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Author(s): Domingo LR; Aurell MJ; Arno M; Saez JA
Title: Toward an understanding of the acceleration of diels-alder reactions by a pseudo-intramolecular process achieved by molecular recognition. A DFT study
Source: JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 72 (11): 4220-4227
Date: 2007 MAY 25
Document Type: Journal : Article
Language: English
Address: Univ Valencia, Dept Quim Organ, E-46100 Valencia, Spain.
Reprint: Domingo, LR, Univ Valencia, Dept Quim Organ, Dr Moliner 50, E-46100
Valencia, Spain. E-mail:
Abstract: The pseudo-intramolecular Diels-Alder (DA) reaction between a 2-substituted furan (1) and a N-maleimide derivative (2) has been analyzed using DFT methods. Formation of two hydrogen bonds between the appendages on furan and maleimide derivatives favors thermodynamically the formation of a molecular complex (MC1) through an efficient molecular recognition process. The large enthalpy stabilization associated with the molecular recognition overcomes the unfavorable activation entropy associated with the bimolecular process. As a consequence, the subsequent DA reaction is clearly accelerated through a pseudo-intramolecular process.
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