Anthony R. Michaelis ~
The Scientific Temper : An Anthology of Stories on Matters of Science Search Contents of Book: Click on an Item of Page Number below to select SYNOPSIS (2) SCIENTIFIC FILMS IN LONDON My London Life in the 1940s Title 35 My best friends - The Hanworths Title 36 David and Rosamond's Friendship Title 37 Scientific Films Title 38 The Founder Members of the SFA Title 39 Research Films Title 40 EMIGRATING TO AUSTRALIA Ann Aikman Title 41 Before Marriage Title 42 Wedding Title 43 Australian Honeymoon - First Stage to Singapore Title 44 Australian Honeymoon - Second Stage to Sydney Title 45 Australian Honeymoon - Near Disaster and Back Title 46 Getting ready for emigration Title 47 Sea Voyage to Sydney Title 48 A new home Title 49 PIONEERING SCIENTIFIC FILMS IN AUSTRALIA Starting work in Sydney Title 50 The Antarctic Catalyst Title 51 The Axolotl - slow progress Title 52 Scientific Films in Australia Title 53 More scientific film in progress Title 54 Talking and writing scientific films Title 55 Writing a book - my first Title 56 Research Films - the difficulties Title 57 Research Films - succes d'estime Title 58 Return to London Title 59 DISCOVERY AND THE SAVILE CLUB Hanover Terrace, Regents Park, London Title 60 Sir David Martin (1) Title 61 Sir David Martin (II) Title 61A Discovery Title 62 Editing Discovery Title 63 The Savile Club Title 63A Scientists as Savilians Title 63B The Savile Club's Motto - Sodalitas convivium Title 63C Two Journeys for Discovery Title 64 Page 533
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