Anthony R. Michaelis ~
The Scientific Temper : An Anthology of Stories on Matters of Science Search Contents of Book: Click on an Item of Page Number below to select SYNOPSIS (13) ISR VOLUMES 19, 20 AND 21 ISR 19/1 The Plutonium Legacy Title 391 ISR 19/2 Going Metric - slowly Title 392 ISR 19/3 100 Years Diesel Engine - Economic and Social Impact Title 393 ISR 19/4 Non-lethal Peacegas Title 394 ISR 19/4 The Future and its Consequences Title 395 1994 Berlin - Buch Visits Title 396 1994 CERN - WWW Title 397 1994 Visits and Friends Title 398 ISR 20/1 20 Years ISR Title 399 ISR 20/2 Obituary: Joseph Needham Title 400 ISR 20/3 Australian Aboriginal Astronomy Title 401 ISR 20/4 Solar Sail Spacecraft Title 402 ISR 21/1 Derek deSolla Price - Historian of Science Title 403 My friendship with Derek Price Title 404 ISR 21/2 Stop Chemophobia (1) Title 405 ISR 21/2 Stop Chemophobia (II) Title 406 ISR 21/2 Stop Chemophobia (III) Title 407 Editorial Retirement Title 408 Continuation of ISR Title 409 Collegium Augustinum Title 410 Heidelberg Augustinum Title 411 APPENDIX (1) My Parents and Early Berlin My Mother Title 412 My Mother's Sculptures Title 413 My Father's Early Life Title 414 My Father's Berlin in 1910 Title 415 Berlin, the Kaiser's Capital in 1910 Title 416 Berlin's Growth, Science and Industry Title 417 The other Berlin Title 418 My Parents during World War I Title 419 My Parents Correspondence 1917-1919 Title 420 What my parents wrote to each other (I) Title 421 What my parents wrote to each other (II) Title 422 What my parents wrote to each other (III) Title 423 My parents 1919-1929 Title 424 My father after 1929 Title 425 Visits to my father in Berlin Title 426 My father in England Title 427 Page 544
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