Anthony R. Michaelis ~
The Scientific Temper : An Anthology of Stories on Matters of Science Search Contents of Book: Click on an Item of Page Number below to select SYNOPSIS (5) SCIENCE IN AUSTRALIA Lord Casey keeps his promise Title 128 Rain making and Eggotron Title 129 Radioastronomy at Parkes Title 130 The Radioheliograph Title 131 Woomera Title 132 The Snowy Mountain Project Title 133 The Mount Tom Price Project Title 134 Completing my Round-the-World Trip Title 135 Australia teaches decimal currency Title 136 Financing my World Tours Title 137 Science on Ascension Island Title 138 PHILOSOPHY, PRINCIPLES AND POLITICS Routine Science Title 139 My good friends at 50 Title 140 Private Life at 50 Title 141 My 50th Birthday - 22 August 1966 Title 142 My Philosophy Title 143 My Principles and a Conflict Title 144 My Politics Title 145 Adapt or Perish Title 146 ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE Apollo 1 - Disaster and Delay Title 147 A tour of Israeli Science Title 148 Meeting the Oceanographer Title 149 UFO - Unidentified but undeniable Title 150 Science helps espionage Title 151 The advancement of science meetings Title 152 A typical AAAS Meeting Title 153 Moon hotels, human stones and exobiology Title 154 CBW - CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL WARFARE The Martyrs of Science Title 155 Routine Science Title 156 Honeywell's electronic empire Title 157 LGM and my astronomical neologism Title 158 CBW Chemical and Biological Warfare Title 159 CBW Visit to Porton, Discovery of Nancekuke Title 160 CBW Running Story of Green Monkeys Title 161 CBW Prediction and Doomsday Bug Title 162 Page 536
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