smith AJOURNAL OF CONFLICT RESOLUTION. 2007 APR; 51 (2): 251-284 210347
6569 Bueno de Mesquita B, Smith ACOMPARATIVE POLITICAL STUDIES. 2009 FEB; 42 (2): 167-197 11226
6670 Bueno de Mesquita B, Smith AINTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION. 2009 SPR; 63 (2): 309-340 00452
6738 KIM WS, Bueno de Mesquita BINTERNATIONAL STUDIES QUARTERLY. 1995 MAR; 39 (1): 51-65 112620
6841 Lepgold J, Bueno de Mesquita B, Morrow JD
The struggle for mastery in Europe, 1985-1993
6968 Nieters A, Rohrmann S, Becker N, Linseisen J, et al.AMERICAN JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY. 2008 MAY 1; 167 (9): 1081-1089 00039
7037 WU SSG, Bueno de Mesquita BINTERNATIONAL STUDIES QUARTERLY. 1994 SEP; 38 (3): 379-403 16743
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